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Neighbourhood > Guest Character Profiles > Jeff Richards Paul Young

Jeff Richards 1986
Marital Status: Jean

Having been left a quadriplegic after serving in the Vietnam war, Jeff Richards had been resigned to a life in hospital, but had never given up on his marriage to his true love, Jean. Despite the fact that they’d only been married for a short time before he’d left to fight in the war, Jean’s love for Jeff was strong and she stayed true to him, visiting him everyday for 12 years.

When Jean began teaching some business studies classes, she met Tom Ramsay and grew close to him, eventually confiding her secret. She decided to take Tom to see Jeff in the hospital, and Jeff quickly picked up on the attraction between them. Once Tom was out of the room, Jeff told his wife that she should take this chance for happiness with Tom, but she told him not to be silly. Realising that Tom was coming between her and Jeff, Jean decided to stop seeing him, making Des and Daphne’s wedding their final date. However, tragedy struck when Tom’s nephew, Shane, crashed his car as he drove Jean home from the reception, and she was killed instantly. Jeff was devastated by the news and, when Tom went to visit him to try and explain, he was angrily told to leave.

Biography by Steve



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