Guest Character
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Gary 'Gazza' Saunders Brendan Bacon

Gary 'Gazza' Saunders 2015, 2016
Dodgy dealer Gazza was well-known to Kyle Canning - a regular visitor to his builders' yard, he always had something to sell to Kyle,
which hadn't necessarily been acquired by honest means. He turned up at Erinsborough High one day, where many of the locals were preparing for a sleepover to protest the school's planned closure, and he asked Kyle if he was interested in some
liquid fertiliser. Although Kyle turned him down, Aaron Brennan overheard and, desperate for money, he agreed to take it. But after Aaron stashed it in the school building, it proved to be an accelerant when a fire
later broke out. Six months later, Gazza turned up at Kyle's yard with another dodgy deal on his mind, but found that 'KC' was nowhere to be found, and his assistant Amy had taken over the running of the business.
Gazza quickly worked out that Kyle had left Amy to go back to his wife Georgia and started hassling her about it, only for Amy's new employee John Doe to step in and tell Gazza to get lost,
before they called the police.
Episodes Featured 7236, 7355
Biography by Steve