Guest Character
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Rain Taylor Airlie Dodds

Rain Taylor 2014
The hippy ex-girlfriend of Daniel Robinson, Rain had met Daniel one day when he was helping out at his mum, Charlene's
garage. At a crossroads in his life, Daniel soon fell for Rain's charms and they ended up moving into a community called Eden together, and getting matching tattoos. It quickly became clear that they didn't share each other's vision of coupledom, however, with
Rain seeing it as an open relationship, whilst Daniel wanted something monogamous, that would last for years, just like his parents' marriage. In order to get over his intense relationship with Rain, Daniel went travelling, driving around Australia, and ended up
staying with his Uncle Paul in Erinsborough.
After visiting Daniel's parents, Rain then turned up in Erinsborough too, telling Daniel that Eden had never been the same without him, and revealing that, after receiving an inheritance from her aunt, she was looking for somewhere to set up New Eden. Daniel
made it clear that he'd moved on, introducing Rain to his fiancee Amber Turner, but she was unfazed, claiming that she was happy for them, and explaining that she was now in a new relationship of her own, with Daniel's old friend
Wolfie. Believing that Rain had only been passing through town, Daniel was surprised when she arranged a meeting with Paul, in his capacity as Erinsborough's Mayor, to discuss buying a plot of land to build New Eden. Though Amber and
Paul were both suspicious of Rain and her motives, Daniel was won over by her talk of New Eden, and her plans to connect it with the community of Erinsborough. However, both Paul and Amber began to soften a little towards Rain, seeing how happy
Daniel was to have her around and how relaxed he was in her presence. But Amber's niggling doubts, about New Eden and about Rain's true motives, worsened and she feared that Rain had only come back to steal Daniel away. Knowing that Rain wanted Daniel to
join New Eden, Amber decided to take a direct approach and asked her if she wanted Daniel back - Rain insisted that she didn't, explaining that she could see how well-matched he and Amber were. She then surprised Amber by asking her to become part of
New Eden too.
Though she no longer saw Rain as a threat to her relationship, Amber was still irritated with her obsession with New Eden, and her constant undermining of Daniel's plans to open an eco-friendly bar. Completely ignoring the fact that Amber was stressed out about
her final high school exams, Rain then started pestering her about taking some photographs for the New Eden project proposal for the council. When Daniel explained to Rain that Amber was suffering badly with exam stress, Rain tracked her down at the school and managed
to calm her down, pointing out that, even if she failed the exams, she'd still have her family and her fiance, and she could still take photographs. This gesture helped Amber as she went into the exam and she later told Daniel that she'd seen a completely different
side to Rain and wanted to help her with New Eden. Amber then agreed to a guided meditation with Rain, which made Amber quite upset, and left her feeling that she could completely trust Rain, who was only trying to make her into the best version of herself. Even
when it was revealed that Rain had been lying about her relationship with Wolfie, and that they'd split up weeks earlier because Rain had cheated on him, Amber continued to support her, even borrowing a dress from her to wear to the school formal.
Having fallen under the spell of a religious cult 20 years earlier, Amber's mum Lauren was worried for her daughter, noticing the changes in her personality. Unable to get through to Amber, Lauren made it clear to Rain that
she didn't approve of her and, as a local business owner, would be opposing New Eden, and encouraging other local businesses to do the same. Realising that her community wasn't going to be accepted in Erinsborough, Rain made plans to move it to a new location on
the Mornington Peninsula, hoping that Daniel and Amber would join her. But as it became clear that Daniel was also worried for Amber and the influence Rain had over her, Rain's true colours started to show, as she tried to kiss him and told him that Amber was
nothing more than a pathetic schoolgirl and wasn't right for him. She then continued her attempts to come between them by giving Amber another guided meditation, telling her that she and Daniel weren't right for each other. Amber awoke from the meditation
remembering Rain's words and starting to tell Daniel that he was the current that was pulling her underwater, and they had to split up before they both drowned. It wasn't until later, when Daniel and Lauren heard the recording of the guided meditation, that they
made Amber see how Rain had been brainwashing her. Daniel and Amber then told Rain that they wouldn't be leaving with her, and she quickly turned on them both, pointing out that their relationship was a sham, and that Daniel didn't really love Amber, he just loved
the idea of finding his true love on the same street where his parents had met.
Tenure 7003, 7004, 7007, 7008, 7011, 7012, 7016, 7017, 7018, 7022, 7023, 7024
Biography by Steve