Guest Character
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Dan Waskett Kaden Hartcher

Dan Waskett 2022
When David Tanaka was awaiting trial over the death of Gareth Bateman, he took a short break with husband Aaron, only to be accused of attempting to flea the country when their boat ran out of petrol and he missed his bail check-in. Though it was an innocent mistake, he was told that he would have to go to a remand centre until his trial - and when the remand centre was full, he was moved to a high security prison.
David struggled in his new surroundings, and was approached by Dan Waskett, another prisoner who seemed interested in the new arrival. It soon became clear that Dan had connections to people on the outside who'd been in Gareth's criminal gang, including Emma McIver, Gareth's girlfriend at the time of his death. Emma had tried to recruit nurse Freya Wozniak - who had been with David when they'd deliberately left Gareth to die from injuries sustained in a car crash - to get medical help when members of the gang were injured, warning that she had a direct line to the prison, and that David's life would be in danger if Freya didn't do what she was told. Freya confided in Aaron, and they agreed that Freya would do what was asked of her, and that they wouldn't contact the police.
The matter soon came to a head when Emma burst into Freya's house with a gun, forcing her to try and save the life of a badly-injured man named Austin. At the prison, an evacuation was taking place, and corrupt prison guard John Shade deliberately left David on his own, locked in the prison yard with Dan. Dan waited for word from Emma, who warned Freya that, if she didn't save Austin's life, she would tell Dan to kill David. When it became clear that Austin was beyond help, Freya saw a chance to grab the gun, but in the tussle, Emma accidentally pressed send on the text to Dan, and he prepared to kill David. Fortunately, David had been tasked with wearing a wire by the police, in an attempt to catch out the corrupt prison guard, and when the wire went silent, Sergeant Andrew Rodwell contacted the prison to find out what was going on, and to see if they could check on David. Luckily, he was found just in time, and a group of prison guards burst in, stopping Dan from killing him.
Trivia Notes
• Kaden Hartcher previously appeared in Neighbours in 2016 as Tugg Nelson
Tenure 8879, 8880, 8888, 8889
Biography by Steve