
The 20th Anniversary Documentary Transcript by
ANNALISE HARTMAN: Ramsay Street, Erinsborough, Australia. The blank suburban canvas on which I lived a large part of my life. The street, I’d forgotten about until I was approached to do this film. What did this place mean to me? What did I learn? I couldn’t easily answer these questions myself. So, I started asking around…


DANNY RAMSAY: Ramsay Street? Yeah! It was named after my family, the Ramsays.
MELANIE PEARSON: Living in Ramsay Street was an absolute cack. I suppose some of my best fun was working was working for that rude, swinging tyrant, Paul Robinson! God, I got under his skin. And I shouldn’t have married Joe! Two dumb mistakes!

HILARY ROBINSON: Well I suppose I could say that’s where my son Matthew and I found each other again.
NINA TUCKER: Ramsay Street had a big impact on me. Really good people. When I first showed up I was this shy little thing, too scared to even breathe. Thank God I got over that. I toughened up when I started working in the business. You know what, I realised what I wanted. Jack.
MARLENE KRATZ: Aww, it was a lovely street to live in! Really lovely, it was warm and welcoming.
LUKE HANDLEY: Ah Libby, she was way too young for me. Plus, her dad was a bit of a control freak. G’day Dr Karl.

DARREN STARK: So the greatest thing about living in Ramsay Street was… um…
LIBBY KENNEDY: Families. Definitely families. Don’t you think?
DARREN: Yeah, well the greatest thing for me about living in Ramsay Street was finding Libby, and little Ben.
LIBBY: Aw, he’s gorgeous.
BRETT STARK: So Libby if you’re watching and you ever think of leaving him again, then just give me a call. I’m only joking mate.

DANNI STARK: Community. And really good mates. Lou took me under his wing, I can’t thank you enough, Lou Carpenter.
NINA: Anyway, Ramsay Street let me have my dreams. Everyone there, Harold. Hi! Hey to my stepdad Lou, hope you’re OK. I’m looking after Jack, Mrs Scully!

MAL KENNEDY: OK, let’s get to it. The best thing about living in Ramsay Street, number one, is family. No question, lived it. Here you go mate, thanks.
GABY WILLIS: I was obsessed with climbing any corporate ladder people could throw at me. My own fashion boutique. And I’m still in Darwin, managing Lassiter’s.

MATT HANCOCK: Well I guess the first thing I liked about Ramsay Street was that everything was so laid-back. I mean weren’t there any other places to go but Lou’s joint? No wonder some fruit loop burnt it down.
ANGIE REBECCHI: Good mates. Especially Harold and Lou. They broke the mould with both of them. And even though Harold has got a stick up him and Lou would sell your grandmother…a mup a lump to Toadie…where would he be without good people like Harold and Susan looking out for him.

SARAH BEAUMONT: London is so much more my scene. I mean, no one here would ever, ever, send me a fluffy white dog that looks nothing like Bob and expect me to believe that it’s him. Do you hear me Jarrod Rebecchi!? You conned me!
PAUL McCLAIN: When I was a kid my dad walked out on us…and then I lost my mum as well. Madge and Harold, yeah, they became my foster parents.


ANNALISE (voice-over): It was decades before Madge and Harold, the childhood sweethearts, finally found their way into each other’s arms. Once together their home became a sanctuary of love and support for all that passed through it.
FELICITY SCULLY: I never would have landed the gig with the Lamberts if I hadn’t been so stupid as to fall in love with Marc. What a silver spoon sleaze he turned out to be. So if it wasn’t for all that I wouldn’t be here. In America. Where all I do is work, work, work and party, party, party! With my little sister, Shell. But we’re good girls, honestly we are. Anyway, Ramsay Street people love a good gossip and I was always happy to provide whenever I had a new boyfriend. Hey, better to be talked than not I say.

HANNAH MARTIN: I… grew up in Ramsay Street with Harold, Lou, Billy Kennedy next door, oh, and Paul and Tad.
BILLY KENNEDY: Hi mum! Hi dad! Hi everyone! Look at me, hey. Finally out of the tool shed and off on holidays. Anne’s gone shopping in the swanky Beverly Hills area and I was quite happy to leave her to it actually. I thought I’d get out and see some real sights. I’m a bit disappointed Lance isn’t here. I was hoping we could catch up at one of his sci-fi nerd fests! You know I really miss hanging out with those guys…you know Lance, and Amy and Toad…Hey guys, if you’re watching.

AMY GREENWOOD: Great times! That’s what Ramsay Street gave me. I was kind of the, um, popular girl at school. The one boy that I just couldn’t get out of my head was Lance. God I loved him. All we ever did was fight. I should have married him when I had the chance. So Lance, if you’re watching… um, give me a call.
FLICK: And Stu, if you’re listening, I meant to send the ring back. I really did. But, you know how it is. A few bills… and… anyway, congratulations on your new engagement.

GAIL ROBINSON: Sometimes, you know, I wonder whether Paul really was the love of my life. I’ve married since, but, I’ve never known that… sort of passion.
BILLY: Ramsay Street was really great though. It, ah, made me the bloke I am today!

DR. BEVERLY MARSHALL: The thing I think I got most from that time was professional confidence and I owe that to my Ramsay Street years.
ANGIE: So, I hear you’re a hairdresser now, Janelle? Well if you’re watching this love, I wanna tell you I wouldn’t let you touch my crowning glory after what you did to me last time. You’d be better off trimming hedges!

JANE HARRIS: I loved living in Ramsay Street. I… used to be called ‘Plain Jane Superbrain’ Charming…
ANNALISE (voice over): There have been many defining moments in the life of this street but none brought people together like the wedding of Scott and Charlene. They may have moved to Queensland, but they will forever be the kids that fell in love in Ramsay Street. This wedding video captures the kiss that was the start of a new Erinsborough family.


HANNAH: Gran was the best thing about living in Ramsay Street. I really loved her, she was always there for me and I guess she always will be.

RUTH WILKINSON: God, Phil and I fought like cats and dogs when we first met. It was terrible. But Helen was great.
DEBBIE MARTIN: I was a total mess when I lived on Ramsay Street. So um, yeah it was Auntie Rosemary, she made me come back here to New York and made me get my act together. And I’ve never looked back.

SARAH: I guess I learnt a few hard lessons in Erinsborough. I mean people in small communities can be quite narrow minded and quick to judge. Especially when it comes to their doctor. I think I’m entitled to say that. This one’s for you doc.
SAM KRATZ: Well, I suppose I should say the best thing about living in Ramsay Street was the girls! Of course only one caught my eye, hey babe? Well, we’ve been married 5 years and living here, in London. I’ve never known love like it.
ANGIE: Annalise, we’re finished. Annalise could you STOP! STOP!


ANNALISE: So, what did this place mean to me? What did I learn? I think I learnt that life is worth living in a community that cares. In a place where there’s always someone waiting with a cuppa, a helping hand and an endless supply of kindness. Life is best lived with Neighbours. Who become good friends.
the documentary in full here
or a
full guide to the documentary can be found here.