Episode Summaries >
> Episode 6744
Written by Steven Vagg, Directed
by Gary Conway, Produced by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 03/10/13, Channel 5: 31/10/13
• Lou believes he's cursed, as none of his male relatives lived past 70
• A man follows Sheila in his car and hassles her
• Josie is upset about Callum's interest in Imogen
• Rani tells Bailey that she doesn't want him to come to London
• Bailey accuses Callum of still being jealous about Rani

No 30 - Lounge: Sonya is asking for Toadie's help to choose a shirt to wear at the gym later, when an unhappy Callum walks in, ready to
go to work at the nursery. Sonya hands him his lunch, and Toadie reminds him that he did the right thing with Bailey, even if it doesn't seem like it now. Callum believes that his friendship with Bailey is over, and doesn't
really want to listen to any further advice from his parents.
Sonya's Nursery: Josie, complete with a new more Imogen-like hairstyle, is helping Callum out at work, and offering advice on the
situation with Bailey. Callum thinks that maybe he should just forget the whole thing, as he understands what it's like to be in Bailey's position, but Josie doesn't think that gives Bailey a free pass to blame Callum.
She thinks that Bailey has behaved really badly, but Callum thinks that best friends should be able to work these things out. Josie then suggests that maybe Bailey just sees Callum as a sidekick and not a best friend.
She makes a reference to The Lord Of The Rings, comparing Bailey to Frodo, and Callum decides that she's right, and if Bailey doesn't give him a proper apology, then the friendship is history.

No 32 - Kitchen: Lou is still insistent that he doesn't want Lauren to throw him a party, saying that he wants to spend his last few moments
quietly, then correcting himself, saying that he means the last few moments of his sixties. He tells Lauren and Matt how much they both mean to him, before leaving. Lauren wonders what's wrong with her dad, as he's the biggest
party animal she knows, and she begins to wonder if she should throw the party anyway. Matt suggests that Lou was serious when he said that he didn't want any fuss, but Lauren really wishes she knew what was going on.
No 26 - Kitchen: Chris wanders out from his room, complaining about his lack of sleep, but admitting that it's probably better than the
sleepwalking. Sheila is glad that Chris has listened to her and to Karl, and he suggests that she should go and see Karl too, but she says that she's fine, and that 20 years of running a pub in Frankston left her feeling
pretty tough. Chris then heads off to work and Sheila continues to tidy the kitchen, but drops a handful of cutlery and jumps as Chris slams the door.
No 32 - Kitchen: Bailey walks in and tells his parents that he's cleaned the pool, before throwing some papers in the bin. He lies that
they were just travel books, and says that he's decided not to apply for the scholarship. Lauren and Matt check that he's OK, and he says that all of this is just karma, reminding him that he shouldn't have stolen Rani
from Callum in the first place. Lauren and Matt then suggest that Bailey should try talking to Callum now, before things get any worse.

Sonya's Nursery: Bailey approaches Callum and apologises for everything - then says that Callum has always supported him and been
there by his side. Callum isn't happy with that comment, and is even less impressed when Bailey says that they were both partly at fault, though Bailey takes the blame for 95% of it, increasing it to 99.5% when he sees
that Callum is annoyed. Callum says that he wanted a 100% apology, and tells Bailey to leave before he does something with a pot plant that he'll come to regret.
Charlie's: Sheila brings Lou his meal, suggesting that he'll need a triple heart bypass after all the junk food. He says that life's too short
to worry about that, and Sheila realises that he's still going on about the curse, and takes the food away from him. She says that he needs to stop carrying on like he's terminally ill, as it's insulting to the people who really are
suffering. She then tells him that he might feel more vulnerable as he gets older, but he has to get out there and fight. Lou realises that she's right, and decides that if he makes it past this birthday, he might just be OK. Sheila
says that he still sounds crazy, but the levels of craziness have decreased. He decides to go home and avoid anything dangerous by just reading War and Peace, and tells Sheila that he'll pay her for the food tomorrow.

No 32 - Kitchen/Charlie's: Lou is wandering through the kitchen, reading his book, when he spots a tray of muffins on the counter, with a note saying
'Bailey + Mason Hands Off!' Meanwhile, at Charlie's, Sheila is pleased to hear from Lauren that the surprise party is back on, and Lauren asks if Sheila has any idea why Lou's been in such a weird mood lately. Sheila thinks that it's because
of turning 70, but he'll be fine once he's the centre of attention at the party. Back at number 32, Lou is eating one of the muffins and starts to choke on a pecan. At the bar, Lauren tells Sheila that she's arranged a surprise guest for the
party, someone Lou hasn't seen in a few years. Lou stops choking, as Imogen comes in, looking for Amber. A confused Imogen listens as Lou says that he just saw his life flash before his eyes - wives, business partners, girlfriends, even
Annalise - and he's not going to let his life end just yet. He then leaves the room in a hurry.
Sonya's Nursery: Callum is telling Josie about his argument with Bailey, and she offers to buy him lunch, to cheer him up. He insists that she doesn't
have to, but then Imogen arrives, with a different hairstyle, and asks Josie what she's doing there, joking that Callum is using her as slave labour. Callum tells Josie to go home and do something more fun - she's the best friend he has
now, and he doesn't want to lose her too. She smiles, but as Imogen and Callum walk off, gossiping about Lou, an upset Josie changes her hair and leaves.
Erinsborough Hospital - Car Park: As Karl gets out of his car, Lou is badgering him about any potential health problems that could run in his family, though Karl says that
there aren't any, and Lou has nothing to worry about. Lou mentions that he'd had a heart attack and blood pressure problems, and that he only has one kidney - Karl says that, under those circumstances, Lou is in very good health. Lou continues to plead with
Karl for a check-up, until Karl finally relents and they go into the building.

Dingoes' Den Gym: Sonya is enjoying her new exercise regime, and asks Brad what else she can be doing. He suggests that she start training for the hospital fun
run, which is in a few weeks, and she runs off, saying that she'll talk to him about it after her next class. Josie then comes in, and Brad recognises her as a friend of Callum's. She explains that she wants to join the gym, handing over permission
from her parents and membership fees for the next six months. Brad asks what her goals are, and she says that she wants to lose weight - Brad looks concerned, and she explains that she means that she wants to get fit and toned, as she's no good
at team sports. Brad accepts this, and gives her some forms to fill in.
Lassiter's Car Park: Sheila is walking to her car when she spots another car that look familiar. A female jogger stops by the car window, but then says an
annoyed 'No!' and runs off. Sheila, thinking it was a man hassling the jogger, calls over to the driver, who gets out, looking confused. It's a woman who says that she was just trying to get directions. Sheila apologises, saying that she
mistook her for someone else.
Lassiter's Complex: Sheila is leaving the police station with Matt, annoyed that there's been no progress in finding the man who was hassling her. Matt
explains that they have very little to go on, and even if they did find the man, he could just say that he was offering Sheila a lift, and it would be difficult to prove otherwise.
Dingoes' Den Gym: Sonya is leaving the changing rooms and spots Josie on an exercise bike. She jokes that they can be gym buddies, and tells Josie not to
push herself too hard on her first session - she says that she should listen to her body. Josie explains that her body is angry and isn't really talking to her right now. Sonya thanks Josie for her help at the nursery, and she knows that
Callum appreciates it too. This cheers Josie up a bit, and Sonya asks if she wants a lift home now, but Josie says that she needs to go and have a shower. However, once Sonya has gone, Josie continues on the bike.
No 30 - Lounge: Callum arrives home in a terrible mood, and Toadie asks him if everything's OK. Callum asks if he's Bailey's sidekick, as he feels
like he's the one making the jokes and coming up with the schemes, while Bailey always gets the girl. Toadie admits that he always felt the same way about his friendship with Billy, and it was only fixed when Billy moved away.
He says that Callum will always have friends who are smarter or stronger, but he can be the hero of his own life. Callum thinks that some people are born heroes and others are born sidekicks, but Toadie lists some examples of actors
and characters who started as sidekicks and became heroes. He suggests that, if Bailey continues to view him as a sidekick, then they're not really friends, and they never will be.
No 32 - Kitchen: Matt and Bailey are looking at the family tree for Lou's birthday, and Bailey wonders if any of his relatives ended up with no friends.
Lauren then reports that the surprise guest is on their way, and she texts Lou to find out where he is.

Erinsborough Hospital - Car Park: Karl and Lou are leaving the hospital, and Lou can't believe that the tests showed nothing of concern. Karl says that
Lou isn't going to die any time soon, and heads to his car, telling Lou that he needs to get home. Realising what he's said, he then quickly says that Lou's been prodded and poked all day, and needs to get some rest. A happier Lou decides
to head off home, and as he walks away he stops to check the text on his phone, only for a branch to fall off the tree above, and land on top of him.
Featured Regular Characters: Lou Carpenter, Matt Turner, Lauren Turner, Bailey Turner, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Imogen Willis, Sheila Canning,
Chris Pappas, Karl Kennedy
Guest Cast:
Scarlett Anderson as Nell Rebecchi, Madison Daniel as Josie Lamb,
Julia Perrott-Clarke as Tessa Carmichael, Bessie Berzanskis as Gilda Mundson
Trivia Notes
• Past characters Annalise Hartman and Billy Kennedy are mentioned
• Lou's father died of a heart attack, his grandfather of cancer and his great-grandfather was killed in a horse riding accident
by Steve