Episode Summaries >
> Episode 6761
Written by Kate Bradley, Directed
by Fiona Banks, Produced by Alan Hardy and Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 28/10/13, Channel 5: 25/11/13
• Gem moves in with the Rebecchis
• Sonya meets Eric Edwards' wife, Mandy
• Sonya asks Toadie to help Eric get compensation
• Josh realises that the journalist has written about Chris and Hudson
• Chris confronts Josh, and then punches him

No 26 - Kitchen: Sheila and Kate are disappointed in Chris, who doesn't want to talk about what's happened, and is annoyed when he sees that they've called Kyle too,
and got him to come home. Kyle is shocked to hear that Chris punched Josh - Chris tries to play it down, but they all point out that this is really out of character for him. Sheila tells Chris that these mood swings have got to stop, and Kate
says that they're his friends and they want to help, but Chris storms out, telling them all to stay the hell out of his life.
No 22 - Back Garden: Brad is checking Josh's cheek and doesn't think it's broken, but suspects it might be fractured, and Josh can't go diving if it is.
He asks what exactly Josh said to Chris to provoke this, but Josh says that he was just trying to apologise for the article. Brad understands that Chris would have been upset, but says that it doesn't give him the right to hit people - and
he decides that he isn't going to get away with it.

No 26 - Lounge: Sheila answers the door to Matt, who's come to speak to Chris, after a complaint from Brad. Chris doesn't deny punching Josh, and says that he
wasn't provoked in any way, he just wanted to do it. After establishing that none of the others witnessed the punch, and as Chris has nothing further to say, Matt then formally arrests him for assaulting Josh. Sheila thinks it's all a waste of time,
but Matt explains that he's just doing his job. Kate wants to go and get Toadie, but Chris says that he doesn't want a lawyer - he did what he did, and if he ends up in a jail cell, then so be it.
Rebecchi Law: Eric arrives, surprised that Toadie wants to help him, but Toadie explains that he's only doing this because Sonya feels bad about Mandy and Mia.
Toadie explains that they can have a conversation about what happened and take it from there - Eric tells him about the skiing trip, and how he was doing a beginner's course, but the instructor took him on a difficult track and he ended up falling
and fracturing his ribs. Toadie says that the instructor shouldn't have taken a beginner on a track they weren't ready for, and Eric explains that he signed an indemnity form, so he couldn't take legal action. Toadie thinks that there could be
a case for negligence, and asks Eric if there's anything else he should know. Eric insists that there isn't, so Toadie tells him that he'll get back to him about it.
No 30: Sonya is delighted to hear that Toadie is helping Eric, as Georgia folds washing - Gem then comes looking for one of her jumpers, and is annoyed to
find that it went in the dryer and has shrunk. As Sonya and Toadie argue about using the dryer in the summer, Nell starts crying, and Gem then finds more problems with the washing. When Sonya then puts on the blender, Gem tells Georgia that
she's thinking about moving out - Georgia asks where she would go, and Gem says that she'll show her.

Ramsay Street: Gem guides Georgia across the street, with a hand over her eyes, and then reveals a For Lease sign outside number 24. Georgia is surprised, but
says that she knows the owner and it's a really nice house, but a bit big for one person. Gem tells her that she was hoping that they could live together, as it was something they always dreamed about doing when they were kids. Georgia isn't
sure, but Gem manages to talk her round, pointing out that Toadie and Sonya could probably use the extra room, and they'll only be across the street.
Charlie's: Kyle is enthusiastic about the idea of Georgia moving into number 24, particularly as they've hardly had any private time recently. Gem then turns up with
the forms to sign, suggesting that Georgia puts her name at the top to make sure they have a better chance if Ajay finds out about it. Gem goes to get some champagne, and Kyle complains about how number 26 isn't much fun at the moment, with all of
Chris's dramas. Georgia then suddenly asks Kyle to move in, and starts rambling about how he might not want to, and she would understand that, but she'd also be happy if he said yes... Kyle points out that they should probably discuss it properly,

No 26 - Lounge: Chris walks in, with Sheila close behind - he tells her that she didn't have to bail him out, as he would have been fine in a jail cell, as that's
where he belongs. Kate and Sheila both tell him to stop acting like this isn't a big deal, drop the attitude and talk about the real problem. Kyle then comes in and joins them, as Sheila is wondering if all of this has something to do with Hudson's
letter. Chris goes quiet, and Sheila realises that he didn't read it, and points out that it might have helped. Kyle then loses his temper, telling Chris that he can't keep blaming Hudson, and the only person who's messing up Chris's life is Chris -
and now it's starting to affect other people. Chris points out that neither Kyle, nor anyone else in the room, is in a position to be giving lectures on hurting other people. Kyle and Kate share an awkward glance, which a confused Sheila notices, but
then Kyle announces that he's moving out. He explains that Gem and Georgia are getting a place together, and that Chris's behaviour has helped to make up his mind about moving in with them - he then tells Chris that, the way he's going, it won't be
long before everyone else gives up on him too.
No 30 - Kitchen: Kyle tells Georgia to ask him again, about moving in, but she's hesitant. He asks if she's changed her mind, but she explains that she isn't
sure whether he should be leaving Chris right now. Kyle tells her that, although he wants to help Chris, he's making that difficult right now, and he's completely sold on the idea of moving in with her. They start to kiss, just as Gem comes in the
back door - she receives the news that Kyle will be living with them, and says that they've already handed in the forms with just two names on them. Georgia doesn't think it'll be difficult to add Kyle's name, and Gem pretends to be happy about it,
but she clearly isn't.
Rebecchi Law: Toadie walks out of his office, and Eric is waiting in reception. Toadie says that he has a few questions - and this time, he wants the truth. He asks if Eric really
turned up for the lesson drunk, and if the instructor really tried to stop Eric from skiing that day. Eric tries to play it down, but Toadie says that there isn't a negligence case here. Eric tries to get some sympathy, saying that it's his wife and baby who are
suffering, but Toadie has little sympathy and says that Eric is just a conman, and he won't help him.
Lassiter's Complex: Eric leaves the law offices and sits down outside Harold's. Kate is on another table and she runs over to speak to Brad, leaving her laptop open
in Eric's sights. He spots the article she's reading, about Josh, and sees the photo of the Willis family, including Imogen. He smiles to himself. Meanwhile, Kate is asking Brad if he'd consider dropping the charges against Chris, as he's very sorry
and he's going through a difficult time at the moment. She asks if he really deserves a criminal conviction - Brad points out that sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before things improve, but he agrees to think about it.

No 22 - Back Garden: Josh is pleased to get the doctor's report, saying that no bones are broken, and wants to resume training, but Brad reminds him that he can't
do any strenuous exercise yet. Matt then turns up, and says that he's taken a statement from Chris, and he needs to clarify a few things with Josh. Josh is happy to help, but Brad asks how Chris is doing - Matt says that he was co-operative, and will
probably end up with a conviction because he isn't denying anything. Josh is surprised as Brad suggests that they should try to sort this out amongst themselves - he says that he's been training for years and now he might miss out on the nationals,
and Chris could just get away with it. Brad agrees that it's unfair, and tells Matt that they'll be going ahead with the charges.
No 26 - Back Garden: Later, Chris is sitting alone in the back garden, looking at Hudson's letter but still unable to open it as he thinks back over the final
moments of their relationship. He then holds the unopened letter over a candle and allows it to burn.
No 26 - Kitchen: Sheila has been making spaghetti, but tells Kyle that it's for real housemates only, and that he'll have to learn to cook for himself. She takes
some outside for Chris, and Kate says that Sheila doesn't seem happy about his decision to move out. She then asks if his decision has anything to do with her, as things have been a bit awkward at times, and they've been getting worse since she fell
out with Georgia. Kyle insists that it has nothing to do with it, and Kate is relieved, but warns him to be careful around Gem.
No 30 - Kitchen: Gem is on the phone, pretending to be Georgia, and cancelling the lease application. Georgia then walks in, and just catches the end of the call,
as Gem says 'Thanks anyway' and hangs up. Gem quickly explains that it was the real estate agent explaining that they didn't get the house, as they've decided to give it to a family instead. Georgia is very disappointed, but Gem suggests that they
should try to find something smaller, like a flat. Georgia thinks it might be a bit cramped with three of them, and Gem says that Kyle might change his mind about moving out, slyly suggesting that he felt pressured into it anyway.

No 30: Sonya is feeling bad about pushing Toadie into helping Eric, when there's a knock at the door. Toadie answers, and it's Eric, who says that he's going
to sue Toadie for negligence - he failed to mention that Imogen, the work experience girl, was Brad's daughter, which made it a conflict of interest. Toadie doesn't think that anyone would believe that, but Eric says that he'll go to the law
society and make Toadie's life very difficult - or Toadie could just pay him off and the whole thing will go away. He says that he'll give him until lunchtime the next day to make a decision. Back inside, Sonya asks who was at the door, and
Toadie says that he's just been blackmailed...
Featured Regular Characters: Matt Turner, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Kate Ramsay, Chris Pappas, Brad Willis, Joshua Willis, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Georgia Brooks
Guest Cast:
Kathryn Beck as Gemma Reeves, Remy Hii as Hudson Walsh,
Paul O'Brien as Eric Edwards, Scarlett Anderson as Nell Rebecchi
Trivia Notes
• Although Remy Hii is credited as playing Hudson in this episode, he is only shown in flashbacks
by Steve