Episode Summaries >
> Episode 6763
Written by Sarah Mayberry, Directed
by Peter Sharp, Produced by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 30/10/13, Channel 5: 27/11/13
• Matt finally sees Lauren's sketch of Brad
• Matt tells Lauren that he'll sleep in Lou's room tonight
• Gem tells Bailey that he's good-looking and will easily find another girlfriend
• Imogen decides to run for 2014 school captain
• Gem encourages Amber to run against Imogen
• Amber angrily tells Imogen that she's going to run for school captain, and she's going to win

Erinsborough High - Corridor: Callum tracks down Imogen, who's working on her campaign, and he wants to know the gossip on why she and Amber are running against
each other. Gem walks by, and Callum asks her if she has any advice for Imogen - Gem asks what platform Imogen is using. Imogen says that she's planning to focus on student rights, but Gem suggests that she should keep things light and use snappy
slogans. Imogen thanks her, but says that she was hoping to do something with more substance, and she walks off. Gem says that it's good to see that she's got everything under control, but is clearly annoyed at having her advice ignored.
Erinsborough High - Classroom: Bailey is helping Amber with her campaign, suggesting that she go for the extra-curricular activities angle, the complete
opposite of what Imogen is planning. Amber is surprised that Bailey is bothering to help her, and suggests that they work on the campaign at home, but Bailey isn't keen, if their parents are going to be around. Amber wonders why, and Bailey
says that they seem to be having another fight - he heard Matt sleeping in Lou's room last night. Amber thinks it was just a silly tiff, and that Lauren probably threw Matt out of bed because of the snoring. They then return to work on the

Charlie's: Terese thinks it's very convenient that Amber is now running for school captain, after hearing all of Imogen's campaign ideas. Imogen doesn't believe
that Amber would steal her ideas, but she admits that she's worried that the whole thing might damage their friendship. Terese suggests that Imogen should think about her health and her end-of-year exams first, but ultimately, she needs to make the
decision that's right for her, not the school or anyone else.
No 30 - Lounge Room: A half-asleep Sonya is about to iron some clothes for her dinner date with Toadie, and they discuss how much they're looking forward to
some adult conversation and eating food whilst it's hot. Sonya says that she had a text from Mandy earlier, and it sounds like things are back on track for her and Eric. They decide that there'll be no more conversation about Eric from now on,
because, in Toadie's words, tonight is for love.
Ramsay Street: Imogen is walking home when Amber catches up with her, and says that things were a bit weird at school. They both agree that they don't want
to fight about the school captain election, and Imogen is very relieved and explains that she was planning to pull out anyway. She says that it would be a lot of extra work, and she didn't want to lose a great friendship when she won. Amber
realises that Imogen was still expecting to win, and says that she doesn't want to automatically become captain just because Imogen pulled out. They start to bicker about it and Amber walks away, saying that she'll see Imogen at the vote.

No 32 - Kitchen: Amber is complaining about how Imogen borrows clothes and never returns them, ruins the ends of movies and taps her pen on the desk all the
time. Bailey tells her to chill out, and Mason starts making jokes about Amber's political aspirations. Matt comes in, in a terrible mood and looking for his phone charger. He tells the kids to clean up the kitchen, and is about to leave when
Bailey asks him why he's been sleeping in Lou's room. Matt says that he and Lauren are just having a few problems, and they want to know more, with Bailey pointing out that they've never slept in separate beds before. Matt says that they've
never had a spare bed before, and he quickly leaves, just as Mason finds the sketch of Brad amongst the recycling. Amber sees it, and realises why her parents are fighting - she says that they have to do something.
Erinsborough High: Amber is finishing her speech, about more social activities for the students. She sits down, and Gem announces that Imogen Willis will now make
her speech. Callum stands up to clap, but nobody joins him. As Imogen starts to talk, Gem's chicken ringtone starts up, and she rushes across the room to silence it. Imogen is a bit flustered, and then the ringtone starts again. Gem apologises and
turns the phone off, and Imogen drops her prompt cards and forgets what she was saying. Callum helps her to pick them up, and Gem struggles to hide a grin as a nervous Imogen continues talking.

Erinsborough High - Corridor: The vote is underway, and Amber compliments Imogen on her great speech. Imogen thinks she was mediocre, and that Amber was
much better. Callum asks Imogen to come over that evening, and help with babysitting Nell, but she turns down the offer. Bailey then goes to place his vote, and Gem approaches him, wondering how much of Amber's speech was written by him - she
says that Amber's lovely, but she's not that articulate. Bailey admits that he wrote some of it, as he knows how much it would mean to Amber if she won, after the year she's had. Gem then asks Bailey if he's applying for the China exchange trip -
he says that it's too expensive, but he was thinking about doing the after-school science programme at the school. Gem offers to give him some help with extra tuition.
No 32 - Back Garden: Lauren finds candles lit all around the back garden, and Matt standing by the pool. She's delighted, believing that he did it for her, but he says that he
thought that it was her work. They realise that it was the kids, and Matt says that they were asking earlier about why he was sleeping in Lou's room. Mason, Bailey and Amber watch from the window, wondering if it's been a success, but Amber says that she'd rather not
stay and watch things 'unfold'. Back outside, Matt says that the stars aren't as bright here as they were in Mount Isa - they sit down together, and back inside, the kids decide that they're work is done, and Bailey says that they should disappear before they see
anything that will lead to years of therapy.
No 32 - Back Garden: A little later, Lauren thinks that she's spotted a shooting star, and Matt tells her to make a wish. She wants to tell him what it was, but he says
that's against the rules. She then looks at Matt and says that she knows that their life together isn't perfect, and she's made mistakes, but marrying him, and having children with him, was not one of those mistakes. She says that he's the best decision
she's ever made, and she loves him with all of her heart. She tells him that he's everything to her, and that sketch of Brad means nothing. Matt thanks her, but admits that he still can't understand why she had to hide it from him, as people only lie
when they have something to hide. Lauren realises that nothing she can say will make any difference, and she stands up and goes inside.

Lassiter's Lake: Toadie and Sonya are in the car, by the lake, and they're both asleep. Sonya wakes with a start, wondering where she is, and where Nell is. Toadie
then wakes up too, and he says that they went for a drive before dinner, then she fell asleep, and he must have done the same. They realise that they've missed their dinner reservation, but they could still make it to the movie, but then they decide
to put the seats back and take the opportunity to catch up on some more sleep.
No 30: Toadie and Sonya arrive home, and Callum and Gem report that the babysitting went well, and Nell barely made a sound. Toadie and Sonya claim that it must be
Rebecchi's Law - the baby never cries until mum and dad get home. They talk about how great their evening was, and Callum quickly steps in, while they're in a good mood, and tells them about the Christmas exchange to China. Gem says that it's a good
idea, and Toadie agrees to think about it.
Ramsay Street: The next morning, Lauren is outside, putting the newspapers in the recycling bin, when she finds the sketch of Brad. Terese is passing and she comes
over and spots the sketch. Terese thinks it's great, and asks if she can keep it - Lauren wonders if Terese doesn't find it a bit awkward, as it was drawn not long after Brad and Lauren split up, but Terese just thinks it's hilarious, and is delighted
that she just managed to stop Lauren from throwing it out.
Erinsborough High: As Bailey waits for his tutoring before school, Gem knocks on the office door, and when nobody answers, she goes inside. Bailey is getting
tired of waiting and walks out of the classroom, just as Gem comes out of the office. He makes her jump, and he asks her if she still wants to help him. She goes into the classroom, telling him that she's happy to help with chemistry and biology,
but he'll need to find someone else to help with physics. She then knocks her bag from the table, and tells Bailey that she doesn't need any help, but he notices that she's stuffing what look like voting slips back into her bag.

Erinsborough High: Gem is telling Bailey how great it is to have someone as smart as him in her class, and flirts with him in the process. When she goes to
get them some coffee, Bailey goes over to her bag and looks inside - confirming his fears that she's stolen some of the votes.
Featured Regular Characters: Matt Turner, Lauren Turner, Mason Turner, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi,
Terese Willis, Imogen Willis
Guest Cast:
Kathryn Beck as Gemma Reeves
Trivia Notes
• Following her 4-week guest stint earlier in 2013, Teressa Liane returns for another five weeks as Rhiannon
• Although Paul O'Brien is credited as playing Eric Edwards, he is only shown in a photograph
• Past characters Philip Martin and Louise 'Lolly' Allen are mentioned
by Steve