Episode Summaries >
> Episode 6927
Written by Faith McKinnon, Directed
by Jo O'Shaughnessy, Produced by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 15/07/14, Channel 5: 29/07/14
• Kyle and Georgia announcing they will be getting married in October
• Naomi kissing Toadie and Toadie asking her to stay away by firing her
• Sheila telling Naomi that she killed her father
• Karl telling Terese that she knew Paul was in trouble and that's why she went to Karl
• Paul having a breakdown at the art exhibition

Lassiter's Hotel: Walking across the foyer, Terese is guiding Paul along, suggesting she ask reception to send up some food. Paul declines, telling Terese
that he didn't do very well at the exhibition. Terese says it doesn't matter, but Paul says it does as he is the mayor. Terese tries to reassure Paul, pointing out that people will understand the tough few months he has had, but Paul is
adamant, complaining that he made a complete idiot of himself. Paul gets into the lift alone as Daniel heads over asking Terese if everything is ok.
The Waterhole: Terese arrives and Karl tries to speak to her, but Terese keeps walking, telling him she can't talk now. Georgia is filling Sheila in
on what happened and asks Terese where Paul is. Terese replies that he is with Daniel and Georgia comments that it is good as she wouldn't want to see Paul on his own. Terese snaps back she is not insensitive enough to do that, but
quickly apologises and says that Paul will be fine. Sheila spots Toadie at the bar, who orders another drink. Sheila says that nobody is looking at the art exhibition because they are gossiping about Paul. They both agree that they
wouldn't wish what happened on anyone, even Paul. Sheila asks if Toadie has yet spoken to 'her': he replies that he hasn't, as Sonya gets back later that afternoon. Sheila points out she meant Naomi, not Sonya, and Toadie explains
he hasn't since he asked her to stay away. Sheila admits that she did, however, informing Toadie she apologised and offered her money to leave town. Noticing Toadie's worried expression, Sheila tells him not to worry as Sonya is made
of strong stuff and he did nothing wrong anyway.

Erinsborough Community Centre: Kyle, Chris and Naomi have just finished working out, Kyle commenting that he prefers Brad's yoga classes. Georgia comes in
and tells them that there was an incident at the exhibition: Paul had a meltdown and had to be taken home. Naomi is surprised and Chris asks if there is anything they can do. Georgia replies that Daniel is with him, but that they should all go down
and check out the art. Naomi heads off to grab a coffee and Georgia asks what Naomi rushing off was all about. Chris says Naomi is avoiding Sheila and Kyle admits he thought that Sheila had apologised about what she said to Naomi regarding her
father's death. Kyle wonders if Naomi said anything to Chris and he reveals that Naomi was given a cheque by Sheila and she ripped it up. Kyle asks how much - Chris explains it was enough to leave town. Kyle retorts that they could spend weeks
figuring out the Canning women and hands Georgia a stack of wedding magazines. Georgia is insistent that Kyle be part of the planning process and she suggests they write out a wish list of things they would like on the day, adding things will be
different this time.
Eclipse Apartments - Paul's Penthouse: Daniel hands Paul a drink, although Paul is lost in thought and doesn't notice. Daniel explains he was thinking a drive somewhere might be a good
idea. it's no response from Paul, Daniel admits he has done things recently that he is not proud of and never thought he would do. Daniel explains this proves everyone is human, makes mistakes, gets hurt and hurt others.
He goes on to say that the things which might cause people not to get back up actually end up making them stronger. Paul breaks down and Daniel moves closer to him on the sofa, putting his arms round Paul.

No 26: Kyle and Georgia have completed their wish lists and they swap them over. Kyle looks surprised and when Georgia asks if he doesn't like it admits the
list is not what he was expecting. Georgia says it is good that she can still surprise Kyle, with a wedding held at the football club with a country theme. Georgia explains she is a country girl and then looks at Kyle's wish list, with a vintage
themed wedding, rounded off with a singing flash mob. Kyle confirms that it is what he wants for their wedding day.
Lassiter's Complex: Stepping out of Harold's, Chris wonders whether Naomi ran away to avoid answering difficult questions about Sheila. Naomi admits that it
might be and Chris explains Kyle and Georgia are only trying to help. Naomi says that they can't, as her relationship with Sheila is over and asks Chris if he escaped the wedding discussions. Chris says that he did, but hopes it doesn't get out
of hand like last time. Naomi suggests a wedding planner, but Chris says that Kyle and Georgia don't have the money. When Naomi sympathises, Chris points out she shouldn't have ripped up Sheila's cheque. Just then, Chris greets Sonya, who has
appeared behind Naomi, much to Naomi's shock. Sonya explains she wanted to surprise Toadie, but that he is not in the law office. Naomi lies that a court case cancelled, and Sonya assumes Toadie must therefore have given Naomi the afternoon off.
Chris asks how the retreat was and Sonya explains how relaxing it was. Chris compliments Sonya on how great she looks. Before heading off, Sonya gives Naomi a present of a canister of tea. Chris realises that Sonya doesn't know Naomi doesn't work
for Toadie any more. Naomi comments that Sonya is probably about to find out.
No 30: Toadie is in the kitchen preparing coffee when Sonya arrives home. She rushes in happily, passing Nell to Toadie so they can all have a group hug.
Sonya sarcastically comments that as the place. Is so tidy, she should go away more often, but Toadie weakly asks her not to and tries to make a cup of coffee, telling her that he would like to sit down so they can have a chat. Sonya asks if it
can wait, because there is a delivery at the nursery that needs to be chased up. Toadie tells Sonya that the talk has to be immediately, and worriedly, Sonya asks if everything is alright. Toadie says that it is not, and apologises, telling Sonya
that Naomi tried to kiss him. Toadie corrects himself, admitting that Naomi did kiss him, but that he didn't kiss her back and that there was no interest from him. Sonya wonders why Naomi did it: Toadie replies that Naomi must have got the wrong
idea. Toadie goes on to say that he has sacked Naomi as he discovered she has been manipulating situations to spend time with him, but that he didn't want to tell her while she was away. Sonya can't bring herself to say anything and rushes out,
despite Toadie asking her not to go.

Ramsay Street: Sonya rushes out of Number 30, breaking down, distraught, in the front garden.
No 26: Chris sits down at the table with Georgia and Kyle to discuss the wedding wish lists. Kyle admits that his list was written because he thought the things on it were what Georgia
wanted, explaining that he actually wants a laid-back wedding, with no formal stuff as people just get bored with it all. Georgia replies that they need some formal stuff, otherwise it wouldn't be a wedding. Kyle relents, accepting that a celebrant would be fine,
such as Susan, and that he would like Bossy to also be involved. Georgia makes a suggestion, and Kyle readily accepts, suggesting more ideas that Georgia gets really excited about.
Eclipse Apartments - Paul's Penthouse: Daniel is informing Sheila that Paul is asleep so it wouldn't be a good idea to wake him up. Sheila says that she just
wanted Paul to know that she was thinking of him, and hands over a bag of DVDs and chocolates to cheer Paul up. She heads to the lift and the doors open, Naomi just having arrived. Naomi is surprised, and quickly says that she is there to support
Paul and drops off a bag of items exactly the same as what Sheila had just done. Daniel comments that he does similar things with his dad, and says that it is like they can read each other's minds. To avoid sharing the lift, Sheila lies that she
has a tickle in her throat and could use a glass of water. As Daniel goes to get it, Naomi heads off, Sheila telling her she will get the next one.
The Waterhole: Terese hangs up after a conversation with Daniel, checking that Paul is ok. Karl arrives and Terese tells him that if he hadn't made the complaint
to the council, Paul wouldn't have humiliated himself. Terese asks Karl if he had any idea of the pressure Paul was under: Karl replies that he didn't know Victor Cleary's sentencing was coming up. He adds that Paul's mental health was his main
concern and that he believes Paul needs professional help. Terese asks how receptive Karl thinks Paul will be as he won't answer calls or let her up to the penthouse apartment. Just then, a journalist for the West Warratah Star, Anya Salter,
introduces herself and asks Karl what he says to the rumours that Paul is unfit to be mayor. Karl replies that one shouldn't believe everything they hear. Anya asks if Karl will run for mayor if the position becomes vacant: Karl explains he is
not on the council and that Paul, as the elected representative, has his full support.

Eclipse Apartments - Paul's Penthouse: Daniel is explaining to Karl that Paul has been fairly unresponsive all day. Paul is still sitting on the sofa staring into
the distance. Karl explains to Paul that he thought Paul might like to talk to someone and that he is there as a friend and medical professional. Karl suggests getting in touch with psychologists and that Paul needs to sleep, but Daniel replies
that Paul doesn't sleep as he hears him at night. Karl urges Paul to talk to someone, but it is only when Daniel talks to Paul that Paul even notices that Karl is in the room. Just then, Terese rushes up and explains that someone filmed Paul's
speech at the exhibition and circulated it. As a result, Paul is suspended, pending an investigation into his conduct. Paul shrugs off Daniel's protests about how hard he worked for the position, and says he doesn't care about being mayor and
wonders why he ever did.
Harold's Store: Georgia and Kyle burst in and rush over to Chris, telling him they would like to arrive on horseback to the wedding, or failing that,
elephants. Chris wonders if Kyle and Georgia have done any sums, stating that even the simple wedding is going to cost mega money. He urges Kyle and Georgia to get a different perspective: just then, Naomi comes in and Chris reckons that
he has found just the person. Chris calls Naomi over and says that, as Toadie raved about her ideas when she worked for him, she would be perfect in helping the wedding to take shape. Naomi comments she can barely get her own life in shape,
but Georgia persuades her that they just need a few ideas in the mix. Naomi accepts and says that she is in, providing she doesn't have to have any contact with Sheila.
No 30: Toadie is sitting thoughtfully on the sofa when Sonya returns home. Toadie asks how the nursery was, Sonya replies it was fine and asks where Nell
is. Toadie replies that she is down for a nap. Sonya explains she returned from the retreat positive that they could make their marriage work. Toadie replies that they can, as Naomi has been fired, but Sonya retorts that Naomi thought Toadie
was interested in her. Toadie says that Naomi was wrong and clarifies that, although he cared for Naomi, he had no romantic feelings towards her whatsoever. Sonya wonders what came into Naomi's mind in the moment she kissed Toadie: Toadie
replies they were just watching the wrestling. Sonya realises that means the two of them were alone at Number 30, but Toadie insists things were innocent on his part, like when Jacob kissed Sonya. Sonya denies it, explaining how rough things
were for Jacob and pointing out that Naomi was determined to get Toadie. Sonya adds that Naomi tried to split up the family and that they should have listened to Sheila. Toadie tries to explain that the situation is similar to if Brennan
tried to kiss Sonya, but again Sonya denies it, saying that Brennan is a friend and doesn't have a track record of breaking up marriages. She tells Toadie he is responsible for bringing Naomi into their lives and that he needs to take
responsibility for it. Nell begins crying and Toadie goes to her. Meanwhile, Sonya storms out of the front door.

Lassiter's Complex: Sonya is pacing outside Lassiter's when she bumps into Naomi. By Sonya's expression, Naomi realises that Toadie has told her what happened,
commenting that Sonya must have spoken to Jarrod. Sonya retorts that she used to like Naomi calling Toadie by his real name, but that now she wonders whether it was another manipulation. Sonya stops Naomi from explaining anything, telling her
there is nothing that she can say. Naomi tries to talk about what happened with Charles, but Sonya insists that there is no justification and that they should leave it at that. Sonya goes to walk away, but Naomi calls that Sonya, of all people,
should know about making mistakes. Sonya spins round and says that she can admit she is more flawed than most, but will take responsibility for her actions. Naomi apologises, but Sonya says that she is not sorry, as she conducted a deliberate
campaign to split up the family. Naomi retorts that Sonya's marriage was falling apart long before she arrived and that, by neglecting Toadie for so long, it is no wonder he enjoyed spending so much time with her. Sonya yells at Naomi to stop
and that, even now Naomi is trying to drive a wedge between them. Naomi replies that the wedge was already there but that Sonya is just too stubborn to admit it. Naomi adds that she lifts Toadie up and Sonya just drags him down. Sonya asks how
Naomi dares say that, but Naomi continues, telling Sonya that if she wasn't so busy playing counsellor to every man and his dog with a sob story, her husband wouldn't have had to look elsewhere. Finally snapping, Sonya slaps Naomi hard across the
Featured Regular Characters: Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Naomi Canning, Chris Pappas, Georgia Brooks, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Karl Kennedy
Guest Cast:
Tim Phillipps as Daniel Robinson, Lauren Brumby as Anya Salter,
Scarlett Anderson as Nell Rebecchi
Trivia Notes
• Past character Kate Ramsay is mentioned
by Alex