Episode Summaries >
> Episode 6937
Written by Sam Meikle, Directed
by Chris Adshead, Produced by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 29/07/14, Channel 5: 12/08/14
• Josh discovering Amber and Daniel kissing in the darkroom
• Imogen telling Amber to stay away from her and Josh
• Naomi confronting Sheila after Kathy suggests Naomi is over qualified for a job with her
• Paige debating with Ethan whether she should reveal her identity
• Kathy telling Paige that the private investigator has found her granddaughter

The Waterhole: Paige is watching Kathy worriedly from the bar. As Kathy's drink arrives, Paige takes it to her and sits down, asking Kathy if she is freaked out
and pointing out that Kathy was going to give up the search. Kathy replies that she couldn't, because even though it may not be the best decision, as a mother, she has to trust that it is the right decision. Paige asks what the investigator
said: Kathy replies the girl was found and has been checked - her name is Megan Dennison. Paige is speechless with shock, but reassures herself by pointing out her last name wasn't Smith. Kathy looks to Paige suspiciously: Paige explains
that Brad's investigator was on to someone called Smith. Kathy tells Paige that Brad's investigator was wrong as the girl is from Canberra, not Adelaide. Kathy adds she won't tell Lauren yet, because she needs to find out how genuine Megan
is first. Paige offers to come along as an objective observer. Kathy thanks her, but declines the offer.
No 26: In the back garden, Georgia and Chris are trying to train Bossy to bring the wedding rings down the aisle. They laugh when Bossy runs off and
Chris comments if Sheila had her way, Bossy would be seating guests and handing out drinks. He goes on to say that it is nice that things are quiet at the moment between Naomi and Sheila. Just then, Sheila returns home, moaning loudly
about the ingratitude Naomi has shown towards her.

No 24: Naomi arrives home, followed by Kyle, complaining about how Sheila can't help herself and how she should have kept out of things. Brennan, who is in the
kitchen, asks what has happened. Naomi replies that Sheila got involved with her life, because she thinks she knows what is best.
No 26: Sheila is explaining to Chris and Georgia that she is supposed to look after Naomi, because she is her mother. Chris tells Sheila that once Naomi has
calmed down she will see that, although Sheila replies that Naomi wouldn't know a good thing if it turned around and bit her on the bum.
No 24: Naomi is complaining loudly that it is her life, and she intends to manage it on her own. Brennan heads off and Kyle tries to explain that Sheila was trying to help.
Naomi can't believe it, however.
No 26: Sheila is still explaining what happened to Chris and Georgia and says that she wouldn't do anything to hurt Naomi. Georgia points out that things
may have got out of hand. Chris adds things will settle down eventually because they always do.
No 24: Naomi tells Kyle she hates that her and Sheila always end up at each other's throats. Kyle reassures Naomi that she will work things out with Sheila,
but Naomi wonders what the point is, as they will only blow up about something else soon enough.
Erinsborough High: Amber is busy on her phone when Imogen walks past, commenting snidely that Amber is playing a word game again and wondering what words she is making for
Daniel. Amber replies that she is not playing the game and Imogen retorts that Amber is not doing her job as school captain either. Susan heads over and says she was looking for Amber. Imogen leaves, telling Susan that she was on her phone.
Susan explains the council wanted a report on the media classes and that she wants Amber to get a statement from the students. Amber says that she will. Susan goes on to ask Amber to head a meeting to organise the Year 12 formal, and reassures
Amber that it is just to get the ball rolling and that she will be fine. Imogen interrupts, suggesting a committee, but Susan declines, telling Imogen that she wants Amber to run the meeting. Susan heads off and Imogen follows, after having
glared at Amber.

Harold's Store: Brennan comments to Paige that everybody seems to be in a bad mood. Paige says that she isn't, but Brennan points out that she hasn't said a
word since he walked in to Harold's. He urges her to tell him what the problem is. Paige reveals that she is worried that Lauren's missing daughter had been found in case the Turners get taken for another ride. Brennan says Paige is just a
gig softie, for someone so tough. Paige is surprised but Brennan tells her not to be. Paige replies that no one has ever called her a softie: Brennan warns Paige to get used to it. Not that she is living at Number 24. Brennan leaves, after
advising Paige to be careful - family issues can get messy, and they are not Paige's family.
No 26: Sheila is still complaining about Naomi, whilst digging furiously in the back garden. Chris and Georgia, although listening are not particularly interested
and, when Kyle returns and hears Sheila, heads back out. Georgia spots Kyle and says that he is needed. Sheila explains that she is upset because of what Naomi said to her. Kyle replies that he heard, and reassures Sheila that he doesn't
think she is the one in the wrong, but that both her and Naomi are upset with each other. Sheila tells Kyle that she was only trying to help Naomi and that, instead of Naomi thanking her, she attacked her and wants to blame everyone else for
her own misfortunes. Georgia interrupts, saying that Sheila is not really being fair. Sheila retorts that you can't help people who won't help themselves. Chris suggests that Sheila stop trying, because she is not acting like Naomi's mother,
instead being more like her sparring partner. Kyle tries to stop Chris, but annoyed, Chris says that Naomi and Sheila are supposed to be family, yet all they ever do is complain about each other and he is sick of hearing about it. Georgia
tries to calm the situation but Chris continues that he doesn't care anymore and that Sheila needs to put up or shut up and that if she won't do that should just go and leave the rest often in peace.
The Waterhole: Sheila asks Kathy if she can get her another coffee. Kathy thanks her, but declines, asking instead for a water as she is expecting someone.
Sheila tells Kathy she may have given her the wrong impression about Naomi, explaining that she is a hard worker and wants to work for Kathy. She adds that Naomi won't take off anywhere. Sheila sits down and continues by saying that she hasn't
got along with Naomi very well recently and is afraid that without Kathy's job, she will leave again, and how awful it would be as she has tried so hard to make amends with her. Kathy realises that Naomi is very important to Sheila and Sheila
admits she is, as she would like a chance for them to start over again. Sheila recalls Naomi's first job in a shoe store, and how she had topped their sales. Kathy comments how impressive that is, and says she will keep it in mind. Sheila
thanks Kathy and says she would hate Naomi to think she had messed things up, because she is trying to be a good mum.
Erinsborough High: Amber is in the hallway practising for her meeting. josh walks past, but is called to the side by Susan. Susan tells Josh she has just
been to a teachers conference and is worried that Josh's school work is starting to slip again. Brad, who is walking by, listens in to the conversation. Susan explains she understands, what with the Commonwealth Games happening, although
Josh replies that hadn't even crossed his mind. Susan says that she will help Josh, but that he has to meet her halfway. Josh replies that he is trying: Susan suggests he finds her later to discuss some strategies to ensure that he gets
through the year. Josh heads out to his locker and sees his swimming medal. He throws it back in as Brad walks over and asks what he was talking to Susan about. Josh wants to know if Brad is asking as his dad or teacher. Brad wonders if
it matters, but says that he will always be his dad. Josh says that he isn't in school, as there he will always be Mr Willis.
The Waterhole: Sheila takes the water over to Kathy, who thanks her. Naomi arrives to speak to Kathy, ignoring Sheila who is heading back to the bar.
Naomi tells Kathy not to bother with the interview, as they both know she won't get the job. Kathy replies that the job is Naomi's if she still wants it. Naomi sits down excitedly, saying that she definitely does and shakes Kathy's hand.
She asks Kathy what changed her mind and works out it must have been Sheila. Kathy replies that if Naomi can top shoe sales at fifteen, she can't wait to see what Naomi will do for her business. Naomi heads out excitedly: Kathy gives a
delighted Sheila, who is behind the bar, a thumbs up.

Erinsborough High: Amber is telling those assembled at the meeting that the formal is a blank slate and they can make it what they want into be.
Imogen sarcastically wonders whether Amber has heard of a budget or time constraints. Amber clarifies that all ideas are welcome and suggests various themes, games and prizes. Imogen wonders who will make the decision: Amber replies a
committee will be formed. Imogen asks who gave Amber that idea, but Amber continues that they need to all start talking. Bailey suggests they discuss a playlist so everyone gets a song they like and Amber says those are the ideas she was
talking about. Josh asks what the situation is regarding plus ones, wondering whether they have to be a student or could be anyone. Amber doesn't answer, but Josh asks who she is planning on taking, or whether it is too early to tell, as
she does change her mind a lot. Susan jumps in, saying that everyone has enough to be getting on with, and that if they want to be part of the committee they need to speak to Amber. She sends them all back to class. Brad asks Imogen and
Josh if they are pleased with themselves and that, no matter how upset they were, it was a cheap shot and he expects better. Without saying anything, Imogen and Josh both leave.
The Waterhole: Megan introduces herself to Kathy, who thanks her for coming. Megan replies that she had to and Kathy suggests that, if anyone asks, they are doing a job
interview so they can get to know one another. Kathy compliments Megan's earrings: Megan explains she made them herself. Kathy points out how industrious that is and Megan replies that she tries to stay busy so that she can work through stuff. Kathy wonders
what she means, and urges her to open up. Megan says she has abandonment issues as she never really fit in to her adoptive family. Paige, who is watching from the other side of The Waterhole, walks over and hands Kathy a few pages of ideas for the business.
Kathy tells Paige that it isn't a good time, but Paige introduces herself to Megan. She says that she is close to Lauren and knows a bit about the situation. Kathy is sharp with Paige, who has no choice but to walk away. Kathy apologises to Megan, who replies
that she understands at it is only natural for Paige to be protective of Lauren if she is so close to her.
No 26: In the back garden, Naomi is taking some herbs. Sheila comes out and says that they are not a co-op garden, and that she does mind Naomi helping herself.
Naomi asks Sheila if she has been at work. Sheila says she just came home to check on a few things, which was just as we'll as her garden is being burgled. Naomi replies that she is making a celebratory dinner and was short of a few ingredients
for her bolognese. Sheila comments that you can't go wrong with a touch of parsley and rosemary and says that if Naomi needs any pointers, they could go through her recipe together. Naomi replies that she wouldn't be against that.
Erinsborough High: Bailey is telling Amber he can't believe Josh and Imogen ambushed her in that way. He tells Amber that it doesn't matter as everyone knows
what happened, but Amber replies that everyone knows that she cheated on her boyfriend and so it doesn't make her feel a lot better. Amber explains that she deserves everything she gets: Bailey says that she doesn't, because they don't have the
right to make things hard for Amber in her role as school captain. Meanwhile, Imogen is busy sticking up posters, urging people to re-vote her as school captain. Bailey says not to worry as Imogen can't have Amber impeached for no reason.
Amber replies that it isn't the point: it's knowing that Imogen hates her. Just then, Brad comes along the hallway and removes the poster Imogen placed. He comments to Susan that he won't make excuses for Josh and Imogen being out of line earlier.
Susan urges Brad to find a way to get through to them and offers to speak to Josh and Imogen, pointing out that it might be better coming from someone who isn't their parent. Brad thanks her, but says that he will handle it himself: his children
need to start respecting him again.

The Waterhole: Kathy excuses herself from Megan and heads to the ladies. She says she will order food for them both on the way back. As Kathy goes,
Paige heads over asking Megan if she is really looking for her family or if she is just after Kathy's money. Paige tells Megan they are going for a walk before Kathy gets back and says that she doesn't know if it was an accident or a con
job, but they both know there are many questions that Megan can't answer. Paige tells Megan she is going with her, and they both leave.
No 26: Kyle and Georgia arrive home to find Naomi and Sheila squabbling over the recipe in the kitchen. Kyle suggests adding peanut butter: both
Sheila and Naomi disagree with this. Sheila says it is lucky that Kyle doesn't cook and explains that anyone can make a bolognese but that it is the love and care that goes into it that makes it memorable and gives it a wow factor.
Kyle is pleased, and says that Chris' tough love from earlier worked.
The Waterhole: Paige returns to find Kathy on the phone, commenting that Megan sent a text to say that she had gone. Paige replies that Megan
obviously wasn't who she claimed to be. Kathy says that Paige doesn't know that and that Paige didn't help by butting in with all her questions. Kathy gets out her tablets and goes to take one. Paige retorts that she was worried
about Lauren and Kathy as the search is clearly affecting her health. Paige reckons that Kathy should call off the search completely. Kathy thinks that Paige should butt out as it is about her repairing things with Lauren, and
nothing to do with Paige.

Erinsborough High: In the yard, Josh is commenting to Imogen that going back to school seems to have been a huge mistake. Imogen says it will get
easier: Josh wonders when. Just then, a ball is kicked in Josh's direction: he kicks it back, but it travels far away across the yard. Brad tells Josh to go and get the ball and apologise, but Josh replies that the boy who kicked it
across can go and get it. Brad retorts that he is telling Josh to go and get it and Josh asks what the big deal is. Amber is watching from across the yard, as Brad explains he doesn't want Josh taking out all his problems on everyone else.
Imogen asks Brad not to do it in the yard, but Brad snaps back that it s Mr Willis and tells Josh again to go and get the ball, or he will face another detention. Josh throws the ball back to its owners and then walks off. Brad asks where he
is going: Josh replies that he is leaving and is done with Erinsborough High - for good.
Featured Regular Characters: Brad Willis, Imogen Willis, Josh Willis, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner, Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Naomi Canning, Georgia Brooks, Chris Pappas, Mark Brennan
Guest Cast:
Olympia Valance as Paige Novak, Tina Bursill as Kathy Carpenter,
Stefanie Jones as Megan Dennison
by Alex