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> Episode 6965
Written by Sarah Duffy, Directed
by Chris Langman, Produced by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 05/09/14, Channel 5: 19/09/14
• Paul is worried he has hit a person with his car in the tornado
• Nate finds Susan and Lou in Harold’s and tells her she saved Lou’s life
• Susan is upset and Nate tells her she should never have had to face a situation like that
• Lauren tells Matt she kissed Brad in Adelaide
• Terese is disgusted with Brad
• Terese tells Lauren to never talk to her again
• Terese tells Brad to stay away from Lauren

No 22 - Kitchen: The Willis family are having breakfast and making awkward small talk about the tornado. Terese tries to reassure the children
after she sees Imogen is trying to steer clear of Brad. Imogen walks off and Josh tells them he will help Brad with the clear up when he has more time. Brad agrees with Terese that he won’t see Lauren again and thanks her for not
kicking him out last night. When he goes to kiss her she avoids him and leaves for work.
No 32 - Kitchen: Bailey asks Lauren if she has heard from his dad and she makes an excuse about the storm clean up being a huge operation.
Bailey asks if that’s why he didn’t come home. Lauren excuses Matt’s actions again and then changes the subject, asking Bailey to take some food down to his dad at the station. Lauren tells Bailey it will be ok and that Matt
will talk when he’s ready. Bailey gives Lauren a hug just in case she isn’t ok and as he leaves she looks sad.

Lassiter's Complex: The clean up operation is ongoing, with debris everywhere. Chris sees Susan and tells her she is a hero and her actions were
amazing but she plays it down. Chris and Nate head off but as they go Nate hears Susan making her excuses to leave. Karl walks off and Nate sees Susan looking at Harold’s, he tells her she doesn’t have to go in straight away as he
recognises that her ordeal has had more of an effect than she is letting people know. Again she plays it down but when Nate walks off she looks scared.
The Waterhole: Chris and Nate are talking about Susan’s reluctance to tell anyone what happened, and Nate tells Chris it’s natural to avoid talking
about traumatic events straight after they happen. Imogen walks in and has something of Daniel’s; his things have been thrown all over by the tornado as he had them on the balcony in the penthouse. Paul asks Imogen and Daniel to
team up to help with the clear up. Imogen tries to get out of it but they agree to work together. Bailey gives Matt the sandwich Lauren made for him. They discuss Matt working and that he will miss the Father’s Day lunch which
Bailey sees as him avoiding Lauren. Bailey reminds Matt he said he would forgive Lauren but Matt walks away saying it is between them.

Lassiter's Complex: Alice approaches Bailey and says she can see he is working hard on putting in the community service hours for his space camp application.
She has been here since 7am doing the same. Bailey is annoyed and tells her not everything is about space camp! She walks off after he has snapped at her. Sonya is on the phone discussing the nursery clean up. She bumps into Lauren
and offers to help as she can see how stressed she is. Susan comes over and Lauren thanks her again for what she did for Lou. Susan looks modest and Sonya says most people wouldn’t do what she did. Karl agrees and Susan gets flustered
and walks away with Nate looking on, clearly concerned about her.
No 22 - Living Room: Brad and Josh have just been cleaning up. Brad asks how Josh is taking everything, he says he is fine and asks how Brad is holding
up. Brad has been better but he tells Josh that it isn’t anything to do with him or Imogen. Josh just tells him to focus on sorting things out with Terese. Josh says he knows how hard it is when you are cheated on but he thinks this is
different as it was just one kiss. He thinks Brad should hang in there as he would have taken Amber back after she cheated and Brad has got a lot less to ask for forgiveness for.
Men's Shed - Exterior: Imogen and Daniel are clearing up debris and she is being defensive about everything he is asking her. They hear a noise and realise
it is an animal. Daniel is reluctant to touch it but Imogen brushes off his concerns and picks up the baby wombat.

Lassiter's Complex: Alice tells Bailey there is more food inside and asks him to join her. Bailey is still not his usual self so she tells him it’s no fun
when he doesn’t fight back. She asks him what is wrong and he tells her about Lauren and Brad. Alice is sad to hear that and tells him she doesn’t know what to do. Bailey says it’s not something she can solve but if they hang out together
it may help him.
The Waterhole: Susan is telling Nate he was right and she can’t face going into Harold’s at the moment. She is being reminded of it every time people tell her how great she was.
Nate tells her it was a big thing and compares it to his experiences in Afghanistan. Susan tells Nate she was frightened but it doesn’t compare to what Nate went through. He advises her to go back when she is ready and that there is no hurry.
She thanks him and walks off to get a drink. Chris gives Nate a kiss, he is proud of him for helping Susan.
Men's Shed - Exterior: Daniel has found the wombat’s mum; she was hit by a car. Imogen has called the wildlife rescue people but they are so busy at the
moment they told her to sit tight. Daniel is scared of the wombat so Imogen teases him. She wraps him up in Daniel’s jumper and he comments she is the wombat whisperer which makes her smile. They leave to go somewhere warm for the wombat.
Lassiter's Complex: Lauren bumps into Matt and they make awkward small talk about the insurance. Things are clearly strained between them. Matt makes another
excuse not to spend time with her and walks off taking a call leaving Lauren looking worried.

No 22 - Kitchen: Daniel puts the wombat in a box that Imogen has brought. Imogen wishes they could keep him but the wildlife people will be there soon.
They decide to name him Oliver as he is an orphan. Imogen tells Daniel it would be nice if Oliver could stay the night to give everyone something else to focus on. Daniel reassures her that Terese and Brad will be ok. Imogen had an image
of her parents being completely in love but she doesn’t see it like that anymore. She thinks as Brad and Lauren have history it’s different and somehow worse that they kissed. Imogen mentions her mum didn’t put Brad’s towels in the dryer
like she normally does this morning and thinks that is significant. Daniel tells her love can be messy and if she has felt real love between them then it is real and she shouldn’t write off their marriage because of one kiss. The wildlife
people arrive and they say goodbye to Oliver.
No 32 - Kitchen: Alice has come to bring Bailey a book “The Art of War”. She recommends some chapters and Bailey is surprised that she read the book
back in 5th grade. She says Bailey is the best enemy she ever had and she needs him at his best so they can keep being enemies. He smiles and kisses her. Bailey apologises immediately but Alice says it was nice and kisses him back.
He tells her that was nice too but she says she has to go and leaves.
The Waterhole: Daniel tells Paul it was a wombat he hit with his car the night of the tornado. He explains how he and Imogen found the orphan wombat and
gave it to the wildlife people. Paul feels bad and thinks he should have stopped but Daniel tells him not to worry. Paul says he will donate money to the animal rescue people.
No 22 - Kitchen: Imogen is showing Terese, Brad and Josh a picture of the wombat and telling them that her and Daniel named him Oliver and he is
doing well. She talks about how Daniel was scared of him and what an idiot he is whilst smiling at the thought. Terese and Brad leave, with Josh and Imogen left to discuss their parents’ situation. Imogen says she thinks they’ll
be ok and Josh is surprised at her change of heart. She quotes Daniel and tells him she thinks they’ll be fine.
No 32 - Kitchen: Bailey hasn’t eaten much of his dinner, he is smiling, remembering the kiss. Lauren asks him if he is ok. Matt comes into
the kitchen and Bailey asks if they woke him, before making an excuse to leave. Lauren tries to engage Matt in conversation but he says he has to get back to work. She understands why he has taken the night shifts and is glad he
hasn’t moved out. Matt says he is still family and still her husband and if he ever left it would be for good. As he leaves Lauren looks upset.

The Waterhole: Chris is telling Nate how great he was before with Susan. Chris tries to draw out information from Nate about Afghanistan but he doesn’t
want to talk about it. He can relate to what Nate said to Susan as he was attacked at the garage a couple of years ago and went through a similar thing. Nate says he is sorry that happened to him but it isn’t the same as his situation.
Nate wants to drop the subject but Chris keeps at him until Nate loses his temper and grabs him by the collar, pushing him against the wall and angrily telling him he isn’t listening and he doesn’t want to go there. He walks off shouting at
Chris, leaving him shaken.
Featured Regular Characters: Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Lauren Turner, Bailey Turner, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Chris Pappas, Nate Kinski,
Paul Robinson, Daniel Robinson, Sonya Rebecchi
Guest Cast:
Vivienne Awosoga as Alice Azikiwe
by Nicola
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