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> Episode 6975
Written by Sam Carroll, Directed
by Chris Adshead, Produced by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 19/09/14, Channel 5: 03/10/14
• Naomi tells Josh people would judge them if they found out about their affair
• Imogen wonders if Naomi is a way of Josh getting over Amber
• Alan kisses Naomi on the lips as he leaves
• Toadie and Karl convince Lou to pretend to be E.M.Williams
• Lou takes the blue box to the school presentation
• Karl realises that Lou has taken the wrong box
• Bailey goes to hand out the awards from the blue box

Erinsborough Community Centre: Bailey is just about to hand out the awards from the blue box when Karl comes rushing in with the right box.
It’s a close call but he does it in time. Karl takes the blue box away and Bailey continues handing the awards out. Susan asks how it happened and is shocked to learn that Lou took the wrong box! Karl and Susan are mortified
at what could have happened if the blue box had been opened in public!
The Waterhole: Sheila is singing whilst she cleans. She is so happy because she is going for another date with Alan. Naomi tries to tell
her what happened but Sheila is so full of enthusiasm she can’t get a word in. Sheila thinks today may be the day her and Alan move on to the next stage in their relationship. Paul is sat at the bar and drops his paper when
he hears this; Naomi also thinks it is too much information! Naomi finally gets to tell her that Alan kissed her on the lips; Sheila says he wouldn’t have done it deliberately and asks Naomi to stop keeping her from her fun as
she walks off. Naomi tells Paul she thinks Alan is a sleaze. Paul suggests she puts Alan to the test.

Ramsay Street: Karl is carrying the blue box home as he gets sprayed by the water sprinkler. Lou is trying to help by watering their garden.
Karl tells Lou the mix up could have been a disaster, he asks Lou never to help them again as it could have caused a lot of problems. As Karl walks off, Lou receives a phone call leaving him looking shocked.
The Waterhole: Alan is admiring Sheila’s necklace. As Sheila has to go talk to the chef it gives Naomi and opportunity to say hello to Alan.
She tries to flirt with him to see if he will try it on with her. Sheila arrives and seeing what Naomi is doing tells her they have to leave for their cooking class. As Naomi walks back to Paul at the bar he asks if the seduction
failed. Alan asks Sheila if Naomi is feeling ok as she is acting strange. Sheila says she’s fine but then asks him about the kiss. Alan brushes it off and says it was a simple error, he thought she may get the wrong idea but didn’t
want to make a big deal of it. He says he doesn’t want to be with any other woman apart from Sheila, and then they kiss.
Harold's Store: Josh is looking at old pictures of him and Amber. Toadie asks Josh if he is still ok to help out with setting up the buck’s
night. Josh agrees and Toadie leaves. Bailey asks if Josh wants another coffee and Josh explains he is really tired having been up since 5am at the gym. He asks how Amber is doing and Bailey says she is off in her own little
world. When Bailey asks if he is missing her Josh says no, he is just asking. As Bailey walks off he texts Naomi to see if she wants to hook up.

The Waterhole: Naomi is googling Alan Haywood as she thinks there is something dodgy about him. She gets Josh’s text but ignores him as she is busy.
She finds something about Alan and shows Paul. He laughs and advises that Naomi finds a way of making Alan tell Sheila himself. That way Naomi isn’t the bad guy in the situation.
Number 28: Lou has come to see Karl but he is reluctant to let him in as he has already told him he doesn’t want his help anymore.
Lou says he needs Karl’s help now – he has been interviewed by a publisher and was convinced to sign a deal. No money has changed hands yet. Lou thought they just wanted short stories but they want to publish a full length
novel of “The Book of Secrets” ASAP. Karl realises that Lou wants him to write it and tells him he doesn’t have time for it. Lou can’t get out of it as they will sue him for breach of contract. Karl suggests that Lou writes
the book as he isn’t going to write it. Lou doesn’t want to ruin the reputation of E.M.Williams but Karl says that as Lou supposedly is E.M.Williams that is his problem.
The Waterhole: Sheila and Alan are back talking about their date. Sheila suggests they buy some wine and take the dumplings they have just
made back to his house. He says that would be great but he doesn’t want to pressure her; Sheila tells him she wants to and they kiss. Sheila goes to powder her nose and Naomi approaches Alan and asks whether she should call him “Merlot49”.
Alan tells her she really has been doing her homework. Naomi asks him to tell Sheila the truth or she will.

Harold's Store: Lou is trying to write the novel with little success. Over on another table Bailey asks Josh if he is waiting for someone.
He says he is just waiting for a text from the girl he has been seeing. Bailey is glad to hear he is seeing someone and is happy for him. Josh says he hasn’t thought of Amber in ages and Bailey says Amber has found the love of her
life and for all Josh knows his new girlfriend could be his. As Bailey walks off Josh doesn’t look so sure. Toadie arrives to take Josh to help set up the buck’s party but Josh just leaves to make a quick phone call. Toadie goes over
to Lou and jokingly asks him how it is going writing the novel. Lou tells Toadie he isn’t far wrong and explains the situation; he just wishes he knew where Karl got his ideas from. Toadie tells him about the blue box and what is inside it.
Lou realises what nearly happened earlier and it looks like he has a plan!
The Waterhole: Alan tells Sheila he needs to tell her something but he wants her to understand he never meant to be dishonest. He tells her he took his profile down from
the dating sites for women when he met Sheila but he still has his profile up on other dating sites and one of them is for men. Sheila tells him it is outrageously wrong – she is sure she could have come to terms with it if he had told her from the start but
he has lied to her. Alan wonders whether they would have got this far if he had told her but she doesn’t know. She just wanted to make an honest informed choice about seeing him. She thought they had something special, Alan thinks they could move past it.
She tells him she can’t date a liar and asks him to leave.
Number 28: Lou comes to see Karl to tell him he knows what is in the blue box. He was told about the box and everything suddenly fell into place.
Karl asks him to keep it to himself. Lou tells him they can work together to protect Susan - Karl is going to write the novel. Lou is adamant that Karl should write it even though Karl questions him about being in their debt for saving
his life. Lou says they should dedicate the novel to Susan - “to the woman who gave me life”.

The Waterhole: Sheila catches the staff slacking off the job and gives them a telling off; she is clearly in a bad mood.
Paul asks Sheila whether Alan confessed. She wonders how Paul knew and he said he thought Alan would have put Naomi in it but he may have had a little integrity after all. Sheila is shocked to learn that Naomi was
behind it. Paul explained that Naomi didn’t want to tell Sheila herself. Sheila is angry with her and says Naomi just doesn’t want her to be happy; she wants her to keep her nose out of her business. Paul questions
Sheila on whether it was the same thing as she did to Naomi and Charles. Sheila maintains that was different but Paul makes her see how they were both doing it out of love. He tells her that Naomi stopped her making a
big mistake and she should be grateful that her daughter cares for her so much. Sheila is left looking thoughtful.
Number 26 - Back Garden: Josh is naked in the hot tub. Naomi brings the drinks over and is shocked when Sheila shouts her and comes out into
the garden. Naomi pushes Josh under the water so Sheila won’t find him. Sheila has come to tell her about Alan and she knows she was just trying to look out for her. As she talks and tells her that she is proud of her not needing
the validation of a man, Josh needs to breathe and finally jumps out of the tub to get a breath. Naomi acts shocked and Josh makes a story up and Sheila sees right through it telling him to get out of the tub. He says he can’t get
out as he isn’t wearing his shorts. Sheila asks Naomi how long it has been going on. Naomi tries to reassure her it is just a bit of fun but Sheila gives her a telling off. Sheila isn’t happy that Naomi kept Josh a secret and she
wonders whether Naomi has changed at all. Josh interrupts to ask for his shorts!

The Waterhole: Susan and Karl are discussing Lou’s blackmail. Susan says it might be ok but Karl thinks it is a big commitment. Susan is going to
tell Lou to lay off the good deeds. As they are taking their drinks to their seats laughing about the blue box Paul walks past and asks how the presentation went. They say it was ok and quickly change the subject asking how he is.
As he is answering them an English lady, Dakota, walks in… says “Ola Senor Robinson”, kisses Paul and then slaps him. She tells him she has been waiting a long time to do that and then walks out leaving him speechless.
Featured Regular Characters: Bailey Turner, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Naomi Canning, Sheila Canning, Paul Robinson, Lou Carpenter, Josh Willis, Toadfish Rebecchi
Guest Cast:
Sheree Murphy as Dakota Davies, Paul Roberts as Alan Haywood
by Nicola
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