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> Episode 6982
Written by Holly Alexander, Directed
by Kath Hayden, Produced by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 30/09/14, Channel 5: 14/10/14
• Lou telling Karl that he is going to write The Book of Secrets as he knows what is in Karl's blue box
• Matt telling Amber and Daniel that the wedding is not going to happen
• Mark investigating the bank that Dakota told him that she worked for
• Daniel agreeing to work for Dakota; Dakota on the phone afterwards saying that Paul will do anything to keep Daniel safe

Lassiter's Complex: Paul walks out of the hotel with Dakota, advising her to ensure that Daniel listens to her. Dakota reminds Paul she only
needs someone to help set things up and Paul replies that that is what he thought he was for. Mark watches on from across the complex and is joined by Matt. Dakota laughs and Matt comments that anyone who finds Paul that funny
cannot be trusted. Mark agrees and says that there is something seriously off with Dakota, adding that he knows she used to work for a corrupt bank. Matt replies that just because someone worked for a dodgy bank, it doesn't mean
that they are too. Mark says that Dakota is opening a bar and is putting a lot of money into it. Matt still doesn't see a problem, but after Mark explains he has a bad feeling, urges Mark to call in some favours as investigating
Paul and his associates might be a good idea after all.
Harold's Store: Matt greets Lauren, who is busy working in the kitchen. She comments that Matt left early from home that morning and wonders
if he received her text. Matt confirms that is the reason he is there: Lauren States that things have gone on long enough - they need to sit down and discuss matters with Amber and Daniel. Matt says that the wedding won't happen
and Lauren retorts that ignoring the problem won't make it go away. Lauren adds that they are Amber's parents and so she has to hear them out and vice versa so that Amber knows she is being taken seriously. Matt stops Lauren,
asking whether she thinks the wedding is a good idea. Lauren points out it is a tactic: let Amber and Daniel talk, make them feel like they have been heard and then tell them it's not going to o happen. Matt wonders if it will
work. Lauren replies that by showing Amber they are taking things seriously, Amber will eventually see sense. Matt agrees to give it a go.

Number 32: Lou and Bailey are sitting round the table, Bailey having worked on a photo for the E. M. Williams website. Lou comments that it has
kept Bailey's mind off the space camp interview and Bailey sarcastically thanks Lou for reminding him. Lou reassures Bailey that he would have done a great job and says that Bailey will hear back soon enough. Bailey goes back to the
website and asks Lou if he wants to start answering reader questions as Lou has built up a backlog. Lou says later, and asks Bailey to just shove some writing tips in as a reply. Bailey points out the questions are more to do with
relationships, much to Lou's delight, who suggests to Bailey that they give the readers what they want.
Harold's Store: Amber and Daniel sit down at a table with Lauren and Matt. Lauren thanks them for coming and says that, with so much going on,
they haven't had much of a chance to talk about the big engagement. Amber retorts that she and Daniel did try, but that Lauren and Matt shut them down. Lauren says she is now ready to listen and Daniel replies that they have some
wedding plans they would like some input on. Matt is about to say something, but Lauren gives him a look and assures Daniel that she and Matt are all ears. Amber says they haven't fixed a date but suggest some time after her exams.
Lauren thinks it may be a bit too soon; Daniel offers to put the wedding back to the start of next year, adding that the sooner the wedding, the sooner they are married, which is the point. Lauren snaps that is not what she meant, as
it is too soon to get married at all. Amber realises that Lauren and Matt want to talk her out of the wedding and goes to get up. Matt asks her just to listen to them, pointing out marriage isn't something that can just be decided on
a whim. Amber retorts that Matt proposed to Lauren minutes after meeting her and calls Matt a hypocrite. She goes on to say that all her life she has listened to the great love story of Matt and Lauren and that just because they are
having problems at the moment, they can't be blamed on her and Daniel. Lauren wants Amber to take more time: Amber asks what will happen if she doesn't. Matt interrupts that while Amber is living at Number 32, she will follow his and
Lauren's rules. Amber says she has a perfect solution - she will move into Paul's penthouse.

The Waterhole: Karl is busy typing at a table as Amber and Daniel arrive, Amber wondering what is so hard for Lauren and Matt to be happy for them.
Daniel reassures Amber that as long as they are together, nothing matters, adding that Lauren and Matt will eventually come round. Amber asks Daniel if Paul is alright about the engagement and Daniel says he is, because he is in a good
mood with Dakota around. Amber suggests they go and talk to Paul to check he will be alright about her moving into the apartment but Daniel says he has to go and do some work for Dakota. Amber wonders what they will do if Paul does not
allow them to stay in the apartment. Casually, Daniel explains that they can sleep in his car if that is the case. Meanwhile, Susan comes in and wonders why Karl isn't taking advantage of the quiet at home whilst she and Nate were visiting
Chris. Karl says it was too quiet and needs the background noise. Susan thinks Karl is procrastinating but Karl explains that Lou has ordered chapter one to be ready by the end of the day. Susan suggests getting Lou to push back the
deadline as he is supposed to be in her debt, after saving his life on the night of the storm. Karl declines and explains he is finding the whole process energising and is enjoying understanding the psychology of the characters. Susan
wants Karl to save some of the energy for her! Suddenly, Susan's phone rings and she is horrified to discover Paul's plans for the radio station.
Lassiter's Complex: Down by the lake, Paul is with Dakota when his phone rings. It is Susan, and Paul tells her that he does not have to justify his
business decisions to her. Paul explains the radio station has had its day and that the building could be put to better use. He adds that if Susan has an issue with council business, she needs to take it up with Sue Parker. Paul hangs
up as Dakota asks if she should be worried. Paul says she hasn't as Susan is always grumbling about something and reassures Dakota that he doesn't think Susan will pursue matters. Paul explains to Dakota that it is a legitimate business
decision so there is nothing to worry about. Just then, Paul receives a text from Lauren who wants to meet to discuss how to put the brakes onto Daniel and Amber's wedding. Dakota wonders why Paul would want to do that, because they are
young and in love. She wonders if Paul remembers that feeling and when he confirms that he does, she kisses him before telling him she has to go and meet Daniel at the bar.
Former Radio Station: Daniel tells Dakota he loves the vibe of the building and suggests buying old lamps and using milk crates instead of chairs. Dakota
is largely uninterested as Daniel wanders round, but shouts stop when Daniel goes to open a drawer. She tells him not to open it, leaving Daniel looking confused.

The Waterhole: Mark is chatting to Federal Agent Greta Jackson about Dakota. She asks him questions both about the bank and how the topic came up in
conversation. Mark is thanked for the tip-off. He asks Greta to be discreet and is assured that the operation will be handled better than the last one: the witness protection scheme Mark was involved in. Mark explains he has a bad feeling
about Dakota. She realises that Mark misses his old job and assures him that he will be kept informed about anything she discovers. Meanwhile, Paul is telling Matt and Lauren he thinks the engagement is ridiculous, but that it is not his place
to say so. Lauren thinks it is, as Paul is Daniel's uncle but Paul says that once the rush of love has worn off, Daniel will come to his senses. Lauren worries that Amber may not, and points out that the longer it goes on, the more emotionally
invested she will get. Paul is surprised when Lauren informs him of Amber's intention of moving into the penthouse and changes his mind, suggesting that he has been too soft on Daniel after all.
Former Radio Station: Daniel is sorting through CDs and asks Dakota if it safe to open the drawer he is standing by. Dakota apologises, saying she has personal things
stashed in the other drawer because she doesn't completely trust hotels. Just then, Amber comes in: Dakota says the bar isn't open yet, but Daniel introduces Amber to Dakota, explaining that Amber is his fiancée. They briefly chat about the change from
radio station to bar, before Dakota asks Amber to take a bag of rubbish outside for her. Once she has gone, Dakota tells Daniel she is off out and needs him to take a delivery for her. Daniel wonders if he can be trusted for such a job and Dakota replies
she expects it from her managers, Daniel is surprised to be called a manager. Dakota explains that she has realised Daniel has a good vision for the bar and wants someone she can trust. Daniel is happy, particularly when he realises he will be able to host
a tribal drumming night.
Number 32: Bailey is helping Lou with the relationship problems, albeit uncomfortably. Lou explains that Bailey should be privileged to be learning from
someone like him. Bailey points out the letters are from old and married people who are looking for a spark: Bailey explains he and Alice are a new relationship and therefore are not looking for the same as the people who have written the
letters. Lou continues to tell Bailey how to respond to the letters, adding that communication and honesty are the key. Suddenly an email comes through: Bailey informs Lou it is from Karl and has an attachment. Lou tells Bailey not to worry
and to run off and apply his romantic lessons to Alice. After Bailey has gone, Lou reads through the first draft of the start of Karl's new novel.
Eclipse Apartments - Paul's Penthouse: Daniel and Amber arrive carrying bags and wheeling suitcases, Daniel telling Paul that he is looking at the manager
of Dakota's new bar. Paul congratulates him quietly. Amber says they should talk about things another time; Paul sarcastically asks when she was thinking, wondering if it will be at breakfast now that she has decided to move in again. Paul
turns to Daniel and asks if Amber even wants to, and Amber apologises saying that they were going to ask Paul first. Paul wonders if it was before or after they had moved all her things in and Daniel wonders what is going on, informing Paul
that they need to sit down and discuss things. Paul says there is nothing to discuss: Amber can stay over one night a week and no more. Amber walks off and Daniel tells Paul that his and Amber's relationship has changed, therefore he and Paul
need a serious conversation. Paul tells Daniel that he and Amber are acting like children. Daniel retorts that he understands Paul gets to decide who lives in the apartment, but adds the way Paul spoke to them both was out of line. Paul
informs Daniel he won't be apologising; Daniel replies that he thought Paul was more open minded than Matt and Lauren and that people need to accept he and Amber are together.

The Waterhole: Lauren and Matt arrive to find Paul sitting with Dakota. Lauren asks Paul how it went: Paul replies that Amber won't be moving in.
Just then, Lauren answers her phone. It is Amber, who explains she is at Daniel's place. Lauren doesn't understand, as Paul confirms he has only just left there, and Matt grabs the phone.
Park: A little later, somewhere in Erinsborough, Matt, Lauren and Paul arrive to find Daniel's car parked in the middle of a large, grassy area.
Daniel tells the arrivals that the car is better than a tent because it provides more shelter and is mobile. Amber gleefully explains that the discussions about living arrangements were causing arguments and she and Daniel didn't want to
start married life off with bad vibes. Lauren incredulously asks if that is really what Amber thought - Daniel interjects that he wanted to come up with a solution that works for everybody. Paul thinks Amber and Daniel have run away but
Daniel says it is the way things are going to o be from now on and that if he and Amber aren't supported they will find a way to manage. Amber adds she would like if if they were supported and Daniel reaches for the kettle, asking if anyone
wants a tea.
Harold's Store: Lou is telling Karl to dig deeper with his writing because it is turgid and boring. Karl wonders when Lou started to criticise his
writing and Lou says it is since the writing goes out in his name. Karl points out it goes under the name of E. M. Williams but Lou is having none of it, as he is booked to appear at a writing festival and will be sued unless Karl can
deliver the writing on time. Lou orders Karl to sort it out: Karl replies that if Lou is appearing at the festival, he can sort out the writing. Lou offers to write it, but says he has an idea for a story about a highly respectable couple
and their secret blue box. Karl grabs the manuscript and rushes off.
Park: In Daniel's car, Amber and Daniel are looking out of the back, a campfire nearby. Daniel is telling Amber that all he needs is inside the car and
adds that when Matt accused him of proposing on a whim he was right. Daniel goes on to say that it is not necessarily a bad thing because when something feels right, it should be listened to and that, his heart told him to commit to Amber.
Amber gives Daniel her ring, saying she should have done it ages ago, and gets him to put it on her, saying she doesn't want to hide it anymore. Daniel asks Amber if she is alright staying in the car. She confirms that she has everything she
needs right there.
Number 32: Matt and Lauren arrive home - Matt tells Lauren that Amber is just goading them. Lauren replies that Amber and Daniel looked happy and hopes
Matt is right when he says that, in the car, they won't last two minutes. Matt argues that living in close quarters will drive them crazy, but Lauren suggests it could push them closer together. Lauren gets a bottle of wine and two glasses
and asks Matt if he remembers the night that she joined him on a stakeout. they reminisce and Lauren goes to kiss him, but at the last moment he pulls away, saying that he can't. Matt says that all the memories are tainted, and that Lauren
had just lost Brad's baby. Lauren points out that they had worked through these issues months ago, but Matt says it was before. Lauren interrupts, suggesting it was before her twenty year mission to ensnare Brad as Terese seems to think: Matt
replies that he didn't say he agreed with Terese. Lauren points out Matt didn't say he trusted Lauren either. Matt explains that he wants to but that he can't just go back to how things were. Apologising, he walks off, leaving Lauren standing

The Waterhole: Greta finds Mark playing pool: she throws some paperwork onto the pool table and confirms that as soon as Dakota's name was researched, the flags came up.
Mark checks that he was right to be suspicious and Greta is sure that illegal stuff is going on, starting in Brazil and during several moves since. Mark wonders what they are talking about and Greta confirms she isn't sure because Dakota has kept everything
at arm's length. She says she thinks Mark can help: by getting closer to Dakota so that she does not get wind of the investigation.
Featured Regular Characters: Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Lou Carpenter, Paul Robinson, Daniel Robinson, Mark Brennan, Matt Turner, Lauren Turner, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner
Guest Cast:
Sheree Murphy as Dakota Davies, Alexis Porter as Federal Agent Greta Jackson
Trivia Notes
• Alexis Porter reprises her role as Federal Agent Greta Jackson, having previously appeared in the Brennan On The Run webisode series
• Alexis Porter also previously appeared as Justine Spensley in 2006br>
by Alex
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