Episode Summaries >
> Episode 191
Written by Greg Stevens, Directed
by Brendan Maher, Produced by John Holmes
Network Ten: 17/02/86, BBC One: 28/07/87, UK Gold: 26/07/93
• Max is surprised to find Beth Travers on his doorstep
• Madge and Helen discuss the final part of their plan to con Douglas
• Private investigator Burt Rawlings blackmails Douglas

No 26/Hotel: Helen answers the phone - it's Burt Rawlings, who says that Douglas took the bait, so he'll be determined to get the deal done with Madge as quickly as
possible. Helen is pleased to hear that Burt managed to get another $500 out of Douglas too, and she thanks him again and hangs up, just as Paul arrives home. He says that he had a successful day at work, and Helen reports that Zoe called earlier,
wanting to know if Paul would like to go out that evening. Paul says that he's too busy, and he'll go and see Zoe later to tell her. Helen then tells him that she had a letter from Rosemary, who's planning a visit, and Paul isn't very happy to hear it.
He says that he's never forgiven Rosemary for having him sacked from that insurance job, and she only did it to impress her latest boyfriend. Helen suggests that Paul should get over it, and at least be civil to Rosemary when she arrives, but Paul says
that he'd rather just stay out of her way. Helen isn't happy, but Paul says that she might as well just accept that Rosemary is 'an out-and-out bitch'.
No 24: Clive is pleased to hear that they've been re-employed by Beth Travers, though Shane isn't as keen, as he's agreed to go out on another date with her. He says
that he prefers to be the one calling the shots in a relationship, but Clive has little sympathy. Danny then wanders in, offering them some of his new-found political wisdom on the way they're running their business.
. . . 
No 26: Daphne is telling Helen about her trip to the mountains, and Helen tells her that it's nice to have her back. She explains that she's had an argument with Paul,
about the fact that her adopted daughter Rosemary is coming for a visit. Daphne comments that Paul seems to be falling out with a lot of people lately, and Helen explains that Rosemary gave him a part-time job a couple of years ago, then had to sack
him, and his ego still hasn't recovered. She says that she can't worry about it, as she has other things on her mind - then proceeds to tell Daphne all about her plan to get revenge on Douglas Blake.
Hotel: Max has been doing some plumbing work in one of the rooms, and hands over the key to the receptionist. As he looks back, he spots Douglas sitting with a newspaper,
and he asks the receptionist if that man is staying at the hotel. By the time the receptionist looks across, Douglas has gone, and Max suddenly runs off across the lobby, shouting at Douglas to come back.
. . . 
No 26: Max is telling Daphne and Helen about how he saw Douglas, but was unable to catch him. Helen looks annoyed, and Daphne decides that it would be a good time
to leave. Max then asks Helen why she isn't pleased that Douglas has been spotted, and she's forced to tell him that she and Madge have been plotting to con him, and get Helen's $50,000 back. She says that she's worried that Douglas has been scared
off now, and he won't turn up to meet Madge with the money, but Max says that he's pleased, as he doesn't like the idea of Helen putting Madge in danger. Helen tells him to stop making such a fuss, saying that Madge was well aware of what she was doing,
and now she just has to hope that Douglas is as greedy as she thinks he is.
No 28: Daphne can't believe that Zoe has been through three different cooks at the Coffee Shop, or that she took money from the till to buy champagne. She says
that the house is a complete mess, and she hopes that the shop looks a bit better. She notices all of the fast food containers, and Zoe explains that Des hasn't been in the mood for cooking lately - in fact, he's been very unhappy. Daphne says
that he's only got himself to blame for that, but has a pang of jealousy when she sees a pair of tights on the chair. Zoe says that they belong to her, and that Des hasn't been seeing any other women.
No 26/Hotel: Max and Helen are waiting for news, and Max is just about ready to call the police, when the phone rings. It's Madge, and she tells Helen that
Douglas hasn't turned up yet, and is an hour late. Helen explains that Max was at the hotel and he spotted Douglas, so he may have been scared off, but they just have to hope that he's prepared to take a risk to get his hands on the diamonds.
She tells Madge to call again if there's any news. As Helen hangs up, Max says that he won't be allowing Helen or Madge to meet Douglas on their own - he'll be going with them. Helen angrily tells him that he's done enough damage for one day,
and he'll just have to stay at home and mind his own business.
No 24: As Shane and Clive are planning their next gardening job, Max walks in and throws a small parcel at Shane, saying that a courier just dropped
it off. Danny and Clive are very impressed when Shane opens it and finds an expensive watch inside, but Shane sees that it's from Beth and wants to send it back. Max, Danny and Clive all then try to persuade Shane to keep it, and to continue
seeing Beth.
. . . 
No 28: Zoe is applying an avocado face mask, when Paul turns up at the door, amused by her appearance. He says that he got the message that she wanted to see him,
and she explains that there's a musical on tonight that she'd like to see - Paul tells her that he's busy. She says that she's always going with him to his business dinners, but Paul reminds her that their arrangement was no strings and no expectations.
She says that she only wanted to be friends anyway, but Paul says that the way he's feeling right now, he'd rather not get close to anyone, so he doesn't get hurt.
No 24: Danny is wearing Shane's new watch, and says that if Shane doesn't want it, he might as well have it. Shane asks for it back, and says that he hasn't made up his
mind what to do. He asks when Madge is coming back, as he was hoping he might get his own room again, so he can stop sharing with Danny. Danny suggests that if Shane hates it so much, he could move in with his new girlfriend, but Shane isn't amused. Max
then tells them both that Madge owns 51% of the house, so if anyone's going to get kicked out, it might be them.
No 22: Clive arrives home, surprised to find that Daphne is back. She says that she had a lovely time in the mountains and had the chance to think about things. Before
they can talk properly, Shane turns up and gives Daphne a hug. He asks what she's doing now, and offers her a lift to the coffee shop. Before Clive can say anything, they've both gone.
No 24: Danny is helping Max to go through the accounts. He looks through the house repayments and tells his father that, by his calculations, Max and Madge actually
own half of the house each, so although he can't get rid of her, she can't get rid of him either.
Hotel/No 26: Madge calls a very worried Helen. She says that she's just spoken to Douglas, and they've arranged to meet in City Park at 5.45pm. Helen is delighted.
Daphne's Coffee Shop: Shane is helping with the washing-up, and Daphne goes to get him a clean dishcloth, but instead finds Mike's sleeping bag. Zoe explains that she already knew
about it, and she told Mike that he couldn't stay. Shane asks why Mike can't go home, and Zoe explains that there are some problems with his father. Daphne says that Mike still can't sleep here, as she'd be closed down if the health department ever found out. Zoe admits
that she didn't realise that, but says that both she and Daphne know what it's like to have nowhere to go. Daphne says that she'll have to speak to Mike, but won't be too hard on him.
Hotel/No 26: Madge calls a very worried Helen. She says that she's just spoken to Douglas, and they've arranged to meet in City Park at 5.45pm. Helen is delighted.
. . . 
City Park: Madge is sitting on a bench, waiting for Douglas, when he arrives. He notices how jittery she is, and she explains that she spoke to her husband
earlier that day, and it seems that he might want to get back together. Douglas starts to panic that she doesn't want to sell the diamonds any more, and tells her that if it came to a divorce case in court, she'd probably lose them, so it
would be wise to sell them now. Madge agrees, and Douglas hands over the cash in a brown envelope. Madge then gives him a small bag containing the diamonds, and he wishes her luck and says that he needs to take the gems to his jeweller
friend. Madge smiles as Douglas rushes away - he starts walking through the trees, but is stopped in his tracks when he hears Helen call out his name, and she walks over to him...
Featured Regular Characters: Clive Gibbons, Zoe Davis, Madge Mitchell, Max Ramsay, Shane Ramsay, Danny Ramsay, Helen Daniels, Paul Robinson, Daphne Lawrence
Guest Cast:
James Condon as Douglas Blake,
Neil Thompson as Burt Rawlings, Sandy Stayfer as Receptionist
Trivia Notes
• Having appeared twice already, this is the first episode that credits Sandy Stayfer in her role as the hotel receptionist
by Steve