Episode Summaries >
> Episode 190
Written by Sally Webb, Directed
by Andrew Friedman, Produced by John Holmes
Network Ten: 14/02/86, BBC One: 27/07/87, UK Gold: 23/07/93
• Jim and Paul visit Scott in hospital
• Madge worries that Douglas has disappeared with her diamond
• Scott tells his family why he ran away
• Madge tells a relieved Helen that Douglas has turned up and is waiting for her in the hotel reception

Hotel Restaurant: Douglas returns the diamond to Madge, who immediately checks it, very relieved. Douglas asks if she trusts him, and she says that she hardly knows him,
and when he was two hours late, she didn't know what to think. He explains that a proper valuation takes time, and he hoped that she'd be grateful. She apologises, explaining that she does trust him and she is grateful for his help. He then tells her that
the diamond was valued at $5000 - Madge smiles and says that is a surprise.
No 24: The next morning, Max is making himself some breakfast, as Shane wanders out, complaining about how much his body is aching after all the work he did yesterday.
Max declares that Shane's gone soft, and says that he's probably fitter than both of his sons. Shane reports that the date last night wasn't a huge success - Beth is very nice, but not really his type. He admits that he only went out with her because he
knew that it would annoy Clive. Clive then turns up, asking if Shane's too tired to work after his big night out. He says that he'll wait outside in the car, and Max then tells Shane that Clive's an idiot, as he should have gone to work early on his own,
and got some time alone with Beth. Shane, not wanting that to happen, then rushes off.
. . . 
No 26/Hotel: Madge phones Helen from the hotel, and says that Douglas behaved exactly as Helen suspected he would - he was deliberately vague, and was greatly offended
when Madge implied that she didn't trust him. She also mentions that he valued the diamond at half its real worth. Madge asks Helen what they do next - Helen says that they'll continue to slowly drive the knife in.
Hotel Restaurant: Madge and Douglas are having tea, and she's telling him how foolish she feels, and thanks him for helping her out at reception. She explains that she's
always had money and feels very embarrassed to be caught short like this. Douglas tells her that she needn't feel embarrassed, as she's an attractive woman and wonderful company, and then suggests that, if she's so short of money, she should sell her
diamond. She explains that her ex-husband would find out, as he's warned every gem merchant in the country not to buy from her or any agent of hers. Douglas then falls into her trap, offering to buy all of her diamonds and saying that he could raise
the funds within 24 hours. Madge says that she couldn't expect that of him, but he insists that it would be his pleasure.
. . . 
Beth Travers' Garden: Clive complains about Shane's good mood, but Shane calls him a sore loser, and accuses Clive of being jealous. Clive thinks that Beth deserves
to know if Shane is just leading her on, as she's a nice woman - Shane says that he'll make his feelings clear to her, in his own time.
No 26: Madge arrives to visit Helen - who feels guilty about dragging Madge into this scheme. Madge insists that she's enjoying herself, and feels like Miss
Marple and Emma Peel all rolled into one. She explains that the meeting this morning went as planned, and she admits that she can now understand how Helen fell for him, as he's very clever and very convincing. She says that Douglas has gone to
his accountant to arrange the funds, and tells Helen that she's very glad to have her as a friend, as she'd hate to have her as an enemy! Helen explains that Douglas is the first person she would really consider to be an enemy, as she's been
taken for a fool before, but never lost $50,000 into the bargain.
Beth Travers' Garden: Clive and Shane are working on the garden, when Beth comes outside and asks Shane to come and sit with her. Clive tells Shane that he
should take the opportunity to tell Beth how he really feels about her. Shane walks over to her, and she comments that he seems to be working twice as hard as his partner. She then asks when they can go on another date - Shane tries to put
her off, saying that surely she doesn't want to date the hired help - she insists, and asks if he's free that evening. He turns her down again, and explains that Clive is getting annoyed, because he thinks it's unprofessional to date your
employer. Beth says that she has a solution to that and calls Clive over - she tells him that, firstly, he needs to learn to mind his own business, and secondly, he and Shane are both fired.
No 26: Madge is preparing to go back to the hotel, when Max turns up to visit Helen and is surprised to find Madge there. She asks if he's been missing
her, and he admits that he has, as it's nice to have a semi-intelligent adult in the house to chat to. Madge asks if that's supposed to be a compliment, then tells Max that she should be home in a day or two. He asks if she and Helen are
plotting something, and Madge explains that they're planning a surprise for a mutual friend, and the arrangements should be complete quite soon. Max wants to know more, but Madge refuses to tell him and they end up bickering about it, with
Max accusing her of treating him like a moron, and storming off. Madge apologises to Helen, who says that Max wouldn't be Max without his funny moods.
. . . 
No 24: Clive can't believe that Shane has cost them the gardening job with Beth, but Shane says that there'll be other jobs and it's nothing to worry about.
He says that if Clive's that bothered about seeing Beth again, he should just go and ask her out, but Clive says that he's hardly going to do that now that she's sacked them. Max then marches in and asks why they're home so early - Clive says
that it's Shane's fault, but Max says that it's typical of the boss to blame the workers. Clive then declares that they need to take action, and tells Shane to look for his list of clients from the last time he worked as a gardener. He says that,
by the end of the decade, they'll be millionnaires - Max, however, isn't convinced.
Hotel Restaurant: Madge is waiting nervously, and is relieved when Douglas arrives. He orders champagne and tells her that he should have the money soon, but
he's had to sell off a few of his antiques to raise it. Madge says that she'd never have asked him to help her, if she'd known that he was going to be selling off his belongings, but he insists that it's fine and it's worth it. He then asks when
he can see the rest of her diamonds, and she admits that she hasn't been entirely honest with him - she explains that she already had her diamonds valued before she met him. Douglas starts to look worried, until she hands over a piece of paper which
says that the diamonds are worth $4000 each, and she says that the valuer was clearly trying to con her, and she's relieved that she met someone as honest as Douglas. He proposes a toast to Madge, a woman who is about to become $50,000 richer - she
returns the toast to Douglas, a man who is about to become $50,000 poorer.
No 24: Max is watching TV, annoyed to be interrupted by a knock on the door. He answers and is surprised to see a beautiful woman standing there - she introduces
herself as Beth Travers and says that she's come to see Shane.
No 26/Hotel: Helen, who's been outside painting, rushes inside and answers the phone - it's Madge, who says that Douglas fell for it and now believes that there are
ten genuine diamonds. She explains that he's gone to get the money and will be back at 5pm. Helen tells her to take the money and leave the hotel without any fuss, then get into a cab and return to Ramsay Street. She wishes Madge good luck, and puts down
the phone.
No 24: Max and Beth are having coffee, and he says that Shane should be back from the shops soon. She tells him about her recent divorce, and he tells her that it takes
a while, but you do get over it eventually. Shane then returns, not very pleased to see Beth - she says that she'd like to give him his job back, not just him - not Clive. Shane turns her down, saying that he and Clive come as a partnership, and despite
Max's best efforts to talk him round, he won't change his mind. She then backs down and says that she'll take them both back and to celebrate, she wants to take Shane out to dinner. Shane doesn't reply, and Beth says that she hopes he won't insist that
Clive has to join them on their date too!
. . . 
Hotel: Douglas is walking through the hotel lobby when he's stopped by Burt Rawlings, the private investigator Helen hired to track him down. He starts listing all
of Douglas's false names and says that he's just on his way to meet with Helen, who seems desperate to track him down. He then says that he could easily wait another 24 hours before telling Helen of his whereabouts, but it'll cost $500. Douglas is annoyed,
but tells Burt to wait where he is, and goes to get him the money.
Featured Regular Characters: Clive Gibbons, Madge Mitchell, Max Ramsay, Shane Ramsay, Helen Daniels
Guest Cast:
James Condon as Douglas Blake, Virginia Hey as Beth Travers,
Neil Thompson as Burt Rawlings
by Steve