> Continuity Watch: Episodes 5796-5815
Soap operas are often infamous for forgetting important details or, with one sentence, completely changing the course of history, and Neighbours is no exception. But it's also capable of dropping in subtle references to past characters and storylines to give us a better idea of a character's motivations, or simply to bring back memories for long-term viewers. Our monthly column, Continuity Watch, looks at the continuity issues, both good and bad, episode by episode. We've also incorporated Lou Watch, our monthly look at the antics of the much underused Ramsay Street veteran Lou Carpenter, just so we can all be sure he's actually still around.
Episode 5796
* Mentions of Harold Bishop.
Episode 5797
* Libby & Toadie make reference to their time as students at Erinsborough High.
Episode 5798
* Reference to Gail Robinson.
* Mention of Lanzini's, Erinsborough's top restaurant.
Episode 5800
* Mention of Bridget Parker.
* Libby makes reference to Susan previously being Principal at Erinsborough High.

Episode 5801
* Reference to Bridget Parker & her death.
Episode 5802
* Mention of Bridget Parker.
Episode 5804
* Mentions of Mal & Billy Kennedy.
Episode 5805
* Establishing shot of Number 24 used in between scenes with Steph & Sophie at Number 26.

Episode 5806
* Reference to Toadie being willing to lie to protect Steph when Declan tried to sue her over Bridget's death.
* Mentions & ghostly appearance of Jill Ramsay.
Episode 5807
* Mentions of Mal Kennedy & Cass Freedman.
Episode 5808
* Mention of Libby & Susan tutoring Ringo.
* Elle struggles with & overcomes her claustrophobia in order to get help for Josh Burns.
Episode 5809
* Reference to Elle's claustrophobia.
* Steph bumps into the Kennedy-Fitzgeralds after attending a Pink Ribbon Day meeting with the Breast Cancer Awareness Committee at the hospital which she joined in episode 5613.
* Steph tells Libby & Susan that she wished she'd found out the sex of the baby when she was pregnant with Charlie so she could've been more prepared. She did find out the sex of the baby, despite Max not wanting to know, in episode 4825.
Episode 5810
* Mention of Harold Bishop.

Episodes 5796
* Convinced Rebecca to help Lyn by giving her some stock the store in order to save Harold's legacy and Charlie's from the effects of direct competition from a chain such as Apollo's.
Episode 5799
* Caught Harry attempting to buy alcohol at Charlie's using a fake ID. After cutting up the ID, he served Harry with a glass of water telling him that if he drank it and left it would never be mentioned again.
Episode 5802
* Orders a coffee at Harold's Store and is asked by Kate to accompany her to the Deb ball.
* Tells Karl & Susan that he has agreed to be Kate's 'date' leaving Susan desperately trying to find an alternative.
* Waltzes with Susan in the kitchen at Number 26.
* Arrives at Number 24 to collect Kate but is usurped by Toadie & finally by Declan, who accompanies Kate to the ball.
Episode 5806
* Tells Jumilla how to make a perfect milkshake & spies on Lyn & Steph in the kitchen, realising that the sandwiches poisoned the Deb.
* Threatens to call the Erinsborough News over the dodgy sandwiches and present evidence to the Health Inspector unless Lyn meets his list of demands.
* Has the smile wiped off his face when Lyn tells him that she's owned up and ends up spilling the cocktail he was shaking at Charlie's.
* Relishes as the Inspector tells Lyn that she'll have to shut the store until it's rewired and backs up Steph's suggestion that she visit Oscar.
Episode 5810
* Labels his food 'Property of Lou Carpenter' and tells Lyn to get her hands off his biscuits.
* Reminds Lyn that he's at Number 26 by Steph's invitation and thanks Steph for sticking to her word when Lyn tries to kick him out.
* Struggles to cope at the bar as the regulars start making difficult orders and has problems hearing over the increasing volume of the music, finally giving up and agreeing to negotiate with Lyn.
* Moves into Number 30 after being reinstated as Manager of Harold's Store on the condition that he move out of Number 26 and begins laying down some groundrules.
Episode 5814
* Looked after Ben, Callum & Sophie for Libby and reminded Libby to get milk. As the kids ran him riot, asked Toadie for advice on how to entertain them. As Toadie suggested that Lou set the kids about doing something he wants done by turning into a game, he got them to dig up his secret stash of vintage wine which he'd buried underneath Number 30 when he owned it.
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