Magic Moments > 2000 > The Official 2000 Season Finale Episode 3670
Written by Lois Booton, Directed by Gary Conway
introduces Human Nature at the deb ball, while Paul and Cheyenne
arrive together, Tad brings his glamorous date and Flick and
Joel dance together, as a jealous Dee watches them...
goes to talk to Tad, and asks what happened to his date. Tad
explains that she’s gone, but it’s no big deal. The teenagers
announce that they’re going to an after-party in the city,
but Harold isn’t keen on the idea. Flick says that they have
to do something after a night like that, but Lyn says she
doesn’t want her daughter wandering around the city. Joe surprises
everyone by allowing the kids to make up their own minds.
Joe and Lyn leave, while Joe warns Joel not to get his daughter
in any trouble. The gang decide to go and find out where the
good parties are…
and Lyn arrive home and Steph explains that Mick’s come back
and he’s in a bad way. He appears from the bedroom and say
he’s leaving, and that Steph will fill them in. Joe stops
him from leaving and asks where he’s going to stay, Steph
explains that he’s going to a hostel. Joe says that no brother
of his will be staying in a place like that.

number 30, Lance and Allana are watching sci-fi on the sofa
and they start talking about what characters they see themselves
as. Lance says he’s always thought he was R2DR and dragging
Toadie around as his CP30. Allana says she never saw him like
that, and Lance says that her challenges changed him.

the Scully kitchen, Lyn is telling Steph about Human Nature
playing, when she sees a letter on the table. Steph says it’s
a letter from Larry, and Lyn is surprised to hear his name
again. Steph says that when he moved interstate, they just
lost touch. Lyn wonders how Joe and Mick are getting on. Mick
explains to Joe that he was so low, and he couldn’t handle
getting knocked back for another job. He tells Joe that he’s
lucky to have a supportive family and he feels ashamed of
himself. Joe tells him that he has no reason to feel ashamed,
because he’s a Scully. Mick says that he feels pathetic clinging
on to Joe and his family.
and Allana are kissing on the sofa and she says she never
wants it to end. Suddenly, there’s a lot of noise outside,
and the house fills with everyone arriving from the deb ball.
goes outside, and Lance follows her, asking why she left.
She says that the big crowd isn’t really her thing. He begs
her to stay with him and says he’ll protect her. She agrees
to stay for a little while.

Tad is DJing at the party, and one of the band members asks
him whether he gets much work. Tad says he’ll put his name
down at the door of the club. Lance and Allana start dancing
amongst the crowd.
number 24, Madge and Harold are heading to bed, and Harold
hopes that the noise from number 30 won’t carry on all night.
Harold admits that he’s worried about Tad, and says that he’s
been through so much, and he wishes that they could have done
more for him. Madge points out that if he won’t respect their
authority, then there’s not much they can do.

next morning, people are leaving the party and taxis are pulling
up in the street. Karl gets up and watches it all from the
window, annoyed at being disturbed.
the Scully’s, Joe tells Michelle that everything with Mick
is under control. Lyn is on the phone, and calls Mick in,
explaining that it’s his wife, Di. He talks to her, and apologises
from being so hopeless. The conversation goes well, and he
goes into the kitchen and says that Di wants him to go home.
He thanks Lyn, while Joe gives him a number of a mate who
might have some work for him. Joe and Mick leave, while Lyn
hopes that Flick is ok at the party.

at number 30, Lance and Allana are dozing on the couch and
he asks her how she is. She says she’s fine and that his friends
are ok. Paul and Cheyenne appear from the kitchen as she’s
about to leave. She says that she wishes she could be closer
to Paul and they kiss, then Harold comes rushing in, looking
for Tad. Harold tells Tad that Stephen’s on the phone and
wants to talk to him about Tim.

number 24, Tad gets off the phone and explains to Madge and
Harold that everything’s fine, but he has to go into hospital
to begin the transplant process today.
huge bushfire is raging in the area, and Joe stops in his
cab to pick up a pregnant woman named Tina. She tells him
they’re going to Bakersfield, and Joe checks it out on his
is on the phone to Larry, saying that she got his card. He
tells her how much he misses her and she says she’ll try to
get to visit him. He has to hang up the phone as the prison
warden is looking over his shoulder.
and Tina are in the cab, and they’re driving further into
the smoke. Tina says that she thinks that the baby is coming.
Joe says that he’ll try to get her to hospital and she asks
if it’s going to be ok. He says that everything will be fine.
Nature are out in the street signing t shirts and posters
for Michelle and her friends.
is driving through more smoke and he asks Tina when the last
contraction was. She says 5 minutes and he tells her to breathe
deeply. He asks her if she wants to call her husband but she
says that he’s working abroad. They go over a big bump in
the road and Tina says that her waters have broken and that
the baby will be coming soon.
and Joel are having breakfast out by the pool and he says
that it’s nice. She says it was an unbelievable night and
she thanks him for agreeing to go with her. She says that
she’d better get going and he asks her to stay a bit longer.
is in a lot of pain in the back seat of the car, when Joe
comes across a fallen tree and has to reverse back down the
road. Tina says that the baby is coming, so Joe gets on the
phone to the emergency services to explain the situation.
He then phones Karl, who is just leaving the house, but he
picks up. Joe tells him what’s going on, and Karl asks how
far advanced she is. He says that she’s about to have the
baby, so Karl tells her to find somewhere safe to pull over,
then call him back and he’ll talk him through it. Joe tells
him that they need to be quick, then tells Tina that it’ll
all work out.


at number 30, Flick looks at Joel’s watch and says she really
has to go. Joel tells her to wait, then leans in and kisses
her. She looks at him, and they kiss again.

This episode had no normal recap music, instead using the
song He Don’t Love You by Human Nature. The producers
had originally scheduled this as the season finale, but Network
Ten extended the show’s run by two weeks at the last minute,
meaning that Episode 3680 actually
became the last episode of the year.
read the next episode in this sequence, click
by Steve