Channel Ten: 13/07/07 BBC One: 05/10/07
Title: Beautiful One Day...
Marcus Napier assures Oliver that he isn’t his father – but his sister, Rebecca, could be his mother and if she is, he should stay away as she’s trouble. After the boxing match, Janae tells her mum that she’s decided to stay in Erinsborough…
At the Community Hall, Janae and Janelle are now alone, and Janae is explaining that there’s too much for her to leave behind in Erinsborough, such as the garage and all of her friends. Janelle then mentions Ned, and asks her daughter if she’s falling for him?

At number 22, Oliver and Paul are amusing themselves by using the camera on the laptop to distort their faces, when Elle comes in and presents Oliver with Rebecca Napier’s telephone number. Oliver is wondering whether to bother calling her at all, after what Marcus said, but Paul suggests that he meet her and form his own judgements. He admits that he’s been putting off contacting his own family since his operation, but he is going to do it, and perhaps even speak to Robert. Elle is shocked, but Paul says that he needs to do it for Gail – and for himself.
Back at the community hall, Janae tries to deny her attraction to Ned, but says that he needs help at the moment as he’s struggling with suddenly being a father, and Mickey seems to like having her around. Janelle says that she’s changed her plans for enough guys in the past to recognise the signs, and she’s worried that Janae will be let down. Janae says that she’ll just stay until Ned and Mickey have sorted themselves out and she needs to be a good friend to Ned, as he supported her before the big fight. Janelle is impressed with her daughter’s generosity and hugs her.

At the bar, Lou is trying to advise Steph on her political campaign, since he was once the local Mayor, but Harold tells him that he needs to let go of that. Rachel and Zeke then come in, asking Steph about the little cocktail umbrellas. She sends them over to the bar, where they see Bree and Anne. Zeke lies that Susan sent them to get wine, then realising their age, he changes this to milk, before wondering why they came into the bar when they meant to go to the store. Bree sees straight through the lie and Rachel says that they’re just running some errands before they promptly leave. Anne and Bree agree that it all seemed very weird.
On Ramsay Street, a farewell barbecue for the Timmins family is underway. Janelle and Toadie are saying their goodbyes, as he jokes that property prices will go up now they’re leaving – he says that things won’t be the same without her, as there’ll be nobody to protect him from his mum. She tells him he’s an old softy and they hug, while Mickey begs Janae not to leave, but Ned says that she has to go and be with her family. As the Kennedy-Kinskis join the party, Bree says that it was nice of Rachel and Zeke to even bother attending, since they’re so busy. Steiger then announces that he needs everyone’s attention – he says that it’s the end of an era, with the Timmins family moving out, but it’s going to be a double celebration. He asks Janelle to join him and says that he’s hoping that right here and now, Janelle will do him the honour of becoming his wife. A thrilled Janelle hugs him.




Soon after, Janelle is with Bree and Janae, checking that they’re ok with the wedding going ahead, but they’re both delighted for their mum. Steiger has the same conversation with Pepper, who’s pleased to see her dad so happy. Meanwhile, Janae announces to her mum that she’s definitely going to Cairns with her, as being with her family is what’s important to her. Janelle then goes to join Steiger, while Janae looks over at Ned, disappointed.
At number 22, Oliver is leaving a message on Rebecca Napier’s answerphone, explaining the situation and asking if she can call him back. Elle says that he did well, but he’s worried that it might not even be the right person, and the answerphone message said ‘Rebecca and Declan’ so he starts wondering if Declan might be his dad. Paul then comes in and says that a lot of people have turned up to farewell the Timminses.




Back outside, Janelle and Steiger complete their vows and share a kiss, before Janelle makes a speech to her assembled friends and neighbours:
OK, um, I know that a fast game is a good game, so I’ll be quick. Boys; it has been a pleasure sharing a fence with you. Toad; you’re actually a top nephew, and thank you for all your hard work in keeping us out of jail. Karl; thanks for getting rid of that rooster, and thanks for lending us all of those records. [Karl points out that Janelle still has his Best Of The Easybeats record] Do I? And SusieQ. You know, I used to think you were stuck up but in the end you taught me how to be a good mother and a better person more than anyone else. You are my Yoda. And Sky; mother to my first beautiful grandchild. I love you, pet. Oh, there goes the mascara… I just wanna finish by saying that this is just a bunch of houses, side by side but it’s more than that. It’s really special and it’s you guys that make it special. And gosh – I’m gonna miss it. Better than a caravan park!
Steiger says that there’s nothing else to say, so it’s time for Janelle’s wedding present. Toadie then walks through the crowd followed by Daryl Braithwaite. A stunned Janelle screams “OH MY GOD!” and faints.
At Lassiter’s restaurant, Elle is trying to talk Paul out of using the place as a Salvation Army soup kitchen and reminds him that she and Oliver are in charge of the hotel now. As they sit down, Oliver walks over to them and says that one Rebecca Napier has just booked a room for that night.


On Ramsay Street, Daryl Braithwaite sings One Summer as all the couples of the street dance together. Janae and Pepper stand together, watching, then Adam sneaks up on Pepper and she hugs him.
Inside number 26, Pepper and Adam sit on the floor and share a kiss. He says that he’s going to stick around and sort his head out. In the kitchen, Rachel and Zeke come in to join Bree and Anne, and they give Bree a box containing something to remember everyone in Ramsay Street – a cocktail umbrella to remember the mocktails she made with Rachel and Summer, the itching powder they put in Pepper’s clothes… she thanks them both and they admit that it was killing them when she thought they’d forgotten. Bree says it’s amazing, and Rachel says that it was more amazing having Bree as a best friend.


At Lassiter’s, Elle apologises for the way she spoke to Paul earlier, but he says that it’s no longer his hotel and he needs to get used to that fact. Meanwhile, Oliver is watching people arriving at the hotel, wondering if one of them is Rebecca. Just then, she calls him…
At the bar, Janae arrives to say her goodbyes to Boyd, so Sky quicky leaves them alone. Boyd tells Janae how sorry he is for all the hurt he put her through, but Janae tells him to forget it. As they say their goodbyes and she leaves, Elle and Oliver are sitting at a table, waiting for Rebecca when she comes in and she and Oliver acknowledge each other with a smile.


At number 26, various guests are leaving, but Steiger tells them all to be at the sports oval in an hour, as he has one more surprise up his sleeve. In the kitchen, Steiger apologises to Adam for them not getting along to begin with, but says that he’s happy to meet another police officer and, as long as he continues to make Pepper happy, they’ll getting along fine from now on. Meanwhile, Janae is saying goodbye to Mickey and Ned, with Mickey hugging her, pleading with her to stay. Ned tells her to be happy, and Janae starts crying as she closes the door on them.
Back at the bar, Rebecca explains to Oliver that she was a little bit wild when she was younger and she ended up falling pregnant, so her dad sent her away until the baby was born, then the Barnes family, believing they couldn’t have kids of their own, offered to take the child. She admits that it seemed like a good idea, as she could watch her son grow up, but it was too painful and she left when Pamela and Clifford offered her money to go. Oliver says that she keeps referring to him as ‘the baby’ but he’s sitting right there in front of her. She tells him that she wanted to get in touch… he then asks who his father is – is it Declan? She tells him that Declan is her other son, then explains that she cares but this is too difficult and she doesn’t think that they should see each other again.





At the sports oval, everyone is stunned to find Janelle standing in front of a helicopter. Sky and Bree say their goodbyes, promising to be soul sisters forever. Janelle then hugs Susan, who says ‘may the force be with you’ and promises to send Karl’s records back to him – though he’s appalled at the idea of rare vinyl being put in the hands of Australia Post. Steiger says goodbye to Pepper and tells Adam to look after her, and they all start getting into the helicopter, but Janelle stops Janae, telling her that there’s no more room. She tells her daughter to stay, because there’s something special between her and Ned and she needs to give it a chance. Janae hugs Bree and goes to join the others as the helicopter takes off, and transports Janelle, Steiger, Bree and Anne out of Erinsborough…
Regular Cast Credits
Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Stephanie McIntosh as Sky Mangel, Stefan Dennis as Paul Robinson, Tom Oliver as Lou Carpenter, Pippa Black as Elle Robinson, Alan Fletcher as Karl Kennedy, Jackie Woodburne as Susan Kinski, Caitlin Stasey as Rachel Kinski, Matthew Werkmeister as Zeke Kinski, Ryan Moloney as Jarrod 'Toadfish' Rebecchi, Nell Feeney as Janelle Timmins, Eliza Taylor-Cotter as Janae Timmins, Sianoa Smit-McPhee as Bree Timmins, Carla Bonner as Steph Hoyland, Kyal Marsh as Boyd Hoyland, Daniel O'Connor as Ned Parker, Nicky Whelan as Heidi 'Pepper' Steiger, David Hoflin as Oliver Barnes
Guest Cast: Joe Clements as Sen. Sgt Allan Steiger, Tessa James as Anne Baxter, Fletcher O’Leary as Mickey Gannon, Benjamin Hart as Adam Rhodes, Jane Hall as Rebecca Napier, Brenda McKinty as Lili Ford, Daryl Braithwaite as himself
Trivia Notes
• Janelle Timmins & Allan Steiger get married - Allan's full name is given as Allan Frederick Steiger
• Nell Feeney (Janelle) and Sianoa Smit-McPhee (Bree) leave the regular cast
• Australian singer Daryl Braithwaite appears and performs his song One Summer in the episode
• Jane Hall joins the cast as Rebecca Napier, who mentions that she has another son named Declan
by Steve