Channel Ten: 23/07/07, BBC One: 15/10/07
Episode Title (not used on screen): A New Beginning
Ringo announces he’s home and walks up to Carmella, kissing her on the cheek, stunning those gathered around. He explains that if he’s going to do the time, he may as well do the crime. As a fully clothed Carmella joins him in the pool at Lassiter’s, he declares that she is crazy before they kiss...
On the road to Melbourne, a man, woman and their teenage daughter are driving in their van. He makes a joke about the difference between a trampoline and a Collingwood supporter is, whilst she warns him to be careful doing as such when they’re in Victoria. As they worry about their daughter, who is asleep, and hope that she settles in ok, they spot a kangaroo lying in the road. The man stops the van and gets out to examine the marsupial, waking up, the daughter follows.


In the pool at Lassiter’s, Ringo is enjoying a late night tryst with Carmella. She notices that he is trembling and asks if he is cold, he explains that he isn’t, it’s just that the situation is new for him. Suddenly aware of Ringo’s age, Carmella gets out of the pool and runs off, leaving Ringo feeling incredibly dejected.
At the side of the road, the man is explaining to his daughter that the kangaroo’s death would’ve been pretty painless, when they hear a noise and head off to investigate. Looking around in the bush they find a frightened joey. Picking it up, the man examines it and passes it to his daughter, telling her that he’d take its temperature when they next stopped, before getting back into the van. The family has clearly taken in injured animals before and the woman is initially unimpressed with the thought of another, eventually though, she relents. The man promises not to save every injured animal they came across, just every second one, and starts the engine.


At Lassiter’s, a broken hearted Ringo is sitting against the side of the pool as Frazer enters, wondering what he’s still doing up. Frazer explains that he is too nervous to sleep, and wonders if Ringo is having the same problem. Ringo says that he has nothing to be nervous about, as he isn’t doing anything, but Frazer tells him that he has to make a speech. Stunned, Ringo says that is the best man’s job, but Frazer explains that he’s changed his mind as he couldn’t have got through the past few months without him, and wants him by his side. Ringo says that he’d be honoured.
The next morning, Rosetta wakes up to in the hotel suite to find that everyone else is still asleep and that they are running incredibly late. Panicking, she runs over to the karaoke machine and screams down the microphone for everyone to get up. As Rosetta chases everyone else out of the door, Pepper & Carmella try to calm her down, to no avail, as Toadie returns to collect his trousers from underneath the blubbering bride, before Carmella sends her off to the shower whilst throwing Toadie out.

At the garage, Janae is doing paperwork as Ned is working on a car when the truck we saw earlier pulls up. Turning around, Ned is thrilled to see the man, whom he calls ‘Stevo’, hugging him before saying hello to the woman, Miranda, and finally the girl, whom he calls ‘Didge.’ Ned says that he wasn’t expecting them until the following week and questions them about the joey and where they are staying. As they explain, they mention that the place they are renting in Anson’s Corner is fully furnished and they hadn’t realised, and ask if Ned knows of anywhere they can store their furniture until they get sorted. Walking over to Janae, Ned explains that the man is his brother and asks if they can use the garage at number 26 to store their furniture. Less than pleased by Ned’s ask for help, given his previous request for her to stay out of his business, introducing herself to the Steve, Miranda & Bridget, Janae relents and tells them that they are more than welcome to use her garage.
At the church, Father Capetola walks out to see Frazer, Ringo & Oliver tidying themselves up, asking if they are running a bit late, and enquiring about the ladies. They explain that they’re ready and that the bridal party is totally under control.

In the limo, Rosie is panicking that she left her something blue, a sapphire bracelet belonging to her grandmother, on her dressing table at home and is less than impressed when Carmella slips a blue hair bobble onto her wrist and begins to regret having the party the night before.
Back at the church, Ringo realises that he has forgotten the button-hole flowers and grabs some from outside the church in a bid to hopefully placate Rosetta.

In the limo, Pepper and Carmella are fussing over Rosetta, so she tells them to stop, but unfortunately the driver follows her instructions and brakes suddenly, leaving her with a line of lipstick up her face.
At the church, Frazer’s mum, Prue, arrives and he introduces his mum to Oliver. He then turns around to see his father and thrills his parents by standing up, then hugging his father.

Still in the limo, Carmella is reassuring Rosie, explaining that all that matters is her and Frazer standing up at the altar declaring their love for each other, the rest is just stuff. Touched, Rosie tells her that she is the best sister in the world, before turning to Pepper and saying that she is the best too and telling them both that she loves them before they all burst into tears.
At the church, Rocco arrives in a police car and is greeted by Lucia, who threatens to kill him if he ruins Rosie’s big day. He tells her that she looks beautiful as the limo arrives and she quickly ushers everyone into the church. Whilst in the limo, Pepper & Carmella ask Rosetta if she is ready, she says that she is.




In the church, the procession begins, with everyone standing as the bridesmaids walk down the aisle, followed by the blushing bride and her father. Meanwhile, Oliver asks Frazer if he wants to sit down for a while, but the groom says that there is not a chance. As they reach the altar, Rosie thanks her father before turning to face her husband to be and the ceremony begins and the couple begin to vow their unending loyalty to each other. Looking into Rosetta’s eyes, Frazer recites his vows:
I want every day, good or bad, to be shared with you because to wake up without you beside me is to not exist. Doing the smallest thing with you means more to me than the air I breathe because knowing that you will be in my life always makes anything possible. You have set me free by marrying me. For these reasons and more, Rosie, I love you.
Looking back at Frazer, Rosetta follows:
Love is your smile, love is the warmth in your hand on mine, love is the care you take in all that you do for me. I was ready to live the rest of my life looking for you, now I will spend it standing beside you looking forward. I know I’m not perfect, but when I look into your eyes, I am and our love enables me to trust the world and my place in it. I love you Frazer and I always will.
They both go on to promise to be together in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health and to love and honour each other for all the days of their lives. Having completed their vows, they are declared husband & wife and as they turn to kiss, the guests break into rapturous applause and a standing ovation as they walk down the aisle together.
In the driveway of number 26, the Parkers are unloading their furniture into the garage as Janae waits impatiently. Bridget complains about having to carry everything the long way, but Steve retorts that it is a big truck and suggests that she try reversing it into the driveway, which Didge is more than willing to try. Janae tells Ned that they have to go, as she doesn’t want to miss the reception as well as the wedding and is unimpressed when Ned tells her to go ahead without him. Steve comments that he wouldn’t want Janae as his boss, but Ned explains that she’s just a bit annoyed with him at the moment. As Steve & Ned have a battle to see who can beat who at noogies, Mickey runs up with Jake and asks if he can have a ride in the truck. Bridget, Miranda & Steve are stunned to hear the little boy refer to Ned as dad, and Ned introduces Mickey to his Uncle, Auntie & cousin, before Mickey runs off indoors, leaving Ned thrilled that he called him dad.




At the reception, Ringo is making his speech:
Fraze is, pretty much, my hero. You all know what he’s been through just to be here today but, more important than that, when I have Fraze beside me, I feel like I can do anything and I know I’m not the only one. And Rosie, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone so loving and caring. I mean to see my brother with someone like you, together both of you just come alive. I mean to have what you two have, well that’s what it’s all about isn’t it?
As the speech finishes, Oliver makes a toast “to Frazer and Rosetta, may your love endure beyond the last sunset.” The guests join in the toast, whilst Toadie starts tapping his fork against his glass, clearly impatient and complaining about the food, considering it was an Italian wedding, at which Steph starts laughing and asks what his perfect meal would be, to which he replies that it’s got cheese.
As the bridal waltz begins, Ringo asks Carmella to join him, but she isn’t sure and makes excuses not to, however she eventually relents before announcing a gift that she has for Rosie, the Cammeniti 12-step, danced by Pepper, Harold, Elle, Janae and herself.




In the living room at number 22, Mickey asks Didge if she has a name for the joey yet and suggests that she call him ‘Pouch’, which she likes. Meanwhile in the dining room, Ned is explaining to Steve & Miranda about Kirsten & Mickey and mentions that he bit Janae’s head off last week when she tried to help out, confirming Miranda’s suspicions that she was more than his boss. Ned asks about their work and Miranda mentions that a few of her Sydney clients have given her names of their Melbourne offices, which is a good start as word of mouth is important with Event Management, whilst Steve says that he’ll be ready to open up shop in a week or two. Ned tells him that there isn’t a lot of native animals in Erinsborough and tells him to be prepared for more domestic things, like dog washing and cat worming. Steve says that animals is animals, as Mickey walks in, asking again for a ride in the truck, but Ned puts him off.
Outside the church, Prue & Graham congratulate the happy couple, whilst Frazer’s brother and Rosie’s ex-fiance, Johnny does the same, telling Rosie that Frazer will make her happy. Impatient as ever, Pepper calls for Rosie to throw her bouquet, which she does, however Pepper is less than pleased when Janae catches it, but with one failed marriage already, she passes it over her, not in a hurry to marry again. As the newlyweds head off towards the limo, the crowd throw confetti before waving them off. Toadie, Steph, Oliver, Elle, Carmella, Adam, Pepper, Janae & Ringo then get into the minibus they’ve hired, however Janae realises that she’s forgotten her handbag and gets out at the last minute, who tells them to go on as she’ll get a lift home with Harold.



In the minibus, Steph is trying to encourage the passengers to sing, but they are not at all enthusiastic, whilst Ringo is more interested in Carmella, whilst back in Ramsay Street, Mickey gets into the Parkers’ van. The crowd in the minibus eventually give in and start singing, whilst Ringo decides to move to the back of the bus to sit by Carmella.


In Ramsay Street, Mickey is ‘driving’ the van when, unbeknownst to him, he releases the handbrake and the vehicle starts rolling out of the driveway and down the street and is unable to stop it. As Toadie turns into the street, he is greeted with the horrifying sight of the van hurtling towards the minibus and unable to get out of the way in time, the vehicles collide.
Regular Cast Credits
Cast: Steve Bastoni as Steve Parker, Nikki Coghill as Miranda Parker, Eloise Mignon as Bridget 'Didge' Parker, Natalie Blair as Carmella Cammeniti, Sam Clark as Ringo Brown, Nicky Whelan as Heidi 'Pepper' Steiger, Ryan Moloney as Jarrod 'Toadfish' Rebecchi, David Hoflin as Oliver Barnes, Carla Bonner as Stephanie Hoyland, Pippa Black as Elle Robinson, Benjamin Hart as Adam Rhodes, Eliza Taylor-Cotter as Janae Timmins, Dan O’Connor as Ned Parker, Natalie Saleeba as Rosetta Cammeniti, Ben Lawson as Frazer Yeats, Jackie Woodburne as Susan Kinski, Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Fletcher O'Leary as Mickey Gannon
Guest Cast: Mark Doggett as Father Capetola, Penny Cook as Prue Brown, David Murray as Graham Brown, Maria Mercedes as Lucia Cammeniti, Robert Forza as Rocco Cammeniti, Lawrence Price as Johnny Brown
Trivia Notes
• The registration of the Parkers’ Toyota Dyna 300 truck is KQX 423
• Frazer & Rosie’s Wedding is at 10am
• The Parkers are staying at a fully furnished place in Anson’s Corner
• Rosetta’s something blue was going to be her Nanna’s sapphire bracelet, but she left it on her dresser at home
• The registration of the police car that Rocco arrives in is MWA 183
• Mickey calls Ned ‘Dad’ for the first time
• Miranda works in Event Management, whilst Steve is a Vet, specialising in the treatment of native animals
• The registration of the limo is THB 137
• The registration of the minibus is QXL 725
• Steph sings One Hundred Green Bottles and everyone joins in on She’ll Be Coming Round The Mountain
• In this appearance, the Catholic priest was credited as Father Capetola, which is the spelling used here, however other spellings have included Capotella and Capitola
by Callum