Magic Moments
> 2007
> Libby and Ben's Return
Episode 5341
by John Hanlon, Directed
by Jovita O'Shaughnessy, Produced
by Peter Dodds
Channel Ten: 12/11/07, Five: 25/02/08
Toadie and Cynthia Peters discuss a deal to keep Susan out of prison. Susan collapses during the trial. At the hospital, Karl tells Zeke he doesn‘t know for certain what’s wrong with Susan, but Zeke knows he has a hunch that it isn’t good.
In the city, Toadie explains to Judge Roy Evans that Susan is changing her plea to guilty and that she’s unavailable to be there today.
At the hospital Doctor Demi Vinton sits down with Susan and Karl and tells Susan that she’s been having TIAs which are mini strokes. Susan looks shocked.
Back in the judge’s office, prosecutor Peters has nothing to add but recommends a sentence of one year, suspended for three years, no gaol. Toadie looks relieved.

In the hospital again, Demi explains that the clots can be controlled but says there is still a risk of major stroke, particularly over the next few months.
Toadie and Cynthia leave the office and tell the waiting Parker family the verdict. Bridget looks pleased.
In Doctor Vinton’s office Susan is looking shaken; Karl takes her hand.
Rachel arrives home early at 28 Ramsay Street and shouts “Hello” to find no one is home. Ringo follows her in through the front door and greets her. He wants to talk but she says she has to get to the court, but Ringo explains that Susan is in hospital.
Karl and Susan step into the hospital waiting area and Susan asks where Zeke is, but Karl had sent him to the canteen. They hug. Toadie arrives to give Susan the good news about the court case and she hugs him, but Toadie picks up on the fact that the hospital news is not as good.

Later in Toadie’s office, he explains to Rosie that Susan had been having mini strokes. Rosie asks to have a debrief about the case with regard to Toadie nearly jeopardising the law firm by not turning up. Toadie brings up Catherine Michael walking out on them because of Rosie, but she argues that that’s not fair. Toadie says he owed Susan, but Rosie asks what he owes her as a partnership. Toadie admits that he was unprofessional and asks to move on.
Rachel runs into the hospital and finds a worried looking Zeke. She asks what’s wrong with Susan but he doesn’t know yet. Susan and Karl come round the corner and are pleased to see Rachel. Susan says she’s been having little turns but Karl adds “mini strokes”, but Susan quickly tries to make it sound less serious than that. Zeke asks if they can fix it and Susan says they can with medication and less cholesterol in the diet. She jokes that she won’t be able to eat the weekly chocolate cheese cake and Rachel says she’ll manage it on her own. After an awkward silence Susan tells the kids about the court case news and leads them to the exit. Karl looks pensive.

Outside no. 30, Declan meets Ringo and says he thought he had a spare this morning, but Ringo says he has a group study session. Declan teases by asking if it’s with Jessica Wallace, Ringo tells him to shut up and says Rachel got back today and that it was over before it started with Jess.
Steve, Miranda and Bridget gets out of their car at no. 26. Miranda wants to go and see Susan but Steve says their car isn’t back yet. Didge shouts to Dec. He walks over to her and looks awkwardly at her stick. Bridget says she’s remembered the fight they had before her accident and that he shouldn’t blame himself for what happened. She asks to be mates again and they give each other five and smile.

Valda writes a cheque for Carmella in Charlie’s bar. Steph comes over and shows her the divorce papers from Max and Valda asks that there are no regrets. Steph confirms there aren’t but says it makes things so final. Toadie comes in looking down and asks if there’s any coffee. Valda tries to comfort him by saying Susan’s condition isn’t necessarily fatal as her aunt had them and lived to 95, but Toadie is unimpressed. Valda gets the coffee and Steph sits Toadie down to talk. He tells her about his argument with Rosie and says she was right. He goes on to say Susan was only kept out of gaol because of Bridget not his actions and that his performance was a disgrace from beginning to end.
Declan knocks on the door of number 26 and Didge answers. He tells her not to interrupt as he needs to get something out; he says he doesn’t want to be just mates and he’d like to go out to a movie with her. She asks if he means on a date and he tells her not to call it that but yes. She agrees.

Carmella sits at the bar in Charlie’s and Marco enters from behind her singing “Oh Bella Carmella!” in a deep voice. She smiles and calls him an attention seeker, then asks if he wants something. He asks what she’s offering - she says she has work to do and he asks if she has time to tell him why she ran away after the incredibly amazing kisses. She says she has to leave to do her deliveries and Marco says she should cut them down to one a day. She says her customers expect two, but he says he checked and the customers would be happy with one. She angrily says she now needs to contact them to assure them Marco’s talking out of his backside. Marco smirks. Also in Charlie’s, Toadie is looking at a newspaper and circles an advert for a builders labourer. Steph comes over and spots it. She laughs at the idea of Toadie building but he feigns enthusiasm. Concerned, Steph asks what’s going on in Toadie’s head. He says it’s time for a change of career because he can’t cope with high stress situations. Steph says the panic attacks can be overcome and it doesn’t mean he’s a reject, but he can’t be convinced.
Carmella enters the General Store holding a box of vegetables and places them on the counter while congratulating Rosetta on keeping Susan out of gaol. But Rosie is downhearted due to her argument with Toadie, she changes the subject to Marco but Carmella says “Don’t ask…”. Valda comes in and greets Carmella, she then breaks the news that the website designer Retail Dreams has gone bankrupt. Carmella begins to panic that she’s already paid them and Valda says she managed to get her a partial refund and hands over the cheque which only covers half of what Carmella paid. Valda says she’s sorry and looks very upset.


In the driveway of no. 28 Karl, Susan and Zeke arrive home. Zeke seems gloomy and goes inside. Harold comes over saying how relieved he is to see Susan home. A red car comes up the road and Karl and Susan recognise that it’s their daughter Libby. As the car pulls up Libby smiles and Susan gives her a look of recognition. Karl goes to the back of the car to greet his grandson Ben. Libby goes over to Susan and they hug. Susan cries.
Inside no. 28 Ben is playing his baritone badly and Libby tells him that’s enough. Everyone applauds him. Sitting at the dining table, Libby, Harold and Karl discuss the trial verdict and say what a relief it is that it’s worked out. Karl tells Libby that Susan has been suffering a series of strokes. Susan comes over and says they’re only mini strokes and the condition is perfectly manageable. Changing the subject, Susan calls over to Rachel who is playing with Ben, and asks about some tea. Rachel is eager to make it but Libby offers the organic camomile and Portuguese tarts she’s brought with her. Harold says he has to go and asks Libby how long she’s staying and if Darren is coming too, Libby says she’ll stay as long as ma needs her. Harold says goodbye. Rachel looks a little dejected.

Inside no. 28 Ben is playing his baritone badly and Libby tells him that’s enough. Everyone applauds him. Sitting at the dining table, Libby, Harold and Karl discuss the trial verdict and say what a relief it is that it’s worked out. Karl tells Libby that Susan has been suffering a series of strokes. Susan comes over and says they’re only mini strokes and the condition is perfectly manageable. Changing the subject, Susan calls over to Rachel who is playing with Ben, and asks about some tea. Rachel is eager to make it but Libby offers the organic camomile and Portuguese tarts she’s brought with her. Harold says he has to go and asks Libby how long she’s staying and if Darren is coming too, Libby says she’ll stay as long as ma needs her. Harold says goodbye. Rachel looks a little dejected.
In the General Store Carmella and Marco sit down together and she gives him Valda’s cheque, explaining that Retail Dreams went bust. She apologizes, says she’ll pay him back the rest of the money and that she won’t hold him to their business agreement but he insists he’s in for the long haul. He goes onto say his cousin could make the website work for ten thousand but Carmella says she wasn’t asking for help, but he says it’s no problem. Libby bursts in on Toadie in his office saying “Sue! Sue ‘em all!”. They hug and she says she’s there for a visit. Toadie asks if she wants to get lunch but she says she can’t as she’s shopping for mum and dad. They sit down and he asks if she’s spoken to Billy and Anne lately. She says she has today and Billy won’t shut up about the miracle of fatherhood. Libby goes on to thank Toadie for looking after Susan and he asks about how she’s taking the medical news. Lib says nothing wipes a smile off her mum’s face. Toadie invites Darren to come over for beer and football on Friday night, but Libby says he’s still up in Shep. She then changes the subject to Toadie and Steph’s relationship and he says it’s going well. Rosie comes in and is introduced as the Cammeniti in “Rebecchi Cammeniti” - which prompts Libby to congratulate Toadie on his own partnership. Libby leaves and Rosie sits at Toadie’s desk to apologise for what she said that morning. But Toad says she was on the money.

In no. 26’s living room Rachel and Didge discuss Susan’s illness. Bridget then asks if Rachel knew about Ringo and Jessica Wallace both getting detention together, and they agree she’s a moll. Didge says she and Declan have made up and he asked her out. Miranda over hears this from the kitchen and nearly spits out her coffee. She then interrupts the girls and sternly asks Bridget for a word.
Rosie and Carmella sit in the General Store and Carmella is moaning about Marco being involved in her business, but Rosetta points out it’s partly his business now and she can’t let her pride get in the way. Carmella says she’s worried about relying on him and losing her independence and Rosie says this is about her attraction to him - then Carmella blurts that she and Marco kissed. Rosie looks shocked and then exclaims that she’s a “lucky, lucky, lucky girl”. Carmella grunts as though she’s angry with herself.

Back at no. 26 Miranda is telling Didge that she thinks Declan is a loose cannon. Bridget sulks that she really likes Dec but if she doesn’t want her to see him she won’t. Miranda caves in and says she can go to a movie with him, as long as it’s during the day. Didge is delighted and leaves the dining room, Riley pokes fun at his mother for giving in so easily. Miranda puts an envelope in a bunch of flowers she has and Riley asks if they’re for Susan - she tells him not to start.
Toadie’s on the phone in his office; he’s asking about a job. Steph comes in as he ends the call and he tells her Lib is back. Steph says that’s fantastic. She then questions that Toadie is still looking for a new job. He says it’s good thing for everyone - especially Rosie as the firm won’t survive with him in charge. Steph begs him to take more time to think about it. A few moments later in Rosie’s office Toadie tells her that he’s leaving law. He says he’ll talk more about it later and turns to leave but Rosie tells him he’s not going anywhere and shuts the door on him.

In Ramsay Street, Miranda is walking towards the Kennedy Kinski house with the bunch of flowers for Susan. Zeke is outside and intercepts her, asking if she’s hurt Susan enough. Miranda says she wants to apologise and Zeke shouts at her that Susan’s just been in hospital and could have a stroke at any moment. Miranda is stunned and says that’s terrible. Zeke suggests she should come back another time; or even better, never. Miranda walks away and Zeke looks furious.
Regular Cast Credits
Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Ryan Moloney as Jarrod 'Toadfish' Rebecchi, Alan Fletcher as Karl Kennedy, Jackie Woodburne as Susan Kinski, Kym Valentine as Libby Kennedy, Blake O'Leary as Ben Kirk, Joan Sydney as Valda Sheergold, James Sorensen as Declan Napier, Matthew Werkmeister as Zeke Kinski, Sam Clark as Ringo Brown, Caitlin Stasey as Rachel Kinski, Carla Bonner as Stephanie Scully, Natalie Blair as Carmella Cammeniti, Natalie Saleeba as Rosetta Cammeniti, Eloise Mignon as Bridget 'Didge' Parker, Nikki Coghill as Miranda Parker, Steve Bastoni as Steve Parker, Jesse Rosenfeld as Marco Silvani
Guest Cast: Peter Byrne as Roy Evans, Jenny Seedsman as Cynthia Peters, Angela Twigg as Demi Vinton
Trivia Notes
• New opening titles add Marco, Libby, Ben and Daniel and remove Pepper and Adam
• Libby, Ben, Marco and Valda are all added to the regular cast list in the closing credits
• Valda had an auntie back in Wothering who had TIAs and she lived to be 95
• Carmella’s cousin Vinnie starts working for her today
• When Susan arrives home she suggests to Zeke that they watch some classic footie; the ‘99 grand final
• Blake O’Leary is the third actor to play Ben Kirk. He is the younger brother of Fletcher O’Leary (Mickey Gannon) and had previously played Tyler Smith in two episodes in 2007
• Ben’s first words on returning are “Good to see you” to Karl after he’d said the same, and then “Yeah” after being asked if he remembers Mr Bishop
• Ben plays the baritone which is a small version of a tuba
• Libby’s first words on returning are “OK Ben, that’s enough” about his baritone playing
• Susan enjoys the Portuguese tarts made in the little bakery just outside of Shepparton
• Marco has a cousin Frank who works in IT
by David