At Charlie’s, Lucas is annoyed with Paul for setting him and Elle up. Their conversation is interrupted by a phonecall from Elle, and as Lucas leaves to answer it, he smiles at someone walking into the bar. The stranger walks to Paul, bumps into him and drops her phone. He hands it back to her and is bemused by the stranger’s tight red dress. The woman flirts and asks him to buy her a drink. Paul laughs her off and mistakes her for a prostitute. She corrects him, revealing that she is a receptionist, but that doesn’t mean she has to dress like one, and leaves.
Ty finds Rachel at the lake and tells her that Karl and Susan are freaking out. She suggests that Libby should be the one they are freaking out over, not her. He tries to make her feel better, but she angrily snaps at him. She relents, thanking him for trying and holds his hand.
Dan takes Libby into Zeke’s bedroom and tells her that she has to find a way to deal with her guilt. He suggests talking to Zeke, even if he’s not there.

Ty tells Rachel that if she doesn’t stop bottling up her grief, it’ll kill her. She finally breaks down and he hugs her.
Alone, Libby apologises to her brother, saying that she tried to hold on, but couldn’t. She asks for his forgiveness. Dan comes back to console her.

Rachel tells Ty that she loves him.
Declan and Didge arrive at number 22 with news that the new occupants are moving into Harold’s house soon and he wants a welcoming party on the street for them. Ringo and Donna go with them. Tegan tries to get out of coming too, but Donna forces her.



Harold, Lou, Toadie, Steve and Rebecca are joined by teens as they wait for their new neighbour. They’re shocked when an expensive car pulls up and the woman from the bar exits: Cassandra Freedman, Donna’s mother. Harold introduces himself and she thanks him for changing her life. The men are quick to make a good impression and help with her luggage. Rebecca is silenced when told her dress is very slimming and Cass explains to Donna that thanks to Harold, they have a chance to start over as a family. They all head into the house.

Miranda arrives. The men are smitten with Cass, Rebecca is unimpressed. Cass and Harold finish their tour of the house and she thanks everyone for being so welcoming, noting that she had it rough with her criminal husband. She thinks this is the beginning of a new life and asks everyone to call her Sass. Miranda and Rebecca discuss their new neighbour, quickly forming a judgement when they see Cass patting Steve on the bum. They all leave and Cass wants to be introduced to Ringo. Donna warns her mother to stay away from him, demanding to know who she scammed to get the house. Simon tries to defend his mother and gets into an argument with Donna. She begins to cry, begging Cass not to ruin this for her because she doesn’t want to be run out of town again. She tells her mum to stay out of her life and storms out, followed by Ringo.

Donna and Cass are speaking to Elle, with Donna insisting that she wants to keep on living at number 22. Cass argues that she just wants them to make a fresh start and learn to trust each other again. Paul and Sam come downstairs and Paul is shocked to see the woman from the bar in his living room. Cass allows her daughter to stay, but promises to work things out, then leaves. Elle also has to go, promising to talk to Donna about the situation later.
Cass wants to know why Tegan never told her about the pregnant woman living with Paul, who, she insists, was all over him. Cass eventually says sorry, saying they can’t let anything get in the way of their plan: they deserve a better life and Paul’s money will give them that. Tegan is convinced that Sam is no competition and Cass hopes she isn’t, because ‘there’s only room for one Mrs. Robinson.’

Outside, Donna is sure that her mother is there for a reason, but Ringo thinks that she’s nice. Donna can’t believe that he didn’t notice her coming on to him, pointing out that it wouldn’t be the first time. She warns him to stay away from her.

At Harold’s Store, Elle stares at the photos of Zeke. Lucas enters and is questioned if he feels okay about all of this. For a moment, he thinks she’s talking about their night together in the country, but realises she’s referring to the memorial. Elle wants to question the fruit picker and tell Susan and Karl about the drawing. Lucas says no and asks why, if the boy is Zeke, hasn’t he come home? Karl and Susan come in and are pleased with the set-up for the memorial. Ty and Rachel also arrive and she is pleased to hear that Libby isn’t coming. Lucas tells Elle that unless she has proof, to keep quiet.
Rebecca witnesses Cass trying to get her dress caught in the car door. She spies on her secretly, seeing her throw the keys of the car under it and call for Paul’s help. Cass asks Paul to help her get out of her dress, so she can get her spare keys from inside. He unzips her and she heads inside, as Paul properly introduces himself. Rebecca is appalled.


Paul knocks on her door, asking if she needs any help and apologises for thinking she was a prostitute in the bar. Cass is fine with it, so long as he doesn’t think she’s easy. He doesn’t, and she gives him a passionate kiss, before pushing him out the door and telling him goodbye.
The residents are gathering at Harold’s Store for Zeke’s memorial. The teens present Rachel with Zeke’s shirt, signed by everyone at school. Harold asks everyone to take a seat as they gather to celebrate the life of someone who was very precious to all of them, ‘a bright shining star that burned out long before his time.’ He asks everyone to speak and then light a candle in Zeke’s memory. Didge goes first…

“Zeke always said that if you were going to tell a story, that you should tell it quick or tell it funny. So this is both. It’s about the time Zeke caught me naked…”
Ringo and Declan light some candles and Ringo speaks:
“He made me feel like I had someone even when all my family had gone. I just wish it didn’t take this to make me realise I had another brother…”

Susan goes up to speak and she cries as she lights a candle:
“When Alex died, Zeke didn’t speak for weeks. It was a difficult time but I took comfort in knowing that even though I couldn’t hear his voice, his heart was still with me. And it always will be.”
Libby and Dan enter, just as Karl takes his turn:
“Zeke Kinski was one of the finest young men I’ve ever known. We had our ups and downs, but I’d like to think we made it through that with a very warm and respectful friendship.”

Rachel continues to stare at Libby…
Instead of speaking, Rachel chooses to sing. Ty begins to play the guitar as she begins to cry. She forces herself to continue, but breaks down. Libby interrupts, beginning to sing the opening lines of ‘Unforgettable’ to her as she walks toward Rachel. Forgiving Libby, Rachel hugs her and everyone solemnly begins to sing along.


Later in Zeke’s bedroom, Karl, Susan and Rachel discuss the day’s events. Rachel can’t believe she choked, but they comfort her with the knowledge that Harold and Lou more than made up for it in volume. As Karl and Rachel go to put the kettle on, Susan begins to fold one of Zeke’s t-shirts. When she places it in his drawer, a packet of photographs fall out and she is shocked to see who they’re of…
Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Elle Robinson, Donna Freedman, Lou Carpenter, Steve Parker, Miranda Parker, Bridget 'Didge' Parker, Rebecca Napier, Declan Napier, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Libby Kennedy, Rachel Kinski, Daniel ‘Fitzy’ Fitzgerald, Lucas Fitzgerald, Jarrod ‘Toadie’ Rebecchi, Ringo Brown, Ty Harper
Guest Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Simone Buchanan as Samantha Fitzgerald, Tottie Goldsmith as Cassandra Freedman, Chelsea Jones as Tegan Freedman, Mauricio Merino Jr as Simon Freedman
Trivia Notes
• Tottie Goldsmith begins an 11-week guest stint as Cassandra Freedman
• Elle’s mobile number is 0437582497
• Cassandra drives a 1957 Chevrolet Bel Airs Sport Coupe. Registration UJJ 857
• The fridge magnets at No 24 spell out 'Welcome home'
by Conor