Magic Moments
> 2013
> Rhys's Death
Episode 6603
by Pete McTighe, Directed
by Laurence Wilson, Produced
by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 20/03/13, Five: 17/04/13
Rani argues with her mum about the dress and tells her she hates her... Robbo and Mason's robbery goes wrong, and Sonya spots them... Sonya recognises Mason's belt... In the marquee, Priya tells Rhys that she's ruined her daughter's life...
Sonya throws the bouquet, and the marquee suddenly explodes...
Rhys opens his eyes and tries to stand up. Outside the collapsed marquee, Toadie also wakes up and then sees Sonya lying unconscious on the ground. Ajay realises what's happened and rushes into the marquee, looking for Priya. Toadie can't wake Sonya and starts screaming for
Karl to help him. Callum runs over, closely followed by Karl - Toadie tells him that Sonya's bleeding from the back of her head. Karl tells Toadie that Sonya will need to be assessed in hospital, warning him not to move her. He then goes to help other injured people. Ajay
is crawling through the wreckage trying to find Priya, but only finds her phone.
The paramedics arrive and start tend to Sonya, whilst Kyle spots Rhys and runs over to him. Georgia and Karl join them, and Rhys insists that he's just hurt his ribs but he's a doctor and he
knows that he's fine. Despite Rhys's protests, Karl tells Georgia to stay with Rhys until the paramedics arrive, and don't let him stand up. Ajay finds an unconscious Priya and pulls a pillar from on top of her - he starts screaming for someone to come and help. Ajay kisses
Priya and says he'll come back to her, before running outside looking for help. Karl and Kyle go back in with him, as Georgia and Rhys watch. Karl tells Ajay to put pressure on Priya's abdomen where she has a serious wound.





The paramedics tells Toadie that they'll be transferring Sonya to the hospital now. Nobody can tells Toadie if she's going to be OK. Meanwhile, Georgia and a paramedic help Rhys over to an ambulance,
with him complaining that the whole thing is ridiculous. Rhys says that as soon as they get to the hospital, he's going to check himself out. Kyle runs into the marquee, followed by some paramedics, and Karl tells them that Priya stopped breathing but he resuscitated her. The
paramedics start working on her, as Ajay sits and watches.

At the hospital, various injured wedding guests are sitting around waiting. Georgia goes over to Rhys, who is still insisting that he's ok, and tells him that he's in the queue for x-ray. He asks
how everyone else is, and Georgia explains that Sonya is still unconscious. Rhys wants to help somehow, but Georgia tells him to just stay put. He then asks her to call his mum at the care home, but to tell her not to panic. Priya is wheeled past, followed by Ajay, and
Karl asks Georgia to check Ajay over for smoke inhalation. Karl quietly tells Rhys that Priya has stopped breathing twice, and had to be resuscitated again in the ambulance. Ajay then tries to call Rani.
At number 22, Rani ignores her phone. Sophie asks her if she's going to sulk all afternoon, and tries to convince her to go back to the reception. Rani again says that she hates her mum, and shows Sophie a text from Priya, which just says 'Hurry back. I...'
claiming that her mum couldn't be bothered to even finish it. Sophie says that parents can be dumb sometimes, but at least Rani still has both of hers. Ajay continues to try calling her, but Rani decides to ignore it again.
At the hospital, Ajay leaves a message for Rani, then asks Karl if there's any news. Karl explains that Priya has gone into theatre, but promises that he's going to be with her.
Back at number 22, Rani refuses to listen to her dad's message, and turns the tv on.



Back at the hospital, Ajay had tried Rani's phone again, with no luck. He sees Kyle and asks him to go back to Ramsay Street and try to find her, suggesting
that she might be at Sophie's.
Outside, Toadie finds Callum sitting on a bench. Toadie tells him that Sonya's having another scan, as she has a bleed on the brain, but he insists that she'll be fine. Callum remembers everything that Toadie said about the wedding being
cursed, but Toadie says that they have to be positive and send positive vibes to Sonya. He asks Callum to go home and be with Nell, as he wants one of them to be with her at the moment.
At Charlie's, Tash is serving people but is distracted by everything that's happened. Chris tries to help her, saying that it looks like a gas cylinder exploded. Andrew then comes over and tells Tash that Paul's at the police station, as
there was an attempted robbery earlier. Andrew has to go down there, so Chris agrees to stay and help Tash at the bar. He gives Tash a hug, and she says that she just wants everyone to be ok.

At the hospital, Georgia wheels Elaine in to speak to Rhys, who's surprised that she came all this way when he's absolutely fine. She explains that she had to come
as she felt bad about their last conversation, about his dad. She says that she isn't going to stop him from seeing his dad - life's too short, and if he wants to do it, then he should. She warns him not to let Eddie shift the blame though.
Elaine tells Rhys that she loves him, and he says that he loves her too, but he's fine and she shouldn't worry. He then asks Georgia to wheel her out.
At number 22, Sophie notices the missed calls piling up on Rani's phone and thinks she should try calling her dad back. Just then, Kyle turns up and tells Rani that she's been an accident and her mum's hurt. A stunned Rani goes with him,
as Sophie takes a call from Paul and asks him what's going on.
Rani arrives at the hospital, and Ajay explains that she was an explosion, and that Priya is in theatre so they can't see her yet. Rani wants to know if her mum is going to be ok, but Ajay isn't sure what to tell her. Rani shows him the
half-finished text message from her mum and realises that she must have been sending it when it happened. She apologises to her dad and he hugs her.



At number 30, Callum is cradling Nell, telling her that everything's going to be ok - their mum will be in hospital for a while, but she'll be ok. Sophie then bursts
in and is happy to see that Callum's ok. She asks after everyone else, and Callum explains that Sonya's in hospital. Sophie asks if she's going to be ok, and Callum replies that she has to be.
At the hospital, Toadie sits by Sonya's bed, and says that it took them long enough to get married, but it was worth it. He tells her how beautiful she looked, and that he's glad she came to find them, as they were meant to be. He wants
her to come back to them, so that they can move on and grow old together.
Kyle checks that Georgia is ok, telling her to take it easy. She says that she doesn't have time, as there are a lot of people counting on her - we then see Sonya in her hospital bed, Callum with baby Nell, Karl looking over patient notes,
and Ajay comforting Rani. Rhys is checking on one of the patients when Karl spots him and tells him he should be resting. Rhys says that if he can't help people, then he'll check himself out. Karl then sees Ajay and Rani and explains that
Priya is out of surgery - her condition is stable but serious - they removed her spleen and stemmed the internal bleeding. Priya is then wheeled past them, and Rani goes with her. Ajay asks Karl if Priya's going to be ok, and Karl tells him
that she's stable but he can't make any promises beyond that.




Rhys is leaving the hospital with Kyle. They pass Karl, who says that he's really not happy about Rhys leaving, but Rhys just says 'bye bye Karl'. Rhys admits that
all this waiting around is driving him crazy. Rhys then asks for a lift to see his mum that evening. As they reach the ute, Rhys tells Kyle that he's arranged to meet his dad, as his mum reminded him that life's too short. As he struggles with
the lock, Kyle then notices that Rhys has collapsed. He calls out for help, and Karl comes running over, declaring a code blue and trying desperately to revive him...
Featured Regular Characters: Sonya Rebecchi, Toadfish Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Rhys Lawson, Andrew Robinson, Kyle Canning, Sophie Ramsay, Rani Kapoor, Priya Kapoor,
Ajay Kapoor, Natasha Williams, Chris Pappas
Guest Cast: Sancia Robinson as Elaine Lawson, David Cormick as Simon Erikson, Krissy Hamilton as Julie Parelli
Trivia Notes
• Final appearance of Ben Barber as Rhys Lawson
• Rhys's final words are: "And like mum says - life's short."
• Scarlett Anderson appears as baby Nell Rebecchi, but is not credited
• In the UK, Channel Five, combined this and episode 6602 into an hour-long special entitled Neighbours The Explosion, which had a 10pm screening and won ratings
of 1.22 million. Five made a few edits to the episodes, including changing some of the background music and adding in extra black and white flashbacks
by Steve