Magic Moments
> 2013
> The Eclipse/The Willises' Arrival/Brennan's Return
Episode 6646
by Jason Herbison, Directed
by Laurence Wilson, Produced
by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 20/05/13, Five: 17/06/13
Mason tells Ajay that Tim Collins is now going to represent him... Paul tells Tim not to do too much work on Mason's case... Lucy checking if Lauren keeps in touch with the old gang, Brad Willis especially... Bailey almost kissing Rani... Amber confessing to Chris that she messed up his date with Seamus...
The Eclipse - One Hour Before:
At number 32, Matt and Lauren are hosting a barbeque; Bailey is telling Amber some facts about the eclipse that is due in an hour's time, and Amber jokes that Bailey is a human Wikipedia page. Lou mentions that it only
happens once in a lifetime. Bailey continues to tell everyone more eclipse facts, when Matt walks in, and Lauren asks if he got the balsamic vinegar. Matt realises that he forgot it, so Lou offers to go to the shops - Lauren suggests that Amber accompany him,
however Amber tells her mum that she’s got to find out if Chris is coming over. Laurens hands Lou her car keys and tells him not to be long. She then mentions to Matt that she’s not to happy that Mason is back working for Paul. Matt tells Lauren that
there’s nothing they can do about it now, and to just enjoy the day with their friends.


Toadie and Karl are in Matt and Lauren’s back garden chatting about Steph being off her medication and what the consequences could be. Karl is concerned that
he can't get hold of Steph on her mobile. Lucas arrives with beer; Karl mentions to Lucas that they were discussing Steph. Lucas asks if they cannot discuss her until after the eclipse as he's got something special planed for Vanessa
and doesn't want to ruin the mood. He gives them the clue 'Bailey's beads'.
At Harold's Store, Paul reacquaints himself with Brad Willis. Brad tells Terese that Harold’s used to be called The Hungry Bite and his surf board was hung up above the counter, complete with chomp mark. Paul mentions to Terese about the marketing
event down by the lake today to promote the eclipse apartments - she tells Paul that she’d have loved to have gone down but they have two very impatient teenagers waiting in the car. Brad mentions that Imogen wants to get home to watch the eclipse and
Joshua wants to find the nearest pool. Paul tells them he won’t hold them up and hands over the keys to number 22. Brad asks Paul if he will know anyone in the street. Paul refuses to answer specifically and hands them two sets of eclipse glasses.
Brad and Terese leave Harold's, just as Lou walks in and does a double take as he passes Brad on the way out, slightly concerned when Paul confirms that it was Brad.

In the car park by the Lassiter's Complex, Imogen and Joshua are chatting about the eclipse; Joshua is teasing Imogen about her Instagram addiction. Brad and Terese are
walking back to their car, Brad mentions to Terese that although the move went quickly, he loves being back here in Erinsborough and thinks the kids will love it too. Brad and Terese kiss, Joshua presses the horn on the car to stop their public display of affection and Imogen tells them to hurry up
as the eclipse starts in fifteen minutes. Brad tells them all not to worry as he knows a short cut.
In the Turners' back garden, Lauren is concerned that her dad isn't back yet from the shops. The phone starts to ring, and it's Amber, Lauren takes the call. Amber tells her mum that she's going to watch the eclipse at number 26 with Chris.
Toadie, Sonya, Lucas and Vanessa prepare themselves for the eclipse by putting on their special glasses. Lauren tells Matt that Amber has dumped them for Chris. Bailey and Callum discuss arrangements for looking at the eclipse via the projector Bailey
has created but Rani decides to just use the glasses. The eclipse is just about to start, and Lauren wonders where Lou is. Karl yells out for everyone to put on their glasses, and everyone starts to watch. In the middle
of it, at the point known as Bailey's beads, Lucas gets down on one knee and proposes again to Vanessa. She accepts, and everyone cheers. Callum's time looking through the projector is up, but Bailey forgoes looking through it to follow
Rani into the house when she suddenly takes off.


Bailey comes into the house and wants to know what is wrong but Rani tells him to go back outside and watch the eclipse. He ignores her and
instead walks over to her - she admits that she's thinking of her mum. Rani tells Bailey that her and her mum use to talk about the eclipse and how they would watch it together. Bailey tells Rani that her mum
will always be with her. Rani wonders if her mum can see the eclipse from heaven, or wherever she is, and Bailey gives Rani a reassuring hug.
On Ramsay Street, Lauren is getting concerned for her dad, she starts to ring him, she hears his phone and eventually finds him coming up the street - just as he's going to tell her about her old flame being back in town, Brad calls out her name.
He jogs over to her side of the street as Lauren tries to get her head around what is happening. Brad shakes Lou’s hand and tells Lauren that he should have guessed that she would have been down for the big event.
Lauren tells Brad that she lives in Ramsay Street now, and asks if he's just visiting from Perth. Brad tells Lauren that from today, he lives here too and points across to his family. Lou says that it'll be just like the old days.


The Eclipse - 45 Minutes Before:
At number 26, Sheila is reading a newspaper article about the eclipse - Bossy is barking, and Sheila mentions that animals can sense a change in the sun’s radiation. Kyle walks in and
grabs himself a drink - he mentions to Chris and Sheila that he's been trying to get number 22 all finished for the new tenants. Sheila tells Chris and Kyle that Paul is a slave driver, as he’s got her working during the big event. Sheila
leaves for work, and Chris checks that it's OK for him to join Kyle and Georgia to watch the eclipse. Kyle insists that it's fine, and jokes that Chris'll be safer with them in the spa than over at number 32 with Amber. Chris tells Kyle that
he doesn't want to encourage Amber any more, but then she walks in the front door. Chris doesn't seem too happy to see her - Kyle leaves Chris to it. Chris explains his reasons for not wanting to watch the eclipse at number 32, and Amber asks if she
can watch the eclipse at number 26 instead. Chris can't think of an excuse, so agrees to let her stay.

In the backyard of number 26, Kyle likes the greeting Georgia gives him when she enters the backyard, a kiss – it's his reward for not doing a runner after how she's
been behaving recently. Georgia tells Kyle that things between them are great. The good mood is killed when Chris comes out of the house, feeling grumpy, and Kyle explains to Georgia about Amber having a crush on Chris.
Inside number 26, Amber calls her mum to say she's going to watch the eclipse from number 26 but she quickly ends the call when she spots Georgia in the house. Georgia takes it upon herself to have a ‘quiet word' with Amber over what Kyle said
to her outside. Georgia tells Amber that Chris might be feeling a little bit uncomfortable. Georgia asks that Amber has a think about what she is doing and do something about it before she ruins her friendship with Chris altogether.


The eclipse is just about to start, and Georgia and Kyle watch it from the spa. Kyle asks if she is ok, Georgia tells him she is and wishes everyone could be as happy as she
is right now. Meanwhile, Amber stands with Chris, and she tells him that she'd rather be at number 26 - if she were at home, she'd be subjected to Bailey's running commentary. The four of them put their glasses on and
Amber admits to Chris that she has feelings for him - but she knows that nothing can come of it, and she's sorry for her behaviour. He accepts her apology and reassures her that if he was on the other team, then he would want her as his girlfriend.
Chris asks Amber if they can still be mates, and she says that she'd like that. By the spa, Bossy has managed to get hold of Kyle glasses, Georgia gets out of the spa
to chase Bossy but Kyle decides to watch the eclipse without them! As the eclipse finishes, Georgia yells at Kyle not to look at the sun because he'll damage his eyes. However, Kyle has realised some damage has occurred and when
Georgia reaches Kyle and asks him what can he see, Kyle tells Georgia its all spotty and blurry - Georgia tells Chris it's serious and to call Karl.
The Eclipse - 20 Minutes Before:
At Lassiter's Lake, Mason is talking to potential buyers of the eclipse apartments. Kate and Paul are watching Mason, and Kate says that she didn’t know Mason was on Paul's selling team. Paul tells Kate he’s not, and Kate tries to get her uncle
to admit that he's impressed. Mason comes over, explaining that he's been trying to get people to buy into the apartments, as a way of thanking Paul to arranging Tim Collins as his lawyer. Paul asks about Mason's meeting with
Tim the previous day, and Mason believes that things are going well and he'll get a reduced sentence. Mason excuses himself and goes back to the bandstand to serve the food. Kate tells Paul she’s grateful too - he tells Kate that he's doing it for her,
and then informs Kate that he has a few things to organise over at Charlie's. Kate reminds him that the eclipse will start in 20 minutes, Paul tells her to make sure it doesn't start without him. Paul leaves,
and Kate walks over to Mason and kisses him - Paul turns around and sees this, and looks like he's beginning to have doubts about his plan to get Mason sent to prison.
In Charlie's, Sheila is surprised to see Paul enter the bar as the customers leave to go and watch the eclipse. Sheila asks if he's come to check up on her,
but he tells her that she can go outside and watch too. Sheila asks Paul why he’s not watching it, reminding him that he named the apartments after it. Paul informs Sheila that it was
Andrew that came up with the name, then tells Sheila to go or she will miss a spot by the lake. Sheila jokes that she doesn't want to get talked into buying an apartment again - and besides, she no longer needs one, as Kyle still
needs her around at the moment. Sheila hands Paul a drink and asks if he misses Andrew and Sophie. He says that he made mistakes with them both, but always had their best interests at heart - Sheila admits that she would go to great
lengths to protect her family too.
At Lassiters Lake the eclipse is starting - Kate tells Mason she met an eclipse chaser this morning, he travels the world looking for experiences like this. Mason tells Kate that he’s lucky as he didn’t have to search the globe to find
happiness; he’s got it right here. Kate tells Mason that that's the most romantic thing he could have said. Mason then tries to have a serious talk to Kate about what will happen in court, and he informs Kate that things will get messy and
he has a feeling that he could get locked up. Mason tells Kate that he loves her, but just as Kate takes off her glasses to respond to Mason's declaration, she believes that she's spotted someone – Mark Brennan, her ex-boyfriend standing across the lake.
Mason wants to know what's left Kate so shocked. She goes over to where she thought she saw Mark, but there's nobody there. Kate explains to Mason that she thinks she's seen her ex-boyfriend - but he's dead.




Back at number 32, Vanessa tells Lucas that he could have asked her after the eclipse as they missed the whole thing, and Lucas jokes on that women are never happy. They
both go into the bedroom to check on Patrick and discover that he isn't in his pram, where he should be, and that his dummy is lying on the floor. Vanessa runs off, shouting Patrick's name, and Lucas stands in shock.
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald, Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Joshua Willis, Imogen Willis, Rani Kapoor, Sheila Canning,
Kyle Canning, Chris Pappas, Kate Ramsay, Karl Kennedy, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Georgia Brooks, Matt Turner, Lauren Turner, Mason Turner, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner
Guest Cast: Scott McGregor as Detective Mark Brennan
Trivia Notes
• The character of Brad Willis returns to the cast, after almost twenty years away, with Kip Gamblin taking over the role from Scott Michaelson
• Scott McGregor also returns to the cast as Detective Mark Brennan, after almost two years, though has no dialogue in this episode
• First appearance of Harley Bonner and Ariel Kaplan as twins Joshua and Imogen Willis
• Harley Bonner is the real-life son of Carla Bonner (Stephanie Scully)
• Joshua's first words are "You do realise there's nothing to see yet?" and Imogen's first words are "Ever heard of the words 'time-lapse photography'? Instagram?"
• Brad, Joshua and Imogen are immediately added to the regular cast list in the closing credits. Terese Willis, who made her first appearance as a guest in
episode 6642 is also added
• With the exceptions of Susan Kennedy (who is away visiting her sister, Carmel) and Ajay Kapoor, this episode features the whole cast
• The eclipse is shown at three different Erinsborough locations, jumping back in time as we join each of them; 32 Ramsay Street (with an hour to go), 26 Ramsay Street
(with 45 minutes to go) and the Lassiter's complex (with 20 minutes to go)
• Past characters Sophie Ramsay, Andrew Robinson and Priya Kapoor are mentioned. Reference is made to The Hungry Bite Cafe
by Kyle