Magic Moments
> 2013
> Patrick's Kidnapping
Episode 6647
by Sam Meikle, Directed
by Laurence Wilson, Produced
by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 21/05/13, Five: 18/06/13
Kate sees Mark Brennan during the eclipse - she tells Mason that he’s her ex-boyfriend, and he’s dead... Brad tells Lauren that he and his family have moved back to Ramsay Street... Lucas tells Steph he
can’t see her anymore... Steph aggressively tells Vanessa that Lucas gets her, and she doesn’t know what she’ll do without him... Patrick goes missing
Matt questions Vanessa and Lucas, who are both frantic with worry. They explain that they had Patrick set up in Mason and Bailey’s room, and went outside for a few minutes to see the eclipse as he was sleeping. Lauren and
Sonya rush in; Lauren suggests the Willis family, who have just moved in across the street, might have seen something.

Matt rushes across the road, whilst phoning the police to report the incident. He introduces himself to Terese and Brad who are unpacking the car.
Matt tells them there’s a missing baby in the street, it’s only just happened - he explains that he’s a police officer off duty, and there are more police on their way. Both Terese and Brad are concerned over
this news, and they ask Matt if there is anything they can do to help. He asks if they saw anyone suspicious on their way to Ramsay Street. Brad informs Matt that there was something, and Terese continues - she tells Matt they saw a
brown-haired, pretty woman holding a baby and she was in a hurry. Terese recognised her from a few days ago as she saw her at Harold’s store. Matt says it sounds like Steph Scully - he thanks them and goes home.
Back at the Turners, Vanessa is extremely anxious, and she asks what is taking so long. Toadie gets off the phone to Karl, saying he’ll keep him informed. Matt enters and informs them that the Willises saw a woman,
possibly Steph, leaving the street with a baby. Vanessa is certain it is her, as she saw her last night and she was threatening - things start to get heated Lucas tries to push Matt out the way to go and find Steph but Matt stops him.
Matt explains that one of them need to stay at home in case Steph tries to contact the apartment. Vanessa says that she will, and Sonya goes with her. Matt asks Toadie if Karl would give them access to Steph’s things.

Kate is at Charlie’s, thinking of what she may, or may not, have seen. Mason comes over with drinks and asks Kate about Brennan and what happened.
Kate tells the tale - Brennan was a detective and got put into witness protection, she was given the chance to go with him and she wanted to go with him, but she had Sophie to think about and she wasn’t keen to go. However,
by the time Kate had convinced Sophie to go, it was too late. Kate says that she pestered the police for six months to get a message through to Brennan, but then the news came through that he had died. Kate explains that she didn’t hear all the
details about what happened, but Toadie saw all the crime scene photos and it was pretty bad. Kate thinks it’s either her mind playing tricks on her, or someone that looks like Brennan. Mason mentions to Kate that he told her
that he loves her - and the first thing that pops into her head is her ex. Kate tells Mason he doesn’t have to worry, she apologies for not saying it straight back to him straight away but she does love him, she tells Mason that
Brennan is her past and he is her future, and they kiss.
Back on Ramsay Street, Toadie gets off the phone to Lyn, who hasn’t heard from Steph. Matt comes out from Steph’s room, but there’s nothing missing and no indication that she’s gone - her bike is still in the garage. Toadie tells
Matt that Steph is off her meds; Karl found Steph’s medication in the bin last night. Matt says he’ll pass that information on to Steph’s psychiatrist.

At the police station, Kate walks in and approaches Constable Merolli who’s busy on the phone. Kate interrupts her conversation and asks who she can speak to about
an incident. Kelly holds the call, Kate starts to tell Kelly that she thinks she saw Mark Brennan and she wants to see photos of the crime scene. Kelly says she used to work with Brennan, he’s a good guy and it’s very sad what happened to him,
but that they’re not able to help Kate. Kelly gets back on the phone, mentioning Steph and the Fitzgerald baby. Kate overhears the conversation and tells Kelly she knows Lucas and Vanessa and wants to know what’s happened. Kelly tells
Kate that the baby has been kidnapped. Matt rushes in and checks that Kelly’s done everything; she takes him aside and tells him that they’ve got everything under control. Kate heads out of the police station.
On Ramsay Street, police officers are everywhere. Toadie is talking to one, as Lucas comes out of number 32. Toadie assures Lucas that they’ll find Patrick. Mason then arrives, and Toadie brings him up to speed and
both decide to search Erinsborough for Steph and Patrick. The Willis family walk over and introduce themselves, offering to help. Toadie decides to print off some pictures of Steph and Patrick at his office for everyone to hand out, and Mason
offers to put a post on Facebook and Twitter too. Toadie suggests that they should all meet at Lassiter's and they can start from there.

At Lucas and Vanessa’s apartment, Vanessa is looking out of the window and pacing the floor nervously, in deep distress. Sonya tries to reassure her but
Vanessa wants to know what everyone is doing and plans to ring Lucas. Sonya tells Vanessa that Lucas will ring her to check in; Sonya answers the phone to Callum who wants to know where Nell’s milk is. Sonya tells him and hangs up, Vanessa
gets upset because it is Patrick’s feeding time too. Sonya explains to Vanessa that it’s okay, Steph knows what to do, and she knows how to look after a baby. Vanessa asks how Steph could do this - she asked Lucas to cut Steph out of their
lives and suspects this is some kind of payback. Sonya tells Vanessa to keep calm; he’s going to be back with her soon. Vanessa tells Sonya that she doesn’t know that and wonders what she'll do if they don't find him.
Toadie and Lucas get into Toadie’s car having searched across the street at the garage. Lucas feels like an idiot for defending Steph when everyone was trying to warn him - he realises that he ignored the signs. He thought Steph was happy
being mates. Toadie says that Steph’s actions have nothing to do with him, and he tells Lucas that Steph had a breakdown in jail - giving up Adam, getting locked up, losing Charlie, she was shattered and she lost it. She has been on medication
since then - it had been working, but she’s just stopped taking them. Lucas is concerned upon hearing this news, but Toadie reassures him that all that matters is finding Patrick and taking him home.

At Charlie's, Brad is hanging up posters with Steph and Patrick’s pictures on them, while Joshua hands out flyers to people.
Brad suggests Joshua go to the pool to do some laps - they have enough people out looking now. Joshua insists that he wants to look for Patrick. Brad's still not keen on Joshua missing out on training, but allows him to give it a miss, and
Joshua tells his father he'll do an extra session tomorrow. Joshua starts to ask Brad if he knew Lauren when they were teenagers, he tells Joshua that he did - Joshua says he'll be able to ask Lauren what he was like and how much of a loser
he was when he was younger.
Outside Grease Monkeys, Imogen is looking at maps to search for Patrick, when Kate comes over to ask if she's lost. They introduce themselves, realising they live on the same street, and Imogen’s mum works for Kate’s uncle. Kate asks if
she’s going to Erinsborough High. Imogen says that she and her brother will, and Kate tells Imogen that Erinsborough High is a great school and she will really like it. Imogen admits that she's worried about the teachers being 'the
usual freaks and washouts', and Kate is shocked, telling her that teachers actually work pretty hard. Imogen explains to Kate that there are some good teachers,
but there are some shockers too. She tells Kate that she is at school to learn and doesn’t want to be held back and waste her time with some mediocre losers. Imogen then asks Kate what she does, and Kate says that she's a teacher
at Erinsborough High, before walking off. Imogen calls after her, saying that she's probably one of the good ones!

Terese and Brad meet up, asking if either’s got any news, and Terese asks if Josh has gone to training. Brad tells Terese that he wanted to stay out looking - Terese
says Josh is a great kid. She asks Brad if it’s weird him being back here, and he says that he missed the place, he loved it here when he was the kids' age. Brad then tells Terese that he had a thing with Lauren when he used to live here.
Terese calls him a heartbreaker and kisses him. Brad tells Terese that they should carry on looking for baby Patrick.
At the police station, Lauren brings lunch for Matt and the other police officers, as they’ll be too busy to get some themselves. Matt feels like he’s not being useful here, filing papers, and he wishes he’d stayed at home and then he could
be out looking for Patrick. Matt thinks it’s good how everyone is rallying around Lucas and Vanessa, even the new family. Lauren tells Matt that Brad used to live on Ramsay Street when they were in their teens. Matt wonders if there’s
any boy next-door stories he should know about, and Lauren laughs nervously, but tells Matt there aren’t. Kelly puts some papers on Matt’s desk, and Lauren tells Matt she will leave him to it, looking guilty as she goes out the door.

By Lassiter's lake, Joshua checks with Mason on the progress of the search. Joshua says when they find Steph they should lock her up and throw away the key,
but Mason doesn’t think it’s that simple. Joshua says it is, if he breaks the rules while swimming, he’s disqualified, and the same thing happens if you break the law. He’s heard that Steph has already been in prison. Mason tells him to shut up
as he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and angrily walks off.
At number 26, Kate is on the phone to Georgia, asking about Kyle, but there’s no improvement in his sight at all, and they’re waiting for a specialist. She asks Georgia to give Kyle a big hug from her. Kate informs Georgia that there’s been no
news about Patrick, but she will let her know as soon as she hears anything. After ending the call, Kate takes a photograph of her and Mark from her purse.

We get a glimpse of various people, helping with the search and waiting for news: Vanessa pacing in her flat, as Sonya watches her; Toadie on the phone at number 32; Matt at the police station;
Brad hanging up posters; Mason and Joshua asking around at Lassiter’s Park; the police on Ramsay Street.





At Lucas & Vanessa’s apartment, Vanessa, looking drained, points out to Lucas that it’s been hours and they’ve got nothing. Lucas assures her that they will find him,
but Vanessa wonders when that's going to happen. The phone rings, and it's Steph. Lucas answers, and asks her where she is. She tells him that she’s at home. Vanessa tries to shout over the phone, but Lucas begs her to keep quiet.
He repeatedly asks Steph where she is, but she hangs up.
Vanessa and Lucas are devastated. Vanessa wonders what Steph means by ‘home.’ Vanessa says they’ll be able to work out where Steph is, as the police can trace the call. Lucas doesn’t want to get the
police involved - he’s worried that if the police go in now, he’s not sure what Steph is capable of. A horrified Vanessa walks out of the room.

In a motel room, Steph picks up baby Patrick and talks to him - she tells him that she’s upset with his daddy.
She tells Patrick not to worry; she’s not going to let anything happen to him, mummy’s here. She then calls Patrick 'Adam', and she says that she’s going to go and get Charlie and then they’ll all be together.
Featured Regular Characters: Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald, Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Joshua Willis, Imogen Willis,
Kate Ramsay, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Matt Turner, Lauren Turner, Mason Turner
Guest Cast: Carla Bonner as Stephanie Scully, Maya Aleksandra as Kelly Merolli
Trivia Notes
• First mention of Piper Willis, who is away on a school exchange in Canada
• Off-screen, Kyle, Georgia and Chris are at the hospital, due to Kyle's damaged eyesight
• Patrick Villante appears in the final scene, but is not credited
• During her conversation with Mason, Kate has a series of flashbacks to episode 6188
• Past characters Lyn Scully, Charlie Hoyland and baby Adam are mentioned
by Kyle