Magic Moments
> 2013
> Robbo's Killer Revealed
Episode 6733
by Jason Herbison, Directed
by Tony Osicka, Gary Conway, Laurence Wilson, Produced
by Alan Hardy
Channel Eleven: 18/09/13, Five: 16/10/13
Robbo Slade is knocked down in a hit-and-run – but whodunnit?... Hudson stumps up the $8,000 Mason needs to stop Robbo sending the Amber video viral... While Chris and Josh stall Robbo, Mason steals his laptop...
Paul tells Marty he wants Robbo gone, whatever he has to do... Josh tells Robbo he’ll get what’s coming to him... Toadie gets violent with Robbo, telling him to stay away from his family...
Robbo spikes Sonya’s drink at the Dads of Erinsborough exhibition, and Toadie downs it... Lucas is up to his neck in debt from his dodgy card games with Robbo... Chris tells Amber about Robbo’s video of her, and she takes Imogen’s car...
Matt and Detective Crabb assess all the possible suspects... and having found Imogen’s fingerprints on Robbo’s phone... the police crash Lucas and Vanessa’s wedding, to arrest the person who ran down Robbo
At Erinsborough Police Station Detective Oakley walks into the office, where Matt asks him what’s happening. Detective Oakley informs Matt that the suspect is currently giving Detective Crabb a full confession. He tells Matt he’s sorry, as he knows this is close to
home. Matt reminds Oakley that there are so many unanswered questions; Rebecchi’s memories might never be complete and what if there’s something they’ve missed. Dectective Oakley tells Matt that they can piece the rest together and the suspect’s
telling them everything else they need to know. He then proceeds to take a file from the filing cabinet and returns to the interview room.

On the night of the hit-and-run, four weeks earlier, Amber and Imogen enter number 22 after the Dads of Erinsborough exhibition, but Amber’s obviously distracted.
Imogen thinks Amber’s annoyed that she wouldn’t lend her the car, but Amber denies it, saying she knows there’s no point going after Robbo. She tells Imogen that she can’t stop thinking about what he did, and was planning to do in court, but Imogen says
Robbo can’t hurt her anymore. Imogen wants to watch a DVD, but Amber says she’s tired and goes to leave. Imogen tells Amber to promise not to think about Robbo the second she walks out of that door - Amber agrees and tells her she will speak to
her tomorrow. Amber then steps outside and pulls Imogen’s car keys from her pocket, looking guilty.
At number 30 Toadie, very inebriated staggers around the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water. He hears Sonya’s phone bleep, and goes in her bag to see she has a text message. Realising that it’s from Robbo, Toadie grabs his jacket and walks out of
the front door.


Outside the radio station, a fraught-looking Lucas runs into Marty, who asks him how much he lost in the card game. Lucas clearly in no mood to talk tells
Marty that it’s none of his business - the game’s over. Marty informs Lucas that Robbo has been using marked cards - it’s been all a big scam, he heard from someone in Mount Isa that he did it regularly while he lived there. Lucas sighs with frustration,
realising he’s been conned. He tells Marty that he’s up to his neck in debt. Marty asks if Robbo is inside, but Lucas says no and mentions that Robbo left a few minutes ago. Marty suggests they team up to track him down - Lucas tells Marty to stay out of it,
he has no idea who he is and it’s not his problem. Lucas walks away, and Marty waits, before following him. Mason then turns up, and goes inside the radio station.
Inside, Mason starts searching for the laptop, whilst at the Men’s Shed, Josh and Chris wait to meet Robbo. Chris tells Josh it’s not too late to back out, but Josh says he’s sticking with the plan – stall Robbo, allowing Mason to do what he needs to do.
Robbo then shows up - Josh informs Robbo that they’ll stick to their end of the deal if he does the same. Robbo says he’ll follow through with his end of the bargain and delete the video, but doesn’t get why Mason has sent Chris and Josh to deliver
the money for him. Chris dodges the question, asking to see Robbo’s phone – but Robbo wants the money first. They hand it over, and Chris is about to lay into
Robbo for using Amber, but as Robbo turns menacing, Josh stops him. Meanwhile, Mason has found Robbo’s laptop and begins guessing at passwords, with no success. Back at the Men's Shed, Robbo shows Josh and Chris his phone as he presses ‘delete’, before quickly
returning it to his pocket. Chris asks for a closer look, but Robbo simply walks out telling them both ‘what happened to trust?’. Mason gives up on password-guessing and decides just to take the laptop, so texts Chris to tell him he’s done. He and Josh leave
the Men’s Shed.





At Charlie’s, Hudson stresses about not going to confront Robbo with Josh and Chris, but Mason says he shouldn’t have been involved in the first place. Josh and Chris come in,
arguing about whether they should have gone after Robbo to make him hand over the phone; Josh thinks they should’ve, but Chris says he would never have given it to them. They explain to Mason that they can’t be sure the file Robbo deleted was the right one, but
Mason tells them to leave it – if Robbo has made backups, they’ll be on the laptop, which he has with him. Josh and Chris are shocked that he’s taken it, but Mason tells them he’s going to attempt to crack the password overnight. Josh walks out, Hudson
suggests he and Chris go back to Number 26, but Chris says he needs to be by himself tonight – it’s nothing Hudson’s done, but he needs to get his head together. Hudson seems disappointed, but says he’ll be okay getting home. Mason tells them that one
way or another, they’ll stop Robbo.
By the history wall, Lucas runs into Robbo, who immediately begins taunting him about being a sore loser. Lucas grabs him, saying he knows he cheated and that he wants his money back - but Robbo insists he ran a clean game, and pulls the IOU from
his pocket, saying it still stands. Lucas grabs it and rips it up, leading to an angry scuffle with Robbo. Marty intervenes, telling Lucas to go home to his family. Lucas desperately tells Robbo that Vanessa is in hospital, and that he has one kid and
another on the way; if Robbo gives him back what he lost, they can call it even. Robbo tells Lucas that, as much as he likes a good sob story – no can do. Marty keeps Lucas from lunging at Robbo, saying he won’t be able to reason with him. As Robbo walks away,
Lucas demands to know who Marty is, and why he keeps showing up. Marty tells Lucas that all he needs to know is Robbo is not worth his energy and to go home; there is nothing he can do about Slade. Lucas calms down, and walks off in the opposite direction
to Robbo, who is getting takeaway from a burger van.

Amber arrives at Fitzgerald Motors and goes to Imogen and Mason’s car, which is parked up outside. She gets in and has some trouble starting the car, before eventually driving off
down the road.
Robbo is walking and eating his takeaway, as Josh confronts him, demanding that he hand over his phone so he has proof the video has been deleted. Robbo refuses and tells Josh that he deleted it, then begins to turn nasty, but Josh tells Robbo he’s not scared
of him. Robbo says ‘big mistake’ and begins to punch Josh.

Lucas comes in to the garage and stares at a photo of Vanessa and Patrick on his desk, before putting his head in his hands and sighing.
Toadie, still staggering, encounters Robbo - he says that he’s been looking for him; Robbo makes jibes about Toadie looking for the next pub, and about Sonya's addiction problems. Robbo wonders aloud whether Toadie ‘downed a juice that didn’t agree
with you’, all but confirming that he drugged Sonya’s drink. Toadie notices Robbo has a bruise on his face, which he blames on an encounter with a wannabe swimmer’s right hook. A bit of a scuffle ensues as Toadie tells Robbo he has to stop hurting people –
but Robbo shoves him away, telling him to go home. Marty shows up as Toadie is leaving, and asks if he’s okay – Toadie says he just needs to lie down, and staggers off. Marty walks up to Robbo silently, Robbo asks Marty what’s his problem,
Marty, not answering Robbo pulls something out of his bag, and Robbo puts his hands up and says to Marty ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’.

Sometime later, Robbo is walking down the road, and Amber is driving up behind him. Imogen is trying to call her at the same time, but it’s gone to voicemail – she leaves a message,
saying she doesn’t want to be a suspicious friend, but asking if Amber has her car keys, as they’re missing. Amber gets out of the car and emotionally confronts Robbo, who jokingly tells her ‘You know you need a licence for that thing, don’t you?’ Amber, in
no mood for Robbo's jokes, asks how could he do something like this - she trusted him and she fell for it. Robbo tells Amber that her brother shouldn’t have ripped him off in the first place. Robbo waves the phone around, saying it was supposed
to fund his future. Amber tells Robbo that if her dad or the kids at school see the video, she’ll never live it down. Robbo turns on the charm to Amber saying she’s beautiful when she’s angry. Amber pleads with Robbo to give her the phone, and he says
that he'll hand it over if she spends the night with him, for old time’s sake. Amber tells Robbo he’s disgusting and marches away. Robbo again tells Amber that if she spends one more night with him the file goes. Amber gets into the
car and is about to drive off but the engine won’t start, and she’s forced to get out again, leaving the car keys. She tells Robbo to leave her alone, and stomps off into the night. Robbo shouts after Amber, telling her that she knows where he’ll be
if she changes her mind.
Lucas is asleep at his desk in the garage, when Marty shows up and wakes him. Lucas is now deeply suspicious of Marty, but Marty tells him he didn’t expect him to
be here and only wanted to leave something for him. He passes Lucas the cash that Robbo swindled from him, claiming he persuaded Robbo to hand it over. Lucas asks Marty how he got the cash back, but he says that Lucas does not need to know
the details and that he isn’t normally this generous, but that he once had a wife and family too; Lucas asks whether Robbo will come looking for the money if he keeps it, but Marty tells Lucas that Robbo isn’t his problem anymore, and to forget
about him. Marty proceeds to leave the garage.

Back at the radio station Amber comes looking for Robbo, but finds the radio station deserted. Imogen tries to call her phone, but Amber turns it off, and takes a
seat on the sofa to wait for Robbo, recalling his offer to delete the file for good if she spends the night with him.
On Eden Hill Road, Imogen is leaving Amber another voicemail as she walks around looking for her. Suddenly she hears a groan, and sees Robbo lying seriously injured in the road. Spotting his phone lying next to him, she grabs it and calls for an
ambulance; she informs them that there is someone lying on the road, ‘Eden Hill Road, about 30 metres from the turn-off to Fairfax Road’, Imogen tells them it’s serious. When Imogen is asked for her name, she abruptly ends the call, throws the phone away and
runs off.


At Erinsborough Police Station, Chris is talking to Matt. Chris is in shock - he says to Matt that it can’t be true, the police can make mistakes. Matt tells Chris that
he’s sorry, he didn’t want to believe it either but it is true, he had read the confession. Matt shows Chris into an interview room, where Detective Oakley is talking to the perpetrator – it’s Hudson. Matt asks if Chris and Hudson could have a
moment to talk. Chris asks Hudson to tell him they’re wrong. Hudson apologies and tells Chris he didn’t do it on purpose. Chris asks how it happened, and Hudson explains that after they left Charlie’s, he decided he was going to walk home and
he came across Robbo. Chris, not believing Hudson, says that he went to see Don, he had an alibi. Hudson explains to Chris that he lied and he got Don to lie for him also.
In flashbacks, Hudson recalls how he saw Amber trying to start her car, and how he could hear she and Robbo were arguing, but not what it was about. Then Robbo went one way and Amber went the other, having left the keys in the car. Hudson got in,
hoping to pick Amber up and make sure she was okay – but Robbo heard the car starting and returned. As Robbo asks Hudson what the hell he's doing, the two men start to argue. Robbo laughs at Hudson as he can’t start a car, however Hudson tries to start the car
again and succeeds - Hudson makes Robbo aware that he knew about the money he extorted. Robbo, not happy, tells Hudson that he’s lost it but he’ll get it back. Robbo begins to walk away and Hudson revs the engine. Hudson tells Robbo that he’ll not get away
with this. Robbo says ‘Oh, what? You’re gonna run me down? As if a spineless little thing like you would have the guts’.
Hudson tells Chris that Robbo seemed so full of it, so sure of himself.
Robbo laughs as Hudson accidentally puts the car into reverse.

Hudson continues to explain to Chris that something inside him just snapped and he thought maybe if he could wipe that smile off his face, then he’d just stop what he was doing.
Detective Oakley and Matt listen, as Chris asks Hudson whether he ran him down. Hudson explains that he only meant to frighten him.
Hudson is shown driving the car towards Robbo.
Hudson tells Chris he put his foot on the accelerator and he wasn’t even going that fast, but as he got closer Robbo stepped out onto the road right in front of him, and Hudson hit Robbo. Hudson, extremely upset, says to Chris
‘That’s how it happened. I’m the reason he’s dead’. Chris is silent.
Featured Regular Characters: Chris Pappas, Matt Turner, Mason Turner, Amber Turner, Imogen Willis, Joshua Willis, Toadfish Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald
Guest Cast: Remy Hii as Hudson Walsh, Aaron Jakubenko as Robbo Slade,
Mike Steele as Det. David Oakley, Darius Perkins as Marty Kranic,
Basquait Voevodin-Knack as Patrick Villante
Trivia Notes
• It is assumed that Marty threatens Robbo with a gun, but the weapon is not shown
• Unusually, and because it features so many flashbacks to scenes shown over the last four weeks, this episode is credited to three different directors
• Other than the first scene and parts of the final scene, this episode is a flashback, showing the events of the night that the hit-and-run happened, four weeks earlier. Our summary has
used italics to indicate whether a scene is flashback or present day
• Although Basquait Voevodin-Knack is credited as baby Patrick for this episode, he is only shown in a photograph
by Kyle