Magic Moments
> 2014
> Doug's Return
Episode 6858
by Nick King, Directed
by Chris Adshead, Produced
by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 09/04/14, Channel 5: 23/04/14
Amber wins a youth photography competition, but Josh doesn’t seem that happy for her... After Lisa’s departure, Lauren decides she no longer wants to search for her and Brad's daughter...
Following Kate’s shock death, Paul blames Brennan and claims he will make him pay...
Mark is at Lassiter's Lake, looking at the gazebo from a distance, where Kate was shot. The area is cordoned off with police tape. Mark, gazing at the engagement ring, has a flashback to Kate telling him she loves him and kissing him and accepting his
proposal. Mark smiles, and then he has another flashback to Kate suddenly getting shot. Mark sees police in the distance, searching the area for evidence and walks off.

Mark goes to the police station to probe Matt for information about the investigation, and asks why the area is being searched again. Matt tells him that they've been told
to go over the area with a ‘fine tooth comb’. Mark asks if they’ve found anything but Matt disappoints Mark by telling him that they’ve found nothing useful yet, as far as he’s aware. Mark asks if the police have traced the text message he received from
Montague, but Matt just says that they’re onto it, and advises Mark he should go home and get some rest. Paul comes storming in and demands to speak to Detective Sergeant Crabb, but Matt tells him she’s extremely busy. Paul is angry about a press
release the police have issued about Kate’s shooting, which indicates they don't know where Montague is. Paul tells Matt it is a disgrace. Mark asks Paul if he can look into it, but Paul ignores Mark’s request and keeps a firmer grip on the document.
Matt admits that it seems like Montague has gone into hiding, as he hasn’t used his phone or credit cards, which makes it harder to trace him. Paul threatens to call the police commissioner if progress isn’t made. Matt tells Paul he can but it will
not do any good. Mark asks Paul if he can exert some pressure using his position as mayor - Paul says to Mark “Don't you think for a second that we're on the same side” and storms out.
In Lassiter's reception, Terese is getting a quote from some workmen to complete the refurbishments at Charlie’s; it's in a bit of a mess following Paul destroying the place and is now closed. Paul comes in just as they finish up - Terese says that
she knows that he was planning on seeing the project through with Kate, and offers to organise its completion. Paul refuses, saying he doesn’t want anyone to touch Charlie’s, despite Tereses protestation’s that it’s losing money every day it’s closed. Paul
wonders when Terese started to care about his bank balance. However, Terese tells Paul that she doesn’t, but she does care about him. Paul abruptly tells Terese not to patronise him - they are not friends. She reminds Paul that if they don't reopen Charlie’s, they’ll
have to let the casual staff know so they can find work elsewhere, asking whether Paul’s just going to leave it closed for good. Paul tells Terese that’s exactly what he’s going to do. Terese keeps arguing, but Paul snaps, telling her to mind her
own business, before going up to the penthouse.

At number 22, Terese is moaning to Brad about Paul’s attitude towards Charlie’s. Brad reminds her that losing someone so suddenly and violently takes time to get over, and
mentions he’s been thinking a lot about his sister Cody in recent days - Brad says that when she died he wasn’t even around, but it changed everything for him. Imogen comes in with the phone, and passes it to Brad - it's Doug, and Imogen mentions to Brad that her
grandfather thinks they’ve forgotten he’s coming to visit. Terese tells Josh, who is lounging around listening to music, that he’d better not use Doug’s visit as an excuse not to look for a job. Terese tells Josh he should be working like Imogen does,
and that it will help stop him from stewing in the two weeks before school begins again. Josh agrees that he will do his best to find something. Brad re-emerges and tells Terese that Doug has asked if he can stay for a month and he’s already said yes.
Terese, not very happy, says to Brad “Great a whole month of being compared to your saintly ex-wife. Can't wait!” Brad tells Terese that his parents do not prefer Beth, and Imogen asks if Pam is coming too. Brad explains that his parents are driving
each other a bit nuts at the moment and it might do them good to have a break. Terese asks Brad if he’s told Doug about his other daughter with Lauren - Brad says that he hasn't told his parents, and he wants to keep it that way until they've made a
firm decision about searching for her.
Brad goes to see Lauren; she’s preparing a card and flowers for Mark. Brad comments that Kate’s death should make them take stock, and suggests they should try finding their daughter again. Lauren isn’t sure there’s any point, wondering if it’s not
meant to be, and accuses Brad of not being as affected by the situation with Lisa as she was, given that she’s mourned her daughter's loss for 20 years. Brad tells Lauren that it hurt them both, however Lauren is quick to dismiss Brad by telling him that he
has quickly picked himself up again. Lauren comments that she needs to concentrate on the family she has. Brad reminds Lauren that their daughter is still out there somewhere, but Lauren thinks that's where she should stay.

In Harold’s, Terese is moaning to Susan about how quiet the complex has been since the shooting, and Susan tells Terese she’s sure they’ll catch Montague soon. Terese informs
Susan that people are apparently calling for more security cameras, especially at the lake. Susan says that Erinsborough was always such a nice place. Georgia is on her way out, and Susan asks how she’s holding up - Georgia tells Susan that it’s still
sinking in. Paul barges in and walks right into Georgia, before shouting at her irritably, leaving everyone uncomfortable. Susan goes over to the counter to ask Paul if he received the flowers that were sent by Rebecca, but Paul tells Susan that he’s told reception
not to send anything up to him. Susan tries to be understanding but Paul just rips into her, declaring that everyone ought to leave him alone. Both Terese and Susan tell Paul that they are here for him. Paul, however, does not hold back and says to them both
“You hypocrites! None of you can stand me, and now you want to hug it out! You make me sick”. Paul storms out.
At number 32, Amber reminisces to Josh about how much Kate helped her when she first moved to Erinsborough. Josh agrees that she was too young to die. Amber mentions the lesson to be learned from her death, is not to spend your whole holidays slacking
off and hence the topic comes back around to Josh’s lack of a job. Josh says he can just hang out with her, but Amber tells him she is going to busy interning with a professional photographer during the holidays. Josh and Amber head outside just as Bailey,
Callum and Imogen enter. Callum asks if Imogen and Bailey have seen the amount of likes on Kate’s Facebook tribute page, and Bailey informs everyone that even the nasty kids wrote nice things. Imogen comments that she heard there was going to be a concert
memorial for Kate in the pipeline, however Callum doesn’t think it will happen as people are too lazy to organise it. Callum adds that he walked past the lake earlier and it gave him the creeps. Imogen suddenly has an idea.

Imogen is at number 28, explaining her idea to Susan - “Kate was such an incredible person, and teacher. Instead of people remembering her for
how she lived, they’re gonna remember her for how she died” and she thinks that a memorial could be a tribute as well as claiming back the lake. She says that they could make the lake a happy place again, so people stop avoiding it.
Susan agrees that it's a lovely idea, and says that they'll need to speak to Matt and make sure that it's safe, and she'll also need to make enquiries about a permit.
Inside number 24, Mark is on the phone to the police, demanding details about the forensic investigation; Mark starts to ask them questions on where Montague's parents live and whether he was registered to own a weapon. Mark also asks what type of firearm
was used in Kate’s shooting; Mark starts to write something down on some paper.

Lauren enters the police station with some lunch for Matt. She tells him that she’s been thinking of planning a family holiday, and suggests they all go to visit Mason in
Darwin for a week. Lauren insists this isn’t about what happened with Lisa - she just feels it would be good for them to get away. Matt then gets a call from a colleague, asking if he knows Mark Brennan.
Matt heads around to number 24 to speak to Mark, telling him that he's received a tip-off from a colleague that he has been interfering with the investigation and he advises Mark to stop. However, Mark explains to Matt that he’s just trying to move
things on, he feels he owes it to Kate to find Montague. Matt tells him that he’s compromising the investigation and could be putting himself in danger - Mark explains that he’s learned that Montague doesn’t have a weapon licence and probably
had to buy a gun on the black market. Mark recalls a local guy called Pete Watterow known to his mates as ‘Watto’, who the police knew was selling firearms back when he was in the force, but could never make it stick. Matt promises to follow up this lead,
but Matt also informs Mark that he might need to charge him if he keeps interfering. As Matt leaves, Imogen shows up, and starts to explain about her planned celebratory event in Kate’s memory. Mark isn’t remotely
interested and testily tells Imogen he just wants to be left alone, so she leaves.


On Ramsay Street, Brad is waiting for Doug to show up, when Terese arrives home with takeaway. Terese tells Brad she’s arranged for the contractors to start work on
Charlie’s, despite Paul telling her to leave it. Terese thinks Paul will thank her in time. Brad tells Terese that Lauren's decided to stop searching for their daughter. Terese says the whole situation has been hard on Lauren, and that he should
give her more time. Brad isn’t eager to wait, though. A yellow taxi pulls up outside number 28, and out steps Doug Willis. Doug hugs his son, who wonders why he didn't stop outside number 22. Doug tells Brad that he accidentally headed for the old
place and calls himself ‘a dunderhead!’ Doug greets Terese, slightly less enthusiastically, and they head inside so Doug can see Imogen and Josh. Terese picks up Doug's bag and starts to carry it, Doug says “Good on ya!. Thanks, Beth”.
Terese is less than impressed, however Brad assures Terese it was a slip of the tongue, but Terese doesn’t seem thrilled at the idea of four weeks with her father-in-law.
In the back garden at number 24, the Willises are having a Thai takeaway, when the phone rings - it's Pam wanting to speak to Doug. Doug takes the call, Pam is checking Doug made it okay but the call seems a little fractious. Brad asks if everything’s
okay and Doug assures him it is. Conversation moves on to the takeaway Terese has got in for them. Doug tells everyone that a few snags on the barbie would have done him. Imogen, changing the subject, proclaims that she is so pleased that he’s here. Doug humbled by Imogen’s
statement thanks her and tells everyone that the old neighbourhood hasn’t changed much. Terese asks Doug why he’s decided to stay for longer, and he explains that his grandson needs him. Josh looks up, a little surprised, and Doug continues to explain that
he is here to teach him the basics of the building trade during the holidays. Terese tells Doug that it sounds like a great idea! Doug explains that they will start with something small but by the time he leaves, who knows what they will build together? Josh doesn’t seem especially
keen at the idea, but everyone else thinks it’s worth a try.

At number 32, Bailey is designing a programme for Kate’s memorial, with help from Callum and Lauren. Amber comes in, in her work outfit, which Bailey scorns but Lauren thinks
looks great and so does Callum. Amber asks them honestly if the outfit makes her look as if she’s trying too hard. Callum proceeds to say “Nah girls in short skirts are totally hot”. Bailey glares at Callum, Callum suddenly says “Obviously not you,
though. You don't look hot at all”. Josh enters at this point, and suggests Amber is overdoing the outfit. Josh invites Amber over to meet Doug, but she has to run off to work as she can't be late for her first day on the internship. Josh makes a quip about
her not being paid for it anyway. Amber asks Josh if he even cares how much this means to her. Josh apologises, but makes it clear he’s thinking of his own future, which doesn’t look all that promising in comparison to hers. Amber reminds him
things are still the same between the two of them and kisses him.
In Harold's, Georgia is reading some lyrics for a song she’s working on for Kate’s memorial. Mark enters and overhears it; Mark agrees with Imogen that Kate would love it. Mark also apologises to Imogen for being rude to her earlier. He says that
Kate deserves a memorial like the one she has planned, but isn’t sure whether he could face coming himself, after the funeral. They tell him they understand, and he leaves them to it. Paul comes in, and Imogen rushes over to tell him about her idea for the
memorial, along with Georgia, who mentions the song she’s writing. Paul says to them both “Oh, you’re gonna pay your respects to my niece by singing one of your silly pop songs?” Paul gets even more annoyed to learn they’re planning to hold it by the lake,
where Kate was shot, and tells them it’s insensitive. Mark weighs in to tell Paul to lay off and not to trample all over Kate’s friends. Paul says to Mark “Oh, you just love playing the big hero, don't you?” Paul tells Mark that if he had any real decency,
he’d be crippled by guilt, Paul reminds Mark that he meant what he said, he intends to make his life hell. Mark informs Paul that it’s a little too late for that.

At number 28, Susan admires the programme Bailey and Callum have designed for Kate’s memorial event. Imogen explains that they’ve also suggested that one
pupil from each year group could say something about Kate. Imogen tells Susan that Paul hated the whole idea, and she feels bad for not asking his permission first. Susan tells her not to worry, and tells Imogen they should go ahead with it regardless! Susan
says to Imogen “In our own small way we have to try and make Kate’s death mean something.” Paul then suddenly marches in, not looking happy, saying to Susan “I should have realised that you'd be behind this ridiculous celebration”. Imogen explains to Paul
that it is going to be really respectful. Paul tells Imogen to be quiet as ‘the adults are talking’ as Susan tells Paul that it’s meant as a tribute to Kate. Paul tells Susan that she can dress it up in any way she like’s but it is cheap, tacky, and it is not
going ahead! Paul explains that he found out Susan was involved because of the permit she got from the council and he tells her that he’s had it cancelled and that if they show up he’ll have them all arrested for trespassing! Susan tries to reason with Paul,
but looks stunned as he warns her and Imogen not to go against his wishes on this.
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy, Callum Rebecchi, Georgia Brooks, Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Joshua Willis, Imogen Willis, Matt Turner,
Lauren Turner, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner
Guest Cast: Scott McGregor as Mark Brennan,
Terence Donovan as Doug Willis, Ashleigh Brewer as Kate Ramsay
Trivia Notes
• Terence Donovan returns for a five-week guest stint as Doug Willis. The character last appeared in 2005, as part of Neighbours' 20th anniversary celebrations
• Past characters Cody Willis, Pam Willis, Beth Brennan, Mason Turner and Rebecca Napier are mentioned
• This episode is the first to feature the 2014 Opening Titles - Version Two
• Ashleigh Brewer (Kate) is removed from both the opening titles and the regular cast list in the closing credits, but is still credited as a guest for this episode, as Kate appears
in Brennan's flashbacks
• The front of the programme's for the 'Celebration of Kate' reads:
Celebration of Kate Ramsay
Come and remember the spirit of Kate Ramsay
Send off a floating lantern in tribute to a beloved friend and teacher and join with others to celebrate her life
2pm Friday 11.4.14
by Kyle