Magic Moments
> 2014
> Kate's Death
Episode 6857
by Stephen Vagg, Directed
by Gary Conway, Produced
by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 08/04/14, Channel 5: 22/04/14
Susan is thrilled to see Zeke... Kate hugs Sophie and tells her and Zeke she can’t believe they’re here... Kate tells Georgia that she can only think of so many excuses to not get back together with someone...
Kate also tells Kyle to hang in there... Mark proposes to Kate and she says yes... Chris spots Montague at Lassiter’s and chases him to Lassiter’s Park... Chris is hit on the leg, falling over and banging his head...
As Brennan and Kate say they love each other, Kate is shot and falls in Brennan’s arms...
At the Lassiter’s Complex, Georgia makes a phone call for an ambulance for Kate. Georgia explains she’s been shot; she’s unconscious but is still breathing and there's no exit wound. Mark carries Kate towards the complex while Sophie, Kyle and Zeke follow.
Mark and Sophie speak to Kate, telling her the ambulance is on its way, to save her strength and everything will be fine. Kate awakens briefly and tells Mark she loves him, before closing her eyes again. Mark shouts to Kate to wake up, just as the ambulance sirens are heard.



In Charlie’s, Callum and Sonya look at a board displaying photographs of Kate. Paul starts speaking on the microphone, joking that he’s sent out a search party for Kate so that
she does turn up. Just then Zeke runs in and shouts to Paul that Kate has been shot. At first, Paul thinks it’s a joke but Zeke insists. Paul rushes outside, whilst everyone is in shock.
Paul joins the crowd in the Lassiter’s complex and asks what happened. Susan tells Paul to give the paramedics some room, he proceeds to stand next to Sophie and hugs her whilst they try to stabilise Kate. Sonya asks who would do this, but Kyle just says that
they don't know. Kyle then sees Chris hobbling into the complex using a stick to prop himself up and rushes to help him.
Kyle tells Chris that Kate has been shot - Chris informs him that he was attacked by Stephen Montague.

At Erinsborough Hospital, Karl gets a phone call from Susan; he tells her that he is rushing to an emergency, looking shocked as Susan tells him what has happened.
Back at the Lassiter’s Complex, several police cars have arrived. Mark holds Kate’s hand but the paramedics are unable to revive her. They stop trying, as there is nothing more they can do. Mark sobs quietly. Sophie cries out and hugs Paul.
Those in the crowd are shocked and grief-stricken. Mark cries and lets go of Kate's hand.



The paramedics wheel Kate’s body into the hospital. Karl follows them in, while one of the paramedics hands Mark a bag containing the engagement ring.
Karl examines some of Chris’s X-Rays and says he will need knee reconstruction. A male nurse arrives and gives Karl a pair of crutches. Karl mentions that the police will want to speak to Chris again, but assures Chris there’s
nothing else that he could have done. Chris, however, thinks that he could have stopped Montague. Karl comments that he doesn’t even know if Montague did this, as he had no reason to shoot Kate. Chris thinks Montague must
have been aiming for Brennan, as he sent Brennan a threatening text and Kyle saw him at the garage too. Karl wonders if Montague might have been looking for Danni - Chris thinks that he wanted revenge for Mark stopping him from seeing Danni,
as he can't think of any other explanation that makes any sense.


Inside Charlie’s, Paul takes down the ‘Happy Birthday, Kate’ banner. He sits down by himself and starts drinking, then gets a text from Andrew, asking him to wish
Kate a happy birthday, as she isn't answering her phone. Paul starts crying and knocks
his drink away. He then starts destroying the place.
An unspecified amount of time has now passed, and at number 28, Susan is talking to someone on the phone, saying that there is a suspect but they can’t find them. Susan mentions they’re having the funeral later today and everyone will be coming back to
the Kennedy house for the wake afterwards. Zeke looks at Kate's obituary in the newspaper. Karl asks Susan if they know how many will be coming back for the wake, but Susan doesn’t know, so she's going to over cater and hope for the best. Zeke checks how
Sophie is, and she says that nothing she writes is enough to say how she
feels. Karl suggests a poem or a reading, but Sophie says that she writes song and she should be able to do this, she just wishes she could talk to Paul, but he’s busy trying to organise things. Susan tells her she just needs to speak from the heart;
it’s all anyone can do. As they all prepare to leave, Zeke gets a phone call. Zeke explains he needs to take this and he’ll catch up with them. As they leave, he answers the phone. Zeke says to the mysterious caller “Hey you. I’m alright considering everything.
No of course I want to, just after everything that’s happened. I’m sure, more than ever”.
At number 30, Sonya and Callum join Toadie in the living room. Nell is finally asleep, but just as they say that they hear her start crying again. Sonya tells them she’s
probably picked up on all the tension. Sonya wonders if she should stay, but Toadie tells Sonya she has to go, and that the babysitter will cope. Callum is anxious, but Toadie is looking for a blue paisley tie that Kate had once told him she liked.
Callum goes to the car, and Sonya wonders if the tie's at the office - Toadie remembers that it is and decides that they’ll pick it up on the way. Toadie apologises to Sonya if he’s being snappy, but Sonya tells him it’s okay.
Toadie heads to the office and finds his tie; he puts it on, just as Naomi enters. Toadie asks her if she’ll be okay today on her own and she insists that she'll be fine. She asks if he has a spare few minutes to talk about work, and Toadie agrees as it
will be a good distraction. Naomi runs through a few things she has to do, and then she helps Toadie fix his tie. Toadie tells her to finish up here as soon as she can and then go home; she should be with her family - it’s a tough day.
In the back yard of number 26, Georgia asks Kyle how his speech is going. Kyle mentions writing it was easy, but getting up and saying it will be the hard part. Georgia tells Kyle
that Brennan gave her back the photo of her and Kate, that she'd given Kate for her birthday. Georgia shows Kyle the picture, and comments that she can’t believe she spent so much time being angry at her. Kyle tells Georgia that a least they got things sorted
but Georgia says that she took too long. The last time she spoke to Kate it was about Kyle, she wanted them to get back together. Kyle says the last time he spoke to Kate it was about Georgia, she told him to give Georgia more time and to not give up. Like
her and Brennan.
At number 24, Brennan puts on his suit jacket. He looks at a letter placed in the fruit bowl. It’s from Kate, thanking him for her birthday breakfast - Brennan looks at it and then kisses the letter.




At the penthouse, Paul looks at Kate’s locket. He thinks back to when he first gave it to her, so she had something that had belonged to her grandmother.
After thinking for a moment, Paul stands up and walks out, passing a photo of him and Kate.
At the funeral a screen is displaying a slideshow of photographs of Kate. Brennan enters and sees Kate’s coffin, getting a little overwhelmed with emotion, he takes a deep breath before entering and sitting down at the front beside Kyle. Brennan holds
the engagement ring in his hand. Paul looks over from the other side of the room, and he hugs Sophie. Georgia holds Kyle’s hand. Sophie stands up to give her speech, running her fingers along the coffin as she makes her way to the front.
Sophie tearfully starts “Kate wasn’t just my sister. She was my best friend. For a lot of years she was my mum too. It wasn’t always easy, sometimes Kate was really bossy, but Harry and I couldn’t have made it without her. I would give anything to have
her here bossing me around right now.”
Kyle continues “She always had time for people. She always had a smile and I loved her. Everyone who knew Kate loved her. Even though she went too soon all our lives are better for having known her”.
Paul follows “There’s an old saying that only the good die young. Well the Gods must have adored Kate Ramsay because she was taken away from us way too soon. You see she grew up fast, too fast, but she was a fighter wasn’t she? Oh yeah, when everyone
else cut and run you could always depend on Kate. I’ll never forget what she meant to me”.
Finally Brennan very tearfully says “We’ve all heard about Kate Ramsay: the sister; the friend; the niece; the teacher. To me she was simply the best person in the world - the kindest, the most caring, the most beautiful. She’s the love of my life”.
Kate's coffin is then wheeled away, with Paul, Georgia, Kyle, Sophie, Zeke and Brennan beside it.

In the back yard of number 26, Kyle and Georgia sit with Bossy. Georgia suggests they go over to Karl and Susan’s, but Kyle likes being there just now. Sheila walks out, loudly talking on the
phone. Kyle is shocked as Sheila threatens to 'put a bomb under' the Thai officials, but Sheila says that they didn't even understand what she was saying. Kyle doesn’t think she should go to Bangkok when she’s in this mood, but Sheila says that they
can’t leave Dane over there on his own. Kyle suggests that he’ll go. Georgia reminds Kyle he doesn’t have a passport, but Kyle reveals he does, as he got
one to take her on her honeymoon – it was going to be a surprise. Sheila tells Kyle that Dane’s next hearing is in two days, so Kyle suggests getting a flight tonight. He asks his gran to book a flight, while he goes to tell Brennan he’s leaving. Sheila
leaves and Kyle sits back down with Georgia and asks her how she's feeling. Georgia says to Kyle “I’m in love with you Kyle, I always have been and I always will and I want us to get back together. I’m sorry I took so long” Kyle tells Georgia she was
worth the wait, and they kiss.

At number 28, Sheila wonders why Naomi is at the wake. Naomi tells her that Toadie wanted her to spend time with family, Sheila admits that she's glad to have her
daughter back in her life. Naomi feels the same. She goes to hand Toadie and Sonya their drinks but then she wants to hear all about Dane. Susan walks over to Sheila, saying that was nice, and Sheila agrees. Sheila looks over to Naomi who is now sitting beside Toadie, Sheila
Paul presents Sophie with Kate’s locket - Sophie thanks him and asks him to put it on for her. Paul tells Sophie he was hoping that once Harry had finished his basketball tour, the two of them would come to
stay with him for a while, saying that it would be nice for them to be back together. However, Sophie informs Paul that she was actually thinking of going to the States and meeting Harry there, as soon as possible. Sophie mentions that Harry sounds
really bad and she wants to be there for him. Sophie checks if that’s okay with Paul, admitting that she hates leaving him alone. Paul tells her he understands and not to worry about him, he’ll be okay. Paul offers to get his assistant to book a first class
flight for her. Sophie thanks Paul for everything he has done for them. Paul tells Sophie that he will always be here if they need him. Sophie cries and hugs Paul.

At the cemetery Mark stands by Kate’s gravestone. Paul rushes over, angrily and starts telling Mark that according to life expectancy Kate should have lived another 60 years -
nearly 22000 days. Mark asks Paul to get to the point. Paul continues by saying “You were right, Kate was the best person who ever lived, nobody would want to hurt her. That bullet was intended for you. You killed her as surely as pulling the trigger yourself.
I am going to make you pay for every single one of those 22000 days”. Paul storms off whilst Mark looks totally distraught.
Featured Regular Characters: Kate Ramsay, Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning,
Chris Pappas, Georgia Brooks
Guest Cast: Scott McGregor as Mark Brennan, Morgana O'Reilly as Naomi Canning,
Kaiya Jones as Sophie Ramsay, Matthew Werkmeister as Zeke Kinski,
Christian Heath as Will Dampier, Krissy Hamilton as Julie Parelli
Trivia Notes
• The 'sad piano' version of the Neighbours theme is played as Kate's funeral is carried away
• Past characters Andrew Robinson, Harry Ramsay and Dane Canning are mentioned
• In the UK, this and the previous episode were subtitled 'The Shooting' with this episode given a special 6.30pm preview screening and pulling in
ratings of 1.41 million viewers, the highest ratings for Neighbours so far that year
• Due to the show's G rating in Australia, they were unable to show the gun or any blood
• The notice of Kate's death in the newspaper reads: '‘Ramsay – Kate. Beloved sister of Sophie and Harry Ramsay, much loved daughter of Jill Ramsay and niece to Paul
Robinson. Taken before your time, you will now be gracing heaven with your beauty, kindness, generosity and humour. You made the world a better place. Words cannot express how much we will you Kate. Your memory will live on in our hearts forever’
• Kate’s grave stone reads ‘Kate Ramsay, 1992-1994. Beloved sister of Harry & Sophie, daughter of Jill. Always in our hearts’
• There is a jump in time on screen between Paul trashing the bar and everyone preparing for Kate's funeral, though it is not stated how far forward we have jumped
I can't fault the acting of all those involved, they were brilliant. However, following this episode I felt short-changed by an unnecessarily speedy exit. Neighbours over the last year
has been very strong but the pacing seriously needs to be sorted out. You've got love triangles and other stories dragging on and on, but bigger stories like this all done and dusted in one episode.
by Kyle