Magic Moments
> 2014
> Matt and Lauren's Vow Renewal
Episode 6892
by Fiona Bozic, Directed
by Jo O'Shaughnessy, Produced
by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 27/05/14, Channel 5: 10/06/14
Bailey and Callum fall out... Josh covers for Bailey... Brad admits about his search to Lauren... Lauren tells Matt she won’t be home in time for the lunch... Matt tells Lou and Susan the vow renewal is off...
Terese tells Josh if Brad did something wrong he did it for the right reasons... Lauren and Brad kiss in the hotel room...
In their motel in Adelaide, Brad and Lauren are wide awake - separately on the bed and couch - and are startled by the wake-up call. Lauren awkwardly tells Brad she’s taking the first shower.

At number 32, Susan suggests that Matt should call Brad - he can tell him about the vow renewal and convince Lauren to return home without her knowing why. Matt thinks Brad
and Lauren have more important things on their minds. Terese comes in and apologises for what Josh did yesterday, offering to cover the damages, but Matt brushes it off, saying that it was an accident. Terese asks Matt if he's had heard from Lauren,
Matt says that he only knows that won’t be back for lunch. Terese says that she hasn't heard from Brad, but they both reassure each other that they'll be informed if anything important happens.
Brad comes into the motel room, finishing up a call with Tracey. Brad starts to tell Lauren that it was the right street but the original house has gone - however Mary Smith still owns the property on the new estate. Lauren thinks its good news, and
Brad is very excited at the strong lead, but Lauren refuses to get her hopes up. She then tells Brad that she called a cab whilst he was out and she's heading home. Brad is surprised, but Lauren tells him that she wants to get home as soon as she can.
Brad reminds Lauren that this could be it - they could have found their daughter. Lauren explains to Brad that she wants to be at home with her family, as she can't take anymore of this. Brad tells Lauren that he’s going to stay, so she apologises for
not being here to help. Brad insists that he can handle it, and he tries to bring up last night; however, Lauren makes an excuse, claiming she needs to finish getting organised. They both sigh.

In the backyard at number 26, Bossy is sitting at the table and Chris is trying to teach her to fetch - Georgia appears and comments that Bossy has better table manners
than Kyle. Chris suggests that Georgia teaches him a thing or two when he gets back - Georgia says that it shouldn't be long now, as Dane has been given his passport back. Georgia tells Chris that she thought, with the good news, they could celebrate
and flashes the box of cakes she has brought over. Will comes out with breakfast and Georgia realises that he has beaten her to it. Georgia and Will hug, and he asks if she wants to stay for breakfast, which Georgia accepts. She asks what Chris and
Will’s plans are now that Matt’s party has been cancelled. Will looks blankly at Chris and Georgia, and Chris explains
the neighbours were having a few people around. Will thinks it would have been nice to meet some of Chris’s friends, then he realises that he's forgotten the maple syrup so suggests they start without him. Once Will has gone into the house, Georgia
guesses Chris wasn’t going to invite Will. Chris tells Georgia he wasn’t sure as they’ve been on a few dates and last night was the first time he stayed over. Georgia tells Chris that it was a good thing it was cancelled as things could have got
very awkward.
Inside number 32, the Turners are having breakfast when Matt’s phone starts to ring - it’s Lauren. She tells Matt that she’s coming home as things didn’t turn out as she’d expected.
Matt thinks it's great news - but not that things didn’t work out. Lauren tells Matt that she’ll call when she gets in and she loves him. Lauren ends the call and Matt tells everyone the vow renewal is back on.

Back at the motel, Brad checks everything is ok and Lauren says it is. Lauren tries to broach last night and Brad says “it was a kiss, five seconds of madness, nothing more”.
Brad suggests that they forget it ever happened, and Lauren agrees. Brad offers to give her a lift to the airport, to save her getting a cab, and Lauren accepts.
Chris and Will are in the hot tub, when Chris gets a text from Matt letting him know the lunch is back on. Will is pleased that he can get dressed up for Chris after all, but Chris looks less keen, and
tells Will that he’ll have to check with Matt first. Will is confused - Chris explains that he will have to ask Matt if he can come along, and Will realises that Chris wasn’t actually planning on asking him. Will thinks Chris just said it to stop things
getting awkward. Chris tries to explain to Will that they haven’t been going out long and he didn’t think he’d be interested. “Didn’t think I would be interested or you didn’t want me there” is Will’s reply. Chris admits he doesn’t know what he wants. Will
tells Chris that he’d rather he admit he doesn’t want him to meet his friends, adding that he’s tired of trying to figure out what’s going on with Chris and proceeds to get out of the hot tub. Chris asks Will not to go, but Will points out that Chris
lied about having a boyfriend and now they are going out with each other, he doesn’t want him to meet his friends. Chris says that he just needs time, but Will says that he's happy to give him time or space, but he needs to stop acting so hot and cold.


In the backyard of number 32, Lou compliments Bailey on the decorations, and Matt asks for help with a box and asks if someone can pick up the ice and shell the prawns. Amber
tells Matt that Karl is getting the ice and Bailey can do the prawns, “because you’re such a shrimp!”. Lou laughs at this, but Bailey thinks it’s the worst joke he’s ever heard.
Amber tells Matt to relax - everything is going to be perfect. Lauren then appears and asks what is going to be perfect. She looks round in surprise, wondering why Matt's gone to so much effort for lunch. Matt tells her it’s for a vow renewal, and he goes
down on one knee and asks Lauren to do the great honour of renewing their wedding vows - Lauren is speechless.
Inside number 32, Lauren again tells Matt that she had no idea - he points out that it wouldn’t have been a surprise if she'd known about it. Lauren tells Matt he’s the sweetest, most amazing man ever, and says that she doesn’t deserve him. She starts
getting emotional; Matt puts his hands to Lauren’s face and tells her she’s supposed to be happy. Lauren realises what bad timing the Adelaide trip was, but Matt says that she’s back now, and that is what’s important. Matt shows Lauren Susan’s suggestions for
her vows as he understands it's short notice. Lauren is surprised, but says that she can think of something herself - but she needs to talk to him about Adelaide first. Matt cuts Lauren off, he apologises that she didn’t find her daughter but he wants to
focus on them today. Lauren agrees, and Matt moves on to the dress - Lauren think she can pull something out of her wardrobe, but Matt reveals that Amber has been to her favourite boutique and has picked out something she will love. Matt also mentions that
Amber is standing by to do her hair and makeup. Lauren tells Matt that he really has thought of everything - he says that he wants today to be special. Lauren tells Matt she loves him and they kiss, before he tells her not to leave him waiting at the altar.


At number 32, Terese rushes into the garden, the last guest to arrive, and takes a seat. Amber comes out and everyone claps in
delight when Lauren comes out in a green dress with a bouquet of flowers. Lauren smiles and takes Amber's hand, walking up the aisle to Matt. Matt comments that Lauren looks even more beautiful than the last time - Lauren tells him that
she’s got even more to be happy about. Susan starts “Lauren and Matt, we're all here today to celebrate your love and to acknowledge your lifelong devotion to each other. You’ve shared the joy as well as the
challenges of married life for twenty years and it's your wish today to reconfirm your commitment to each other. Matt would you like to start?” Matt says to Lauren “I used to think marriage was the final step. That you’d meet someone, fall in love,
tie the knot... what I didn’t realise was that marrying you would be the beginning of an amazing adventure. Lauren, from the first time I saw you I knew you were the one. I am grateful for every minute of every day we’ve had together. Family is everything
and you are the heart and soul of this family. I love you and I always will.” Susan thanks Matt and asks if Lauren, despite the short notice would like to say her own vows. Lauren nods and starts “No marriage is perfect and we all make mistakes. But
when you have a husband like Matt by your side, you can get through anything. Matt, you give me courage, hope, and most importantly, love, the sort of love that everyone should be lucky enough to have in their life.” Susan continues “Matt and Lauren, do
you promise to continue to love, cherish and honour each other for better for worse, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others remain faithful to each other for as long as you live.” Lauren and Matt both say “We do” Susan then concludes “It
gives me great pleasure that I invite you to celebrate the renewal of your vows with a kiss”. Lauren and Matt kiss, everyone claps and Terese takes a photo with her phone.
At the hotel, Brad receives a photo text from Terese telling him about the marriage vows renewal. Just then Brad receives a call from Tracey and goes to write down the information she gives him.


Inside number 32, Chris is looking in the fridge when Will appears, telling him he’ll have a beer. Chris confirms that Will got his text and Will points out he’s here.
Chris admits to Will that he’s been an idiot and he was right - he wasn’t sure whether to invite him because it was so new. Chris tells Will he doesn’t play games, he’s just not good at this stuff. Chris admits that he really likes
him and if he gives him another chance he’ll do better. Will asks Chris how he will know if he gets cold feet again. Chris tells Will he can't promise that won't happen, and admits that no relationship is perfect. Chris asks Will if he’ll give him
another shot - Will agrees and jokes it’ll be Chris’s turn to make breakfast next time. They share a kiss. Amber walks in and takes a photo at that moment, commenting that “it's one for the photobook”. Chris and Will laugh.
In the back garden, Georgia and Sheila are dancing, Georgia comments that the day's been very romantic. Sheila wishes she wasn’t so underdressed for a wedding. Georgia’s
heels are killing her so she asks Bailey to dance with Sheila instead - Bailey is reluctant but Sheila offers to teach him the hustle. Bailey passes and Sheila says that he doesn’t know what he’s missing out on. Lou pipes up with “Sheila
you’re an excellent dancer. You’re very light on your feet”. Sheila is flattered; Lou proceeds to tells Sheila something in Khmer - when she asks him what it means he translates it as 'you dance like an angel'. Sheila tells him it's very kind of him.
Susan takes a drink over to Karl and tells him it’s just what the doctor ordered. Karl thinks she’s funny! Karl congratulates Susan and comments that it was a beautiful ceremony. Susan agrees that it went well, and Karl then mentions
that occasions like this remind him how much he misses family. Susan points out all the good friends they’ve got, but Karl doesn’t think it's the same as having family around.

Inside number 32, Terese brings some dirty plates into the kitchen. Lauren comes in through the house and hesitates when she sees Terese. When Lauren enters,
Terese tells her that she looks stunning. Lauren thanks her and comments that Amber picked out the dress. Terese thinks its great that Lauren made it back in time, adding that Brad told her that they might have a new lead. Lauren explains that
Brad wanted to stay and chase it up but she felt it was time to come home. Terese says that it must have been a tough decision, Lauren nods and agrees that it was, but she thinks it was the right one. Terese agrees and apologises that Brad hired
the PI on his own - Terese lets Lauren know that when she found out, she made Brad tell her. Lauren says that she knows and is grateful, with Terese replying that she's sure Lauren would do the same for her.
Back outside, Will asks Chris if he would like to meet the most important person in his life. Chris looks sceptical until Will explains that he means his dog, Napoleon. Chris thinks he’s being funny, but Will reiterates that Napoleon really is the most important
person in his life. Meanwhile, Sheila comes marching out to Lou and says “So I dance like an angel, do I? I just called my Cambodian friend from self-defence class and according to her that means 'you dance like an elephant'”. Lou chokes on his food and starts to run
away from Sheila. Sheila says outloud “Ohhhh! You are one dead chook, Colonel Sanders!” and chases Lou. Callum then wanders in and says that the olds have gone crazy. Callum thinks it's a cool party and couldn’t believe Bailey kept it a secret.
Bailey, however, can't believe Callum thought he would invite him. Callum points out Bailey was the one who had a go at him, but Bailey wanders off and Amber stops him. Amber asks her brother what his problem is, but Bailey doesn’t know what she’s talking
about. Amber tells Bailey that Josh told her everything about the home brew, and Bailey wants to know what she expects him to do about it - Amber wants him to show some remorse. Bailey sarcastically apologises and asks if she’s happy now. Amber comments that she would be happy if she could kick his butt but she doesn’t
want to start a fight and ruin their mum's big day. Bailey thinks their mum has got better things to worry about anyway.
In Adelaide, Brad knocks on a door. A young man answers the door and asks if he can help. Brad explains that he was given the address as a possible residence of
Mary Smith. Brad asks if he knows her and the young man asks if Brad knows her. Brad explains that it’s important he gets in contact with her. The young man, Ethan, replies that Mary's his mum, so Brad asks if she’s here. Ethan tells Brad
that she isn’t but she owns the place, and he is the only person that lives here. Brad introduces himself and explains that his parents adopted a girl in 1994 in the Tablelands area. Brad thinks the girl is his daughter. The young man thinks Brad's got
the wrong Smith, explaining that he’s an only child. Brad apologises for bothering him but gives him his business card, with Lauren's number written on the back, if Mary wants to contact Brad, just in case she knows anything about it. Ethan
asks who Lauren is - Brad explains that she's the
mother. Brad adds that they’re desperate to find their daughter, and Ethan tells Brad that he’ll pass it onto his mum, but he doesn’t think she’ll be much help. Brad thanks him and leaves. Inside, Ethan is on the phone and
says “Hey it’s me. I just thought you should know some people are looking for you, your biological parents. We knew it had to happen sooner or later”. Outside, Brad drives away.


At number 32, having changed, Lauren and Matt come in with their bags. Lou asks them if they’re ready to go and they confirm they are - Lou says that he told Lucas and Vanessa they’ll
swing by. Lauren says that she can't wait to meet little Sebastiana, the new baby. Lauren's phone rings and she’s surprised that it's Brad. Brad tells Lauren that it’s no good, he found Mary Smith's son but he’s an only child. Lauren asks
what they do now. Brad tells her that he's left his details, and will stay on a bit longer, in case Mary calls. Lauren asks him to call her if there’s anything he needs her to do. Brad then tells her that he heard about the vow renewal. Lauren explains
that they're about to head off for a couple of days in Daylesford - it’s kind of like a mini honeymoon. Brad wishes them a good time and passes on his congratulations to Matt. Amber announces that Bailey has offered to clean up. Bailey half-heartly agrees
he did. Matt tells them to be good and, once Lou, Lauren and Matt have left the room, Amber tells Bailey she’s going to spend the night at Josh’s and tells Bailey to have fun - Bailey eyes the home brew.
Featured Regular Characters: Lou Carpenter, Lauren Turner, Matt Turner, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner, Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Chris Pappas, Sheila Canning,
Georgia Brooks, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy
Guest Cast: Tim Phillipps as Daniel Robinson, Christian Heath as Will Dampier,
Matthew Little as Ethan Smith
Trivia Notes
• Past characters Dane Canning, Lucas Fitzgerald and Vanessa Villante are mentioned. It is also mentioned for the first time that Vanessa has given birth to her second
child, a baby girl named Sebastiana, which, according to Lauren, is a traditional Villante family name
by Kyle