Magic Moments
> 2014
> The Tornado: Part One
Episode 6961
by Emma J Steele, Directed
by Chris Langman, Produced
by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 01/09/14, Channel 5: 15/09/14
Kyle declaring that he’s moving into number 30 to look after Georgia... Toadie wondering if Kyle’s doing too much... Paul unimpressed at Daniel suddenly taking time off work...
Paul trying to get Amber to help him change Daniel... Daniel and Amber making plans to travel while Paul thinks he’s staying put... Paige having it out with Mark, before they start kissing...
Bailey is watching a news report giving out a weather warning as Daniel and Amber enter the house in their swimming gear. Bailey tells them that the storm is going to be huge; Daniel declares that he loves it when ‘nature puts on a show’. Bailey tells
Amber and Daniel that he plans on staying safely inside to watch 'the show', and is shocked when Daniel mentions that he and Amber are going to head out to take photos. Daniel’s phone beeps; it’s a text message from Paul. Daniel throws Bailey his
iPhone as he is fed up of Paul using it to contact him! Bailey asks them if they are serious about going out there, they nod in agreement and Bailey tells them that they are crazy!. “Crazy in love” Amber declares.


As dark clouds arrive over Ramsay Street, inside number 24, a shirtless Mark heads to the fridge to get a drink, as Paige enters wearing his shirt. Things are slightly awkward
as they both drink their water. Paige asks Mark if he is ok with what they have just done - he replies that it might change things between them. Paige agrees. Mark asks Paige if she wants to head out for a drink, Paige says to Mark “Like outside... in
this weather? Like on a date now?” Mark confirms that it would be a date, and Paige happily agrees, telling him that she'll go and get dressed. However, as Paige heads back to the bedroom, Mark has an attack of the guilts as he looks at a
photo of him and Kate.
Kyle and Sonya enter number 30’s back door after battening down the hatches outside. Kyle checks on Georgia, who writes him a note asking for some water. Toadie brings through Nell and tells Sonya that she was asleep until the banging of the door woke her up.
To make matters worse, Toadie then discovers that the roof is leaking.

Down at the Waterhole, Paul is ranting at Sheila about Daniel, telling her that his nephew should be working and building a career rather than gallivanting. However,
Sheila is more interested in the body language between Mark and Paige, who are over at one of the tables. Sheila says to Paul “Those two have taken house sharing to a whole new level!”, adding that it’s nice for Mark as it's been too long for him.
Paul isn't impressed and heads over as Paige leaves to go to the bathroom. Paul asks Mark when did he start going out with the ‘Turner/Willis love child’, but Mark refuses to talk about it. Paul says “So much for Kate being the love of your life”.
At this moment Sheila intervenes to show Paul what Daniel is up to (out with Amber, posting pictures of the storm) and he isn't at all impressed at his nephew!
Mark and Paige arrive back at number 24, Paige asks if she did something weird, as he went all quiet on her after she returned from the toilet, and they left pretty quickly. Mark insists that she didn’t do anything and, happy with this
answer, she heads off for a shower. Paul’s words have gotten to Mark as he digs out Kate’s engagement ring. He is looking at it when Paige comes back to get some towels and asks him about it. When Mark tells Paige what it is, Paige tells him that he doesn't
need to hide it because she understands that Kate was a huge part of his life. Mark says to Paige “She was. She still is in a way”. Paige walks over to Mark and asks him if the whole situation is too much, Mark stops her and tries to explain but he can’t get
his words out. Paige tells Mark that she “can't compete with a ghost,” Mark tells Paige that he doesn't expect her to and adds that he didn’t expect to be in this situation so quickly. Paige suggests they go back to being just friends and from his silence on
the matter that is what it now will be.

At number 32, Bailey looks worried, as he continues to follow the storm's progress online.
Back at The Waterhole, Sheila says that the storm is getting worse, Sonya agrees and shows Sheila the supplies she’s bought (candles and batteries) while she waits for her order. Paul catches up with Daniel to express his annoyance at him not
settling down, Paul tells Daniel that talking to him is like ‘banging his head off a brick wall!’ When Daniel doesn't come back at him, Paul delights in bringing up how he’s been in his previous relationships, in particular with his last girlfriend and telling
Amber the story behind the tattoo. Daniel asks Paul what he is trying to do. “I just want you to make the most of your opportunities” is Paul’s reply. “I am,” Daniel cries out but his interpretation is spending time with the girl he loves! Paul tells Daniel this
is irresponsible and reckless behaviour and the pair then dispute what exactly that is, which culminates in Daniel telling Paul he is moving out. Amber and Daniel leave, unwilling to discuss it any more with Paul.
Sonya returns to number 30, with their order and supplies, and says that she struggled to close the door because of the wind. Toadie is fretting about more leaks appearing in the roof. Kyle is on the phone and turns down a job at Lassiter's to take care of
Georgia, but she orders Kyle to go as they need the money! As Kyle leaves, Mark enters, Sonya and Georgia leave the room to find some more buckets and Mark asks Toadie if he can have some advice.


Back at The Waterhole, Sheila is having a go at Paul for his attitude towards Daniel and asks why he brought up his ex-girlfriend in front of Amber. Paul tells Sheila he had
to get a response somehow and mentions that Daniel can’t keep jumping from relationship to relationship. Paul declares that all he wants is what’s best for him, like he did with Kate. Sheila says to Paul “You need to go find Daniel and set things
straight because this time tomorrow you're going to be rattling around that ivory penthouse tower of yours all alone”. Sheila then assists Paul with putting his jacket on!
Mark is filling Toadie in on the situation with him and Paige - he tells Toadie that he feels like he’s crossed some sort of line, mentioning that it felt right, until Paul had a go at him.
Over at number 32, Paige is having a similar conversation with Bailey because Lauren isn't home yet.
Back at number 30, Toadie’s advice is for Mark to not let Paul dictate when he can move on. Mark now ponders on the “move on” bit as he's unsure if he has done that.
Meanwhile, Paige is kicking herself for moving things on with Mark so quickly, but Bailey is out of his depth and can't offer her any advice.
Back at number 30, Mark tells Toadie he would still like his opinion, as he went through a similar situation when his wife died. Toadie is hesitant of confirming if Mark is at the stage of being able to move on, saying that everyone is different, but when
it is time, he has to make that step “’cos you're not living your life otherwise.”


Back at the Turners, Paige debates whether she should move out of the street if she and Brennan fall apart, though she thinks that would ‘suck’ as she’s finally sorting things with
her new families. Bailey has zoned out to concentrate on the weather - Paige notices and goes to see what he is looking at, surprised to see that the storm is now forecast to be a tornado!
At Lassiter's Hotel, Kyle is telling Paul and Wendy the receptionist that he heard on the radio that the storm is turning into a tornado, it’s the first time in a century. However, Paul is more concerned about making contact with Daniel. Paul leaves Daniel a voicemail, then
asks Wendy to organise a car as his own is still being detailed. Kyle overhears and says to Paul “You're not going to go out there?!” Paul tells Kyle he is going to find Daniel and Amber. Paul declares to Kyle “a little bit of bad weather” isn't going to stop
him finding his nephew. Wendy tells Paul that the car is waiting outside for him and Paul heads out.
As Mark leaves number 30, he sees the tornado approaching.


Mark enters number 24 and fills Paige in on the impending tornado. Paige admits that she is freaked out and tells Mark a story from her childhood as to why she is scared. In return,
Mark tells her about watching an electrical storm in the Blue Mountains. “At least you were safe,” Paige says, just as the lights start to flicker in the house. Mark decides that they should give whatever it is that is happening between
them a chance to develop and to ignore the ‘friends only’ status that Paige wanted them to revert to. Paige says to Mark “Are you sure? I can clearly understand if you are not ready. It wouldn't be fair on either of us”. “It wouldn't and yes, I'm sure” is Mark’s
reply, he then leans over and the pair begin kissing.
Daniel pulls up outside Grease Monkeys, declaring that he totally loves the bad weather. However, Amber is still thinking about what Paul said in the bar, they start to argue over Daniel’s ex as the car rocks around in the strong wind. Amber starts asking
Daniel about his ex-girlfriend and what she was like. Daniel tells Amber that she was incredible, she had an intensity that was intoxicating, she drove him crazy and he couldn’t get enough. Amber calls a stop as she’s heard enough and demands he never talks to
her about his ex again!

At number 32, Bailey still has his eyes glued to watching the weather radar on his computer.
The storm is getting stronger and at number 30, Toadie leaves Georgia and Bossy sitting on the sofa to go outside to make sure everything is tied down, mentioning that Sonya is still trying to settle Nell. The storm blows the front door open and before
Georgia can get there to close it, Bossy runs outside. Georgia chases her outside.
Back at number 32, the house is in darkness with just the light from Bailey’s laptop. A lightning strike illuminates the kitchen.
The whole of Ramsay Street is in darkness, an electricity pole has come down in the storm.
Toadie re-enters number 30 and after closing the front door, calls out for Georgia but she isn't there.
Paul is driving in the storm but is having great difficulty seeing due to the windscreen fogging up and the sheer force of the rain.

Outside Grease Monkeys, Amber and Daniel are still arguing over his ex. Daniel is trying to convince Amber that she is the only one that matters to him when suddenly the stationary car
gets picked up and tossed around. Amber starts to scream, as the roof of the car is ripped off...
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Daniel Robinson, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Georgia Brooks,
Paige Smith, Mark Brennan
Guest Cast: Elmira Jurik as Johanna Mayberry, Scarlett Anderson as Nell Rebecchi,
Natalia Ko as Wendy Leung
Trivia Notes
• Past character Kate Ramsay is mentioned. Dee Bliss is also referenced, though not by name
• Daniel's age is given as 21
by Kyle