Magic Moments
> 2018
> Chloe's Arrival
Episode 7807
by Elizabeth Packett, Directed
by Gary Conway, Produced
by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 27/03/18, Channel 5: 27/03/18
Elly informs Mark that he's only with her because Paige hurt him... Mark admits to Paige that he did give her and Jack his blessing, but he's finding it
difficult... Elly tells Paige that she knows she didn't mean to hurt anyone but there is a lot of fallout from what she did... Paige confesses to Jack that
they should re-consider their trip to Queensland as it's affecting a lot of people... Misthi accuses Jayden of sabotaging the concrete slab, causing it to
fall... David is informed by Misthi that Rafael was responsible for Leo's accident... David looks surprised as Rafael apologises to him...
At the backpackers, David has arrived to find Rafael sitting on a chair. He wanted to check to see how Rafael was doing and they discuss the upcoming court
case. Rafael tells David that he will take whatever punishment is given to him and then asks David how Leo is. David tells Rafael that Leo is in London but
Rafael is already aware of this as Paul disclosed it to him. At that moment Paul arrives, informing them that Leo managed to meet with his contact but she
got away from him. He's been trying to track her down but she's disappeared without a trace. Paul assures both David and Rafael that he is trying to find
some answers about the fire but Rafael looks disappointed and departs.

Over at no. 22, Jack is looking at a photo of Paige and Gabe just as they enter the house. Paige has made a decision over her potential move to Queensland,
surprising Jack by stating that she does want to relocate to the Gold Coast with him and Gabe as they should be looking to the future. Understanding that
this is a big risk for Paige, Jack is happy that she has finally decided to leave Ramsay Street with him and tells her that at least they will be around
family including Amber and Matilda when they move to Queensland. He also mentions that he will need to look for a job once they are there and Paige suggests
that he speak to Brad about that. Before they do anything else they agree that they need to tell everyone that they are leaving, although Paige is worried
about how Terese will take the news.
At Harold's, Steph and Elly are talking about Ben and Xanthe's long-distance relationship as Mark passes them. There is an awkward moment between Mark and
Elly which Steph picks up on - she asks Elly what has happened between her and Mark. Elly informs Steph that Mark tried to take things further with her last
night, but she told him that she doesn't want to be the rebound girl. Steph takes this opportunity to mention the tryst between Mark and Izzy and Elly looks
unhappy. She wonders when things will settle down and Mark will stop pining over Paige, but Steph assures her that given time things will go back to normal
and she and Mark can eventually be friends again.

Terese and Paige are walking towards the Lassiters complex as Paige prepares to tell Terese of her news. Before she can mention her plans to leave
Erinsborough with Jack, Terese interrupts her and starts talking about her worries regarding Piper and her estrangement from the family. She goes on to
tell Paige that she would like her family back together again, including herself, Piper, Paige and Gabe. Paige once again tries to tell Terese her news,
but she is interrupted a second time as Terese rushes over to see Paul. She asks Paul about Leo attending the conference in London, but Paul discloses that
Leo was unable to attend the event as he was called away on other business. Astonished by the news, Terese tells Paul that the whole point of Leo being in
London was to go to the conference, but Paul is blase, telling Terese that it's not the end of the world. As Terese fumes about how much work they put in
for this, Paige offers to e-mail Leo and make Terese a cup of herbal tea. Soothed by this, Terese tells a guilty looking Paige that she doesn't know what
she would do without her.
At no. 24, Piper is on her phone as Mark enters the house. Piper is unsure what Mark is doing at home as she thought he was meeting someone. Mark tells her
that he still is but needs to freshen up. Aware that Mark is slightly edgy and nervous, she asks him if everything is okay, and Mark admits to Piper that he
doesn't know what to expect from the person he's meeting.

Back at Lassiters, a car pulls up at the hotel. A mystery woman exits the car and tells the driver that he'll be getting a five-star review from her before
spontaneously kissing him!
At the Waterhole, David asks Paige if she is really leaving Erinsborough with Jack. She tells him that it's early days but the love she felt for Jack in the
early days of their relationship is coming back and she wants to give things a go in Queensland. Sad to see her go, David tells Paige that he will miss her,
and hopes that she doesn't forget about him. She assures him that she will never forget their friendship and then goes on to ask David about the situation
with Rafael. David tells her that even though he feels betrayed he still worries about how much pain Rafael is in. He goes on to tell Paige that Rafael has
disclosed that he still cares about him, and he believes he is sincere in his words. Paige suggests to David that maybe he should just forgive Rafael,
comparing the situation to the one in which Mark forgave her after she spurned his affections in favour of a fresh start with Jack. She tells David that
she has to run but implies that he should give serious thought to what she has said.

Outside the hotel, Elly is excitedly telling Karl about the exchange programme between Erinsborough High and Libby's school in China, going on to say
that it will be a great way for the students to learn Mandarin. Despite her enthusiasm Karl looks thoughtful and worried. He tells Elly that he has still
not spoken to Susan about the situation with Izzy and hopes that he can sort things out when she gets home. He goes on to say that he's finding it difficult
to put Izzy in the past due to her ongoing dramas but is equally concerned with how Holly is coping after her mum abandoned her. Elly tries to assure Karl
that at least Holly still has her dad, and he forces a smile. Across the complex the mystery woman from earlier has arrived at Harold's - it's revealed that
she is also the woman Mark was meeting. She and Mark share a heartfelt embrace as Karl and Elly watch proceedings. Karl asks Elly if she knows who the woman
is, but she tells him that she has no idea, looking unhappy that Mark has seemingly moved on so quickly.
At the Waterhole, Jack is meeting with Steph. He tells her that he, Paige and Gabe are moving to the Gold Coast in a short while, once he has sorted out
his situation with work. Steph looks non-plussed at his news, still unhappy at what happened between them. Jack tells Steph that he can't change what he
did, but he still thinks that she is an amazing woman and that the time they spent together meant something to him. Still unmoved by his confession, Steph
tersely tells Jack that she wishes him well but refuses to give him a farewell hug. As she leaves, Jack receives a phone call from Brad.

Terese is talking to Piper and Paige at Harold's, telling them that she managed to resolve the situation in London, but with no-one to talk through the
details of the presentation it didn't go down well. Piper is angry that Leo decided to abandon the conference after all the work they put in, but Terese
assures her that once Leo returns from London she will demand firm answers for his no-show. As they continue to talk, Paige's phone rings, it's Jack. She
goes to talk to him as Steph enters Harold's, running into Elly as she goes to make her order. Elly asks Steph if she saw Mark with the mysterious woman
outside earlier, informing her that she had a weird bohemian vibe. Steph can see through Elly's act and tells her that even though it's obvious that she
still cares about Mark, there are only so many times she can warn him off the 'rebound girl' before she has to let him do his thing. She lets Elly digest
her words as she goes over to see Terese and Piper, telling them sympathetically that they must be saddened to see Paige departing for Queensland with Jack
and Gabe. Shocked at hearing this news from Steph, Terese and Piper look over at a guilty looking Paige, asking her why she didn't tell them that she was
Outside the hospital, David has asked Rafael to meet him. He goes over to him and gets straight to the point, telling Rafael that he still has feelings
for him, having managed to find forgiveness for what he did to Leo and Amy. He asks Rafael if he can try and find some forgiveness for whoever was responsible
for the fire, and at this suggestion Rafael becomes angry, telling David that he is only saying this to stop him from harassing Paul. David assures him that
this is not the case at all, he just wants Rafael to stop living with so much hate and anger as he may never find out who caused the death of his mother, and
he's worried that a thirst for revenge could destroy him.

Back at Harold's, Paige is apologetic for not telling Terese and Piper that she was leaving. She then shocks them further by informing them that she may be
departing as early as Friday, due to Jack starting a job that Brad helped to organise for him. Terese asks Paige what she will be doing about her own work,
offering to call Lassiters Gold Coast for a position at their hotel. Paige tells her that this won't be necessary as she has plans to go back to university
to finish her social work degree, as they have a mid-year intake, so for now she will just be doing casual work. They continue to chat as the mystery woman
from earlier heads to the toilets. Elly tells Paige that they will have to have a drink later and then follows the woman into the toilet.
Busying herself by the sinks, Elly pretends to style her hair in the mirror, as the mystery woman suddenly calls out from the cubicle, asking if there is
anyone out there. Elly replies that she is outside the cubicle, and the woman is grateful, asking her if she has a spare tampon as she has misplaced hers
due to the amount of travelling she has done. Elly takes one out of her bag and passes it under the stall for the woman, who thanks her, telling her that
she's a lifesaver. The woman goes on to regale Elly about a situation she had in the Chitwan Jungle where there were no tampons or Mooncups to help her,
leaving Elly feeling perturbed by the forthright nature of the conversation.

At the backpackers, Jack and Paige are talking about their move to Queensland. Recalling her awkward moment with Terese and Piper earlier, Paige worries
about abandoning them at this time, telling Jack that Piper isn't in a good place at the moment. Worried about his own unresolved issues with Susan and Elly,
Paige and Jack try to assure each other that they are making the right move. She goes to leave as Paul enters the backpackers, looking for Rafael. Finding
him on one of the bunks, Paul tells Rafael that he spoke to his ex-wife Christina as they lived in Brazil for a while before they split up, informing him
that she doesn't remember anything about his mother. Rafael is confused by Paul's visit if he doesn't have any positive news, but Paul tells Rafael that he
wants him to know that he is trying his best to find answers for him, as he knows how painful it must be to lose his mother having experienced it himself.
Rafael looks thoughtful at Paul's heartfelt confession.
At no. 22, Terese is in tears as Paige comes in, clearly upset at the thought of Paige leaving. She admits to Paige that she didn't realise how much she
had come to rely on her, which she finds ridiculous considering how much she wanted her to disappear when she first arrived in Erinsborough. Paige admits
that at first, she didn't like Terese either, joking that they hated each othe's guts. Terese confesses that now they have been living and working together,
she sees Paige as another daughter and loves her and Gabe very much. They hug as Paige tells Terese that she loves her too, thanking her for all her support
and encouragement and for teaching her so much. Terese admits that it's going to be quiet when Paige leaves, but she assures her that she will get used to it.

Rafael has returned to the hospital and is waiting for David. He tells him that he has been thinking about what he said earlier about forgiveness and
mentions his conversation with Paul, informing David that despite Paul's intention to clear his name, he can see that he really wants to help him. David
takes this as a positive sign that Rafael will be able to forgive Paul if it was he who started the fire, but Rafael admits that this was never about
forgiveness, all he wants is justice for his mother. Despite David's pleas that his thirst for revenge may not end well, Rafael tells him that he will
not let this go until he finds out who was responsible for the fire, as he owes it to his mother.

At the Lassiters complex, Elly assures Jack that they should be able to find a replacement for him at the school. She also offers to write him a reference
and Jack is grateful. They hug as Elly asks Jack to check in on Xanthe before he leaves, as she is worried about her grades slipping. On the other side of
the complex Elly spots the mystery woman at one of the tables outside Harold's. As Mark goes inside to get a drink, Elly sees the woman going through Mark's
wallet and rushes over, angrily asking her what she thinks she is doing. She tells the woman that the wallet belongs to a good friend of hers and that she
shouldn't be going through people's things. The woman jokes that Elly must be a cup, but Elly isn't happy with her manner and snatches the wallet out of her
hands. The woman orders Elly to give her the wallet back and they begin struggling, just as Mark comes back out of Harold's. He is astonished to see Elly and
the woman wrestling and asks them what's going on. Elly tells Mark that she found his 'skanky date' going through his wallet and happily gives the wallet back
to Mark. The mystery woman laughs at this and Mark reveals all, telling a shocked Elly that the mystery woman isn't his date, she is his sister, Chloe.
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, David Tanaka, Jack Callahan, Paige Smith,
Elly Conway, Steph Scully, Terese Willis, Piper Willis, Mark Brennan
Guest Cast: April Rose Pengilly as Chloe Brennan,
Ryan Thomas as Rafael Humphreys,
Jack Statton-Smith as Hayden Strom,
Kian Bafekrpour as Gabriel Smith
Trivia Notes
• First appearance of April
Rose Pengilly as Chloe Brennan, who would remain as a regular until Neighbours was axed in 2022, going on to make guest appearances
in the show's revival in 2023
• Chloe's first words are "Such a gentleman!"
• Past characters Christina Alessi,
Izzy Hoyland, Libby Kennedy, Amber Turner, Matilda Turner and Brad Willis are mentioned
by Michael