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Magic Moments > 2019 > Roxy's Arrival/Gemma's Return Episode 8091

Written by Melanie Sano, Directed by Simone Buchanan, Produced by Natalie Mandel and Natalie Lynch

Channel Eleven: 29/04/19, Channel 5: 29/04/19

Terese hears that her sister-in-law Gemma is planning to visit Erinsborough... Kyle walks in on Gary proposing to Amy... Paul reveals the real reason he decided to employ Kyle... Sheila asks Kyle how Gary will feel when he finds out the true reason behind his divorce from Georgia... Kyle and Chloe have a public display of affection... Paul finds out that Kyle is dating Chloe, and later asks Chloe to end the relationship...

At the Waterhole, Chloe realises why Paul has made the request for her to stop seeing Kyle, but Paul assures her that he is just trying to give Amy options other than Gary. Chloe doesn't believe this and informs Paul that Amy has already found love as she is getting married to Gary, but Paul is convinced that there is still something between Amy and Kyle 'bubbling under the surface'. Although Paul admits to Chloe that he sees Kyle as nothing more than a muscle-brained bumpkin, he would much prefer Amy dating him than Gary, but Chloe is annoyed that he would want her to give up on her chance of happiness to help Paul. Having only just begun dating, Paul indicates to Chloe that there won't be too much heartbreak if she and Kyle split up, and also comments that if Amy is genuinely in love with Gary, Chloe and Kyle breaking up shouldn't have any effect on her. He asks Chloe to think it over and temptingly offers a cash incentive to entice her.


Residents are gathering on Ramsay Street for Amy and Gary's engagement party celebration, as Terese informs them that she must go and see her ex-sister-in-law Gemma, although she promises to be back in time to hear Paul's speech. Amy hopes that Paul's speech isn't too embarrassing, but Gary is more worried about what Paul will have to say about him, jokily telling Amy that whereas she'll be toasted, he will be roasted! As the engagement party continues Sheila notices that Kyle is staring at Gary and Amy and mentions it to him, however Kyle assures her that he will soon get used to his father marrying his ex-partner. Sheila goes on to tell Kyle that there are plenty of other potential suitors that he could cosy up to, just as Chloe walks past them. Following Sheila's advice, Kyle heads towards Chloe but she turns down his offer of champagne and instead mentions how beautiful Amy looks next to his dad. An unhappy Kyle agrees that they make a great couple.

At the hotel office, Gemma is being shown around by Terese as she mentions that things are confusing her now in her life. Imogen pops in to say hello to her aunt and asks her what brings her to Erinsborough, to which Gemma confesses that one of her children, Roxy, will potentially be staying in Melbourne for a while. At this news Terese offers for her niece to stay at her house if she can be convinced to come, but it is revealed that she is already in Melbourne.


At the Waterhole, a mysterious blonde-haired woman is ordering a line of shots at the bar as Leo is convinced to join her, having just come into the bar to get some ice for the party. After Leo agrees to join her, the woman jumps up onto the bar, lies down on it and pours some alcohol into her belly button, telling Leo that it is time to 'lick, sip and suck'! Despite the tempting offer Leo decides to shy away from such behaviour and is grateful for his own caution as Gemma walks into the bar, with it being revealed that the blonde-haired woman writhing on the bar is her daughter Roxy. Seeing her mother enter the Waterhole, Roxy quickly jumps off the bar before giving her aunt Terese a hug whilst hurling insults at her cousin Imogen's dress sense.

Back on Ramsay Street, it's revealed that Xanthe decided not to come to the engagement party due to the presence of Finn. After his encounter with Roxy at the Waterhole, Leo is reliving her interesting antics to Chloe, who is confused as to why he didn't take her up on her offer. Leo admits that after his issues with Piper he is trying to avoid women, hence his reluctance to hook up with her. He asks Chloe why she isn't with Kyle, and she reveals that he is trying to figure his head out before asking Leo if he thinks there is still anything between Kyle and Amy, worried about entering another relationship disaster. Leo assures her that Kyle will be more consumed with his break-up with Georgia and then warns Chloe to avoid the no. 26 laundry room as that is where Kyle and Amy used to 'get dirty'. Intrigued by this revelation, Chloe requests to a confused Leo that he send Amy to the no. 26 laundry room in fifteen minutes' time, as she has something planned.


Having been caught by Gemma in a compromising situation at the Waterhole, Roxy is now sitting at a table with her mum, although the situation is tense. As Gemma berates her daughter for her risque behaviour and active social life, Imogen rescues her cousin, and they head off in search of some curly fries. As they leave Terese mentions to Gemma that Roxy is indeed a handful, but she is happy to keep an eye on her if she moves to Melbourne. Gemma agrees that Roxy living at no. 22 would be a good idea as Terese should provide a positive influence on her, with Gemma admitting that she has a problem with her daughter listening to her. She pleads with Terese to help turn her daughter's life around, reminding her that she was a bit of a hellraiser when she was younger before coming good.

At no. 26, Chloe finds Kyle inside the house getting some crisps, and without much preamble flirtatiously asks him to join her in the laundry room for some fun. All thoughts of crisps are quickly forgotten as Kyle takes off his t-shirt and follows Chloe into the laundry room.


Having purchased some food, Imogen and Roxy return to Ramsay Street, with Roxy excited to have a look inside no. 22. Meanwhile at the engagement party Clive admits to Sheila that he isn't feeling comfortable that the Kennedys weren't invited to the celebration as they can probably hear everything from their house. Sheila is unperturbed and continues to celebrate her son's engagement, whilst Gary is busy taking selfies with his neighbours and friends.

Having agreed to Chloe's request, Leo has managed to find an excuse for Amy to be inside no. 26 at the allotted time by asking her to get a bottle of champagne for the speeches. As Amy heads in to get the drink, she spots Kyle and Chloe getting frisky in the laundry room, but looks nonplussed as she jokes about Kyle's failed attempts to cover himself up. Chloe tries to make a big deal out of being caught by Amy, but Amy doesn't bite, instead leaving with the bottle and heading back to the party. In desperation at her so far failed attempts to rustle up tension between Kyle and Amy, Chloe tries once again to stir up the situation, but Kyle fails to play the game and instead decides to get dressed.


At no. 22 Imogen tells a concerned Terese and Gemma that Roxy is upstairs trying to see if there is anything worth stealing, but Gemma can see the funny side as Roxy heads back downstairs having tried out all of Terese's perfumes. Roxy tells the group that she is keen to move to Erinsbrough and live at no. 22, although Terese and Imogen look worried with the reality of this. She mirrors Gemma's words from earlier and suggests that if she is going to be able to turn her life around, she needs their help and support.

Back at no. 26, Kyle is confused by Chloe's behaviour and doesn't understand her worries about Amy nearly catching them in a tryst, informing her that Amy didn't appear to care at all. Chloe reminds Kyle that he and Amy used to get up to no good in the laundry room and this must have brought back some memories, but Kyle becomes suspicious and asks Chloe if she planned all of this. She admits that she did but covers herself by explaining that this was a test to see if he had any lingering romantic feelings for Amy. Upset by Chloe's attempts to trick him, Kyle clarifies that he was merely embarrassed about being caught in his underwear and not because it was Amy who caught them, before heading out of no. 26.


The engagement party continues on Ramsay Street as Paul attempts to make conversation with Leo, however Leo is not keen to do so, and any conversation is quickly curtailed. Meanwhile Chloe is chasing after Kyle as he heads straight for no. 32, in turn missing out on the speeches which are about to begin. The crowd hushes as Paul begins his speech for the happy couple:
"I think every father wants their daughter to marry somebody really worthy, somebody who can actually sit with them as an equal when it comes to intelligence, finances, morals. And you know, it would be wonderful to imagine Amy's life like that, being with someone who is on a solid career path, somebody who's really going places - I'm not just talking about jail or the bookies!"
He then raises his glass and proposes a toast:
"To Amy, I sincerely hope that your future brings you all of that and more, because darling you deserve the best, and only the best."
As he finishes his speech the crowd gather their glasses to raise a toast, seemingly stunned with Paul's cutting and controversial choice of words.

At no. 32, Chloe apologises to Kyle for testing him about his commitment to their relationship, admitting that she'd have been annoyed if he had done the same thing to her. Kyle asks her why she contrived this situation, and Chloe admits that after her difficult situation with Elly she just wanted something fun and simple, which didn't include someone hung up on his ex. Despite her worries Kyle assures her that things are over with Amy, admitting that although strange moments can happen with an ex-partner, they don't mean anything. He asks Chloe if they can put what has happened behind them and move on, but Chloe doesn't seem too enamoured and remains sitting on the sofa as he heads out to the pool.


Over at no. 22, Terese agrees to let Roxy stay for a two-month trial to see how she gets on, which both Gemma and Roxy are happy to hear. Imogen mentions that she is leaving in two days' time, but Roxy suggests that there is still time for them to let loose, however a disapproving murmur from Terese has her backtracking. As Gemma and Roxy head off to discuss what items need sending to Melbourne, Imogen asks her mum if Paul will be happy at sharing his house with a 'booze cruise leftover', but Terese tells her that her hands are tied as Roxy is family. She is hopeful that Roxy and Paul might get on, just as Roxy raids the fridge and pilfers Paul's expensive brie!

Back at no. 32, Paul has come round to see Chloe, although she warns him that Kyle is still in the house and he might not be too pleased with his speech about Gary. Paul reminds her that he didn't actually say a bad word about Gary but Chloe jokes that he hardly mentioned him at all. He then brings up the reason for his visit; having assumed that that their relationship is now over after he saw Kyle storm off, he has a cash payment for Chloe. She doesn't correct him in his assumption that things are over between them, but to cover her tracks does indicate that Kyle and Amy are friends and no more. As Paul leaves Kyle comes back into the living room and Chloe wastes no time in going over to kiss him, suggesting that they shouldn't break up just yet but should keep their relationship a secret. Kyle doesn't understand why they need to keep things quiet, but Chloe quickly comes up with a cover story that Aaron is concerned about them hooking up. Having swallowed this explanation, Kyle leads Chloe into one of the bedrooms as they joke about being officially off but unofficially on.


At no. 22 Terese is looking through her memory box as Imogen joins her on the sofa. She mentions to her daughter about one of her 'misadventures' in the past with a man she thought she couldn't live without, however she soon realised that the environment was a toxic one as his family were not good people and he was being primed to be like his dad and brothers. She explains that this is partly her reasoning behind having Roxy stay with them, to take her out of that same environment.

Meanwhile in the backyard Roxy is on the phone to a mysterious man, telling him that her plan to move to Melbourne has worked out and she is happy to keep their relationship quiet until they are both ready to tell people. She promises to look at his photo until she can see him for real, and dutifully does so as she ends the call.



Back inside the house Terese is also looking at a photo of herself from years ago with the man she mentioned to Imogen. It becomes apparent that the photos of the man Roxy and Terese are looking at are younger and older versions of the same person.

Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Leo Tanaka, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Amy Williams

Guest Cast: Beth Buchanan as Gemma Willis, Zima Anderson as Roxy Willis, Chris Milligan as Kyle Canning, Geoff Paine as Clive Gibbons, Ariel Kaplan as Imogen Willis

Trivia Notes
• First appearance of Zima Anderson as Roxy Willis. The character would remain a part of the cast until 2022
• Roxy's first words are "Hey, don't shaft me on the salt, mister"
• Beth Buchanan reprises the role of Gemma Ramsay/Willis, appearing for the first time since 1991. Beth's sister, Simone, who appeared in Neighbours as Samantha Fitzgerald, is the director for this episode
• Brad Moller (Shaun Watkins) is credited for this episode, but doesn't appear

Summary by Michael