Magic Moments
> 2022
> Joe's Return
Episode 8891
by Rachel Alford, Directed
by Chris Adshead, Produced
by Katja Bauerle, Kate Kendall and Andrew Thompson
10 Peach: 22/07/22, Channel 5: 15/07/22
Harold and Angie attend Toadie and Melanie’s engagement party… Mel tells Angie its lovely to meet her with Angie replying she’ll be the judge of that…
Toadie tells Harold that what he said to Mel was completely unacceptable and asks him to leave… Malcolm arrives unexpectedly at number 28 and tells
Karl and Susan that he and Catherine have separated… Susan suspects something more is going on with Malcolm… Izzy tells Malcolm to allow Karl and Susan
to deal with one shock at a time and that they will not see this coming…
At number 30, Melanie and Toadie are having their engagement party and receive a present from Paul. Toadie jokes that they might be gold champagne
flutes. Melanie says she feels awful about Harold leaving the party but although her and Joe broke up, she always had a good relationship with the kids.
Toadie tells her she should not feel bad, and that Harold has obviously got the wrong end of the stick. He then tells Mel that it’s time to make a speech
to the guests and gets everyone’s attention. Toadie tells all the guests that he feels like the luckiest guy in the world that Mel has agreed to marry him.
Mel thanks an uncomfortable Amy for arranging the engagement party and says the day would not have happened without her. Toadie thanks Amy for having his
back and says friends like her do not come around often. Mel tells Amy she thinks she’s amazing, and Amy replies that it’s because she is amazing and downs
her drink. Toadie thanks everyone for coming.

At Lassiters, Mal and Izzy are in their room, and she asks him why he’s rushing. Mal says that he needs to go for a walk to clear his head, as he doesn’t
know where to begin telling Karl and Susan about their relationship. She tells him he just needs to tell them the truth, and says the offer is still there
if he wants her to go with him, but he says that he thinks he should be the one to break it to his parents. Izzy says she will stay cooped up in the hotel,
and Mal reminds her that they can’t risk anyone seeing her just yet.
Back at number 30, Toadie is thanking the guests from the engagement party as they leave. Mel goes to do the dishes, but Angie stops her, telling her not
yet as she is doing the cutlery. Angie asks Melanie what the plans are for the big day, and Mel says that they are splitting up the jobs with Toadie
arranging the wedding and Melanie arranging the reception. Angie looks on disapprovingly saying that splitting up is normally reserved until after the
marriage, then pointing out that she is not cleaning correctly. Melanie tells Angie that enough is enough, and she won’t be spoken to like that in her
own home. She has had enough of the snide remarks and that the fact her and Toadie love each other should be enough for her. Mel walks off, leaving a
secretly pleased Angie standing in the kitchen.

Back at Lassiters, Izzy is alone in the room, clearly bored. She decides to venture out, despite Mal asking her to stay put. She leaves with sunglasses
and a cap as a disguise.
In the Waterhole, Izzy is at the bar when Harold walks in, instantly recognising her by her perfume. Izzy hugs Harold and tells him she is there with
her new man - Harold says that he can’t wait to meet him. Izzy says that she’s told Holly all about their Coffee Shop days and that Holly is 19 now and
at uni, studying medicine. She asks how Karl and Susan are and if they are happy and healthy. Harold tells Izzy that they are still getting over Hendrix’s
death and asks Izzy if they know that she is in town. Izzy says not yet and that she hopes a visit from her won’t upset them too much. She orders some
champagne and tells Harold she must go, but they will catch up later.

Back at number 30, Angie and Melanie are in the kitchen. Angie is laughing and tells Mel that she was just testing her to ensure she has the Rebecchi
toughness. Mel says she was worried that they were heading towards ‘monster-in-law’ territory. Angie admits that she got off to a bad start with Sonya
and didn’t want the same to happen with Mel, but she had to ensure she was made of the right stuff, and she would like them to be friends. Mel hugs Angie,
calling her a wicked old batt and the famous Melanie laugh reappears.
At number 28, Mal is visiting Karl and Susan. Susan tells Mal he can talk to them about his problems with Catherine, but Mal tells them it’s done. Karl
jokes that him and Susan are the experts at marital problems. Susan laughs and makes Mal a sandwich, and Karl tells him he is looking fresh.


Over at the Waterhole, Harold is on his laptop, on a video call with Joe discussing Melanie. Harold tells Joe he remembers Joe saying how Mel wasn’t a
good stepmother to Sky and Toby. Joe is surprised that he remembers that, but Harold says he could never forget. Joe explains that he wasn’t in a good
place when he said it as it was the 30th anniversary of Kerry’s death and he doesn’t think his take on it was very fair. Joe admits that it was his fault,
not Melanie’s, and that he doesn’t believe Melanie let the kids down and that Mel was a great stepmum. Harold says he’s been worried about Nell and Hugo
having the same problems with Mel - now he knows it wasn’t true and he has caused a terrible rift. Joe offers to talk to Toadie to straighten things out
and says both Kerry and Melanie were top notch, and they were both lucky to have them in their lives.
Back at number 28, Karl tells Mal he has a feeling there is something he isn’t telling them. Karl is asking Mal whether is linked to money issues or
problems with Susannah when Izzy suddenly arrives with a bottle of champagne. She says that she guesses they must have heard the news about her and Mal.
Karl and Susan look on in total shock as Mal tells them that he and Izzy are together and in love.


Harold arrives at number 30 and asks Melanie and Toadie if they would accept a visit from a very apologetic old man. He explains that Joe had told him
some things about Melanie which he believed, but now realises he was wrong as Joe has corrected him. Toadie looks disappointed but Mel laughs and says
she also misjudged Harold in the past - recalling a time where she thought Harold was a perv for spying on her and Chrissie Alessi. She says she now
realises he was bird watching and that she got it wrong. Harold asks Melanie and Toadie if they can forgive him, and Mel says of course they can. The
three of them hug.
Back at number 28, Karl tells Izzy and Mal he can't understand how this has happened as he only spoke to Mal, Catherine and Susannah on video call at
Christmas. Mal explains that Christmas was purely for Susannah’s sake and that he and Catherine had already split by then. Susan, clearly angry, tells
Izzy that she has now destroyed two marriages in their family. Izzy explains that Holly helped them get together by inviting Mal over for dinner when he
separated with Catherine and that they started to see a different side to each other. Susan tells Izzy that she's only ever had one side. Izzy explains
that she asked Holly not to tell Karl and Susan as she wanted to tell them in person. Mal tells Karl and Susan that the relationship is genuine and that
there's no hidden agenda, but he realises that it will be hard for them to accept. Izzy tells them they are in love and cannot hide it any longer as Karl
and Susan stand in disbelief.

Amy and Zara are outside number 30, tidying up by the Drinks Divas van. Zara tells Amy that Harold, Toadie and Mel have worked everything out. Amy tells
Zara that she's pleased they worked out their differences, but she's not as happy for Mel and Toadie as she should be, and there's only one thing they can do.
Inside number 30, Toadie asks Mel how her engagement party experience was on a scale of 1 to 10. Melanie says it started as a 1 but ended up as a 9 and she
can think of a few things they can do to make it a 10. Angie laughs and says that's her cue to leave. As she walks into the living room, she shouts for
Toadie and Mel to come in, noticing that the Ramsay Street History Book has fallen into a bucket of ice. Toadie remarks that Harold will be devastated and
tries to dry it off. Amy then comes in and asks Toadie for a word. In the kitchen, Amy tells Toadie that she and Zara have made a decision - as he and
Melanie will be getting married and starting a brand-new life together, she feels it's time for her to move out.

At number 28, Izzy tells Mal it's time for them to go but Mal asks Izzy to give him a moment with his parents. She tells Karl and Susan that she knows
it's been a huge shock and that she'll leave them the champagne. Mal asks Karl and Susan if they are OK and Karl admits that it's a huge bombshell. Mal
says he knows what Izzy represents to them and that the last thing he wanted was to hurt them, but Susan’s concern is for Malcolm and that they're worried
and terrified about him, as people like Izzy never change. Mal says he will give them some space and leaves, as Susan tells Karl that they have to put a
stop to the relationship.
Back at number 30, Melanie and Angie are laughing in the sunroom as Toadie and Amy look on from the kitchen. Toadie tells Amy that he will miss her but
understands why she wants to leave.

In the front garden, Shane is looking over at Number 24, he sees Aaron, Freya and Levi walking down the driveway towards the party. Aaron is talking about David, before asking how Freya is, she says she's been wondering what she might do if she can't be a nurse, Levi suggests becoming a paramedic, he and Aaron both agree that she'd be amazing at it. As they approach Number 30, Freya asks who Shane is as Toadie calls them over.
At Lassiters, Izzy answers her hotel room door to Susan. Susan asks where Malcom is, and Izzy says he has gone to get them some dinner. Susan then says
that she has come to see Izzy anyway, and whatever game she is playing needs to stop. Izzy says that she knows it must be hard for Susan to accept but
she loves Mal, and she hopes that, one day, they will be one big happy family. As Susan shakes her head in shock and disbelief, Izzy says she hopes to
call her mum one day.
Featured Regular Characters: Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy,
Toadfish Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson, Amy Greenwood, Zara Selwyn, Hugo Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi
Guest Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop,
Mark Little as Joe Mangel,
Natalie Bassingthwaighte as Isabelle Hoyland,
Benjie McNair as Malcolm Kennedy,
Lesley Baker as Angie Rebecchi,
Trivia Notes
• This episode marks the return of Joe Mangel for the first time since 2005
• The character of Christina Alessi is mentioned by Mel, who refers back to the
incident when they thought Harold was perving on them sunbathing when he was actually bird watching
• Past characters Sky Mangel, Toby Mangel, Kerry Bishop, Holly Hoyland,
Sonya Rebecchi and Hendrix Greyson are also mentioned
by Darryn