Magic Moments
> 2022
> Mal, Angie and Izzy's Returns
Episode 8890
by Jessica Paine, Directed
by Chris Adshead, Produced
by Katja Bauerle, Kate Kendall and Andrew Thompson
10 Peach: 21/07/22, Channel 5: 14/07/22
Amy tells Zara she's happy about Toadie and Melanie's engagement and she needs her to drop her concerns. Harold asks Amy her opinion about Melanie as a stepmother. Amy says there are enough takers for an engagement party, so Toadie jumps onboard with the idea. Harold tells Melanie that she hurt his grandchildren when she left Joe and he doesn't want history repeating itself. Terese helps out at Lassiter's and tells Sam that they don't have to tell anyone, especially Paul. Paul is thrilled to see Shane Ramsay is back in town, but shocked when he offers to buy into Lassiter's. Jane tells Shane that going into business with Paul is the worst decision he could ever make.
At the Penthouse Paul tells Leo that if Shane does agree to market value then the deal could come together quite quickly. Leo asks if his Dad thinks the offer is legit, Paul says he does, Shane is a straight shooter and always has been. Leo questions why Paul hadn't heard about Shane if he is as cashed up as he says he is, but Paul reiterates what Shane said, he doesn't like to advertise it. Leo jokes that surely Paul has some mutual friends from his Jurassic period who said something, Paul glares, so Leo clarifies that he's just telling Paul to do his due diligence, Paul says he will, but he thinks it could end up being something great, this time yesterday he had no solution and then along comes his old mate Shane. Leo tells him to just think it all through, Paul says he will, but he thinks the universe might be throwing him a lifeline and this could be a whole new chapter.

In the front garden of Number 30, Amy and Zara have been busy decorating for the party. Amy says she'll take care of the bar inside and asks Zara to take care of the outside, making sure the guests all receive a cocktail when they arrive. As Toadie walks out of the house, he's amazed to see what they've done and asks if Amy is a real fairy godmother to have organised it all so fast, Amy says it was actual magic - and her minions - before walking Toadie over to the Drinks Divas van. She hands him a cocktail she's created for the occasion, the White Swan, because swans mate for life just like him and Melanie. As Zara looks on from inside the van, Amy overcompensates with her joy for Toadie and Melanie to try to cover her own feelings for Toadie. As Toadie walks away, Zara calls her Mum on it, telling her to dial it down by about fifty percent, Amy suggests she do the same with her constant commentary too. Meanwhile Melanie returns from her visit to see Harold and hugs Hugo. Toadie asks where she's been, she covers by saying she's been for a walk as she's so excited about the party, so he hands her the cocktail to try.
At Number 28, Karl and Susan enter from the back garden where he'd been educating her on a plant she thought was a weed as Levi emerges from the bedrooms dressed ready for the party. They comment on how good his outfit looks, he does a twirl and then heads next door. Susan tells Harold they haven't had time to get an engagement gift and asks if he's going to take one to the party, he says he's not going as he's very tired. Karl says Melanie and Toadie will be disappointed if he doesn't go and as Susan suggests he go for an hour then sees how he feels he relents and goes to change.

At the Penthouse, Shane enters, Paul hands him details about the hotels assets and ownership structure, admitting he'd been considering Shane's offer. Shane reminds him there's still the issue of due diligence, Paul says he sounds like Leo, but that's good, he needs a partner who has his back and who knows what a Ramsay/Robinson team could achieve, suggesting they relaunch Home James in honour of his Gran. Shane says his chauffeur days are well behind him, to which Paul comments there might be a few clients disappointed to hear that. Shane say he'll take a look at the documents and get back to him. As Leo walks out from the bedrooms with Abigail, Paul says they're going to drop her off at Number 32 then go to a Ramsay Street party and invites Shane along, Shane says he'd love to check out the street. Paul jokes that Shane does have naming rights, then heads off to get ready. As he does, Shane questions Leo about him having previously been in business with Paul and asks for advice as it's been a long time since he lived in Paul's caravan and he didn't have an empire then. Sensing Leo's reluctance to comment, Shane explains the questions are as much for Paul's sake as his own, so Leo tells him to just set firm boundaries, which Shane says seems wise.
At Number 28, Susan is in the kitchen doing her make-up when Karl walks out of their bedroom wearing a wig, unimpressed Susan just says "No" so Karl puts his hat on top, to which Susan says "Still no!" - as he takes both off and places them on the dining table, he's shocked to see Mal walk through the front door. Surprised, Susan puts her compact down and rushes over to hug him, Karl hugs him too as Mal explains he thought after Hendrix's death they could do with a bit of a lift. Karl looks for Mal's bags, but he tells the, he's staying at Lassiter's, they insist he stay with them, but he reminds them they have a full house. Susan asks if Catherine and Susannah are at the hotel and is puzzled when he says they're not on the trip. Karl explains they're just about to go to Toadie's engagement party and that he should come, Mal says he'd noticed something going on outside the house. Susan says that Mal must be tired and suggest they don't go, they've got a lot to catch up on, but he says he'd love to see Toadie, so they decide to go.


At Number 30, Terese and Glen present Melanie with a bunch of flowers whilst Toadie thanks them for making the party at such short notice. Terese says that they wouldn't miss it for the world as Harold enters and receives a warm welcome from Toadie. Struggling to not say anything about her earlier discussion with Harold, Melanie heads to the kitchen to put the flowers in water as Glen reminds Harold that last time he was in Erinsborough Harold went missing, he couldn't believe it when he heard he'd survived. Just then Angie arrives, calling over Nell and Hugo for a hug, she tells them that they need to stop growing, before looking at Toadie and commenting that he does too, before thrusting a bunch of flowers at him. She turns to hug Harold then says it's time for her to meet her future daughter-in-law. Toadie reminds his Mum that she's already met Melanie on the phone, but Angie says that this is the one that counts. They head into the kitchen where Melanie is taking a swig from a bottle. Angie comments that it's a bit early to be hitting the hard stuff as Toadie introduces them, Melanie says "How lovely, what a treat!" but Angie replies that she'll be the judge of that.


Later on, Paul has arrived and has introduced Toadie to Shane. Toadie says it must be surreal being back after three decades, Shane replies that the last he remembers of Number 30 is when the Browns lived there, but Paul corrects him that that was before he and Terry lived there, by the time Shane left it was the Simpsons who pretty much kept to themselves.

By the drinks table which Amy is manning, Glen asks Leo how David is doing, Leo says his hand's still hurt but nothing that won't heal. Terese comments that Paul seems much happier, Leo tells her that it's because Shane wants to buy into the hotel.
Across the room, Toadie is thrilled to see that Mal is with Karl and Susan who have just arrived. They hug and Toadie tells him that Stonie will be kicking himself for not making it down, before asking if Catherine is with him. As Mal quietly replies that she isn't, Karl and Susan exchange concerned glances. As Toadie heads off to get Mal a drink, Susan questions Mal on his continued odd reactions to the mention of Catherine, Mal tries to cover but then opens up, revealing that he and Catherine have separated.

Heading out to the sunroom, Mal explains to Karl and Susan that the separation happened after he started getting homesick, he wanted to return to Australia but Catherine didn't and once that crack formed more followed. Susan says that can be temporary, but Mal replies that the issues started piling up so they decided to separate before they ended up hating each other. Susan suggests that the time apart may help, but Mal reveals that the separation actually happened towards the end of last year, they just hid it to give Susanna one last Christmas as a family. Karl says that must have been tough while Susan questions why it took him so long to tell them, Mal says he needed time to figure out who he is now. Susan asks if he's figured that out now, to which he responds that he guesses that's something we never stop doing.
Back inside, Wendy and Sadie are showing Harold and Glen the entry they've added to the Ramsay Street history book, Wendy says it feels official now that they're part of the street's history. They look through the book while Melanie looks on from the kitchen. Glen comments on some familiar faces and how much Lucy loves a makeover, commenting that if he didn't know better he'd think those photos of her where three different people. Paul then interrupts and asks Harold if he has time for a chat. Meanwhile, Amy takes a cocktail over to Melanie, asking what she's doing on her own. Melanie tells her that it's hard to celebrate when someone clearly doesn't want the wedding to go ahead, looking at Harold. Amy asks if she'd spoken with him, Melanie confirms that she did, Zara's intuition was right, Harold said some really hurtful things which she can't unhear. Before Melanie can expand, Angie comes over and offers to take her cocktail so she can get dressed for the party, Melanie says she is as Angie looks at her outfit and comments that it's a choice!


In the front garden, Shane is looking over at Number 24, he sees Aaron, Freya and Levi walking down the driveway towards the party. Aaron is talking about David, before asking how Freya is, she says she's been wondering what she might do if she can't be a nurse, Levi suggests becoming a paramedic, he and Aaron both agree that she'd be amazing at it. As they approach Number 30, Freya asks who Shane is as Toadie calls them over.
In the driveway of Number 30, Terese gets a virgin White Swan from the Drinks Divas van before heading over to talk to Shane. He asks if Val Grundy still lives at Number 34, Terese explains she passed away a few years ago. Shane them apologises for bringing up the divorce when they first met, but the only thing they have in common is Paul. Terese brings up the Lassiter's deal so Shane asks why she stopped managing the hotel, she explains it wasn't by choice, Paul deliberately sabotaged the Fashion Week event to make her look bad. Shane is surprised that Paul put Lassiter's at risk, Terese explains that in the short term it was more important to him to get back at her than protect the hotel, but the hotel recovered, Paul would never seriously jeopardise it, but Shane is concerned that it means Paul isn't afraid to use it as a pawn. Terese says that's the bad news but the good news is that when it comes to business Paul is the most passionate and driven person that she's ever met, it's remarkable to watch him in full flight.

In the sunroom, Karl is talking to Susan about Mal and Catherine's separation, saying it's a shock but not a surprise given they've had issues in the past. Susan is concerned for Susanna, Karl wonders how custody will work and if she wants to stay in the UK whether that would mean Malcolm won't come home. Susan thinks there's more to it than Mal is letting on as he seemed a bit off. They're interrupted by Aaron with Freya and Levi who have strict instructions from Harold to write in the history book. Karl explains that it's very important to Harold, Susan says that it tells the story of many couples and once Freya and Levi are in there they're bound for life, hopefully...

In the kitchen, Angie is preaching to Melanie that if the family had had more notice they'd have been there in full force, they can't even make the wedding and they're all gutted. Melanie tells her that they'll be live streaming it for those who can't be there, Angie says they'll be riveted. Melanie asks Angie to excuse her for a minute, then moves as quickly as she can to the opposite side of the room.
At the drinks table, Sadie is asking Zara about Amy, wondering if her organising the party means that she's got over her feelings for Toadie. Zara says there's almost three weeks to the wedding so there's still time to make things work.

A footstep away, Paul walks over to Terese and Glen, saying that Terese must be pleased she'll be getting her money for the hotel soon. Terese asks if he's nearly sealed the deal, pointing at Shane who is chatting with Aaron nearby, Paul says yes, it should save him from disasters like the conference the other day so hopefully she won't have to step in again. Terese is surprised to realise Paul knows about that, while Glen is shocked that she'd been helping his brother.
Paul walks away to introduce Shane to the current residents of Number 24, leaving Glen questioning Terese about when she stepped in for Paul.
In the driveway, Amy is talking with Harold about Melanie, hoping he didn't mention her and Zara but he explains that he has concerns of his own. Amy tells him that Melanie is really hurt, Harold knows and isn't getting any pleasure out of it. Meanwhile Toadie and Melanie come to see Aaron and Leo out, Aaron says their present is coming, David said he'll wrap it up. Toadie thanks them for coming especially given everything that's been going on. As Aaron and Leo leave, Toadie apologises to Melanie about his Mum, she says she's managing Angie, it's Harold that's the problem. Toadie is puzzled, so Melanie asks if they can find somewhere to have a talk.

In the living room, Terese is justifying her actions to Glen, but he isn't reassured as she lied to him, Terese tells him it was just an act of kindness she wanted to keep quiet but that backfired, there's nothing more to it. Glen says it was just a bit of a shock, so Terese suggests they go home to play and unshocking game of cards to help him relax.
As they leave, Freya and Levi enter, discussing that they're now in the Ramsay Street equivalent of the bible. Levi puts the book down on the drinks table and asks what they do now. Freya suggests a trip to Echuca, Levi clarifies that he meant where to sit now, but Freya explains that looking through the old photos in the book has got her thinking about her family and she'd like to go and fix things with her parents, asking if he'll come. Levi says he's in, but asks if they can have a drink first, Freya agrees and they toast.

By the kitchen, Susan walks up to Mal who is standing alone, saying that they probably shouldn't have brought him to the engagement party, it's likely the last thing he needed after the separation. Mal tells her not to worry, but she wonders why it took him so long to tell her and Karl. Mal asks if they can talk about it later as he's more jetlagged than he thought, he'll go and have a nap at the hotel and then come and find them both later. Susan says she'll text him once they're home and walks him out.
As she does, Wendy walks in followed by Sadie who tells her Mum that her Dad is in the car waiting so they need to go as they'll be late to see Uncle Alex. Rushing, Wendy heads to the drinks table to grab her handbag, before asking where Toadie and Melanie are as they should say goodbye, Sadie says that her Dad has already done it and pulls Wendy away, almost spilling her cocktail. Wendy puts her glass down and they leave, but unbeknownst to both of them Wendy's bag had knocked the Ramsay Street history book into the ice bucket.

In the sunroom Melanie has told Toadie about Harold's concerns, she says she didn't want to mention it, but things didn't end with Joe's kids as Harold says they did and she doesn't know where he's got that idea from. Just then Harold walks out looking for the history book, Toadie closes the back door and confronts him about what he'd said to Melanie, Harold explains that he knows it was harsh but it came from a place of love and concern for him and the children, Toadie tells him that he's wrong, but Harold says he's sorry but he can't be sure of that. Toadie says he's sorry too, but this is their engagement party and if he doesn't believe in them he wants him to leave.
Later, Toadie and Melanie are on the driveway as Karl walks out of the house looking for Harold, Toadie explains what happened, Karl thinks there must be some kind of misunderstanding, but Toadie confirms there wasn't. Meanwhile in the Drinks Divas van, Amy overhears and tells Zara that she must stop with her meddling. Zara says that she didn't meddle, she just prompted a conversation, but Amy tells her no, she has an agenda and it's mean to Toadie and Melanie. Zara says that it's wrong that they're building a life together and Amy is planning to have a baby by herself, Toadie should be with her, with both of them as she'd really like him as a stepdad. Amy says that that may be, but she can't force something that is not there, Zara tells her to open her eyes.


In front of the van, Shane is looking at his phone looking up Tim Collins.

At Lassiter's, Mal enters his hotel room and starts talking to someone, explaining that the good news is he's told his Mum and Dad about Catherine which threw them for six but they seemed to understand. Taking off his jacket, he says that the bad news is he hasn't told his parents about them yet. As Mal takes off his shoes a voice says that it's best to let them handle one shock at a time. It's Isabelle Hoyland. She leans in to kiss Mal and says they won't see this coming.
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka, Amy Greenwood, Zara Selwyn, Jarrod 'Toadfish' Rebecchi, Melanie Pearson, Hugo Somers, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Levi Canning, Terese Willis, Glen Donnelly, Nell Rebecchi, Wendy Rodwell, Sadie Rodwell, Aaron Brennan, Freya Wozniak
Guest Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop,
Peter O'Brien as Shane Ramsay,
Natalie Bassingthwaighte as Isabelle Hoyland,
Benjie McNair as Malcolm Kennedy, Lesley Baker as Angie Rebecchi, Juliet Basaraba as Abigail Tanaka
Trivia Notes
• Paul makes reference to Home James, Helen Daniels' limousine service that Shane worked for.
by Callum