Magic Moments
> 2022
> The Robinsons' Return
Episode 8894
by Paul Gartside, Directed
by Tony Osicka, Produced
by Katja Bauerle, Kate Kendall and Andrew Thompson
10 Peach: 25/07/22, Channel 5: 20/07/22
Glen asks Terese when she stepped in for Paul. Kiri tells Glen and Terese that River Bend is back on the market. Glen suggests to Terese that they buy it. Jane tells Clive they're over. Shane tells Paul he wants to buy into Lassiter's as a full and equal partner. Jane tells Shane that going into business with Paul is the worst decision he could ever make. Paul and Shane play blackjack, Shane makes a bet, if Paul wins the deal stands, if he wins Paul lets him buy him out of the entire hotel. Kiri, Freya and Levi are shocked to see a For Sale sign outside of Number 24.
At the Penthouse, Paul tells Leo about Shane's bet and says that he thinks that Terese must have got in his ear. Leo explains that Shane did some digging with him too but he just said to set some firm boundaries if they were to go ahead. Leo asks what the options are now, Paul says he doesn't know as Lucy arrives and is surprised by the underwhelming welcome she receives. Leo explains there's been some developments, Paul says to call it a classic Ramsay move.

At Number 24, Mackenzie, Kiri and Freya are discussing the sale sign as Chloe returns home from her trip to Adelaide. She apologises for the sign going up before she'd had a chance to speak with them. Mackenzie asks what's changed as she thought them all living together going well, Chloe explains her outlook did as she did a lot of thinking in Adelaide, but really wanted to tell them in person. Mackenzie asks if Aaron knows, while Freya asks if she's quit her job, Chloe answers no and not yet. Kiri asks if it's about the two of them, but Chloe says it's not, she has other reasons. Just then, Kiri's phone sounds, she explains she has to go as she has dinner plans with Glen. As Kiri leaves, Chloe tells Mackenzie and Freya that she hates doing this to them, but Mackenzie says that she has to do what is right for her.
On the patio at Number 22, Glen has told Kiri about he and Terese buying River Bend asks Kiri how she feels about it, Kiri says it's a huge decision, Terese says it's just an idea at this point, but Glen adds that there's scope for Kiri to be involved too. Kiri says it's a lot to get her head around in one night with Chloe's news as well. Terese says she needs to speak with Chloe to get the rundown, but tells them she won't make any rash decisions on River Bend, she hasn't even been yet. Just then there's a voice from inside the house, instinctively Terese responds that they're out the back, then realises who it is just as Paige walks into the sunroom. Terese stands up to greet her and Paige runs onto the patio and they hug. Terese starts to introduce Paige but struggles to describe their relationship, Paige says technically she's her long-lost ex-step-daughter, but they can call her Terese's favourite person in the world. Kiri and Glen laugh as Terese asks if Mark and the kids are there too, Paige explains they aren't as it's a work trip. Kiri apologies as she needs to leave as a for sale sign showed up outside her house this morning so there's a bit of a crisis next door. Paige tells her that the sign wasn't supposed to go up until tomorrow, leaving Terese puzzled as to how she knew Chloe was selling...

Later, in the dining room at Number 24, Paige is explaining to Freya, Mackenzie and Kiri that she's Chloe's sister-in-law and actually used to live in their house. Chloe, sensing Paige side stepping the error, adds that now Paige is going to tell them why the sign went up before she's had a chance to tell them. Paige apologises, the sign was supposed to go up tomorrow but the tradie must have jumped the gun. Mackenzie asks if she's the real estate agent, Paige explains that she's trying to be. As Freya asks if they were on the same flight from Adelaide, before Paige can answer Chloe jumps in that she was on an earlier one, Paige looks puzzled, while Chloe changes the subject and asks how David and Aaron are doing, hoping they don't take the news of the sale too hard.
At The Waterhole, Paul and Lucy enter talking about Shane, she says she loved the idea of him as a partner, Paul tells her he did too when he thought it was about friendship and loyalty. Lucy asks what they say to Shane as they head over to meet him, Paul says he doesn't know but they need to salvage something so he can get Terese her money. Spotting them, Shane gets up to greet Lucy, saying he wouldn't have recognised her. Paul suggests they cut the niceties and Lucy asks how they can reconsider a partnership, Shane says they can't, it's not personal. Paul tells him he can't just listen to Terese, but Shane says that he didn't, Tim Collins put together quite a report, Paul and Lucy explain that Tim has quite the vendetta against Paul, but Shane explains that he spoke with other balanced, credible, sources. Paul asks who, but Shane says it isn't important, however Paul says that it is, if he's going to back out of a contract that's great for both of them, he'd really like to know who got in his ear...

In the family room at Number 32, Aaron is shocked to hear Chloe's news. She explains to him, Nicolette and David who are sat around the table with her that it's been brewing for a while, while Jane listens in from the sofa. David says that he thought she was happy, Chloe explains that mostly she is, but work hasn't been the same since Terese left and when she was away with the rest of the family she suddenly thought about what she is doing with her life. Aaron looks upset, but supporting his sister says that his loss is Mark and Tyler's gain, he's just going to miss her. Spotting Jane is distracted, David asks if she's alright, she says she is, they're just all going to miss Chloe. Nicolette explains that Jane and Clive broke up. Chloe offers her commiserations as Paul storms in and asks Jane what the hell her problem is, Shane told him what she said about him. As David gets up to prepare to step in with Paul, Nicolette walks over to support Jane, telling Paul to dial it down, but Jane says she's ok, when Shane asked her if he should go into business with Paul she was honest. Paul explains that because of her Shane is seeking out every person in the suburb with a grudge against him, which Jane remarks is a full time job. Paul doesn't see the funny side and tells her that because of her Shane doesn't just want to be in partnership anymore, he wants the whole damn hotel. Paul shares that he has been trying to repair their friendship, but he's done, he can't forgive her for this, then leaves.
Out the front of Number 24, Terese and Paige are looking at the For Sale sign. Paige says that Terese was her inspiration with how she went back to work when she had little kids, Paige thought why shouldn't she do the same. Terese says she's proud of her and she's sure will be Lauren too. Paige says that the screw up with the sign wasn't the best start, but Terese says she's had a few of those too as the conversations turns to her and Glen. Paige says that she thought Paul was going to be Terese's forever man. As Kiri looks on from the driveway, Terese explains that she and Paul will always have a connection, it's just not healthy, things are easier with Glen. Querying what she means by easier, Paige asks if Terese loves him.
Before Terese can answer, Glen walks up and asks if she's ready for their trip to River Bend, Terese suggests to Paige that they properly catch up later, Paige leaves and Kiri walks down the driveway to meet them, as Glen and Terese head off to get in the car, Kiri looks on at Paige before joining them.

At Number 32, Aaron and David are in their bedroom having a lie in. Aaron says he can't stop thinking about Chloe, he's going to be the last of his family on the street, David corrects him, saying that he'll always have him and Isla, Aaron agrees, saying that knows what he means, moving in to cuddle him. David tells him that if this is what is right for Chloe they can't stand in her way, sometimes there is no choice but to move forward. Realising David is talking about his job, Aaron tells him that everything is going to be ok for him too, David says he does, hopefully the recruiter will help him figure out what to do next. Kissing him, Aaron tells David that he was a brain the size of a planet, he can do anything, or he could trade on his looks, an exotic dancer, a life drawing model. Turning to face his husband, David says he thinks he'll save that for his eyes only and they kiss. As they continue kissing, Aaron pulls away to say "Hey, I love you Boo", David reponds "I love you more" and they continue kissing.
At River Bend, Glen admires the view, Terese says it's definitely peaceful. Glen asks Kiri if she'd dug out the proposals, before explaining to Terese that Kiri's parents had plans to improve and expand the facilities. Terese asks why they didn't go ahead, wondering if it was council pushback, but Kiri explains it was all approved they just didn't have the cashflow at the time. Terese notices the plans included a wellness centre and agrees that there'd be demand for it. Glen comments on her increased enthusiasm as she goes off to look around some more, before asking Kiri how she feels about the idea, she agrees she's excited, but Glen asks if it's weird him being there, Kiri explains it's not that, if anything it's healing. Sensing there's something else, Glen asks if there's anything else on her mind, she says no and they get up to follow Terese.

In the garden at Number 32, at Aaron plays with Isla, Jane is looking through photos of her and Clive on her phone. Nicolette walks out with breakfast and asks her if she's let Paul get to her, Jane says she's just feeling sorry for herself and heads inside. Sympathising, Nicolette follows her. Moments later, Paige walks in via the back gate and asks who's got a cuddle for Auntie Paige. Aaron is thrilled to see her and says he'd heard she was in town, while Paige comments on how big Isla has gotten. Aaron comments that she's come to steal Chloe from them and questions whether Mark and Tyler put the hard word on her, but Paige says that they didn't and she was surprised by Chloe's decision too and if Aaron wants details he'll need to ask Chloe himself.
In the Manager's office at Lassiter's, Lucy is meeting with Shane. He says he hopes that he won't try to get him to change his mind about the deal, but Lucy says she won't, as much as she loves her brother, she respects Shane's decision. In the corridor, Paul is talking with Leo about what he's going to do and is surprised to walk in to see Lucy and Shane in his office. Lucy explains that she's having a preliminary chat to Shane in case Paul decides to sell to save her another trip, but Paul suggests she's jumping the gun. Shane stands up, explaining that he wants to keep things friendly but says that Paul knows he won't find anyone willing to partner with him if they do the same digging he did and he assumes he still wants the money.

At River Bend, Terese says there's definitely room for a hotel and villas, Glen says there's room for solar panels too so the resort could be carbon neutral, Kiri agrees, but Terese says she's getting ahead of herself as they're hours away from home. Glen says they wouldn't have to be, it doesn't make sense to commute, Terese tells him to hold on as it's one thing to buy a business but another to pack up their whole lives and move to the bush, it's not on her radar. Glen says it could be, a lot of people do it and suggests she keeps looking around. As she does, Glen stops Kiri and asks if she's ok, she says she's thinking about their jobs and Nicolette and asks if Glen is rushing things because of Terese and Paul. Glen says it's not about that, it's just a great opportunity for them all.
At the Penthouse, Leo is setting up a big screen when Paul rushes in, asking what's going as his message said it was urgent. Leo tells him to take a seat, he'll just be out on the balcony. Paul asks what's he's watching and what's going on as David appears on the screen from his bedroom at Number 32 and Paul asks why he couldn't have just come over, as Leo joins from the balcony he explains that there are a few others joining them as Elle, Andrew and Amy appear from their respective New York apartments. Paul asks what's going on as it's not his birthday, Andrew explains that Leo sent out an SOS while Elle jokes that she thought he might have been trying to get hitched again so might have needed another intervention. Paul says there's no chance of that as Amy explains they heard things were up in the air with the hotel, with Andrew adding that they just wanted to put a smile on his face. Paul says they've certainly done that and asks what's happening with all of them, starting with Andrew, asking after Tash. Andrew explains that they've just spent a weekend in The Hamptons together, Amy jokes they he's so fancy, but Elle pipes in that she can't talk, she's just landed the contract for an Upper East Side redevelopment. Paul is thrilled for her, but Amy explains that while the apartments will be super-glamorous, the construction process won't be, Andrew says that neither is driving Jimmy and Maya around but she's happy to do that. As David asks why they can't just catch the subway, Amy tells him that people get mugged in the subway. Elle says that's what she keeps saying and they all laugh.


At River Bend, Terese tells Glen and Kiri that she'd like to find a space for open-air concerts for the whole community as well as the hotel guests and wonders if that's too big, but Kiri tells her to go big before going to thank the owners for letting them do a tour. As she walks off, Terese comments to Glen that she thought Kiri would be more interested, but he explains that she just doesn't want to get her hopes up, Terese says that's sensible as she doesn't know if it will all be feasible. Glen asks if she means the buying of River Bend or the moving there, Terese tells him both, but Glen comments that although he knows she loves Ramsay Street, she's lived in other places, Darwin, Perth... this could be her next home. Terese says she just needs to weigh it all up, before asking why Glen's so keen, he says he loves her and just wants her to be happy. Terese says he's made a strong case and walks off, leaving Glen unconvinced.

Back at the Penthouse, Paul asks his kids what else has been happening. Andrew asks if Amy has told him about her new man yet, Amy says it's all very recent, which Elle corrects to very steamy. Amy tells her to stop as she's blushing and tells Elle to tell them all about her new feature article. Paul asks if that's the one about the start-up scam and says he read it, it was brilliantly done. Elle nods and thanks him, saying that she was really proud of that one. Andrew comments that they should look out for her on next year's Pulitzer's list, Elle tells him not to go overboard before mentioning that she went to the Met with Donna Freedman the other day and she said to say hello. Paul says that's lovely and that Donna was always a bit of a firecracker while Andrew adds that he went too and that it was good to see her. Surprised, Leo asks when he started to like going to museums, to which Andrew jokes that he went for the art, he likes culture, before Amy pushes him to reveal the real reason, that he went to put a tender in for the rooftop bar. Leo says that's amazing, they love going there for cocktails. Feeling left out, David comments that it seems like they all catch up a lot, Amy says that since they reconnected they all try to catch up when they can, with Andrew adding that family is the most important thing, which Paul toasts to. Leo says that he misses them and New York, no offence to Erinsborough but it really is the best city in the world by a mile. Amy asks if he'd ever consider coming back, Leo replies that he would in a heartbeat, he'd love Abby to see where her roots are. Andrew says they can reinstate Robinson's Cocktail Fridays if he wants, as his siblings all whoop, David says he feels like he's missed out on so much, Paul says he does too. Andrew suggests that if Paul is thinking about selling the hotel, maybe he should just consider moving to New York and Elle questions what is stopping them all from moving there. David jokes about the whole Robinson clan being in New York, Paul says it wouldn't know what had hit it, before David starts giving practical reasons why they couldn't go, with Leo agreeing. Elle suggests that Aaron & Isla might love a fresh start, but Paul says he grew up in Erinsborough, his community is there, Andrew says that community isn't about the place, Amy adds it's about the people you share it with, while Elle adds that between them and Lucy they'd be able to find him work and if that's not Paul's thing, Manhattan could be a great place to retire, with Andrew adding that he promises to keep his favourite scotch at the rooftop bar. Raising a glass, Paul begins to consider their suggestion.

Later in the Lassiter's Complex, Paul looks at the hotel before turning to look at The Waterhole and Harold's Cafe. As he loops back around towards the hotel, he bumps into Terese and Glen commenting that they're looking very chipper. Glen explains that they've just got back from River Bend, Paul says that it must have been a short getaway, but Glen explains it was more a fact-finding mission, forcing Terese to explain that she's considering buying the place. Paul comments that it's a bit of a long commute, but Terese explains that if it goes ahead she'll probably move out there. Downhearted, Paul says that they should do it, it sounds perfect, before explaining that he's thinking about a change himself, selling the whole hotel to Shane and joining the kids in New York. Shocked, Terese says that she thought he was going to be partners with Shane, but Paul explains that it turns out Shane doesn't want to work with him and the kids want him in New York. He says see you as Terese and Glen walk towards The Waterhole, but she can't help looking back to exchange a glance with him, before they both turn and head off in opposite directions.
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Leo Tanaka, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Kiri Durant, Freya Wozniak, Chloe Brennan, Glen Donnelly, Terese Willis, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone, Jane Harris
Guest Cast: Melissa Bell as Lucy Robinson,
Olympia Valance as Paige Smith, Peter O'Brien as Shane Ramsay,
Mary Finn as Isla Tanaka-Brennan, Pippa Black as Lucinda 'Elle' Robinson, Jordan Patrick Smith as Andrew Robinson, Zoe Cramond as Amy Williams
Trivia Notes
• Paul refers to Natasha Williams as Tash rather than Natasha for the first time, having previously refused to in Episode 6610 as "Natasha is so much more beautiful"
• This is the first time that Andrew, Amy, Leo and David have been onscreen with Elle
• This is the first time that Elle, Leo and David have been onscreen with Andrew
• Amy and Andrew were last onscreen together in 1992 when she hid a hand grenade in his cot, albeit both played by different actors
by Callum