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Guest Character Profiles > Amira Devkar Maria Thattil

Amira Devkar 2024
Siblings: Hari [Haz]

After Haz Devkar was disowned by his family, after they discovered that he and some university friends had become hackers, he ended up making a fresh start in Erinsborough. Having realised the error of his ways, Haz tried to move on, taking over the lease of Harolds cafe, adopting Trevor the dog and moving into the share house at 30 Ramsay Street. As he started to make new friends, Haz revealed nothing about his past, but it soon started to catch up with him when Wade Fernsby, one of the people whose life had been ruined by Haz's hacking, returned for revenge. When Haz's girlfriend Mackenzie found out about his past, she was horrified and they split up, and Wade blackmailed Haz into helping him set up a new hacking company, creating a deepfake of Mackenzie which could destroy her life if Haz turned him down. Haz's friends were then shocked when he seemingly disappeared to work with Wade but, unbeknownst to them, he was actually working with the police to catch Wade. Worried for Haz, Mackenzie then tracked him down but, as Wade realised that he was being set up, he did a runner, chased by Haz, who then ran in front of Mackenzie and was hit by the car, leaving him in a coma.

Over the weeks that followed, a guilty Mackenzie spent all of her spare time at Haz's bedside, as well as stopping Paul Robinson from giving the cafe lease to someone else, and attempted to track down Haz's estranged family. When Mackenzie arrived at the hospital one day, she was surprised to learn that Haz's sister, Amira, had arrived and had requested that no other visitors be allowed to see him. Though happy at the sibling reunion, Mackenzie was upset as she realised that Amira blamed her for everything and felt that she was only hanging around because she felt guilty about running him over. Mackenzie tried to make Amira see that she was wrong, and that it was unfair to shut her, and Haz's other friends, out of his hospital room, but their argument was brought to a sudden halt when Haz woke up. As it looked like he was going to make a full, but slow, recovery, Haz made it clear to Amira that he wanted to see Mackenzie. Amira started to soften a little as she realised that she hadn't had all the facts when she initially verbally attacked Mackenzie, but she suggested that maybe his recovery would go better if he returned home to Margaret River, where his parents were also willing to take him back in and help him to rebuild his life.

With Mackenzie admitting that she wasn't sure how long it would take for her to forgive Haz, and having also admitted that she could never love him in the way she'd loved her late husband, Hendrix, it looked like Haz was going to leave. After visiting Harolds for herself, and seeing the friends that had become Haz's support network, Amira's mind was finally changed when Mack's friend Holly pointed out that the Devkar family had abandoned Haz and not seen him in years, but had also had a lot of time to process the news about his hacking, whereas Mackenzie had only recently learnt about it. She also explained how, despite everything, Mackenzie had visited Haz every day since the accident, even taking Trevor to see him and she and Haz deserved the chance to repair their relationship. Amira then went to see Haz, where Mackenzie was already visiting and had asked him not to leave, and agreed when he told her that he'd decided to stay in Erinsborough, but she announced that she was going to stick around too. It seemed that, not only did she want to keep an eye on her brother's recovery, but she'd found another reason to stay, having bumped into Nicolette Stone at the cafe and felt an instant connection.

The night before Haz was due to be discharged from hospital, Amira and Nicolette ran into each other again, this time spending the night together in Amira's hotel room at Lassiters. As Amira brought Haz home from hospital later that day, she was surprised when Nicolette's father, Vic, struck up a conversation. Vic had been diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer and given 6 months to live, and he was determined to see his children happy before he died. So, after seeing Amira and Nicolette at the Waterhole together earlier that morning, Vic suggested to Amira that she and Nicolette could have a great future together. As she lived on the other side of the country and was only going to be around for a few weeks, Amira was confused, and later told Nicolette that she wasn't interested in anything more than a fling.

When Nicolette found out what her dad had done, she forced him to apologise to Amira and explain that he had gotten carried away, but that Nicolette had never indicated that she wanted a serious relationship with her. Though relieved, Amira had other things to worry about as it became clear that Mackenzie was struggling with her presence in the house. When Mackenzie asked Amira if she and Haz could have some time alone together, Amira took offence and it wasn't long before they were arguing, and Mack blurted out that Haz had said she was bossy and treated him like a five-year-old. Though Haz had said that, he had also admitted that he was enjoying being bossed around, as it was so nice to have his sister back in his life. Mackenzie told Amira that when she found her, after Amira had announced that she was going back to Western Australia the next day. The two women managed to patch things up, but Amira explained to Haz that she still needed to leave as there was a crisis at work, but she had been grateful for the time they'd spent together. She told him that, as soon as he was fully recovered, she wanted him to visit Margaret River for a full family reunion.

Episodes Featured
9045, 9046, 9047, 9051, 9052, 9053

Biography by Steve
