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Neighbourhood > Guest Character Profiles > Doctor Leeman Angela Disher

Doctor Melissa Leeman 1986
Occupation: Doctor at Erinsborough & District Hospital

When Lucy Robinson started making crank calls to her father’s girlfriend, Zoe Davis, she was unprepared for the revenge tactic Zoe would take. Frightened out of her wits, Zoe blew a whistle down the phone, rupturing Lucy’s eardrum. She was treated in hospital by Dr. Leeman, who admitted that Lucy was lucky not to have suffered more serious injuries. After a couple of days, Lucy’s tinnitus had calmed down and there was no sign of concussion, so she was allowed to go home and face the wrath of her father. A few weeks later, it was Zoe’s turn to spend time in the emergency department, again treated by Dr. Leeman, when she suffered an eptopic pregnancy.

A few weeks later, Dr. Leeman treated Daphne Clarke when she was rushed to hospital suffering from meningitis, and managed to convince Daph’s husband, Des, not to be too hard on his neighbour, Clive Gibbons, who had failed to spot the illness sooner. The next local to be treated by the good doctor was Warren Murphy, who had a drinking problem and was taken to hospital with alcoholic poisoning. At the end of the year, she was also on hand to treat Scott Robinson, who looked like he would never walk again following a car crash, but fortunately he made a full recovery.

Biography by Steve



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