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Neighbourhood > Guest Character Profiles > Rod MacKenzie Jasper Bagg

Rod MacKenzie 1991

Whilst out driving one day, Joe Mangel almost hit a woman lying in the road. The woman was found to be dead, and was identified as Angela Farrell, though it looked like she’d been there for a while before Joe had found her. In the days that followed, a police investigation began and Joe found himself being followed and receiving crank calls from a man, blaming him for Angela’s death. Fearing for the lives of himself and his family, Joe had had enough and asked to meet his stalker on a pathway behind the local park, taking along his friend Doug Willis and dog, Bouncer, for safety, but promising not to inform the police. The man, Rod MacKenzie, eventually emerged from the bushes and starting accusing Joe of murder, but ran off when Doug and Bouncer came to the rescue. Although Joe reported the incidents to the police, they admitted that the description didn’t match any of Angela’s family and friends, and they were confused as to who could be targeting Joe.

However, the next day, Joe was alarmed to arrive home from work and find Rod standing on his doorstep. Joe threatened to take him straight to the police, but Rod stopped and apologised. He said that he’d seen on the news that a woman had been arrested for the hit and run accident, but if anyone was responsible for Angela’s death, it was him. Inside the house, Rod explained that he’d been seeing Angela in secret, since she was married and, on the day of the accident, they’d been arguing about her leaving her husband. During the argument, he’d demanded that she get out of his car and she had run off into the rain, in tears, when the accident must have occurred. An anxious Rod had returned to the scene of the accident later that day, when he spotted Joe’s comby only inches away from Angela’s body and quickly found a scapegoat for his own guilt. Joe managed to convince Rod that it was just an accident and he wasn’t to blame for any of it, agreeing not to take the matter any further with the police.

Trivia Notes
• Jasper Bagg previously appeared in 1987 as Muzz
• He returned in 2001 as Dave Dempsey and again in 2005 as Terry White

Biography by Steve



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