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Guest Character Profiles > Rhett Norman Liam Maguire

Rhett Norman 2024, 2025
Children: Tilly
Occupation: Real Estate Agent

After experiencing some unexpected reminders of his ex-wives Sonya and Dee, Toadie Rebecchi was contacted by real estate agent Rhett Norman, who dealt with Sonya's Nursery, the business that had once belonged to Sonya. Toadie was surprised to arrive there and find the place in a mess, and Rhett told him that, despite several rent reductions, the tenants had decided to move on, unable to compete with several new garden centres in the area. Toadie admitted that it wasn't a complete surprise, but he was still upset as Rhett explained that, although he might be able to find new tenants, it would likely only be if it was changed into a different type of business. After thinking things through, Toadie then decided that he wanted to keep the business as a nursery, even if it meant that they'd struggle to find a new tenant.

As Rhett struggled to find a new tenant for the nursery, and Toadie had no interest in his ideas to turn it into a different type of business, the family went there to make a start on cleaning it up, with Terese calling in a few of their friends to help. When Toadie left the site for a while, Terese called on Rhett, having had a brainwave to buy the business as part of her retirement centre, Eirini Rising, and use it as a community garden for the elderly residents. Whilst everyone was enthusiastic about the idea, when Toadie returned, he inexplicably hated the idea and angrily told everyone to get out of the nursery, though ultimately he decided that he would have to sell.

Several weeks later, Rhett was leaving Harolds Cafe one day when he spilt hot coffee all down his shirt. As he started removing the shirt in public, he was spotted by Leo Tanaka and Aaron Brennan, who were on the lookout for another guy to join the charity Boylesque performance that was being organised. Though initially reluctant to take part, Rhett quickly changed his tune when he found out that Aaron, a former dancer, was taking part and choreographing the whole thing. Leo quickly picked up on this and, once Rhett had gone, suggested that Aaron had a new admirer. Though Aaron was sure that Leo was mistaken, there were more signs of flirting during the group's first rehearsal together and when Rhett then offered to massage Aaron, who was suffering from a pulled hamstring, it appeared that Leo had been right all along.

As the Boylesque event finally came around, Aaron was still telling himself that Rhett wasn't interested in him, despite all the evidence to the contrary, and everyone around them noticing the vibe that Rhett was giving off. When Rhett then decided to ask Aaron out for a drink, just as Boylesque was about to start, Aaron was thrown and, during the group performance, he made sure to avoid being partnered with Rhett. Later in the evening, Rhett sat down for a chat with Aaron, who explained that he was flattered but that he wasn't ready to start dating again, less than a year after the death of his husband, David. Rhett accepted this and said that Aaron had his number if he ever changed his mind, before going to join Byron and Nicolette at the bar, where they were discussing their need to find a new housemate at 32 Ramsay Street. Rhett suggested that they should hold an open house to meet plenty of people at once and weed out anyone they felt they couldn't live with.

As they were discussing this, Byron and Nicolette's landlady, Vera Punt, arrived, disappointed to have missed the Boylesque performances but pleased to be introduced to Rhett. The following day, as the open house took place, Rhett turned up, claiming that he was interested in the room for himself and leaving Aaron worried when he spotted him, fearing that he might have picked up a stalker. His fears only seemed to be confirmed later, when Rhett then claimed to Aaron that he was looking at the room for a friend, but it seemed that his changing stories were actually to cover up the fact that he was helping out Vera, who'd asked him to have a look at the house for her.

When Rhett was then invited to a Halloween party at no. 32 the following week, Aaron as upset to see him there and his frostiness didn't go unnoticed by Rhett, who jokingly asked if he should try asking him out again. Aaron told Rhett that he needed to get his stories straight but, later that evening, the truth came out when Vera revealed that she'd sold her home, no. 34 next-door, and wanted to become the newest housemate at no. 32. Rhett then explained that he'd been using a cover story to view no. 32 as he was helping Vera, who needed a quick sale and wanted to know if he could get a buyer for either of her houses. With Rhett deeming no. 34 to be the most suitable for his clients, the sale had gone through and Vera had nowhere else to go. After overhearing this, Aaron apologised to Rhett for his recent behaviour, explaining that he was a little wary after a bad experience with Logan Shembri earlier in the year and still getting over the death of his husband. Rhett accepted the apology and suggested that they could still be friends.

When Rhett and Aaron then bumped into each other that Christmas, Rhett tried again to ask Aaron out on a date, with Aaron quickly replying that he couldn't as he had to work. Just as he was beginning to give up hope, Rhett was surprised when Aaron then had a change of heart, having realised that he could just have some fun and it didn't need to necessarily become something serious. They arranged to meet up to see a movie the following day but, as Aaron was ordered to pick up some lighting equipment in the city for work, their plans changed. After spending hours walking around, trying to find the place to pick up the equipment, Aaron felt that the date was a disaster and that he was only making matters worse by constantly mentioning his late husband, David. Rhett, however, insisted that it showed that Aaron had a good heart and a long memory, both things he was attracted to in a man, and they agreed to arrange a second date.

That next date took place when Aaron invited Rhett to a brunch celebrating Leo and Krista's engagement. As Aaron's late husband, David, was Leo's twin brother, he was concerned that it would look insensitive, but everyone insisted that, if Aaron was ready to move on, then they would be supportive. As he and Aaron spent time with Aaron's young daughter, Isla, before the brunch, Rhett's behaviour seemed a little distant and he claimed that he was suffering with allergies. When it happened again during the party, Rhett admitted that he also had a daughter, Tilly, but hadn't seen her in years. After the brunch, he and Aaron went to chat, where Rhett explained that, whilst exploring his sexuality, he'd had a one-night stand with a woman, who fell pregnant. When she then got married a year later, Rhett had found himself shut out of his daughter's life, but had felt it was the easiest way forward at the time. However, as the years had gone on, he had found himself thinking about his little girl but his most recent attempt to contact her had resulted in him finding out that she and her parents had moved. With no idea where they'd gone, he had accepted that he would never be a part of her life, but knew that she was happy and being well looked after. This admission and Rhett's openness about everything moved Aaron and he and Rhett then shared a kiss.

Though all appeared to be going well between Rhett and Aaron, with the anniversary of David's death only a few days away, Aaron was beginning to rethink things. After explaining about the approaching anniversary, Aaron was touched when Rhett offered to give him some space for a while, but he quickly realised that it wasn't enough. He asked Rhett to come over and explained to him that the anniversary had made him realise that he just wasn't ready for a new relationship yet and that he wanted to end things between them.

Trivia Notes
• Liam Maguire previously appeared in 2019 as Stephen Wright

Episodes Featured
9079, 9092, 9126, 9133, 9134, 9139, 9168, 9169, 9174, 9179

Biography by Steve
