Guest Character
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Danielle Paquette Georgia Bolton

Danielle [Dani] Paquette 2011
Occupation: Nurse at Erinsborough Hospital
Having worked alongside Dr Karl Kennedy at Erinsborough Hospital for a while, nurse Danielle Paquette almost became his neighbour
when she went to an interview about the spare room at 26 Ramsay Street. After getting along well with prospective housemates Kyle and Jade, it looked like Dani was about to
become the street's newest resident. However, at exactly the wrong moment, Kyle and Jade's neighbour Lou Carpenter appeared, after using their shower because the one next-door hadn't been fixed. Dani was
horrified and walked out, telling Jade and Kyle that she couldn't cope with living in such a close-knit street, as she valued her privacy too much.
Later that year, Dani joined some of the other hospital staff for a game of football, and they were joined by Kyle and Jade. Jade had been struggling to admit to her feelings for Kyle for a long time, and was upset when, after the football,
Kyle took Dani out for pizza. The next day at work, Dani was teased by her colleague Dr Rhys Lawson about her date with Kyle, but she refused to give him any of the details. Meanwhile, when both Rhys and Karl gave
Dani the paperwork to fill some prescriptions, she later told them that one of them had made a mistake - and Rhys took the fall, despite knowing it was Karl's mistake, as he knew that this favour would help him to climb the career ladder. The
following week, Rhys had recommended Jade as a personal trainer for Dani, little realising that both women were interested in Kyle. As Dani's first training session began, Jade used it to take out her frustration, pushing Dani harder and harder,
and later becoming upset when she again saw Dani and Kyle together.
Dani and Kyle then drifted apart, but towards the end of 2011, she bumped into Kyle and his cousin Dane at Charlie's bar, where she had met with Andrew Robinson, interested
in buying his car. However, Andrew's dad Paul wasn't amused when he overheard Dani talking about buying the car, and even less amused to find out that Andrew needed the money to have an embarrassing tattoo removed.
Trivia Notes
• Georgia Bolton previously appeared in 2005 as Chrissy Taylor and in 2009 as Emma Ayres
• Click here to read our 2005 interview with Georgia
Episodes Featured 6195, 6196, 6237, 6238, 6242, 6306
Biography by Steve