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Neighbourhood > Guest Character Profiles > Brenda Samuels Pixie Jones

Brenda Samuels 1999
Marital Status: Bernie Samuels
Children: Joel
Family Tree: Samuels

When Joel Samuels was involved in an accident, and almost drowned, his concerned mother, Brenda, flew in from Launceston to be by his side. She hadn’t spent a great deal of time with him in a few years, as he’d been travelling due to his sporting career as a triathlete. He had then returned to Australia and settled in Erinsborough. Although Joel didn’t want his mum to know about the accident, she read about it in the newspaper. As soon as Brenda arrived, she began fussing, and made it clear that she had never approved of him giving up his university course in marine biology to be a sportsman. What Brenda wasn’t prepared for was the loyalty of the residents of Ramsay Street. When Susan Kennedy and Anne Wilkinson came to visit Joel, Brenda tried to get them on-side, but they both immediately disagreed with her. They explained that Joel was incredibly passionate about his sport, and he would always regret it if he simply gave it up.

Brenda felt extremely alienated from her son’s new life. As they all made jokes about the latest happenings in Ramsay Street, she struggled to keep up. Joel ended up taking all of his frustrations out on his mum, and she decided to go and visit Susan for a chat. She explained that although she and Joel had always been quite stubborn, she felt as though she’d completely lost control. Susan told her that it was only natural to feel like that, and she explained about her son, Mal, being so far away in London. Brenda went back to see Joel and apologised for pushing him so hard. She explained that she was relieved to see that he was being so well cared for by those around him and would be flying back to Tasmania that night.

Biography by Steve



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