Guest Character
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Tom Warren Michael Rowan

Tom Warren 1985
Occupation: Manager of Community Justice Centre
The manager of the local Community Justice Centre, Tom Warren was ably assisted by volunteer Helen Daniels, and together they tried to help
solve the disputes that had arisen between neighbours, before things had to go to court. When Tom and Helen received a visit from the Czech couple, who spoke no English, they had no idea what the problem was, so Helen asked for help from her neighbour,
Maria, who spoke the language. Tom and Helen were delighted to have Maria's help, but she was quickly shocked by the Novaks and their negative attitude towards Australia, and she told Tom that she didn't really want to help.
However, Helen persuaded Maria to return the next day and interpret for the Novaks, as they had a meeting with the neighbours, the Collinses. Through the meeting, it emerged that Mrs Novak had sprayed Mr Collins' car with a hose when the doors were open,
soaking the interior. The Collins couple had tried to talk to them about it, but had assumed the Novaks were being aggressive towards them - but with Maria's help, it was then discovered that Mr Novak had actually been trying to apologise.
Trivia Notes
• Michael Rowan returned to play Mr Field in 1987
Episodes Featured 55,
Biography by Steve