Episode Title: Adam's Glib
• Adam tells Pepper he either takes him as she finds him or there will be nothing between them
• Rosie finds Frazer’s letter telling her he’s left to be alone to try to come to terms with his reasons for the paralysis. Rosie fears he’ll never return to her and feels it is justified
• Caleb tells Sky if he tells her about his accident she’ll not want to know him
Erinsborough Hospital - Caleb's room: Caleb explains he crashed the car after drink driving and that this was his second accident after doing the same thing before and rolling his car. But this time he killed his best friend and all his friends have disowned him.
The General Store: Boyd shows Toadie & Harold the sketch Sky has done for the graffiti wall art memorial for stingray and all agree it is a fitting tribute. Adam mentions to Toadie he is off to get the paint Steph needs and Boyd explains Adam has got the paint for the wall on the cheap.
Steph arrives from a meeting at the council and explains a lot of her renovations are off due to the council denying her planning permission but more importantly they have also said no to the memorial wall despite her explaining what it is for. Steph asks Toadie to help her gather ammunition to fight the decision.

No 30 - Hallway: Rosie comes off of the phone after pressing redial on the phone and learning that Frazer booked a room in the Jacaranda Hotel before he left. She tells Pepper she has to find Frazer but Pepper snatches her car keys from her telling her to give Frazer the space he needs or risk losing him permanently. Rosie is not convinced and Pepper reluctantly gives her back her keys.
The General Store: Sky explains to Boyd about Caleb’s admission but Boyd cannot understand her need for a connection to Caleb. Sky assures Boyd she realises Caleb is not a replacement for Stingray or another Terence.
Jacaranda Hotel - Gardens: Rosie approaches Frazer who is sitting alone in the gardens. She jokes that he should ‘stick his head fully in the sand’ to get away from her. But her anger softens when she pleads with Frazer to tell her what is wrong. Frazer tells her she can’t help him when his paralysis is about what is going on in his head and that he needs her to give him time alone. Rosie agrees but wants a timescale to when he’ll return home. Frazer admits it could be never and Rosie places her engagement ring into his hand telling him he can’t expect her to wait around forever.
Jacaranda Hotel - Driveway: Rosie upset, looks back at Frazer as she makes her way to her car. Inside she sits for a moment before turning the engine on. As she drives off Frazer chases after her and she pulls to a halt. Frazer rides up to the car and gives her back the engagement ring and Rosie realises he isn’t letting her go.
The General Store: Pepper arrives to get a drink before her date with Adam. Sky admits she thinks Adam is very good looking and Pepper is so excited about a possible night out at an expensive restaurant like Lanzini’s. Steph with Charlie & Toadie in tow arrives to tell Harold the news that after half an hour of waiting on the phone trying to talk to the right person at the council she was told they are at a Flower arranging awards in Lassiters. Despite Toadie’s reservations Steph, egged on by Sky goes to see the councillor in person. Adam arrives dressed in his work clothes which shocks Pepper. Adam tells her they are going to his place first so he can get a shower and who knows what where they’ll end up after that.
Adam's house - Front porch: Pepper walks into Adam’s garden and is stunned to find it full of building materials and discarded rubbish. Adam comes out showered and dressed and asks pepper if she fancies wine or beer. She is even more distressed to learn that Adam is setting up a barbeque in the back garden for them to eat chops. Pepper asks about them eating out somewhere special but backs down when Adam calls her high maintenance. Adam toasts to the evening ahead with a glass of wine each in jam jars.

The General Store: Steph arrives back to find Toadie wearing goggles and a plastic poncho to protect himself from Charlie who is eating. Steph explains her discussion with the council guy didn’t make any difference but she has decided she can make changes by running for the council elections. Toadie thinks it is funny but Steph has her mind set.
Adam's house - Back garden: Pepper explains to Adam how she tried to stop Rosie from going to see Frazer but instead of sympathy Adam disagrees with Pepper’s reasoning telling her Rosie made the right decision dealing with her problem rather than making life complicated.
Jacaranda Hotel - Gardens: Frazer apologises to Rosie for leaving blaming it as something he has always done when the pressure is on. Rosie questions if she is to blame for his paralysis after Pepper’s accusations about them only getting together after the accident but Frazer is adamant it is something else from his past haunting him. Rosie suggests when his parents arrive for lunch tomorrow they can ask them but Frazer warns her not to push him and let him tackle it in his own time.
Adam's house - Kitchen: Pepper compliments Adam on his cooking and Adam turns the conversation to asking Pepper about herself. Pepper reads that he’s pulling some kind of seduction technique on her but Adam assures her he is being genuine and trying to get to know someone who he has feelings for and for someone he could have a possible relationship with. Pepper finally begins to relax.

The General Store: Next morning Pepper is on the phone to Rosie’s voicemail trying to get hold of her to tell her about the best date she has ever had when Adam arrives to overhear the message being left. Adam questions if Pepper arrived home okay and Pepper tells him some random story of a taxi driver with poor eyesight who nearly ran over a Labrador dog. Adam questions her about another date and Pepper plays it cool until Adam lets slip he overheard her telling Rosie it was her best date ever. Steph arrives as Adam returns to the Scarlet Bar. She tells Toadie & Boyd and Sky she is still planning to run for council. Sky is supportive while Toadie & Boyd are sceptical. Toadie asks her if she really is going to run and Steph tells him with him & Boyd not being supportive, of course not.
Roadside: Frazer pulls over in his car and Rosie who is following behind does so as well and gets out to check if Frazer is okay. He tells her he thinks that the cemetery where his grandparents are buried is nearby and they agree to go and visit.
The General Store: Sky is stunned to find Caleb waiting to see her and she agrees to talk. Caleb asks if she too is going to ignore him after his revelations over the accident. Caleb realises Sky’s silence confirms his fears.
Cemetary: As Frazer and Rosie search for his grandparent’s grave, Rosie recounts how her grandmother had a dramatic packed funeral with her Uncle Frank flinging himself onto her grandmother’s coffin in the grave in grief. Frazer mentions how he remembers his grandfather as always playing games with them, like ‘hot & cold’. Rosie stops walking realising Frazer is not behind her and questions if he is okay. Frazer is defiant that he is determined to walk again for her.

Cemetary: Frazer & Rosie continue until they find the family plot with his grandparents Donald & Astrid Browns’ graves stone. Frazer mentions it is the first time he’s ever been there and Rosie comments on how someone still attends referring to the fresh flowers to the side of the gravestone. Pulling them away Rosie uncovers another gravestone for Paul Brown with the inscription ‘ Much Loved Son of Graham & Prudence’.
Rosie question who they are and Frazer confirms that they are his parents and the card in the flowers was written by his mother. Frazer tells Rosie this is the grave of a dead brother he never realised he had.
Regular Cast Credits
Cast: Ian Smith as Harold Bishop, Stephanie McIntosh as Sky Mangel, Ryan Moloney as Jarrod 'Toadfish' Rebecchi, Carla Bonner as Stephanie Hoyland, Kyal Marsh as Boyd Hoyland, Aaron Aulesbrook-Walker as Charlie Hoyland, Natalie Saleeba as Rosetta Cammeniti, Nicky Whelan as Heidi 'Pepper' Steiger, Ben Lawson as Frazer Yeats
Guest Cast: Nick Russell as Caleb Maloney, Benjamin Hart as Adam Rhodes
Trivia Notes
• Frazer stayed at the Jacaranda Hotel
• Off screen Steph interrupted the Lassiter’s flower arranging competition to talk to a council planning official
• Rosie recalls her grandmother from her Dad’s side as a woman with a big voice. Her funeral was full of drama including her Uncle Frank diving onto the coffin as it was lowered into the ground in his grief
• Rosie was 7 years old when her grandmother died
• Frazer recalls his grandfather Stuart Brown as someone who liked to play games with him and his siblings, especially ‘Hot & Cold’
• Frazer’s grandparent’s gravestone read ‘Stuart Donald Brown 1910-1986’ & ‘Astrid Grace Brown 1912-1987’
• Paul Brown’s gravestone read ‘Paul Brown, 7th November 1984 – 25 December 1985. Aged 13 months. Much loved son of Graham & Prudence Brown. Gone from us much too soon’
Summary by Paul