Episode Summaries >
> Episode 6781
Written by Emma J Steele, Directed
by Gary Conway, Produced by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 25/11/13, Channel 5: 23/12/13
• Gem tells Susan that she's uncomfortable being alone with Bailey
• Gem asks Bailey to hack into Kate's email account
• Gem finds a draft email about Kate and Kyle's night together
• A stunned Georgia reads out the email in front of everyone

No 26: Georgia runs out of the house, with Kyle and Gem in close pursuit. Inside, there's an awkward silence, and Kate picks up the piece of paper, looking at it and
struggling to figure out how it ended up in Georgia's hands. Sheila starts demanding to know what exactly the email meant, but Kate just apologises and runs off to the kitchen - Sheila goes after her.
No 30: Kyle follows Georgia into the house, with Gem close behind. He tells Georgia that he only slept with Kate once, when he broke up with Georgia just after the
eclipse, and it didn't mean anything. He wishes that he'd told her, but he didn't want to hurt her. She refuses to let Kyle anywhere near her, and won't listen to anything he has to say. As Georgia runs off to the bedroom and slams the door, Gem
tells Kyle that he should go now, but that Georgia will listen once she's calmed down.

No 26: Toadie and Sonya decide to leave the party so they can check on Georgia - Chris sees them out, then goes into the kitchen where Sheila is trying to find out when
all of this happened. Kate explains that it was just before Kyle disappeared to Frankston, and she wishes it had never happened. Sheila agrees, but Chris says that Kate can't take all the blame, as Kyle was involved too. Sheila says that she'll be making
her feelings clear to Kyle too, but she can't believe that Kate would so hurtful as to print out the email for Georgia at her engagement party. Kate insists that she didn't print the email and can't understand how it happened, and as she leaves the room,
Mason walks in with a bottle of wine, asking what he's missed.
No 30: Gem is telling Georgia not to blame herself, and that she's too good for someone like Kyle. Kyle then tries to call Georgia, who can't answer it. Gem tells her
cousin that it's good that she found all this out before the wedding - Sonya and Toadie then arrive home and hear what Gem's saying, telling her that she might be getting a bit ahead of herself, as Georgia is probably still in shock. Toadie reminds
Georgia that she's still engaged to Kyle and she owes it to him to listen to what he has to say. Gem, however, gets annoyed, pointing out that he betrayed her and can never be trusted again. Toadie takes Gem into the kitchen and tells her to calm
down, but she says that she's been in this situation herself and the only way to deal with it is to make a clean break and move on. Toadie tries to talk to Gem, but she says that she can see that he's conflicted, as he's friends with Kyle and Kate too,
but her only concern is for Georgia and she's going to support her.
No 26: Kate is about to leave the house, when Kyle comes in and confronts her, asking why she printed that email. She insists that it had nothing to do with her,
and he asks why she even wrote the email in the first place. She explains that she was just trying to process things when he disappeared to Frankston, but she couldn't bring herself to send it and knew he couldn't read it, so she just saved it and
then forgot about it. Kyle finds it all very unlikely, and Kate admits that she's struggling to explain it herself, but it's the truth.

No 30: Kate arrives at the door and Gem immediately tries to get rid of her, but Georgia wants to talk to her. Kate tries to apologise, but Georgia says that she
doesn't want to hear it, she just wants some answers. She confirms with Kate that the one-night stand with Brennan was just to cover up her real night with Kyle, that Kyle went to Frankston because he was feeling guilty, and that when Kate thought
she was pregnant, her real fear was that it was Kyle's baby. Gem watches, barely able to contain her glee as the two friends argue - Georgia can't believe that the one-night stand meant nothing to Kate. Georgia then asks if Kate was ever going to
tell her the truth, and Kate explains that Kyle wanted to, but she stopped him as she didn't want Georgia to be hurt again, after everything that happened with Scotty. Georgia says that it's all the lying that's really hurt her, and she tells Kate
to get out.
Eclipse Apartments - Paul's Penthouse: Kate is going through her emails, and sees that the draft email to Kyle was never sent. She can't understand it, then the lift doors
open and Mason appears. He says that he used his staff card to get in, as he needs answers. He asks Kate how long she was with Kyle, but she doesn't want to talk to him right now. Hearing the raised voices, Paul appears, wanting to know what's going on. Kate
tells Mason to get out, which he does, and then she sits down and tells Paul that she's made a mess of everything.
Harold's Store: Mason is ranting to Lauren, Amber and Imogen about how Kate wouldn't speak to him, and it's obvious that she's always been into Kyle. Lauren and Amber
think that he needs to give Kate some time and speak to her properly, but Mason decides that he's going to find Kyle and get some answers from him instead. As Mason leaves, Bailey walks in and hears them talking about how Georgia found out from an email,
written by Kate - Bailey immediately looks worried and tries to defend Kate, saying that she wouldn't do something like that. The others all agree, but can't see any other explanation for how Georgia ended up reading it.
No 32 - Back Garden: Under the cover of darkness, Gem meets with Bailey, saying that she doesn't appreciate being summoned like this. Bailey confirms that Gem was
responsible for Georgia reading out the email, and he can't understand how she could do something like that. She says that it wasn't deliberate, but things got a bit crazy and the email ended up in the pile with the others. She tries to make Bailey see
that it was for the best, and that Georgia might never have found out otherwise, but Bailey says that he feels sick and can't understand how Gem could let this happen. He says that they need to do something, because everyone's blaming Kate for this, but
Gem grabs his arm and says that he broke the law and nobody will believe that she's involved in it - they'll think it's just another symptom of Bailey's obsession with her. She reminds him that he's the one who did the hacking, and then she leaves.

Charlie's: Mason tracks down Kyle, who's sitting at the bar looking very sorry for himself. Kyle says that he isn't in the mood for company, but Mason says that he
just wants some answers, as Kate won't talk to him. Mason confirms that Kate only slept with Kyle, and not with Brennan. He asks if Kyle is in love with Kate, or if she's in love with him, and Kyle denies both - Mason can't understand why Kyle slept with
Kate and then encouraged her to get back together with him. He says that Kyle must have thought he was a complete idiot when they went on all those double dates - Kyle asks if Mason has just come here to take out his anger, but Mason says that Kyle isn't
worth it, and leaves the bar.
No 26: Chris is bursting balloons in an attempt to help Sheila clean up after the party. She then sees him eating the leftover food, and tells him to put some aside for Kyle, as he'll
need to eat when he eventually comes home. She says that she should never have organised the party in the first place, and that Kyle should have been honest from the start - she then wonders why Chris is being so quiet and didn't even look shocked when Georgia read out the
email. He tries to leave, but Sheila asks him if he knew, and he admits that he's known about it since it happened. Sheila can't believe that he kept quiet, but he says that he never wanted to know about it, and they just wanted to avoid Georgia being hurt. Sheila then
asks if Kate's been in love with Kyle all along - Chris says that she wasn't in love with him when it happened, and Sheila picks up on this, realising that perhaps Kate is in love with him now, and she did all this to split him and Georgia up.
Eclipse Apartments - Paul's Penthouse: Paul brings Kate a cup of tea, and then the lift opens and Sheila steps out. She explains that she got in by telling reception that
Paul needed his spare leg, and then walks over to Kate and asks her if she deliberately planted the email. Paul still doesn't know what's going on, but Kate simply says that she didn't do it, that she felt absolutely horrible when it happened and she'd
never want to put Georgia through that. Sheila then asks about Kyle - Kate says that she'd never hurt him either. Sheila says that Kate's in love with Kyle, and Kate doesn't deny it. Paul again tells Sheila to leave, and she says that she got what she came for.
She gets into the lift, and Paul sits down with Kate, giving her a hug and realising that this is why she had to leave Ramsay Street.

No 30: Gem comes into the kitchen and says that Georgia's finally calmed down a bit. She sees that Sonya's been cooking - Sonya is about to take some food through to Georgia, but
Gem insists on doing it. Toadie then stops her and says that she needs to give Georgia some space and stop telling her to split up with Kyle. He reminds Gem that she's a guest in his home and he's appreciate it if she did what he asked. She puts down the food and says
that she was just trying to help, but she'll do what Toadie thinks is best.
No 32 - Kitchen: Amber is waiting for a text from Josh, and Imogen is waiting for Mason to get home. Imogen is disappointed that it looks as if Mason is still in love with Kate.
Mason then walks in, and Imogen asks if he'd like to come to a movie with her and Amber, or if he'd rather stay home and talk. He insists that he's fine, so the girls leave.
No 32 - Back Garden/Kitchen: As Bailey sits outside thinking about things, in the house Mason goes through his phone and deletes a photo of him and Kate.
Paul's Penthouse/No 24/No 30: As Kate stands on the balcony of the penthouse and looks outside, Kyle sits on the couch with Bossy, at number 24, and looks at the teapot and
the card he gave Georgia for their engagement. Across the street at number 30, Georgia sits in silence, then tearfully removes her engagement ring.

No 24: The next morning, Kyle wakes up on the couch, to a knock at the door. He's surprised to find that it's Kate, who says that she's been up all night and she thinks that
maybe if they went and spoke to Georgia together, that it might help. Kyle can't see how that would work, and doesn't think that any amount of explanation will fix things, as they did what they did and now Georgia's heart is broken. As Kyle starts tidying up,
he picks up the champagne bottle from the previous evening, just as Georgia walks in and asks if they're celebrating already. She won't listen to anything either of them has to say, and she explains that she just called by to return the engagement ring. She
gives it to Kate, saying that she always seemed to like it more anyway. Kate tries to go after Georgia as she leaves, but Kyle stops her. Kate hands over the ring, and Kyle tells her to stay away from Georgia, and to stay away from him too.
Featured Regular Characters: Lauren Turner, Mason Turner, Amber Turner, Bailey Turner, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Chris Pappas, Kate Ramsay, Georgia Brooks,
Toadfish Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Paul Robinson, Imogen Willis
Guest Cast:
Kathryn Beck as Gemma Reeves
Trivia Notes
• Past characters Scotty Boland and Mark Brennan are mentioned
by Steve