Episode Summaries >
> Episode 6782
Written by Elizabeth Packett, Directed
by Gary Conway, Produced by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 26/11/13, Channel 5: 07/01/14
• Amber ending her relationship with Josh
• Georgia discovering the one night stand between Kyle and Kate
• Kate telling Georgia she didn't mean to hurt her
• Mason confronting Kate and asking Kate for how long she was seeing Kyle
• Kyle telling Kate to stay away from him and Gerogia as he wants nothing to do with her
• Gem telling Toadie, Sonya and Georgia that a relationship can't happen without trust

Erinsborough Hospital: Georgia is on her way to work with Gem. Gem tells her that if she is not ready they can turn round and go home, but Georgia wonders
what else she would do all day if not working. Gem offers to be there at the end of Georgia's shift, and adds that they could rent a movie later. Georgia explains that she is still planning to sing at Charlie's later, much to Gem's surprise.
Gem warns Georgia to be careful, as everyone was judgemental after what happened with Scotty, but reveals that she is proud of Georgia and if Georgia needs anything during the day, she should just giver her a call.
Erinsborough High: Kate is putting up a poster in the hallway when Gem marches over, furiously saying that she can't believe Kate is at the school
and that she is clearly fine with what she did to Georgia. Kate disputes this, and retorts that Gem must be loving the situation as ever since she arrived she has been trying to get between Kyle and Georgia. Kate goes on to add that
for all she knows, Gem was the one who printed out the email. Gem disputes that, and as Kate walks off Gem says that she should have thought about Georgia and Kyle's relationship before she slept with him, much to the amusement of the
students who are listening in the hallway.

No 22: Following a training session in the pool, Josh and Brad return home. Terese asks how it went and Brad asks Josh if he wants to do his weights now,
but Josh heads off, clearly disappointed at the day he is having. After he has gone, Brad tells Terese that Josh's times were slow today and that with the trials coming up, Josh can't afford to go backwards. Terese points out that it is only
a week since Josh and Amber split up and Josh is probably still heartbroken.
Erinsborough High: Amber is busy looking at her phone and Imogen asks what she is doing. Amber replies that she is looking on Twitter, because she
has heard that some of the other students have been tweeting about Kate and Kyle. Just then, Kate comes out into the hallway to move the students along to class; Imogen sarcastically points out how funny it is that teachers try to tell
the students what to do when they don't even know how to behave themselves, especially as Kate treats Mason like dirt, but he still has feelings for her. As Imogen leaves, Amber walks over to Kate and apologises on Imogen's behalf.
Uncomfortable with the situation, Kate directs Amber to class.
Erinsborough Hospital: Georgia is in the queue for a coffee and glancing at her phone notices 22 missed calls from Kyle. As she looks up, she tries to say
hello to two other nurses, although they blank her and walk off, leaving Karl, who is stood behind Georgia, to tell her not to let other people get to her. Karl recommends that if things get to much for Georgia, she could take some annual leave,
although Georgia says she won't. Karl buys her coffee and points out he had a free coffee on his stamp card anyway! Georgia adds that Karl needn't worry about her, as she won't make the same mistakes at work that she did following her break-up with
Scotty. Karl urges Georgia to talk to someone if she needs to.

Lassiter's Complex: Walking along, Chris urges Kyle to take a rest on sending messages and calls to Georgia. Kyle replies that he loves her and is worried
that if he stops, Georgia might get the impression that he doesn't care about her. By the hotel, they see Kate, who looks back across the complex at them. Uncomfortably, they look at each other, before moving on.
Eclipse Apartments - Paul's Penthouse: Kate is in the penthouse apartment, when the lift opens and Mason enters, carrying a delivery for Paul. As he puts it down, Kate apologises for snapping
at Mason earlier and says that if he wants to hear the truth he is very welcome to stay around for a while. Sitting down, Kate reveals how unhappy she was at the time of her mistake, as was Kyle, and how they both needed comfort, but in a really wrong
way. Kate says that both her and Kyle knew it had been a mistake, which is why they kept quiet so that no one got hurt. Mason asks Kate if what they had ever meant anything, and Kate explains that it did and how hard she tried to make things work with
Mason. Kate apologises again, and says that she hopes one day that they can put everything behind them and just be friends.
Harold's Store: Mason comes in and joins Imogen, who is drinking a shake. Mason explains that he has been to see Kate and, although he doesn't like being lied to, does
understand why Kate did. He adds that Kate tried to protect their relationship and, although it was the wrong thing to do, came from the right place. Imogen is glad to hear Mason say that the whole situation is helping him get over Kate once and for all
and they both toast to new beginnings.
Erinsborough Hospital: Georgia and Karl come out of the hospital cheerfully, talking about the gig later on. Gem, who was sitting on a bench outside the hospital,
jumps up and says that she is glad to see that Georgia is a little happier. Georgia thanks Karl for pulling her out of the negativity before he heads off. Linking arms, Georgia asks Gem how her day was; Gem replies that hers was great, which is more
than can be said for Kate, whose love life has been broadcast all over the school. Georgia asks Gem not to talk about Kate, and also hangs up on Kyle, who tries to ring Georgia again. Gem urges Georgia not to call Kyle or to even listen to what he has
to say. Georgia explains she will think about it after the gig at Charlie's later.
No 26: Kyle is leaving another message for Georgia, explaining that Ajay wants to know what will be happening with Number 24. Chris comes in and asks Kyle why he
is still texting Georgia. As Chris goes to leave, Kyle asks where he is going and becomes excited when he realises that Chris is off to watch Georgia in the gig at Charlie's. Kyle explains that he is going mental, as he can't see or speak to Georgia
and rushes off to get changed and tag along with Chris, despite Chris warning him that turning up at the gig would not be a good idea.

Harold's Store: Josh is having a second interview with Ruby. Ruby explains that the readers couldn't get enough of Josh after his last interview. Ruby offers a follow up
series, ideally as a diary, which will record Josh and his journey to Glasgow. She offers to write it, but needs to get close to Josh to work out how to write the series. She then offers Josh a visit to her place, so that they can work closely on the details
of the article, mixing it up with a bit of fun as well. Amber, who has just come in, hears the conversation between Josh and Ruby and storms out angrily.
Lassiter's Complex: Just outside Harold's, Josh runs to catch up with Amber, Josh protesting his innocence about what was happening and that it was only an interview.
He suggests hat Amber go in and ask Ruby if she doesn't believe him, but Amber angrily replies that she doesn't want to deal with Josh's groupies. Josh retorts that Amber was the one who broke up with him: Amber responds that that obviously gives Josh
the right to make a move on the first person he sees. Before leaving, Amber thanks Josh for reminding her why she broke up with him.
Harold's Store: Back in Harold's, Josh asks Ruby if they can meet another time, as he has a work out session in the afternoon, and doesn't feel like an interview, but Ruby points
out that she has a deadline, and reluctantly, Josh agrees. As they head off, Kate takes a seat, and is immediately followed by Imogen, who heads over to apologise about her behaviour at school. Imogen explains she was worried about Mason, but he now seems ok, and
Kate thanks Imogen for her apology.
Charlie's: Georgia is singing in her gig. Karl points out to Gem, who he is sitting with in the audience, how brave and incredible Georgia is for singing
despite everything that has happened. as she finishes singing, the crowd chant for Georgia to sing "Letting you know": Georgia tells the crowd she thought they would have had enough of that song by now, but after encouragement from the crowd
goes to sing it for a final time. As Georgia begins singing, Kyle and Chris walk in. Georgia continues to sing, although Gem marches over and demands to know why Kyle is at the gig. She tells him to go, just as Georgia stops singing. She puts
down her guitar and runs out, urging Karl to take over. Chris holds Kyle back from following Georgia and Gem, who have run out of the bar.

No 30: Arriving home, Georgia tells Gem she can't believe she lost it like she did, as she had been strong all day. Georgia explains how lost she feels, as
Kyle was the one, and Gem suggests they go abroad, as Georgia would hen be able to put all the memories out of her head, and the two of them would be able to experience lots of adventures together. Georgia thanks Gem for being so good to her,
and adds that she doesn't know what she would do without Gem.

No 22: Josh and Ruby are talking in the back garden. Brad comes across to where Ruby and Josh are sitting and says that he thought they were doing the interview
elsewhere. Ruby replies hat it is going on longer than expected and Brad replies hat if they need anything they should just give him a shout. Ruby asks Josh about Amber: Josh wonders whether this is part of the interview and Ruby replies only if
he wants it to be. Turning off the voice recorder, Ruby moves closer to Josh, explaining that it looked like he needed to talk about Amber. Josh replies that, despite everything, Amber didn't understand what Josh had to do to be an athlete and
what it entailed. Ruby explains that athletes are often single because of this, bless they are dating another athlete themselves. Josh wonders whether he needs to find himself another athlete to date; Ruby replies that he could find someone who
interviews them instead, as they also understand. Ruby leans in for a kiss; Josh responds enthusiastically.
Featured Regular Characters: Terese Willis, Josh Willis, Imogen Willis, Brad Willis, Amber Turner, Mason Turner, Karl Kennedy, Kyle Canning, Chris Pappas, Georgia Brooks, Kate Ramsay
Guest Cast:
Kathryn Beck as Gemma Reeves, Maggie Naouri as Ruby Knox,
Darcy Kent as Stu Branson
Trivia Notes
• Past characters Ajay Kapoor and Scotty Boland are mentioned
by Alex