Episode Summaries >
> Episode 6952
Written by James Walker, Directed
by Declan Eames, Produced by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 19/08/14, Channel 5: 02/09/14
• Nate arriving in Erinsborough and being introduced to Karl, Susan and Chris
• Kyle discovering that Georgia has had a biopsy at the hospital
• Sheila and Paul locked in the cold room at The Waterhole
• After a stressful day at work with Toadie, Sonya asking Naomi if she would consider taking back her old job

Rebecchi Law: Toadie asks Sonya if asking Naomi to return to her old job is some kind of a joke as he can't believe she would be so forgiving.
Sonya says that it is not about having forgiven Naomi, it is about Toadie's livelihood. She points out that he can't afford to be losing clients and that the business was far more efficient with Naomi. Toadie asks if Sonya is worried
about Naomi crossing the line again and Sonya replies that she still doesn't trust Naomi but that she does trust Toadie. Toadie wonders if Naomi will say yes: Sonya replies that Naomi is thinking about it, and that he should too.
The Waterhole: Naomi and Sheila are discussing the offer, Naomi pointing out that it is a good job. Sheila warns Naomi that going back would
be a big mistake: it's not going to be easy and it would be like a person with a drinking problem working in a bar. Naomi thinks that saying that is a bit extreme, but Sheila again cautions Naomi that she needs to stay away.
Meanwhile, Paul heads in and accidentally walks into Josh who is going the other way. Josh drops his phone and Paul notices that Josh has been messaging a girl from a dating app. Paul asks if Josh has had any luck with it: Josh
admits he has, but that he has realised it is not his thing and that he is going to delete his profile. Paul starts to ask Josh to send him the link and Josh heads off, saying that he will.

Number 30: Kyle answers the front door to find Karl there, who has come with results for Georgia.
Georgia heads over and Karl says that Georgia definitely doesn't have cancer. Georgia says that it is a relief and they all sit down as Karl explains Georgia has a nodule on her vocal chords to which Georgia replies that it will affect
her singing. Karl suggests Georgia either have voice therapy or surgery. Kyle asks what will happen if Georgia doesn't have it removed. Karl replies there is the possibility it could turn cancerous, given Georgia's family history.
Karl heads off and Kyle tells Georgia she needs to have the surgery as her mother had throat cancer. Georgia asks Kyle if they can talk about it later as she would like to go out to dinner and have some fun. Kyle looks on worriedly.
Harold's Store: Chris confirms that Georgia hasn't decided about having the surgery. Georgia replies she hasn't but doesn't really want to talk about
it. Just then, Nate heads over and says hi to Chris, explaining he is looking forward to the picnic the following day. Georgia and Kyle glance at each other, asking if Nate would like to join them. He declines, but before leaving,
Chris asks if Georgia and Kyle would like to tag along, checking that it would be ok with Nate. Kyle tries to give Georgia a look telling her to say no, but she accepts anyway. Chris sits down again, pointing out how awkward it was.
Georgia tells Chris she hopes it won't be like Will all over again and that he is going to have to spend some time alone with Nate. Chris replies that he really likes Nate and doesn't want to get nervous and scare him away by talking nonsense:
with Georgia and Kyle there, he will be able to relax. Georgia agrees to go only on that occasion. Chris suddenly isn't sure and wonders if inviting an engaged couple along will put pressure on Nate to be romantic and when Kyle and Georgia
give conflicting answers he rushes across to Brennan, who has just walked into Harold's, and invites him along as well.

The Waterhole: Paul is creating his dating profile and wonders if 'business leader' or 'entrepreneur' sounds better. Sheila says they are both
hideously pretentious and demands to know what Paul is doing. Paul replies that, just because they shared time in the cool room, they are not now all caring and sharing. Sheila snatches Paul's iPad and discovers the dating app that
Paul is on, pointing out that he probably selected 'casual hook-ups' on it! Meanwhile, at a table, Toadie and Sonya are telling Naomi that they would like her to return to her job on a trial basis. Naomi replies she is not sure, but
Sonya accepts that Naomi was a very valuable part of Toadie's business and that she is willing to put the past behind them and will be professional about it if Naomi is willing to do the same. Naomi agrees; Toadie clarifies that it won't
be like last time. He explains that they are lawyer and assistant, working nine to five and that they will lead separate lives. Naomi replies that she understands.
Number 28: It is the middle of the night, and Karl walks into the kitchen for a drink. He turns round and is surprised to see Nate standing by
the window watching the street. Nate apologises for startling Karl and explains he was having trouble sleeping. Karl asks Nate if he has tried drinking warm milk. Nate replies it won't help. Karl wonders if Nate has had trouble
sleeping in the past and Nate replies that it is nothing new. Karl says goodnight to Nate and heads off to bed, leaving Nate standing by the window.
Ramsay Street: The next morning, Karl and Susan walk out of Number 28, Susan explaining that everyone sometimes has trouble sleeping and Nate is
in a new house after all. Karl thinks it is more than that because of the way Nate was standing and staring. Brennan runs out from Number 24 and waves good morning to Karl and Susan before going down the stairs to where Paige is boxing.
He offers to bring her a coffee, but Paige says she is off caffeine for the day. Brennan comments that she is making him look unhealthy and she challenges him to a round of boxing. Brennan declines, but invites Paige along to Chris's picnic
pointing out that it will be a good distraction from all of the family dramas. Paige accepts, but jokingly says that if it is lame, she will make Brennan pay.

Lassiter's Complex: On the grounds by the lake, Kyle, Georgia, Chris, Nate, Brennan and Paige arrive for their picnic. Chris asks Nate if he has done a lot of
travelling as he had mentioned he had been to London. Nate replies he has been to a few places and asks Chris if he has done much to which Chris replies he has been in Australia his whole life. Chris says that he is sure Nate will like living
with Susan and Karl: Nate tells Chris that they seem like nice people. Chris can't believe that he ran into Nate twice when he was related to Susan, but Nate says that as they live next door, the chances were quite high. Nate adds that he is
glad they did run into each other.
Lassiter's Complex: Over on the bridge, Sheila is telling Naomi she still thinks it is a bad idea for Naomi to start working with Toadie again but Naomi replies she is trying to
stay positive about it and wants Sheila's support. Sheila agrees, much to Naomi's surprise, and says she wants Naomi to move back to Number 26, admitting part of the reason is so she can keep an eye on her. Naomi isn't very enthusiastic about the idea, but when
Sheila says she would like to see more of her, Naomi accepts that the Brennan and Paige show is becoming a little much. She finally accepts Sheila's offer and takes a deep breath to ready herself for her first day back at Rebecchi Law.
Rebecchi Law: Toadie calls Naomi through to his office and welcomes her back. Toadie recognises that the situation won't be easy, but Naomi replies that they
will make a go of it. Toadie says that they will and then explains what needs to be done: the client list needs updating, and he suggests Naomi eases herself back into things by taking it home with her and taking the day to go through it.
She offers to take some case files too, in order to get up to speed with where Toadie is at. Toadie agrees and Naomi backs out of the office into the reception area, both of them left very uncomfortable by the whole situation.
The Waterhole: Sheila walks over to Paul and asks if he has lost interest in the accounts already, as he is checking out the dating app. Paul tells Sheila
to check out some of the hot women on the site: Sheila tells Paul to forget them as some of the men look like movie stars. Sheila is forced to admit that she also looked at the site the previous evening just for a look: Paul teases Sheila,
asking if she is sure it wasn't to distract her from her raunchy dreams of Lou. Sheila replies that Lou is not the problem anymore. Sheila corners Josh, who has just come in, and thanks him for putting her on to the site, much to Josh's surprise.
Sheila wonders if she is too old for the site but Josh says it is for all ages leading Sheila to ask the best way to be successful on it. Josh finds the conversation weird and practically runs out of The Waterhole. Sheila turns back to Paul and
pulls up her short list. Paul scoffs at Sheila's list, suggesting she has both nerds and future prisoners on there. Paul admits he hasn't yet put up a profile and Sheila comments that she hasn't yet contacted anyone and that they are both a bit
hopeless at it all.

Lassiter's Lake: Nate and Chris are chatting as Brennan and Paige play swingball and Georgia is busy at the barbecue. Chris says he is
jealous of Nate's travels through the outback and asks where the best place is that he has been to. Nate replies it is hard to pick and asks Chris where he would go if he could choose anywhere. Chris tells Nate about his friend (Lucy)
in New York and his father's family in Greece. Meanwhile, as Paige and Brennan argue about who is winning at swingball, Georgia tells Kyle at the barbecue that she has decided she wants to have the surgery. Kyle is relieved as Georgia
explains that Kyle is right: it is better to be safe than sorry. Georgia goes on to say she didn't want to take a risk, but did need some time to process everything.
The Waterhole: Karl is asking Paul about his profile online and Karl says it sounds like Paul is taking steps forward, making positive decisions.
Karl warns Paul that starting a new relationship can be stressful and Paul says that he knows, which is why he is not looking for anything too much. Paul explains he is only looking for a friend, and spots two ladies over by the bar.
Ramsay Street: Naomi is carrying boxes of belongings back to Number 26 when Toadie and Sonya return home in their car. She watches on as they
collect Nell from the back seat and share a happy family moment together before both she and the Rebecchi family head to their respective houses, Naomi sending a message on her phone as she goes.
Number 26: Outside, Josh arrives, saying that he got Naomi's message. She confirms that nobody saw him, before ordering him to go inside.
Before going inside they kiss, Naomi telling him that no one can know about the two of them.

Lassiter's Lake: Georgia and Kyle get ready to leave, Georgia pointing out to Kyle how well Paige and Brennan are getting on. Nate thanks Chris
for a fun morning: Chris admits it was and suggests doing it again sometime- but just the two of them. Nate says that he would like to. Just then, a stranger heads over to Paige and Brennan wanting to join in with the swingball.
Paige says that they are in the middle of a game but he won't take no for an answer and Brennan tells the stranger to back off. He doesn't, however and grabs the bat that Paige has in her hand. Paige shouts out; Nate runs over and
pushes the man to the ground, using a significant amount of force to do so. When the others manage to pull Nate off the man, he escapes. Nate runs off as well, leaving Paige, Brennan and Chris wondering what had just happened.
Featured Regular Characters: Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning, Naomi Canning, Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Josh Willis,
Chris Pappas, Mark Brennan, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Paige Smith
Guest Cast:
Meyne Wyatt as Nate Kinski, Matt Burn as Stu Brown
by Alex