Channel Seven: 17/05/85 BBC One: 30/12/86 UK Gold: 01/01/93
• Shane is unhappy at Nick staying for dinner and angers Maria by deciding he is going out to eat
• Paul makes Julie realise he is trying to do the best for him without hurting Jim
• Danny visits Max and questions whether he was responsible for him and Maria splitting up

Bedsit – Room 19:
Max laughs off the suggestion to Danny that he caused the split but Danny reasons that the robbery accusations had them all at loggerheads. Max admits it was a tough time but when Danny responds that he thinks Max wishes he had never been born, Max steps up to try and reassure Danny that their problems are the same as any family faces. Danny asks if Max could return home but he tells his son he is unsure if he ever could. Max plays down that this is a decision he and Maria need to work out.
Danny jokes it is the first time they have ever really spoken to each other and Max doesn’t disagree. Danny decides he needs to get on home, his mind set to rest that he isn’t the reason for the split and thanks his father.
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Bedsit - Hallway:
As Danny leaves reassured, Max can only watch aware he has only hidden the truth further.
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No.26 – Lounge:
Helen arrives home from her shopping trip and has recruited Paul & Julie to help her carry the groceries. They interrupt Nick and Jim talking but Jim quickly takes Paul aside asking him to sit down and speak to Nick. Nick explains he has started to ask about getting Paul an interview but warns Paul that he needs to be realistic that hundreds of people apply to be a steward. Paul clearly believes that with Nick’s help he’ll get the job. Feeling awkward, Nick makes his excuses and decides to be on his way.
Paul happily tells Julie he is about to get the job thanks to Nick and asks for her help.
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No.26 – Kitchen:
Jim admits to Helen that he and Nick have resolved their issues and Jim admits he never realised just how lonely Nick had become. Helen tells him she suspected he was after Nick spending so much time around their family. Jim has concerns Paul could be another Nick in the future but Helen assures Jim that Paul is a very different person.
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No.24 – Dining Table:
Maria is struggling to work through all the bills that need to be paid and Shane’s questions about when dinner is going to be ready do not lighten her mood. Danny arrives home and Maria complains that he never told her where he was going. Danny apologises and goes off to his bedroom. Maria requests Shane get some petrol for the lawnmower as Nick has offered to cut the grass. Shane is furious that Nick has done so but Maria points out that Nick has only offered due to his lack of support to help her run the house. Shane tells her that he intends to move out of home to live with Max anyway.
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No.24 – Kitchen / Dining Table / Lounge:
Max greets Maria who is clearly stressed and upset over Shane’s intentions to move out and she makes it clear to him she doesn’t appreciate Shane ‘telling tales’ about her to him. Max reminds her that Shane never caused the marriage split. Max tries to calm things by admitting Danny visited him the day before asking if he caused the break up , but he assured the boy is was not the case.
Max collects his messages but complains about not having a telephone number along with the address. Maria becomes angry again and tells him to find another messaging service if her efforts are not good enough before storming out.
The Pacific bank – Cashiers desk:
Des and Marilyn are working through some accounting when Greg offloads a number of folders for Des to work on onto the desk. Greg makes a comment Daphne but steps away when Des becomes clearly angry towards him. Marilyn asks what Des intends to do about the Canberra job but Des admits he is thinking of letting it go. Marilyn thinks he is crazy to do so after all, he deserves the promotion. Des explains he is even thinking of a career change if the right opportunity comes along.
No.24 – Lounge:
Helen finds Maria very upset after her falling out with Max. Helen advises that despite everything Maria needs to face all that life has thrown at her no matter how hard it is. Helen asks her to join her on a shopping trip to town and Maria seizing the day agrees.
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Airline Offices / No.26 Lounge:
Paul contacts Dean Canning at the airline Nick works for in regard to the getting a job interview. Dean remembers Nick but Paul is shocked to learn that there is a waiting list that goes back months for people like him to get interviews and ends the call very unhappy.
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The Pacific Bank – Cashiers desk:
Marilyn & Julie argue over Des’s attitude towards Greg and it ruining Des’s career prospects. The conversation turns towards to Daphne and Marilyn accuses Julie of being jealous of Daphne & Des’s friendship as well as being blind to the fact that Greg has got her to do all his work for him. Julie defends Greg as still being new and needing to rely on her but Marilyn thinks Greg is just using her. Julie proudly announces Greg is taking her to dinner as a thank you for helping him settle in but Marilyn is far from jealous.
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Ramsay Street:
Nick arrives to fulfil his promise to cut No.24’s lawns and tries unsuccessfully to get Paul to help out but Paul is keen to ask about Nick having a greater influence over getting an interview with Dean Canning. Paul is
disappointed however when Nick admits his influence is less than they both thought.
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No.24 – Danny’s bedroom:
Shane storms into his brother’s room to complain about Nick being back. Danny cannot see what the problem is but Shane thinks Nick is only being kind to get closer to Maria. Danny suggests Maria could do with a new man but Shane is adamant that no one is going to replace Max.
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No.24 – Kitchen:
Nick helps himself to a soft drink from the fridge to cool down before starting the lawns but Shane is unhappy at how ‘at home’ he seems to be. Nick reminds Shane that he is only there to mow the lawns for Maria but Shane accuses Nick of wanting much more than that. Nick doesn’t deny he is there to support Maria and reminds Shane that it was Max who left her not the other way round. Nick explains he has no intention of leaving Maria until she asks him to. Furious Shane goes to punch Nick but he is stopped and Nick warns him to grow up.
No.24 – Lounge:
Returned from her shopping trip Maria shows off to Nick her new dress she bought and thanks him for cutting the grass. Nick declines staying longer and decides he needs to make himself scarce, explaining he had a run in with Shane but can see why he wants to protect his mother. Danny interrupts and Nick decides to leave.
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No.26 – Kitchen:
Paul upset over the telephone conversation with Dean Canning takes comfort in some food. He explains to Jim how he has discovered there is a waiting list to get the kind of job Nick promised him and all he can do is wait. Jim suggests Paul carry on his studies in the meantime and Paul agrees.
The Pacific Bank – staff car park:
Des and Greg stroll towards their cars after finishing for the day. Greg taunts Des about losing the promotion and Des confronts him about why he lied to his father and blamed him for the incorrect credit analysis. Greg coldly tells Des that he has no problem with blaming others for his mistakes. Infuriated Des snaps and punches Greg on the nose, knocking him to the floor just as Julie and Marilyn leave the bank, witnessing the attack. Julie runs over to Greg’s side as Des defends his actions but as he walks away Greg knocks his feet from under him and Des falls to the ground. Comforted by Marilyn, Des realises he has badly hurt his nose.
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No.24 – Dining Table:
Maria stops sewing to talk to Shane wanting to discuss the argument he had with Nick earlier. Shane admits he nearly hit Nick as he found him insulting towards her. Maria doesn’t understand and Shane explains he feels Nick is using her. Maria tells him that she feels used only by him, not Nick. Shane argues that she is allowing Nick to use her now that Max and she have separated and questions if she had an affair with Nick the last time she and Max separated.
Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Max Ramsay, Maria Ramsay, Shane Ramsay, Danny Ramsay, Jim Robinson, Julie Robinson, Paul Robinson, Helen Daniels, Des Clarke
Guest Cast: Kassie McLuskie as Marilyn Temple, John Higginson as Greg Arnold, Barry Main as Manager (Dean Canning)
Trivia Notes
• Des suffers a broken nose
Summary by Paul