Episode Summaries >
> Episode 143
Written by Lyn Ogilvy, Directed
by Mandy Smith, Produced by John Holmes
Channel Seven: 02/10/85, BBC One: 19/05/87, UK Gold: 19/05/93
• Charles pressures Terry over the tape, but she refuses to give in
• Scott is upset that Jim won't be at Bess's farewell dinner
No 26 - Lounge: Scott tries to make Jim see how important the dinner is, and accuses Jim of not caring about his own mother. Jim asks if there's something that Scott isn't
telling him, as he's been behaving very strangely for the past couple of days - Scott says that there isn't, and accuses Jim of hating Bess. Jim can't understand his son's behaviour, and says that Bess would never change her plans to suit someone else,
and nor will he. He then tells Scott to start getting some perspective.
No 28 - Dining Table: Des and Daphne are finishing breakfast, and she tells him that she's working that night, so he'll have to cook for himself. Des isn't happy, and Daphne tells him
that maybe he should just eat out, but he doesn't want to dine alone either. Daphne tells him that he needs to find a girlfriend, but he admits that he's happy with the current arrangement of two friends sharing the house. She agrees that it's working
pretty well, and they both decide that they won't rent out the spare room and will just continue as things are.
. . . 
No 26 - Kitchen: Lucy is looking for a missing sock, and sends Scott outside to see if Basil has taken it. Bess then arrives, and makes the arrangements for dinner that
evening with Helen, before Scott comes in with the missing sock, and Lucy complains about it. Helen tells Bess that Jim is leaving for a business trip, so won't be able to join them for dinner - Scott is disapproving, but Bess says that it can't be
helped. Lucy then returns, wearing odd socks, and Helen leaves to take her to school. Scott then asks Bess if they can have a word in private.
No 26 - Scott's Bedroom: Scott explains that he asked Jim to stay for dinner, but he refused. Bess thanks him for trying, and asks if Jim is still angry - Scott explains
that he's just shutting her out, as he thinks that she doesn't care about him. Bess thinks that's silly, as she loves Jim very much. Scott wonders if she's ever told him that, as he didn't think about it, until one night Jim said that he loved him, and
it somehow made things easier after that. Bess realises that she's never actually sat down with Jim and told him that she loves him - she wonders if it would really help.
Ramsay Street: Terry is seeing off Paul as he leaves for work, and he says that he'll see her the following evening. Shane then offers him a lift into the city in the
Pacific Bank: Marilyn asks Des if he's met the new girl yet, as she's a bit dull. Julie then appears with the aforementioned new girl, Sarah, who immediately
recognises Des. Des sends Julie and Marilyn back to work, and Sarah says that she knows Des - he's Eileen's son, which makes them cousins. Des says that he thought he recognised her, and asks her to keep their relationship quiet, as he doesn't
want any gossip or people thinking she's getting preferential treatment. Sarah explains that she doesn't like to lie, but Des tells her just to not mention it, as nobody is likely to ask her if they're related. He walks away, and Sarah looks very
No 26 - Lounge/Motel Lobby: Jim is preparing to leave for his trip, and Helen reminds him to call Bess before he goes. She then leaves to do some shopping, and Jim
makes the call to the motel. He asks to be put through to Bess, and tells her that it was very nice to see her. He tells her not to leave it so long next time and she struggles to say what she wants to, and tells him to take care and thanks him for
ringing. She then hangs up, looking very disappointed in herself.
Pacific Bank: Des is about to go on his lunch break, and checks to see how Julie and Sarah are getting on. Julie explains that Sarah is picking up the system
very quickly, and Des then asks Sarah out to lunch. Julie isn't sure it's a good idea, but Sarah accepts and they leave. Julie then says that Marilyn that it seems a bit much on her first day, and Marilyn admits that she doesn't think much of
Des's taste.
. . . 
Motel Lobby/No 26: Bess calls the Robinson house again, but Jim is outside putting his case in the car, and by the time he goes back in, the phone has stopped
ringing. As Jim stands by the phone, putting papers in his briefcase, Bess goes to call again, but changes her mind. Edward Wingram, Bess' solicitor, then knocks at Jim's door - he introduces himself, explaining that he's also a good friend of Bess.
Jim invites him inside and asks how he can help - Edward says that he needs her to sign some documents, which he forgot when he saw her, as he was so shocked by her news. He talks about how much he'll miss her, and Jim says that they all will, not
realising what Edward is referring to. As Edward continues to talk, he mentions that he thought Bess would live forever, and Jim looks confused - Edward talks about her illness, and then realises that he's said too much, and that Jim didn't know.
As he apologises, Jim looks shocked.
Pacific Bank: Des has been helping Sarah, and he then asks her where she's staying - she says that she's in a boarding house, but she hates it and is looking for
somewhere else. He tells her that he has his own home, which he shares with a girl - adding that it's purely platonic, when Sarah looks unimpressed. Julie calls Sarah over, saying that there's little time for gossip, and says that she'll observe
while Sarah serves the next customer on her own. Daphne is at the front of the queue, but Sarah calls over the man who's waiting behind her. Both Julie and Daphne are unimpressed.
No 26 - Kitchen: Scott arrives home from school, and Lucy asks him to sign the card she's made for Bess. He goes to his room instead, and Lucy complains that
Scott's been moody for days, but decides that it must just be puberty! Scott then returns to sign the card, saying that it's a shame Jim won't be signing it too - Helen tells Scott that she doesn't want to see one of his moods tonight, but
Scott tells her that it won't be his fault if the dinner is ruined.
Pacific Bank: Marilyn is asking Julie about Sarah and her first day - Julie thinks that it went well. Sarah agrees as she walks over to them, saying that
Julie was an excellent teacher. Marilyn asks if they'd like to go for coffee, but Julie turns her down, though she suggests that Sarah should go. Des then comes over and says that Sarah is booked for tonight - he and Sarah quickly leave,
and Julie and Marilyn share a look of surprise.
No 26 - Lounge: The whole family, minus Jim and Paul, is gathered to say goodbye to Bess, and Lucy hands over her card. Bess is very impressed, remarking
that it looks like there's another artist in the family, and then Julie gives Bess some flowers. Scott goes to put them in water, and Julie and Helen go to check on the food. Bess asks Terry how things are going with Paul, and is pleased
to hear that everything is back on track. Terry then goes to help in the kitchen, closely followed by Lucy. Scott returns with the flowers in a vase, and Bess asks if they can talk.
. . . 
No 26 - Scott's Bedroom: Bess apologises to Scott - she says that Jim called her earlier, but as much as she tried, she just couldn't tell him her true
feelings. Scott is sure that she tried her hardest, and she explains that she did call back, but it was too late. Scott then comforts her as she says that she never used to have any regrets, but she has one now.
No 26: Helen, Julie, Terry and Lucy are laying the table, and are surprised when Jim walks in the door, asking if Bess is still there. Helen explains
that she's with Scott in his room, and Jim goes straight through to the bedroom, as they all wonder why he's back.
No 26 - Scott's Bedroom: Scott and Bess are surprised as Jim walks in, and he asks Scott if he could leave for a few minutes. He then asks Bess why she
didn't tell him - she tries to act like she doesn't know what he's talking about, but realises that he knows and asks how he found out, wondering if it was Scott. Jim explains that it was her friend Edward, and then becomes annoyed, asking
why she told Scott but not him. Bess explains that Scott found out by accident, and she made him promise not to tell anyone. Jim realises that this explains Scott's attitude in the last few days - Bess tells Jim that Scott loves him a lot,
and that a good relationship with your children is one of the most important things in life. She tells Jim not to make the same mistakes as her, and apologises for failing him. Jim asks her to stay, so they can look after her, but she says
that he won't change her, and she has research to do - she asks that Jim let her do things her own way. He apologises for the things he said to her, and for being so selfish and expecting her to live her life the way he wanted her too. She
says that they've both been guilty of that. She then tells him that she loves him, apologising for not saying it sooner and just assuming that he knew, and they tearfully share a hug.
No 26 - Lounge: A little later, everyone is gathered, as Jim leads a toast to Bess. Her taxi then arrives outside, and she says a difficult goodbye to everyone,
and Scott struggles to keep himself composed as he hugs her.
No 26 - Scott's Bedroom: Scott and Jim go into his bedroom, and Scott realises that his dad knows the truth. Scott explains that he wanted to say something,
but he'd promised Bess that he wouldn't. Jim says that he's proud of Scott, as it can't have been easy. Jim apologises if he made things even more difficult, and says that he hasn't been a very good son over the years, as he allowed the bad
times to overtake the good ones - and he did have lots of good times when he was growing up. He admits that it was easier to just keep his distance from Bess, rather than try to work things out - but then he forgot what a wonderful woman she
is. He hopes that things will never be like that between him and Scott, and he hugs his son.
. . . 
No 26 - Scott's Bedroom: Scott and Jim go into his bedroom, and Scott realises that his dad knows the truth. Scott explains that he wanted to say something,
but he'd promised Bess that he wouldn't. Jim says that he's proud of Scott, as it can't have been easy. Jim apologises if he made things even more difficult, and says that he hasn't been a very good son over the years, as he allowed the bad
times to overtake the good ones - and he did have lots of good times when he was growing up. He admits that it was easier to just keep his distance from Bess, rather than try to work things out - but then he forgot what a wonderful woman she
is. He hopes that things will never be like that between him and Scott, and he hugs his son.
No 28: It's the middle of the night as Daphne arrives home, who is trying to creep towards her bedroom, but is stopped in her tracks when Sarah, in
her dressing gown, spots her and screams.
Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson, Julie Robinson, Terry Robinson, Scott Robinson, Lucy Robinson, Des Clarke, Daphne Lawrence
Guest Cast:
June Salter as Bess Robinson,
Julia MacDougall as Sarah Richards, Kassie McLuskie as Marilyn Temple,
Geoffrey Pullan as Edward Wingram
by Steve