BBC One: 27/10/86, UK Gold: 2/11/92
The episode opens somewhat mysteriously with shots of swaying trees against a setting sun and haunting music. Immediately, we see Max Ramsay who is staring at Danny Ramsay standing in the middle of Ramsay Street at night time, wearing nothing but pyjama bottoms. Various cars surround Danny with headlights fixed on him. Assorted Ramsay Street residents, including Helen Daniels, Paul Robinson, Julie Robinson and Max Ramsay are laughing hysterically at him, and their laughs turn to haunting howls making Danny sweat in fear. Max approaches his son and grabs him by the neck. When Danny resists, he lets go and lets out another evil laugh, at which point Maria casts a worrying eye over her youngest and holds back Max. Looking up to the sky, Danny's attention is caught by his brother, Shane, perched on the edge of a diving board. Danny screams for Shane to stop but he proceeds and dives into the depths below. Danny screams "Shane, Shane! No... No!" The screaming causes the boy to wake from his sleep. He sits in bed, panting, sweating and trying to comprehend the nightmare...
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The following morning, Danny is visiting Dr. Lawson, the family practitioner. The doctor questions him, asking how his studies are going and if he gets on well with his family. When Dr. Willis prompts the topic of nightmares, Danny suddenly realizes that his father must have been responsible for this so-called "check-up". Danny claims the only reason Max is worried by them is because he's kept awake at night, and not because he has a genuine concern for his son. Danny asks, pathetically, if he can go. The doctor nods and he leaves the room.
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The following scene was accompanied by an electric piano rendition of the theme tune along with superimposed Neighbours logo and production credits:
Danny rides back home and circles the bulb-end of Ramsay Street passing Des and Paul outside No. 28, who are unpacking shopping from Des's car. Danny rides on to meet Scott outside No. 26. Scott announces that Julie is giving him a lift into town and is slightly puzzled that his best friend has been to the doctor's.
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Julie is ready to leave the house and collects her bridesmaid dress from her grandmother on the way out. Helen warns her not to
crush the dress, and that she may need to run an iron over it in the morning. Wishing her love to, and agreeing with, her grandmother that her friend will be a beautiful bride, Julie leaves the house, to the relief of an obviously exhausted Helen. Julie orders Scott to hold her dress for her and wishes all the best of luck to her friend, Des, warning him not to drink too much at the bucks' party.
. . . 
Shane Ramsay is on the telephone to a woman known only as "Daphne". He asks her if she's able to be booked that night for "a spot of dancing". Despite being short notice, Shane assures her that anytime after midnight will be fine. Danny enters the house and interrupts his brother with the news that Paul is looking for him. Maria then hands Shane a plate of sandwiches, reminding him he needs to eat. Maria has followed Danny into his bedroom and sits on the bed with him, enquiring about the visit to the doctor. Danny is angry that Max went behind his back, but Maria assures him it's out of worry. Shane enters announcing proudly that he won't see the family until tomorrow. Maria is teasingly firm in saying that he should have a proper meal first, but Shane is adamant that there's too much organization needed to make Des's party a success, to worry about food.
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The afternoon has been and gone and Des's party is in full swing. No. 28 is filled with revelers and coloured lights, along with the deafening sound of music. Paul is drunk and trying to get as close to Daphne, the stripper, as is possible. She is teasing him, warning him off with playful slaps, which the other blokes laugh at.
At the same time as the men are having a wild party, Lorraine Kingham, Des's fiancé and Julie are enjoying a quiet night at Lorraine's house. They are dressed for bed and Mrs Kingham enters the bedroom with mugs of cocoa for them, ordering them to get straight into bed and sleep well. When Lorraine's mother has left, Julie attempts to cheer up a miserable looking Lorraine. Lorraine empties her heart of her worries, explaining her father's hatred for Des, and wondering whether she is doing the right thing in marrying him. Julie, in her own inimitable style, assures her that Des is right for Lorraine, despite not being right for Julie when they dated in the past. Julie puts the reasons they weren't really suited down to Des's "ordinary" looks ("He's not exactly a spunk, is he?") and being "a little bit set in his ways", but assures Lorraine that Des is perfectly suited to her, and that he'll make a great father. We get the impression that Lorraine isn't convinced, but she smiles at Julie.
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It is now later at night, and Lorraine is attempting to ring Des, but the phone is off the hook, on account of the party, which makes the bride-to-be panic even more.
The party is disturbing the sleep of the other Ramsay Street residents. The Robinsons and Ramsays are awake as a result of it. Danny is asleep, however, and is suffering another nightmare. This dream is frightening the sleeping Danny even more. He is dreaming of showers of sparks and lightening bolts representing Shane on the diving board. He continues to toss in bed and panting until Max and Maria come in. Max violently shakes him out of his nightmare, shouting at him to shut up. Maria explains that Max is annoyed at the noise levels, but Danny is angry with his father for wanting to complain about the party. Max rings Jim Robinson to get his opinion on the noise. Jim tries to reason with his impatient neighbour, explaining it's Des's last night of freedom, and for Max to give them a little more time. Helen is bemused to see a girl in No. 28 through the window, but Jim explains it's quite common for a stripper to be hired for such events. Jim's youngest child, Lucy, wanders in, not able to sleep, and is comforted by her father. Scott quietly enters the house, not realizing the family is awake. He is hesitant when questioned as to where he's been, and announces he's off to bed - when the telephone rings again. It's an even angrier Max, who has decided to go round to No. 28 and stop the party himself!
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Max storms over the road, and is nearly attacked by a dog who runs in between his legs and barks. As Des opens the door to Max, Daphne storms out, angry that she's being expected to do more than "a little dancing" and says they picked the wrong girl in her. She crosses Max's path telling him to drop dead when he tries to apprehend her. Max doesn't wait to be invited in, but shouts to the group "All right, you lot, the party's over!"
Max's voice can be heard bellowing by Helen and Jim in No. 26. Lucy goes off to bed, now that the music has ended, and her father and grandmother follow soon after. No sooner have they turned off the lights than there's a loud knock on the door. Jim opens it to Max, supporting an inebriated Paul, wearing nothing but a baby's hat and oversized nappy, to the joy of Helen and Jim who laugh at him.
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On the morning of the wedding, Danny and Scott are on their way to school, but stop off at the outdoor baths to see Shane practice his diving in front of Max. Danny is clearly worried by the prospect of his brother's impending dive but is courageous enough to watch. Shane seems to take an age to climb the diving board structure and to position himself ready. Danny, involuntarily, lets out a shout of "Shane! Be careful." Max is furious with his youngest son for affecting Shane's concentration, and attempts to lash out at him. Shane makes a perfect dive, but Danny is still concerned while he swims to the surface. Danny is only totally relieved when Shane's head pops up above the water level.
. . . 
Paul has, slightly, sobered up from the previous night's festivities and is in the Robinsons' kitchen for breakfast. Helen, teasingly, offers him eggs and bacon. Paul, wisely, declines and decides on coffee instead. Jim assures Helen he'll see to that, and makes a point of slamming the coffee jar and mug down on the
breakfast bar, making Paul jump and cradle his sore head. The phone rings, and Helen, to save Paul's sanity, offers to make the coffee instead, and lets Jim answer the phone to Des. Des is clearly as hungover as Paul, if not more so. Des is concerned, because Lorraine has telephoned to announce she's coming to the house with her parents. At that moment, Julie arrives back at No. 26. Julie is quiet and won't answer Paul's questions regarding Lorraine's impending visit to Des.
The rest of the family suspect she knows more than she's letting on.
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At the Clarke house, Des answers the door to whom he presumes is Lorraine et al. In fact, it is a lady he doesn't recognize. She introduces herself as "Daphne, the stripper from last night," to which Des replies "Oh yeah... I didn't recognize you with.." and Daphne finishes the sentence for him "...with clothes on? Yeah, I know." It transpires that Daphne had left her watch in Des' bedroom when changing the previous night - hence her morning visit.
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Back at the Robinson house, Julie is being questioned by Helen, Jim and an angry Paul. Julie explains that she and Lorraine had been talking, and that as a result of Julie's advice on relationships and how Des wasn't right for her, Lorraine had decided to cancel the wedding. Julie defends herself, stating that all she did was lay out the facts, and let Lorraine make up her own mind. When Jim asks her if that was all she said, Julie explains that once Lorraine had decided the wedding was off, she reasoned with her and offered her support. Paul is livid that his sister has been involved in the cancellation of his best friend's wedding, telling her that she's always telling other people how to run their lives!
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Des is attempting to clear up as much of the party's mess as possible, but stares helplessly at the upturned three-piece suite and
crooked pictures. Another knock at the door signals the Kinghams' arrival. Lorraine marches in, and stares in disbelief at the mess. Her father comforts her, suggesting that perhaps now she realizes she's made the correct decision. Des is baffled. Mr Kingham explains that Lorraine isn't going to marry him, and that he is not at all sorry, but delighted. When Des tries to reason with him, Mr Kingham further hurls insults at Des until he's stopped in his tracks by Daphne's cheerful cry of "Look where I found it!" as she enters the lounge room. She recognizes Lorraine's father immediately, giving him a cold stare. He looks at her in disbelief, as he utters "Daphne!"
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Regular Cast Credits
Featured Regular Characters: Max Ramsay, Maria Ramsay, Shane Ramsay, Danny Ramsay, Jim Robinson, Julie Robinson, Paul Robinson, Scott Robinson, Lucy Robinson, Helen Daniels, Des Clarke, Daphne Lawrence
Guest Cast: Antoinette Byron as Lorraine Kingham, James Taylor as Mr. Kingham, Christine Kanan as Mrs. Kingham, Andrew Gilmour as Dr. Lawson
Comment: Episode 1 is an excellent example of Neighbours at its best. Instead of taking time to introduce all the characters one by one, we, as viewers, are hurled immediately into the lives of the Ramsay Street residents, and our attention is grabbed immediately. Its mix of subtle humour, colourful characters, good storytelling and dramatic nature are the ingredients that make Neighbours so special and unique.
Trivia Notes
• Helen Daniels is called ‘Grandma’ - this would last just 3 weeks before the rest of her time on the show she was called ‘Gran’
• Elaine Smith was the second actress to play Daphne. Scenes were re-shot when Elaine took over the role
Summary and captures by Rhys