Magic Moments
> 2014
> Paige's Arrival: Part One
Episode 6896
by Pete McTighe, Directed
by Gary Conway, Produced
by Jason Herbison
Channel Eleven: 02/06/14, Channel 5: 16/06/14
Brad and Lauren kissing... Matt asking Lauren to renew their wedding vows... Holly singing along to one of Karl’s songs... Callum telling Holly and Karl about a talent quest Georgia is judging...
Paul telling Mark which room he needs to get into... Someone coming to the door when Mark is inside.
Inside Fulton Security - as Paul waits for news at The Waterhole - Mark hides when the security guard opens the door; the security guard has a quick look inside and then closes the door. Mark has his file in his hand but instead of looking inside it, he places it
back in the box it came from. As he tries to exit the building, he's almost caught by a guard walking the corridors but manages to sneak into an unlocked room to evade being caught.


At number 28, Holly is suggesting potential artists and songs to sing at the talent quest, although Karl is not to keen on the Holly's suggestions. Karl and Holly eventually
come up with a song for her to sing at the talent quest - Free as a River. Karl thinks they are onto a winner and encourages her to practice singing along, just as Georgia arrives with the entry form, after hearing Holly was planning on taking part. However,
Holly suddenly looks and sounds very nervous, singing in front of Georgia.
At The Waterhole, Sheila shows Terese the final promotion material for the forthcoming singles' night. Terese comments to Sheila that it needs a bit more zing, Sheila tells Terese that she’s more than welcome to zing it up herself. Matt and Lauren enter, all loved
up and tell Terese about their trip to Daylesford to catch up with Lucas, Vanessa and the new baby. Lauren is surprised to hear Terese say that Brad is still in Adelaide; Terese jokingly tells Lauren that Brad is trying to meet every Smith in South
Australia. Terese then asks Lauren if anything happened whilst she and Brad were in Adelaide, as she feels that Brad is not telling her the full story. Lauren, slightly flummoxed, says to Terese “I think Brad was gutted when we hit another dead end, we both
were, and perhaps continuing with the search is his way of dealing with it.” Terese seems reassured with Lauren’s answer and they both agree to meet up tomorrow.

In Harold's Store, Georgia is buying milk, and Lou picks up that she seems a bit down, despite Kyle’s impending return. Georgia tells Lou that she sent Kyle a Facebook message and he
hasn’t replied to it. Lou tells Georgia not to worry, saying that it took Harold a month to reply to his last email. Conversation moves on to the talent quest; Georgia admits that she isn't looking forward to giving bad news to the kids. Lou reminisces to
Georgia about the time he was the investor for the “Hello Dolly” musical with Trixie Tucker and suggests to Georgia that she should get in another judge to ‘share the load’ so it’s not just her giving the bad news. Georgia tells
Lou that is a great idea and leaves Harold’s in a better mood.
At number 24, Mark is woken by a knock at the door - it's Paul, who demands an update from Mark and is most annoyed when he finds out that he didn't read the file. Mark claims that Kate would have stopped him from doing something like that. Paul, not happy,
shouts “Kate is gone because of you! She would have wanted you to find the person responsible and that file was the key!”. Mark reminds Paul that he used Danni to bring in Stephen Montague and he got Sienna to confess. Mark stands firm and tells Paul that he’s
not prepared to break the law; he’s not that type of person. Paul angrily comments to Mark that he didn't love Kate at all and if he loved her then he’d have taken the file. Mark says to Paul “Kate loved me for who I am. She wouldn't want me to turn into you,
not for anything!” Paul walks out of the house, disgusted.

The following day, at number 22, Terese is tidying up outside as Brad returns and does not get a warm welcome. Terese brings up that they are still not ok; she
reminds Brad that she supported him through this situation and he still went behind her back. Terese announces “Do you have any idea how it felt when Lauren came home and told me what happened?”, Brad looks worried, Terese continues “how could you stay and keep
searching without discussing it with me?” Brad apologies to Terese and asks her to forgive him, Terese replies by saying “eventually” and asks him what's going to happen now. Brad tells Terese that he will have to discuss it with Lauren. Terese adds that Matt and
Lauren have returned home from their second honeymoon and are in a good place.
Outside the Community Centre, Georgia arrives to open up and to meet Sheila, who she asked to help judge after Lou’s comments the previous night. However, as Georgia is putting the sign outside, Lou rocks up to be one of the judges. Georgia kindly mentions to Lou
that there may have been some sort of misunderstanding. Sheila tells Lou that Georgia asked her, and he wouldn't know talent if it slapped him in the face. Lou informs Sheila that showbiz is in his blood and he was involved in a major musical. Sheila says “What as?
An audience member?! I ran talent quests back in Frankston!”. “Karaoke does not count as experience!” is Lou’s sharp reply back to Sheila. Georgia eventually gets them to stop trading insults and agrees that they can have three judges.

In the front garden of number 32, Lauren and Matt are reminiscing about their time away in Daylesford as they look for a suitable place for the plants they brought home. Lauren spots
Brad and quickly suggests to Matt they head to the backyard to plant it there. Lauren’s plan to hide from Brad backfires when Matt spots him and Brad comes over to update them on the news from Adelaide. Brad congratulates Lauren and Matt on the ceremony, however
Lauren looks uncomfortable. Conversation moves on to Lauren and Matt’s time in Daylesford although Matt does most of the talking. Brad suggests to Lauren that they meet up later to decide where they go next with the search, and Lauren does her best to wriggle out of that
but Matt thinks it’s a great idea, so they all know what's happening. Brad tells Lauren that he will text her to sort something out.
At the Community Centre, Lou becomes the hard judge and tells a kid he was an awful singer and he should concentrate on dance, which he was good at. Sheila tries to be all positive when delivering the comments, and Lou and Sheila start to bicker again.
Georgia puts a stop to their squabbling and in between acts warns them to be nice!

At number 32, Terese pops around to see Lauren, telling her that Brad is back - Lauren tells Terese that she saw him in the street. Terese announces to Lauren that
Brad confessed to something, Lauren looks extremely worried, however she breathes a sigh of relief when Terese simply says that he wants to continue looking for Lily. Terese asks how Lauren feels about that, Lauren admits she's not sure how she feels
but Terese promises to support her, whatever direction she takes. Lauren says to Terese “I'm lucky to have a friend such as you”, Terese admits that she needs all the friends she can get as she starts to explain to Lauren that she’s having problems with Brad
because he’s keeping so much from her lately. Terese says to Lauren “You did the right thing but Brad didn't”.
Back at the Community Centre, Susan double checks with Holly that she does want to perform. Holly tells Susan that she’s looking forward to it. Susan tells her to “take deep breaths, just relax, you are going to be great! And I’ll be right here!” Holly goes up in
front of the judges and while Karl begins playing the guitar, Holly can't get any words out. It all becomes too much for Holly and she runs out of the building.

Whilst having a break from auditioning, Georgia thinks that it's Lou and Sheila's bickering that scared Holly off and tells them that they should both be ashamed of themselves - she
decides that she’s had enough and fires them! Georgia says to them both “Clearly you cannot work together, so I’ll do it on my own, so please just go home!” Sheila and Lou are not happy with Georgia’s decision and they walk away. Susan tells Georgia it was
a good decision.
By Lassiter's Lake, Karl catches up with Holly and she apologises for letting him down, and admits that while she likes singing, she doesn't like singing in front of people. Karl is aghast at making her go through with the audition but then Holly confesses that
there was another reason for her doing the audition - she wanted to make him happy. This puzzles him slightly, so Holly explains that Izzy had told her that Karl dyed his hair because people thought she was his granddaughter, not his daughter, and Susan also told her
that he did that to feel younger. Karl decides to take the funny way out to make her feel better. Karl says to Holly “You have to make the effort haven't you, even if you're ancient like me?!” Holly explains to Karl that she wanted to cheer him up; she thought
if she sang it would make him smile and feel young again. Karl reassures Holly by saying to her “You make me smile just by being here”. Holly is pleased to hear that and they make a deal that she only sings at home.

At the Waterhole, Paul enters, and Mark tells him that if he is here to tell him he is gutless, he doesn’t want to hear it again. However, Paul says that he might know
another way to find out about the case, Mark states that he doesn’t want to do anything dodgy. Paul tells Mark he could track down people on a list and ask them some appropriate questions. However, Mark is adamant that he won't work with
Paul anymore, but Paul isn't settling for that and tries to taunt Mark back into helping - it doesn't work and Mark gets up and leaves. Across the room, Lauren arrives to meet Brad after he texted her and they begin to clear the air over what happened
in Adelaide. Lauren says to Brad “We betrayed our partners and were going to have to live with it. There’s only one good thing that came out of it, it made me realise just how much I love my husband. I'm more committed to Matt now than ever. Brad
tells Lauren that he’s happy for her. Lauren continues “I hate that our daughter is out there somewhere but I should never have agreed to search for her in the first place and I'm not going to do it again and I’d appreciate it if you didn't either”.
Lauren is relieved when Brad agrees with her statement, and he adds that it’s taken its toll on them and both their families and they need to let her go.


Later, Brad meets up with Terese at the Waterhole - she tells him that she was delayed in a meeting. Brad tells Terese that he and Lauren have agreed to give up looking for Lily.
This stuns Terese and she questions if he really means it. Brad says to Terese “I won't risk hurting you or the kids anymore. I want us to start over”.
At number 32, Lauren is having the same conversation with Matt and confirms to him that they both want to put it behind them. Matt says to Lauren “And you really okay with that?” “I have to be. I have to accept that she may never be found” is Lauren’s reply.
Back at the Waterhole, Terese thanks Brad for putting the family first, and she assures Brad that they will be okay.
Over at number 32, Matt double checks that Lauren really wants to pack the Christmas teddy away. Lauren says to Matt “I can still hang it on the Christmas tree every year but there’s no point in me carrying it around”. Lauren then goes and puts the teddy back
into the box and tells Matt that she hopes that Lily still has the original bear, the one that went missing at the birth, but says that she will never know.



As both couples are talking, a taxi makes its way to the Lassiter's Hotel entrance where a young, dark-haired, woman gets out. As Lauren puts her teddy back in the box, the young woman
pulls an identical teddy out of her bag, and looks around.
Featured Regular Characters: Paul Robinson, Lou Carpenter, Lauren Turner, Matt Turner, Brad Willis, Terese Willis, Sheila Canning,
Georgia Brooks, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy
Guest Cast: Scott McGregor as Mark Brennan, Olympia Valance as Paige Novak,
Lucinda Armstrong-Hall as Holly Hoyland, Ben Klarenaar as Mikey Simmons,
Neil Goldsmith as Security Guard
Trivia Notes
• First appearance of new regular character Paige Novak (aka Paige Smith), though the character has no lines in this episode
• Olympia Valance, who plays Paige, is the half-sister of Holly Valance, who played Neighbours' Flick Scully between 1999 and 2002
• Past characters Kate Ramsay, Harold Bishop, Izzy Hoyland, Trixie Tucker, Sienna Matthews, Stephen Montague, Danni Ferguson, Lucas Fitzgerald and Vanessa Villante are mentioned
• Mark Brennan's case number is AV7 – PSA/Brennan
by Kyle