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Neighbourhood > Guest Character Profiles > Katie Freeman Nikki Visser

Katie Freeman 1999
Lived: 30 Ramsay Street
Occupation: Flight Attendant

When Toadie Rebecchi decided to move out of number 30 and get a flat with his new girlfriend, Charlie Thorpe, Amy Greenwood suggested that her workmate Katie might like the room. Existing residents Lance and Joel were won over when their stunning new housemate arrived and, although it started out as a two day trial, they quickly agreed to her moving in. She explained that her boyfriend, Daryl, had backed out of living with her and she needed somewhere else to stay. As her first day as a resident commenced, the boys began to realise that the newcomer was a bit of a neat freak, as she scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom and told them that Bob the dog would have to stay outside. They tried everything to get rid of her, including attempts to get Toadie to stay at home. They then went to landlord Lou Carpenter, who agreed to have word in exchange for Lance and Joel cleaning out his gutters. However, that afternoon when Lou came over, it looked like they’d managed to shift Katie when Daryl called, explaining that he didn’t want her living with two other guys and he would move in with her. Despite not having fulfilled his side of the deal, Lou informed Joel and Lance that his gutters were waiting…

Biography by Steve



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